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Chakra Reading with Cheryl Stelte
Episode 1512th June 2022 • The Trifecta of Joy • Tanya Gill
00:00:00 00:41:56

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Episode Summary

Have you ever had a chakra reading?  In this episode I get very vulnerable in a personal chakra reading.  In Episode 11, I first introduced you to Cheryle Stelte, a spiritual healer and teacher.  In this conversation, Cheryl reads my chakras to invite us into understanding the layers of self, including noticing dark energy that has held me back, and the gifts that are part of my purpose.  Cheryl shares the meaning of each chakra, and how to notice, and begin to be open to repair the energetic dimensions within each.  Please accept this gorgeous conversation as I share a piece of me that is who I am at an energetic level.  Cheryl’s mission is to support people in their spiritual healing and empowerment as we move through the push and pull of Universal love and light, may this reading do just that for you!  

About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links)

Cheryl has been a spiritual entrepreneur for over two decades and is the best selling author of two books, the latest being Client Magnet, The Coaches Guide to Attract Ideal Clients through Spiritual Awareness.

She is the founder and CEO of Star of Divine Light Institute and Azarias On-Line Energy Healing. In addition to her psychic abilities, Cheryl holds diplomas and certifications in multiple energy healing modalities, spiritual leadership, coaching, mentoring,  retreat guiding, shamanism, acupressure, meditation, and instinctive feng shui.

Cheryl is sought after for her ability to help others break through barriers where nothing else worked.

Contact Cheryl or book a chakra reading at

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About the Host: (bio, personal links, resource links)

About the Host:

Tanya's mission is to create a legacy of self-love for women that reinforces trust in themselves through our programs, coaching, podcast, and book, The Trifecta of Joy! As Founder and creator of the Trifecta of Joy Philosophy, she combines over 30 years of research and work in various helping fields, to help you achieve your greatest successes!

Using her philosophy of the Trifecta of Joy, her mission is to empower people through their struggles with the elements of awareness, befriending your inner critic and raising your vibe. This podcast is about sharing stories of imperfection moving through life to shift toward possibilities, purpose, and power in your life!

Having had many wtf moments including becoming a widow, struggling with weight and body image issues, dating after loss, single parenting, remarriage, and blending families, Tanya is committed to offering you inspiration and empowerment – body, mind, and spirit!

As a speaker, writer, and coach, Tanya steps into her life’s purpose daily – to INSPIRE HOPE.

Order your copy of the Trifecta of Joy – HELP yourself in a world of change right here.

Get in touch with Tanya and follow the fun and inspiration in other places too!

Hugs, Hip Bumps, and Go ahead and SHINE!

Xo Tanya

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Tanya Gill:

Hi friend, I'm Tanya Gill, welcome to lighten up and unstuck your What the fuck. Together, we explore the ways through life's stickiness moments, and how to live with more peace, joy, love and gratitude. We're going to talk honestly about what isn't easy so you can discover the light within you that will carry you forward. My friend, this podcast is about you in real life, your body, mind and soul, and the opportunity to not only live your best, but shine, doing it.

Tanya Gill:

Cheryl Stelte I am so excited to be with you again. In a previous episode, we had an opportunity a to talk about the magical, magnificent healing work that you do. And a piece of that is in chakra reading and chakra healing. And so putting myself out there. I said, Let's do this. Let's record it. And let's see how this goes. And I am so grateful that you said yes.

Cheryl Stelte:

And here we are.

Tanya Gill:

So I will I will tell you, Cheryl, I am a newbie, I have never had a shocker reading. I know. I know about the chakras. I associate them with colors. I understand that they relate to different aspects of our life and our spiritual being. But I'm hoping that you'll walk me through this as a total newbie. And this experience, I'm so excited for this experience. Thank you.

