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Episode 250 – What To Know Before the Show – pt 1
19th March 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:37

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Episode 250 Show Notes for John Fraser Interview – pt 1

Hello everyone everywhere, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau and I want to welcome you to another DUAL Broadcast of the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast AND the Everything Church Related podcast. That’s right – you know if we are doing a DUAL broadcast then we have something special lined up for you today.

Have you ever hosted a live event before? I know I have. The details you must manage can sometimes be overwhelming. Especially on the day of the event. My background, when I first went into ministry, I was working with a nationally recognized music ministry. I met Dr. Vernard Johnson at an event I sponsored. He was so impressed with the attention to detail I had given to almost every aspect of my very first event – he hired me two years later to be his National Concert Coordinator.

From day one – and for the next two years, we did 68 concerts in 68 cities…48 of them in one year. Everything passed through my hands, from the time he said, “Book me Richmond, Virginia until he took the stage – I managed every aspect of the concert. From booking flights and hotels, to book the arenas or convention centers to who was his warm up groups and how long each had the stage…but the most important aspect out of all of that, was the sound crew.

There were instances where the sound was absolutely, I won’t say horrible, but the sound checks were long and drawn out. It seemed like they could not get their act together. I remember a couple of times after the event, I’m back stage and he pulled me aside and told me – “never hire them again.”

I said all of that because I have also hosted my own events. I’ve had to manage every detail – and again, the most important component of the event was the Audio Visual’s that we use today. Sometimes they were not working right; other times they did not work at all – and there was always a stress element involved when you were setting things up…basically hoping and praying – and WISHING that it works right during the event.

Well, my guest today is here to give you – and ME – some tips on how to host a stress free event, well maybe not completely stress free – but at least you will not have to worry as much about the audio visual aspect of the event.

John Fraser is here to give us some tips and guidance on how to prepare for these events – whether you are hosting them yourself or helping someone else prepare for their event.

John is the founder and CEO of ZEN AV Services and an online entrepreneur with the website
“What to know before the show.”

John can teach you how to design your event or workshop as an optimal learning environment; he can show you the right audio, visual and lighting gear you can use for the budget you have; he can show you simple techniques for setting up you audio, visual and lighting for you do handle yourself or to share with your staff; he can teach you the logistics to run your event efficiently and professionally; he has staff training so you can create a highly effective workshop team. He has templates – and checklists – and tools that will make your life easier with your workshop and he can show some tricks and tips and techniques that are used by multi-million dollar workshop companies.

John is going to talk with us today about how we can create a true connection and a sense of community with our audience…folks help me welcome to the program JOHN FRASER!

John, thank you so much for joining us today!

John, I always start off with this first question…tell us…who IS John Fraser?

Ok…how long have you been doing this type of work?

You have worked with some pretty big guru’s in the professional public speaking arena. Care to name drop a few – I forgot to mention them in the intro?

Now, tell us about your website – how did you come up with this idea for the online training environment in this particular niche? It seems like it would be hard to teach someone about sound system set up and things like that online? But you’ve made it simple! How did you do that?

Ok…teach us “What to say” when we take the stage!

You also teach people “How to say” what we are going to say…explain that for us.

Contact John Fraser via email at

What to Know Before The Show – Facebook page:

Face Book: John E Fraser:

The post Episode 250 – What To Know Before the Show – pt 1 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.



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