Today: The Future of Care Spaces
Episode 11413th June 2023 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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Today in health, it the future of care spaces. My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system. And creator this week health, a set of channels dedicated to keeping health it staff current and engaged. We were thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders.

, short tests and artists, I check them out at this week. Having a child with cancer cancer is one of the most painful and difficult situations a family can face. As you know, we've partnered with Alex's lemonade stand. To search for cures for childhood cancer. And we have a goal to raise $50,000 and thanks to the 2 29 group we just had over this past weekend. And the sponsors of that.

We have now eclipsed $40,000 towards that $50,000 goal. , we asked you to join us, hit our website top banner, and you'll see the logo for the lemonade. Stand, click on that to give today. , we believe in you and the generosity of our community. Thank you. All right. We did a webinar last Thursday. It was 1:00 PM and it was fun.

It was about the future of care spaces. We had Fred Holson, CDW healthcare strategists and Todd Larsen. On her health and, , Fred used to be with Intermountain and has done work with a lot of organizations across the board in this specific area. And so I thought this is, this is going to be fun. You know, the future of care spaces, all this really cool technology. We have ambient clinic clinical listing. We have computer vision. We have telemetry coming from all different types of devices. We have edge computing. We have 5g.

Oh, my gosh, this is just going to be loaded with a technology discussion. And it was interesting to me. Because we didn't talk about technology and we did a little, but for the most part, what we talked about is getting this right at your health system. And Todd Larson really set the groundwork for this.

And what he gave us was sort of a blueprint of saying, look, Where we started with the premise of we're not going to spend any more money. And you might think, oh gosh, here we go. Again. Another project in healthcare where there's no budget. No, no. They had budget. But what they decided to do was pull the right people together and define what they wanted to do in terms of how they delivered care across all these different venues.

Right. What was required, what was needed in order to do that? What did they want the communication lines to look like? What did they want the workflow to look like? How did they want. The resources to be utilized across those, , those different modalities. And what they ended up doing is mapping that all out first. And then before they purchased anything, they evaluated the technology they already had for delivering on that future state.

And, you know, it's so simple when you hear it, that it's almost alarming that you don't think of it ahead of time. And I understand why we don't, because there's an awful lot of let's just call it a nurse or a momentum that's already going on at all these different health systems. And it requires leadership.

It requires courage to stand in the way of 55 departments heading off and really trying to innovate in their own specific area. , the problem with that is the lens. If the lens is that department or that specific area, at some point, you're going to have to come back and raise it up and look across all the different care venues.

And then is that the right technology? Is that the right workflow becomes the question and it may be. But more times than not, it's not more times than not. What you have is all these projects heading off in different directions that are going to take you into a dark alley. And what it requires is leaders, leaders to stand up, pull it back.

Get the right people in the room and say, let's talk about what this should look like. Let's create the future state. Then let's evaluate that future state against what, what our current state is, see what the gaps are. But even before we do that, let's take a look at our ability to deliver. On that future state, what do we have? What do we have today? What's missing. And it was interesting as Todd was talking through that.

He talked about all the really cool things they were able to do because they just stopped. They stopped. They stepped it back. They took a look at it from a system standpoint, as opposed to an individual hospital standpoint or even an acute name dilatory standpoint. Or a home health standpoint, they looked at it across all the venues and said, what is the best way?

To do this. It was interesting. I, you know, I really did think we were going to go down the computer vision and ambient, , , you know, clinical, , listening and all that stuff. I thought we were going to get there. Now. What's interesting is once you've done all that and you've evaluated your technology against that, now you can start to explore those other technologies, but you're doing it from a different lens.

You're doing it from a system lens as opposed to an individual entity lens. This is one of the things that has plagued healthcare for. I was going to say decades, but I'm tempted to say for ever. And it is that each individual hospital runs off and does their own thing. Each individual, entity.

Be it acute ambulatory home health.

Retail population health. You name it. All the different, , areas within health systems go off in their own direction. And that's what creates the problem as you move forward. And so, as I listened to this, I thought, you know, there's a principle there that I thought I would share with you. And that is, , there's an awful lot of really cool technology right around the corner.

Don't get caught in it. Don't get caught up into the shiny object. Problem. What problem are we trying to solve is one. Of those focusing things that we utilize to make sure that we're doing the right thing, but even above the what problem to solve is are we looking at the right context for that problem?

Are we trying to solve that problem within too small of a context. If we're talking about an overall health system, can we elevate that conversation? Can we get it to the point where the right people are in the room to look at that problem? Systemically across the entire health system, across the community, as opposed to a, an individual geography, an individual, , entity within that health system.

I just thought it was a really interesting conversation thought I'd share that insight with you. And,

I look forward to our next conversation. Our next webinar is the first week of July, Thursday, one o'clock Eastern time, and it's going to be on it's part of our leadership series. The patient experience, a technology. Perspective. And I look forward to hosting that. All right. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week.

Dot com or wherever you listen to podcasts. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders, short test and artist site, 📍 artist, site, computer vision right there. Check them out at this week. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.



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