Cheryl Stelte:

Excellent. Well, I'm thrilled to do this. And thank you for letting yourself be this vulnerable, that you'll open yourself up to be exposed in this way at a deep level at an energetic level, these are often pretty intimate. And so thank you for that and with your intention of inspiring hope, your intention of showing up with love and light. And so thank you very much for that.

Tanya Gill:

Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited. How do we begin?

Cheryl Stelte:

We just begin, are you ready?

Tanya Gill:

I'm ready. I think I'm ready. I'm nervous.

Cheryl Stelte:

Perfect, perfect. That's great breathe into that nervousness, I invite you to fully breathe into the nervousness. Okay?

Cheryl Stelte:

The way this works, I'm going to ask you for an intention. And the reason I wanted an intention is because it helps pull through me what you need. If when I do chakra readings, and it's just for people are just curious. Just want to see what you see, then it's not as much fun for me, it's really big. It's really big, it's harder, it's I just don't get as much. But when when you have a strong intention, this is what you want to get out of it, then I get so much more because the universe is always trying to support us. And if we're specific on what we want, and where we want to grow, we're gonna get everything we need. So it's kind of like that. And then once we start the chakra reading, I just you can just relax. You can take notes, whatever you want. You're recording it today. And so I just say a prayer silently. And then I tune into and in that process, I often get a message from the universe for you know, promises. And then I start with the root chakra and go up. And so I I see the chakras and I feel them. I do not see them as the traditional lotus flowers with those traditional colors. That's not what I see at all unless somebody meditates on those lotus flowers. And they superimpose that on the front of their chakras. And I think we talked a little bit about that. So I'll see where the energy is flowing well, where there's lots of light, where there's, you know, all kinds of good things and the energy that really expresses your superpowers as a soul in the human body. And then I'll see where the blocks are, and which often represent what your next growth curve is.

Tanya Gill:

Amazing. Now, I have a question about the intention piece with the intention piece. You know, it's interesting, I think we all do this, like, you know, my intention in life is to show up with love and light. My intention in life is to inspire hope. So when we talk about the intention for this session, you know, I could go into million different directions.You know, and and one of the core things for me right now is being open to abundance and the flow of abundance in my business.

Cheryl Stelte:

Okay, there you go. So that's a perfect intention. Because you need the flow of abundance and especially abundance in your business to really support you in showing up with love and light and to inspire hope. And so, so that's a perfect a perfect intention. Okay, so that's what I wanted to check in on Oh, that's absolutely wonderful.

Cheryl Stelte:

Okay, well, your message from the universe is, is very interesting. And I see this, some of the time, it's, I don't see it all the time in such a way. So it's like the spotlight, there is light shining on you right now you're being paid attention to. So the way I experienced that is almost like, you know, those sparklers we get for, for our birthdays, yeah. It's sort of like that kind of light right above your head, and sort of in the front. And what happens is, I often see this people make a commitment to themselves, to go deeper into their spiritual journey and to rise up and really serve at a greater level. And so it's often when that decision and commitment have been made, and I, I'm sensing that in you, then we were supported at a higher level, it has to match the universe is always trying to match us. And so and so here you are, there's this amazing golden light right up here. And yet, you're not receiving it all, the eyes are closed to it slightly. So I get this sort of gray veil, covering your eyes, and to open up so I invite you to open up to more of a level of receiving from the cosmos receiving from the universe, that you you can even witness more of that in your life, through the eyes. So it's through acceptance and seeing things differently. So you're getting, you're getting a lot of support. Absolutely. And we can even call it divine encouragement, keep going. And the more you receive it, the more you get. And so that fits into your intention, we can we can ask for all the abundance in the world that we want at every level, you know, monetary abundance, the abundance of love, the abundance of connection, the abundance of beauty. And in order to receive to receive more, we have to open ourselves to be more receptive, we have to receive more. So that's what's happening there. And then I'll start with the Root Chakra. That resonates so deeply. Perfect. All right. And so you know, I see the chakras, multi dimensionally there's many aspects to the, to the chakras. The root chakra is primarily about safety and stability, feeling safe in the world, creating stability, and it's also about responsibility and the ultimate and responsibility is what our soul chose to be responsible for, and getting in touch with that. And accomplishment accomplishing that. So I, I see some very wonderful things in here. The front of your root chakra is the forward dimension of the chakra, it's the it's the moving forward with that sense of responsibility, feeling safe and stable. And, and accomplishing. So there's a lot of light going in that direction. And, and it's nice and wide, and it can still be improved. When I come back into the chakra, there's also you've done some personal work at the back of this root chakra at a deep level. And so I applaud you in that give you jazz hands for we're still online. And yet in the middle of this chakra, there's still some early childhood wounding. It's just sitting right there in the middle. And it's it's not that it hasn't been missed.

