How do we know what information to trust and what to stay away from? Whether you find yourself wanting to question the science or prove the skeptics wrong, this episode is for you. In this episode you can find multiple stories where experts were proven wrong by those outside of their field, where once established fact was upended forever, as well as plenty of individuals, scientists, and industries that prey upon the uninformed solely for personal profit. Who to trust and how do we know? Today, there is no greater place to explore this idea than with the topic of climate science and in this episode we begin to explore that story with the help of the book Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway. But before we get to how to know who to trust with climate science we need to dive in to the story of the top secret Manhattan Project, the Cold War's impact on the American psyche, the tobacco industry's research funding, and the infamous Love Canal - America's first superfund site.
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