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Make More Money Challenge Day 2: Ask For Opportunities
Episode 713th March 2023 • The Business Conservatory Podcast • Ellie Mcmakin
00:00:00 00:22:33

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Welcome to day 2 of the Make More Money Challenge! I have already seen some AMAZING results for day 1 of the challenge, and I’m SO excited to see the heights you can go with this!

Day 2 of the challenge is asking for opportunities. I know this can be difficult. I know it can be uncomfortable to ask for anything. There’s fear of judgment, or worry how you’ll be perceived. Maybe also sometimes it’s hard to imagine anything positive from asking. It’s been something I’ve had to work through too. 

Let me tell you: magic happens when you just go for it and ask for what you want. Embrace the discomfort, because that is where growth happens. 

There are opportunities you are wanting. Maybe it's wanting to do a photoshoot with that one influencer, or maybe you see a potential gap with what someone offers that you know you could fulfill if you had the chance. Now’s the chance to stop wishing for that opportunity, and finally take action to ask for it.

There is an art to asking for what you want that I’ve learned, and I am so excited to share those with you here.





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