Cheryl Stelte:

And it may have been missed. But it's like this is the next layer that really needs to be healed and you you you, you need to get to a new level. of feeling safe and stable in the world and a new level of deep responsibility, and accomplishment, if that makes sense. So that's, that's what needs to be healed. The back of that having this clarity, energetic clarity at the back of this root chakra is so useful, mostly what I see in people, that's where I see the wounding is at the back of the Root Chakra. And what that connects us to, is what I call the spike of purpose. Behind at the back of the root chakra, is this bike of purpose. And so you, you, you're connected to that to a certain extent, and I see a bright white, this bike of purpose. And yet on the top of it, there's still something for you to work through, there's this layer, you know, it's about a half an inch thick of dark energy, that sitting on top. And that's not as serious a problem as dark energy at the very back of the Root Chakra. That's, that's much more difficult to work with. And so the, you know, the strengths that you have really serve you where we see this brightness in here, and where there's room for improvement. And so this darker energy that's in the middle, it's from my experience, it's always before the age of five, even as a baby possibly in the womb, in our subconscious ease or subconscious, emotional blocks that are held, it's just frozen energy, it's just stuck in there. And we can access that and pull that out to clear more space for the love and light to flow. That's really what that's about. And it can go right back to conception. And they're primarily everything sort of boils down to trickles down to the four major wounds that we talked about. In the interview, I think we talked about them, I'll just repeat them and that is not good enough. unworthy, don't matter, and unlovable. And there's various variations, like the don't matter, some people have this deep feeling of what I want doesn't matter. So that the parents want you to become a lawyer, and you want to become a writer or an artist, you know, and there's what you want doesn't matter. So therefore, then we equate that at a subconscious level, I don't matter if I mattered, they would support me. So it's sort of like that. So, so boils down into those four categories. So you know, two thirds of this chakra is in excellent condition. And in order for you to get to this next level of experiencing greater abundance, this needs to be healed in the center. And the work and the purpose will then result in you can go go and do that afterward. And it'll it'll clear that sort of lid on this sense of purpose and I just see it, you'll have so many AHA hours after that because it will open you up to a deeper level of purpose and way to move forward in the world. You've already got that forward energy, and then I come up to the sacral chakra and this chakra is very much about creativity and really letting our creative energy flow it's also sexuality sensuality, one on one relationships, especially with the mother. And so when I come in here, it's it's like the back of the chakra and the really the center of the chakra is along the inside of the spine. So it's back there there's a restriction there's a fear of judgment actually of being as creative as you're designed to be. So there is a certain amount of flow in this chakra there's it goes sort of like a bulb comes out and is very large in the front and there's you know the the energy in here is quite vital, quite vital, especially in the front and so there is a flow and yet you're holding back you're holding back

