Like it or not, when you’re the owner of a Trades Business you are a leader. And leading your team is actually your most important role in the company.
The problem most people find when they get to be in this position is that nobody ever taught them how to be a good leader, let alone a great one.
That means they have to make it up on the job.
Some people manage to do it well. But most do a really bad job of it. And a lot of the time they might not even know it…
The downstream effects of bad leadership can turn a good business into a bad one.
And vice versa with good leadership.
That’s why in today’s podcast Tony and Phil are going to help you take the guesswork out of how to be a good leader.
Having worked with thousands of leaders in the trades over the years, they’ve come up with “8 Secrets to Being a Successful Business Leader”.
When you master these 8 things you’ll find that you’re not so busy and overwhelmed, because everything doesn’t always have to go through you.
You’ll be less frustrated with your team because they’ll be performing better and showing the initiative you want them too.
Plus you’ll find hiring and retaining the best employees much easier too. Which is really helpful because you’ll find that with successful leadership your business will be growing smoother and faster than ever…
Let’s get into it…
- You’ll learn to delegate and build a strong team around you to help you get stuff done but also to grow a business.
- Create an amazing lifestyle where you can take holidays and vacations without worrying about the business.
- Attract and retain the best talent which will make life and business so much more fun.
- You’ll actually achieve way more in your business than you ever thought possible
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