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American Groove - #96 Being a Somebody
1st January 2023 • Lost in the Groove • Dave Lennon
00:00:00 01:06:47

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We as humans have been raised from a young age with the idea of success. For some, that means college when you are old enough. For others, it can be a trade past by a family member or a close friend. Life is truly so much better now than it has ever been, and in today's society, with how vast the internet is and all the options you can choose, how can you be somebody, and where do you begin? Karissa and I when full-on metal with this episode. Partially due to how difficult a conversation like this can be. Your life can be hard to explain or describe why and how you are somebody is irrelevant; it makes no sense because simply being somebody doesn't revolve around what others think but what you think. 🌟Karissa's Social links 🌟 If you don't know, Karissa is a makeup artist that has worked on numerous film sets for large productions and is a licensed esthetician. Check out her work; it is amazing. The link is below. 🌟Social🌟 We have a magical link right below that has all of our socials and handle so that you can find us on your favorite pod spot 🤟. ✋It's been fun, it's been great, and we got lost in the grooove🤚 --- Support this podcast:



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