Cheryl Stelte:

and it's you're you're definitely not totally up until you can go back into this at the very back of the chakra where you're you're kind of hanging on I don't know what will people think that hole What will people think or who do you think you are? More about what will people think if you really let yourself get out there and I I kind of have to laugh because I know you do this? What the fuck podcast and so that's pretty outrageous, and extremely creepy. ative, and yet, there's more for you. So it's like, you're you're kind of hiding out in the back, and what you think will be accepted. So it's like you've pushed the envelope to a certain level, what you think will be accepted, you've been able to plant seeds, this is the chakra planting seeds, been able to do that and express. And so congratulations on all of that. And you can readily, you have the structure in here to give birth to new ideas, it's really easy for you to get pregnant with new ideas and have that come forward, it's really easy. And yet, what really matters to you the most, what you would like to become and do and express their what I'm sensing is a fear of judgment that you're you're hiding, you're hiding out a little bit, oh, no, that would just be too much. So if you can breathe back there and, and, and nurture your, your younger self, this is your little girl in you. That's like, that's just too far out there. No, and you can love her up. And you can really do some inner child work here and help her breathe through the emotions that come along with that fear of judgment, you know, where you judged where you thought of is weird or strange or different, or that sort of thing, what all happened, and you can process that and repair it yourself. And really open this up, it's like there's this pure light, this energy that really is just in the waiting in the waiting here for you to have this breakthrough. And then I and then I can see going forward, this chakra is going to become huge, you're actually incredibly creative. incredibly creative, so good for you. So nice to see, it's exciting. It's really exciting. And there's Oh, and before I go on and I see. So I see it sort of starting narrow at the back then and then going very round toward the front. And in this part about a third of the way in from the very front, there's there is a little wound in there, there's something small to work on that's kind of at the center, that will need some attention. With respect to creativity, all your creative expression, and then I come up to your solar plexus. On the solar plexus is primarily about truth and power. personal truth and power, divine truth and power and truth. Pure Truth is power. So powerful access to truth. And the first thing I feel when I tune into this chakra, there is still some old conditioning around. It's not okay to be powerful. And that could be around being a woman, not okay to be powerful. As a woman, it's okay for men. And this is we're talking in a subconscious, so in your mind, and then your heart is you know, carrying about your day, carrying on with your day and that sort of thing. This may not be so obvious, but there's still some there's definitely some conditioning in here was a big no, no, it's not okay to be too powerful. All tune into this further and you have the have the energetic pattern of okay, I can be powerful, but then I need to retreat. I can be powerful, but the pattern in here is not to just stay, remain and just be this powerful woman all the time, the energy comes back in, so you can radiate out in the front. And there's absolutely some wounding at the back here. And this is where, and this makes sense then what I'm seeing in the back of this chakra, there's absolutely some dark energy here some wounding and it matches what's in the third eye, what's in the eyes. So these two chakras are very much connected.

Cheryl Stelte:

Very, very much connected. So the sacral in the throat chakra connected to and five, three and six. And so this wounding at the back doesn't let you receive so this is the place to really receive the spiritual support the support of God's universe Creator Source really opened that up. And so there may have been a time in your life where you just didn't feel that was there for you or maybe you never opened up to it but there's some there is some wounding here and again at a at a subconscious level so so you can you can heal this it's bringing you really needs to be healed really needs to be healed. You know, and it it. It's interesting that the back of the root chakra is great. It's the middle that has a wounding, but the sacral chakra, remember, you're really holding in, that needs to be done first so that you can do this work here, we always start with the root, we go the middle of the root, the back of the sacral. And then this is it's really manifesting here, it's like you have to opposites is bright, bold, powerful truth of who you are in the front. And it comes back in and shrinks until it gets to the back. And then it's a whole line along your spine. So I don't know, if you have if you have any back problems in the middle, your spine.

Tanya Gill:

I have middle low back problems regularly. Yeah.

