Today is National Relaxation Day. What do you do to relax? Do you take time to relax? You know what is said about stress – it's the silent killer.
I know a lot about stress. When I work a full-time job, run two podcasts and a businesses to go along with them. I take care of all of the editing, graphics, marketing, sales, typing, webmastering, and home caring and still trying to get my workouts in so that I can stay fit. There are so many daily stresses in our lives, we MUST find time to relax. I didn't even touch on children. I don't know how parents do it!
One of my favorite things I used to love to do when I lived in NY and there weren't many places to go to relax was to find a fountain at one of the office buildings sit at it and hang out for about 30 minutes while I sipped a cup of coffee, tea or cocoa (depending on the time of day/ and time of year) and just from listening to the sound of the running water of the fountain, I'd train myself to immediately let go and deep breath and just BE in the moment and relax.
What do you do to de-stress? Do you take at least 15-20 minutes a day to yourself to unwind and just be? Finding the thing that gives you the most pleasure during the shortest amount of time is one way to help introduce it into your daily lives.
Here are some links to some of my favorite "calgon take me away" items I use to destress:
Jo Malone Scented Candles
Origins Ginger Salt Scrub
Lavender Body Moisturizer
Happy Relaxing. Remember stay calm, stay serene and remain peaceful!!