Artwork for podcast Let's Talk Money
Why Money Is Scarier Than Clowns!
Episode 25th January 2024 • Let's Talk Money • Stephen Libman
00:00:00 00:13:32

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Episode Title: Let's Talk Money with Stephen Libman: Why money is scarier than clowns!

Episode Overview:

  • Stephen Libman tackles the unique topic of why money can often seem more intimidating than traditional fears, like clowns.
  • A deep dive into effective strategies for smart investing and personal finance management.

Key Highlights:

  • Investment Diversification: The importance of spreading investments across various asset classes.
  • Financial Education: Leveraging resources and staying updated with financial news and trends.
  • Technology in Finance: How apps and online platforms can aid in budgeting and tracking investments.
  • Understanding Risks: Insights into managing risks and aligning investments with personal risk tolerance.
  • Setting Financial Goals: Tips for defining clear financial objectives and how they guide investment strategies.
  • Myth Busting: Debunking common financial myths and misconceptions.
  • Expert Advice: Stephen's unique perspective on the complexities of finance and strategies for overcoming common fears and challenges.

Resources Mentioned:

  • For more insights and the Five Insights for Making Better Financial Decisions guide.
  • Recommended books and online courses for continuous financial learning.

Closing Thoughts:

  • Encouragement to view finance and investing as manageable and essential parts of life, not something to fear.




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