Cheryl Stelte:

Yeah. So that's, that's what likely what all this is related to that holding energy in the back of the sacral in the lower back, and then and then it comes up, it's really taking up a lot of the spine here. It's contrast, you know, you're a powerful woman, you know, you can do so much and this subconscious conditioning, it's not okay. Okay, for you to be all that. And it's not okay to really open up to receiving this part of the universe, will you get it? You know, do we go back to the core wounds, do you matter that much are you worth it, and I really love that stuff. And so healing that there. And loads of potential here. So it's a large chakra in the front, kind of like the kind of like the sacral until you do have in the front, you have so much light so much radiance, and potential in healing these other things in the back will help really help you move to the next level. And then I come up to the heart chakra. And this is so great. So the width of your heart chakra is just so wide, you love to connect with people you love, connection, deep connection, this chakra is about love and compassion. And it's in this with you know, it's like our arms, we you know, we hug others, we hold hands we connect. And so this energetic width is well beyond the average person you're really developed your your capacity here and part of your you're definitely are a being that loves to connect at deep levels and be around other people. It's it's super important clear, no real wounding around that what I what I sometimes see, as I see people, they get to a certain point, there's a limitation. And I don't see that so much with you, you're you just keep going.

Tanya Gill:

Like, that's how I feel like love just needs to go forever.

Cheryl Stelte:

Yes, yes. And your heart reflects that here, the Enter, you've got that energy, it just needs to go forever.

Tanya Gill:

So this is such an emotional journey. It's so beautiful.

Cheryl Stelte:

Yeah. So true. And and you have the capacity to go deep into your emotions. So the solar plexus is also the depth of the heart and where we feel our deepest emotions. And that energy when we, when we really feel into our emotions at the deeper level that turns into the truth and power, right. And so you have this capacity. And then sometimes, like all of us, we touch into the difficult emotions of painful emotions, and then we want to spring back out difficult to stay in there. And that'll that just staying in there more will help with the with the solar plexus and help develop the heart chakra even further, that you can, you can still maintain connection, even through the most difficult situations. And stay connected even through even with pain and being a you're increasing your capacity to hold that. So there's a potential to improve on that you can already do it to a certain extent, and there's room to develop this even more. And the back of the heart chakra, where we really receive support from others. There's still a bit of wounding here, it's often betrayal. And it's it's like a door for you. It's like you can open it, you can close it, you can receive support, and you can refuse it and then there is still some wounding there. So, so good to work on that and and come to peace with all relationships in your life. Every single one every single one that's what we're designed to do so that whenever we think of anybody, we don't hold graduates or resentment. Yeah, And then there's, you know, that forward energy that I felt in the Root Chakra. And feeling up here and it's thinner, it's a little bit of apprehension, it's, I guess I'm doing it, but you're looking both way a little bit of uncertainty. Yet you're in the flow, you know, but it's not, it's not as thick as it is in the Root Chakra. So feeling into that forward energy and the Root Chakra, you can bring that up and apply it here in the in the Florida, the heart chakra. And, and you love to talk, you love to express yourself, there's just this beautiful, where I often see wounding, and people at the base of the throat chakra in the front, I often, that's where people will have blocks around speaking their truth and really feeling seen and heard and still expressing their purpose, you just have light there. It's just beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and so that it's fun for you to really express yourself to be seen and heard. And then I come to you develop this lovely channel from the heart. And there's that you really develop that. And so you can teach that. Is that good. And then I come to the back of this chakra. And there's, there's this question of What if I can't do it? What if I can't do it all? So the behind the throat chakra at the very back is the same sense of purpose. And so you have that you're not as connected to it here. It's, it's, there's some what if it doesn't work? What if I can't do it, that sort of thing. And it creates a little bit of a thin sort of wall and dark energy in between this expression that you've developed. And then it's the next level of moving forward at a much deeper level of purpose. And so there's some reluctance, not so much reluctance, but self doubt. When What if at work, what if I lack of trust in the universe and lack of that you have everything you need to do it. And so this directly relates to you holding back in the sacral chakra, you will not heal this, if you work on it directly in the throat, you need to heal this holding back in the sacral. And this will automatically start to open up for you and won't won't be too much trouble. That makes sense. Yes, it does. Okay. Yeah. And then it's so great that you have this podcast because you're being seen and everything and you're being called for so much more and come up to the third eye, and there's a there's a deep knowing and you're and you're following what you're meant to be doing. And there's a shyness around your greatness.

