Industrial Insights and Initiatives – Season Eight in Review
Episode 1510th February 2023 • Blackletter • Thomas Dunlap
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The Blackletter Podcast has covered a wide range of subjects during its eighth season, from legal advice for the Federal Aviation Administration to licensing in the medical marijuana industry, as well as technology business transformation and more. On this final episode of the season, we look back at the critical topics tackled within these past fourteen shows and the insights and knowledge revealed along the way. So tune in for this informative episode that reflects on some of the influential interviews from season eight!

Business Transformation (00:45)

Change is necessary for business growth, and season eight of the podcast features many professionals who had to pivot and redirect their focus to meet their business goals. Hear as these guests share their stories on managing changes to expand their industrial initiatives and achieve success in their industry.

Advice From Experience (13:12)

No matter your role or agency, everyone has lessons that they have gained from their professional experience. This season’s podcast guests provided their best advice on how to find success in new business pursuits, navigate the legal side of different industries, and work together with others.

The Bigger Picture (24:21)

What responsibilities do you have to others as an aspect of your profession? This segment includes interviews with individuals who have to take on powerful or authoritative positions. Tune in to hear speakers discuss the importance of performing duties to support the greater good and upholding legal responsibilities to maintain order and progress in a profession.

Missed an episode? Catch up on season 8 of the Blackletter Podcast by following the links below:

Episode 81: S8E1 – The Value In Segmenting

Episode 82: S8E2 – Building a Business

Episode 83: S8E3 – Always Be Promoting

Host Tom Dunlap sits down with Erik Olsen of Array Digital, Array Law, and Rival Digital, where they discuss his professional journey into the world of digital marketing. Hear Erik discuss how his company transitioned from software development to introducing marketing services and finally made the leap to digital marketing. He also shares the advantages of a recurring service-based business model and how he segmented his practice in episode 1. In episode 2, Erik explains the risks he took to transition from a one-person freelancing operation to an employing company. His interview concludes in episode 3 where he shares his advice and the lessons he learned in founding his companies.

Episode 84: S8E4 – The Challenges of Turning to Tech

Episode 85: S8E5 – Philosophies for Change Management

Episode 86: S8E6 – Leave Your Ego At the Door

In this three-part series, Tom interviews Terry Dohrmann, founder of the legal operating software company Litify. Terry has found great success in growing his business since it started six years ago and has gained much knowledge throughout the process. In episode 4, he explains the challenges he faced to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations in the tech industry. Next, Terry discusses the philosophies he developed regarding successful change management in episode 5 and the tactical challenges of offering technology to a new market. The interview wraps up in episode 6, where Terry discusses the importance of leaving your ego at the door and maintaining trust in your team to progress in the business world.

Episode 87: S8E7 – Business License Breakthrough

Episode 88: S8E8 – “Growing” a Company

Episode 89: S8E9 – Turning Over a New Leaf

In episodes 7 through 9, Tom is joined by Kevin Goldberg, founder of Green Leaf Medical, and Barney Goodman, his attorney from Dunlap Bennett Ludwig. In doing business in the medical cannabis industry, Kevin had to jump through many hoops to comply with regulations. He discusses this in episode 7 and explains the legal process for securing a spot in this lucrative market.  In episode 8, they explain how they managed to secure the capital necessary to reach their business goals. In the final episode of the interview, Kevin and Barney provide their top advice for entrepreneurs looking to do business in the medical cannabis sector.

Episode 90: S8E10 – How Patents Shape Society

On episode 10 of the Blackletter podcast, Tom discusses patents with Robert Greenspoon, an attorney at the Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig law firm. Rob educates listeners on the importance of patents and how they have become integral to the progression and formation of our society. We suggest that listeners tune in to watch the video version of this episode, as Rob provides visuals that give context to how patents represent the history of invention and their relevance today.

Episode 91: S8E11 – Reporting on Law

On this episode Tom sits down with Jeremy Conrad, writer for the Washington DC Bar Journal. As a former practicing lawyer and now a full-time committed journalist in the field of law is responsible for reporting on controversial law topics while remaining impartial to his audience. He explains the experience of writing on situations that once would have affected him as a lawyer and the complexity of producing content about controversial law topics. He also shares his advice for aspiring legal journalists.

Episode 92: S8E12 – Counsel in Control

Episode 93: S8E13 – Control after COVID

Episode 94: S8E14 – Navigating Your Career

In episodes 12 through 14, listeners gain a peek inside the mind of FAA‘s top legal advisor Marc Nichols. In this three-part interview, Tom and Marc discuss Marc’s role as the Chief Counsel for the FAA and the responsibilities that come with it. In episode 12, Marc shares the developmental milestones that led to his involvement in politics and public service, including the factors that drove him to accept the President’s appointment. The COVID-19 pandemic brought on additional responsibilities for Marc to ensure smooth collaboration and safety in the aviation industry, as he shares in episode 13. Tom and Marc conclude the interview in episode 14, where Marc shares his career advice for progressing in any profession.





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