The millennial generation covers those who were born between 1981 and 1996. With greater access to information, this generation grew up with a more socially conscious and idealistic mindset. However, in this fast-changing world, it can be easy to get lost in the direction we’re going. So how can finding clarity in purpose transform the way millennials live their life?
In this episode, America’s millennial expert Gabrielle Bosché joins us to let us in on the depths of millennial thinking. She also shares the generation’s struggle with discovering their purpose and applying it to their life. Finally, she talks about how the concept of fulfillment differs in each generation.
If you’re a millennial who wants to find clarity in your life’s purpose, then this episode is for you!
3 Reasons to Listen:
- Learn how the millennial generation has been changing the way the world works.
- What are the common misconceptions about millennials?
- Discover the importance of finding clarity about your purpose in every aspect of your life.
About Gabrielle
Gabrielle Bosché, also known as “America's Millennial Expert,” is a best-selling author, international keynote speaker, and a TEDx presenter. She is the president of Millennial Solution and the co-founder of The Purpose Company.
You can reach Gabrielle through her personal website and her and her husband’s website.
Episode Highlights
[02:40] Finding Clarity
- Many of us seek clarity but do not know how to find it.
- Constant access to information doesn’t equate to constant access to wisdom.
- Clarity gives you confidence that you’re going in the right direction.
[05:37] Struggling with Purpose & Clarity
- Gabrielle believes that about 95% of the population does not know their purpose.
- Around 5% have clarity about their purpose and how to use it, while 2% are currently walking in their purpose. This is rooted in our wrong definition of purpose.
- There’s a difference between knowing your purpose and using it.
- For the past seven years, Gabrielle and her husband have been creating a system for people to find clarity and purpose.
[08:19] Responding to the Current World Situation
- Gabrielle and her husband knew that going into lockdown was going to be either a gift or a crisis. They realized that how they react to it would be entirely up to them.
- The pandemic has reset people's priorities and showed them what is important to them.
[11:47] The Millennial Solution
- She started the company to help organizations understand the next generation.
- Every brand and team they work with wants to know what’s wrong with millennials.
- As they worked with these organizations, they realized it wasn’t a millennial issue; it was a ‘significance’ issue.
- The overarching theme all goes back to purpose.
[14:25] Significance as a Key Value for Millennials
- Millennials have been told at a young age that they can be anything they want to be.
- They were encouraged by optimistic parents to find fulfilling careers, which influenced how they entered the workforce.
- Meanwhile, the older generation’s perspective is that you don't deserve to feel fulfilled until you're middle-aged or until you've ‘earned’ it.
- For older generations, there’s a distinct difference between fulfillment in work and fulfillment in personal life.
[18:27] How Formative Events Shaped the Millennial Mindset
- The formative event for millennials used to be 9/11. Then, it became the rise of technology.
- The economic recession of the late 2000s to early 2010s completely reset millennials’ expectations of roles in the marketplace.
- Older generations often criticize millennials for having a ‘quarter-life crisis.’
- Millennials aren’t as dependent upon their employer to ensure they can maintain their lifestyle.
“We have constant access to information, but that doesn't mean we have constant access to wisdom.” - Click Here to Tweet This
[22:45] Money-Related Paradigms
- Millennials have helped lead the charge in the thought processes related to money.
- Ten years ago, companies were selling things in a transactional type of way. Now, companies have a more transformational role for their employees and consumer market.
- Generations either replicate or rebel against those who raised them.
- Millennials are rebelling against the materialism of their parents; they care more about access than ownership.
[28:39] Myths About the Millennial Generation
- “Millennials are lazy.” — Gabrielle says people who seem lazy do not lack motivation. They do, however, lack direction. The key to transforming this is knowing their purpose.
- “Millennials feel entitled.” — Millennials’ “entitlement” is misdirected ambition. They have incredible self-confidence and want to be taken seriously.
- Respect, for older generations, entails distance. For millennials, it entails closeness.
- “Millennials are spoiled.” — Millennials are seen as spoiled because they were raised by parents so lovingly. However, now that they have their own responsibilities, it is a challenge to step up and “adult.”
“You see that generations either replicate or rebel against those that raised them.” - Click Here to Tweet This
[33:43] Generational Curiosity
- It’s about being curious and asking questions. Someone is no longer empathetic toward someone when they jump straight to being critical.
- Older generations didn’t have the platform that millennials have to discuss things considered as taboo.
- Generations mirror what’s been modeled for them.
- Leadership is about taking the time to get to know the people you’re influencing and taking that responsibility seriously.
“We're a different generation raised with different priorities and a different economy and a different world. And just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad.” - Click Here to Tweet This
[39:00] What Millennials & Older Generations Can Learn from Each Other
- Millennials can learn grit from older generations.
- Gabrielle calls millennials’ low commitment threshold the “Tinderbox.”
- The older generation can emulate the open-mindedness of millennials.
- Mental agility means being able to jump into a space where you ask questions and challenge your belief structures.
[41:57] The Purpose Factor
- The book has endorsements from The Rock, Tony Dungy, Tim Tebow, and Brian Tracy.
- We’ve moved to the idea of purpose economy, where it’s all about finding purpose and using it.
- The book aims to help you discover your exact purpose and apply it to every aspect of your life.
- Listen to the full episode to learn how the book came to be!
[50:48] The Ideal Client for The Purpose Company
- The company helps achievers who feel stuck and are looking for clarity about their purpose.
- Their system helps not only the employers but also the employees find their purpose and apply it to their jobs.
- They have helped companies have a complete culture shift.
[53:00] Hoping for More
- One, you have to be uncomfortable with your current situation. Two, you have to be hungry and know that you want more.
- Hope is like an opioid; we are so addicted to it.
- We hope for things without realizing we are responsible and capable of doing things ourselves.
- Purpose is what you have inside of you to help other people.
- Fulfillment is a result of using what you have to help others.
[58:34] Purpose vs. Passion
- Passion is a barely controllable emotion. You cannot create an entire life only around the things you enjoy because enjoyment is fleeting.
- Pull passion is something you want to solve and you're willing to sacrifice for.
- The oxygen mask principle states you have to help yourself first before you help someone else.
- We live in a society where people wear tiredness as a badge of honor. However, helping people should energize you.
“Many people assume that finding your purpose means that you have to change everything completely. You have to move across the country; you have to change your hair, change your relationships, change your job. But that's not true—purpose is vocation-agnostic.” - Click Here to Tweet This
[01:03:22] Finding Your Purpose
- Purpose is vocation-agnostic
- You will never feel fulfilled if you’re living in the shadow of comparison
- Your origin story is what you've overcome in your formative years.
“Living someone else's purpose is like wearing someone else's shoes. It might look cute for a while, but eventually it's gonna start to smell.” - Click Here to Tweet This
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