Cheryl Stelte:

And this is where it's showing. And so it's you do all the lower work all the work in these lower chakras, and your eyes will open fully and the light will shine. And it's also this is very much you know, you're likely in in the coming out of the stage of the dark night of the soul, you're in that level where stage a spiritual stage very much of unlearning that really serves us and it's the hardest stage ever. And then you can really begin to truly move into unity consciousness. And that's where the light will shine out of your eyes will come up from all these chakras and all of these the wounds the next layers because you've done so much work, and the next layers are ready to be healed to help lift you up into that spiritual stage of unity consciousness and that's when we really get the light coming out of the eyes. It comes from from inside and, and a deeper connection to the cosmos a greater connection and that trust in everything is just so joyous and fun.

Tanya Gill:

So what's so beautiful is that just yesterday, I pulled the dark night of the soul card. And it's it's been a common card for me in the last three weeks. So I you know, I just I just wanted to touch on that because that is it. I feel like I'm in that space. And and, and being in this moment with you right now. I can also feel that this was entirely meant to be in every way magical that it is. And it's affirming because what you what you've shared and what you've said about about each of the chakras are both affirming from the front and the back. That's great, as hard as it is to hear

Cheryl Stelte:

and then the crown chakra it's, it's a very solid chakra for a crown chakra. It's like it's like, really here, your your, you came here for something, it's like done. And we're doing this in this lifetime period. There's nothing fluffy about this chakra. It's solid, I'm here, I'm doing this in this lifetime, very concrete for a crown chakra. And you're clearly an old soul. Clearly, and it's somewhat multifaceted, you know, it's not just one smooth crown chakra. They see all kinds of different crown chakras. And so, big soul commitment right out of the gate. Yes. I'm doing this. Wonderful. There you go, Tanya.

Tanya Gill:

So powerful. So powerful. Cheryl, some of the ways that you described areas that are open, or areas that are close, it resonated so deeply, it resonated so deeply for me. And of course, anyone who's listening to this probably has questions like, I know, for me, I feel myself fixated on that half an inch piece of darkness on my root chakra. How do I clear that? How do I how do I move forward? What? What? Right, we get so sick, it's stuck in this, but it's suddenly I'm like, Okay, what you're saying is resonating so deeply? What do I do? How do I do this? And I know that it's like, how do I fix this? But it's more like, how do I heal?

Cheryl Stelte:

How do I heal this and become empowered, and really step into your greatness. And it's, I mean, this is, this is the work I do. So I could, I could give you a list of meditations, been the kind of work that I do. And the, you know, the half inch layer is, is on the top of the spike of purpose. So it's really we start at the bottom. And that's the work I do, and I and I work with people that are so ready, that really want that more than anything, to fulfill their soul's mission, and have done a lot of personal work like you. And so it starts in the Root Chakra, and it's intense work. It's not easy, I just had my one of my client magnet classes last night. And we always meditate, it's all alive, nothing pre recorded, because every group is different, of course, but it's, it's moving into that at the deeper levels and pulling the wounding pulling the stuck emotions out of the subconscious. It's like cleaning the house, at a level that's never been cleaned up before. You know, it's it's going deeper and we pull that out. And then we can move over to the spike. And we can do both simultaneously. So we do the work there. And then we go up. And we you know, we kind of we can go back and forth. But it's very much about energetic healing and empowerment, spiritual healing and empowerment. And it's, it's what I love to do more than anything and help others become their own energy workers. So that they have all the skills and and especially if they're coaches that they can use what I teach them with their clients, and carry that on, because I just feel so strongly. That's where humanity is at right now. It's all about healing and empowerment. And so you're in this journey, you've done a ton of healing, you've done a lot of empowerment, and now here you are, you're ready to go to that next level.

