Sometimes our fitness gets left behind because of those crazy busy days. The thought of going to the gym on certain days a week is very overwhelming. But healthy habits and fitness should not be the last on our list. It is something that parents should be paying attention to. So despite our hectic schedule, how can we become a role model for healthy habits to our kids?
You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of hours and days at the gym if you have the structures at home - that’s what we’re going to dive into today with our guest, Sartre Jean-Gilles. He talks about what is Behavior Change, and what transformation people can expect in his 12-week program. Let’s hear some tips and tricks from Sartre on the easy healthy habits you can do at home.
“This is going to help you not just in diet and nutrition, but also your family life, your career. I guarantee it, because this is so transformative. The Behavior Change around fitness is a microcosm.” - Sartre Jean-Gilles
About the Guest:
Sartre Jean-Gilles is an online personal fitness coach who is passionate about working with busy home-based (female) entrepreneurs to form healthy habits and improve their overall fitness. Sartre supports your individual weight loss goals without you having to give up your favourite foods or spend a lot of time exercising.
Sartre graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Human Kinetics, and the University of British Columbia with a Master’s of Health Administration. He has worked in various healthcare-related settings including rehab clinics, hospitals and his own online fitness training and behaviour change coaching enterprise.
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