Tanya Gill:

And you describe some of the blocks and I mean, I can probably associate certain blocks with certain stories in my life and, and you're absolutely right. Sure, like I I have done a lot of work, I've done a lot of work and and in my own work, I have recognized different ways to help other people through there, which is such a beautiful gift. You know, when you like, when you talk about my crown chakra and my purpose being unquestionable, I know that my purpose is to inspire hope. I know that my purpose is to spread love and light. I know that my purpose is to help women feel empowered. And when you describe those blocks it that it's like yes, I can see when you describe me holding back when you describe that back and forth or the door. You know those those aspects of myself I see I am I am incredibly creative. And I could have 5000 projects. Who even just saying and I can feel I feel choked up, right. And, and yet, the truth is that I do doubt myself I doubt the value of the work I do, I doubt it, I have a fear of being judged and being seen in a way that is, in some people's eyes inappropriate. And yet I keep doing it. So it's that back and forth the door back and forth, back and forth. Right?

Cheryl Stelte:

Yes, and it's it really what you're speaking of, is, it's like the push and pull of the universe, we come along in our lives, and, and our families push us forward, all our experiences sort of push us forward. And then you get to the stage that you're at, or now the universe is pulling you forward. So this light that I see here, it's pulling you forward. And the people, the women that you say you love to empower women, well, what these women need is someone to give them permission to stop holding back. These are the souls that need that they're in front of you. They're in there in the future, and likely some of the women you're working with now. And so you're being given this opportunity to heal that to stop holding back and give yourself permission to really let yourself be all that you truly are. And so a lot of that we can understand in the mind where it comes from. But there are always huge surprises when we really do the work. Because it's in the subconscious, we don't know what's in there, we don't know what is at the root of the pattern of holding back. We don't know what's at the root of it. So we go deeper and deeper and deeper into the subconscious. And then we can breathe through it, we can move through it and all the emotions attached to that. And so the poll of the future, are the souls waiting. This is what I need. And then and you answer the call, and you say, Okay, you do the personal work, and you move forward, and then you're a different coach, you're coaching at a whole new level. Women who subconsciously don't know it's okay to be powerful. To the subconscious, you, you can't have the conversation and say, These are my people, I work with women who don't know, it's okay to be powerful, who are holding back, no, they don't recognize that because it's in the subconscious. And when done that work, those are the people you're going to attract those specific ones.

Tanya Gill:

Oh, this is incredible. This is incredible. Cheryl, all of your contact information will be in the show notes. This has been an unbelievable experience for me. And I know that this is, again, a conversation that continues between you and I more than anything, I want to thank you for being open to doing this reading for our listeners. And for your gift to the universe. Your gifts to all of the souls in the world right now who are hearing this and who are understanding themselves in a different way. This is really powerful work. And I think it's a really also a reminder about energy. We are all energy. And when you describe the different chakras and and the lighter the darkness or the heaviness than the openness or the flow and law blocks. It resonated so deeply for me. I know it's going to resonate deeply for a lot of our listeners. So I will make sure that people are able to find you because they are going to want you in their lives. Thank you so so much, Cheryl, I appreciate you so much.

Cheryl Stelte:

Oh, thank you, Tanya, it is such I can't tell you how it inspires me and lifts me up to have you be so vulnerable and to record this and let the world see you. And to me that's part of your empowerment is one of the things that makes you so amazing that you're truly amazing exactly as you are, that you can let yourself be seen and all your greatness and in the darkness that we all have, no matter what to be this vulnerable. This is what humanity needs. And we're all in this together.

Tanya Gill:

Be are all in this together. My friend. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Cheryl Stelte:

Thank you

Tanya Gill:

to our listeners, if you are crying with me, thank you for being here you can spend your time anywhere and that you are listening to this beautiful reading and this beautiful opportunity to share space with Cheryl means the world to me. Thank you for listening and being open to this very vulnerable piece of who I am. From my heart to yours. I love you.

Cheryl Stelte:

Much love and light. Thank you Tanya




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