Artwork for podcast Boomer Banter, Real Talk about Aging Well
Reinventing Yourself: A Journey to Finding Purpose with Wendy Battles
Episode 1287th February 2023 • Boomer Banter, Real Talk about Aging Well • Wendy Green
00:00:00 00:39:47

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In this episode, Wendy Battles shares her personal journey of getting out of her comfort zone and finding her true purpose. From her experiences as a voice actor, becoming a coach, and now a podcast host, she reflects on self-discovery and the process of figuring out what she likes and dislikes.

Wendy also shares insights on the importance of self-reflection, especially during midlife, and how being quiet and still can lead to great revelations. Join us as she shares her journey from being a multi-passionate person to finally finding her calling as a "Reinvention Rebel".


  1. Don't be afraid to try.
  2. See failures as opportunities.
  3. Learn lessons from difficult situations.

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Wendy Green is a Certified Life Coach, working with people going through the sometimes uncomfortable life transition from full-time work to “what’s next.”

Find out more about Wendy’s 6-week “What’s Next Transition” Coaching workshop

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Produced by the the Greenville Podcast Company


Wendy Green:


Welcome to Hey, Boomer.

Wendy Green:


The show for those of us who believe that we are never too old to set another goal or

Wendy Green:


dream a new dream.

Wendy Green:


My name is Wendy Green, and I am your host for Hey, Boomer.

Wendy Green:


Today we're going to talk about reinventing ourselves, what it takes, what it means, why

Wendy Green:


we do it. And it got me thinking about some of the reinventions that I have been through

Wendy Green:


in my lifetime.

Wendy Green:


And there have been many.

Wendy Green:


But I started to think about when I was in my early fifties and I had just sold my

Wendy Green:


business KidzArt.

Wendy Green:


And I had gone back into corporate America working as a Director of Training.

Wendy Green:


But I knew that's not where I wanted to be for the long haul.

Wendy Green:


So I started working with a coach to figure out what is it that I really want to do,

Wendy Green:


what's going to be meaningful in my life?

Wendy Green:


And after we worked together for probably a couple of months, she said to me one day, you

Wendy Green:


know, you'd be a really good coach.

Wendy Green:


And it was like this light bulb moment.

Wendy Green:


I was like, Oh, that's what I want to do.

Wendy Green:


I want to be a coach.

Wendy Green:


And then I realized, you know, as a young person, first year in college, I wanted to

Wendy Green:


study sociology.

Wendy Green:


I wanted to be a social worker, but I had to put that on the back burner for various

Wendy Green:


reasons. So that's one of the things that seems to happen in this next act of life is

Wendy Green:


that we start to tap into things that we may have dreamed about when we were young and

Wendy Green:


then we put aside for various reasons.

Wendy Green:


And so looking back into your life, into your history of what was important to you

Wendy Green:


when you were young may be a good place to start.

Wendy Green:


When you start thinking about reinvention and sometimes talking with people, even

Wendy Green:


getting help from a coach can be helpful in that process.

Wendy Green:


So today my guest is another Wendy.

Wendy Green:


Her name is Wendy Battles.

Wendy Green:


And by day, Wendy is a cyber security awareness expert at Yale University.

Wendy Green:


But by night.

Wendy Green:


And I venture to say on weekends, Wendy pursues her passion for celebrating,

Wendy Green:


illuminating and elevating older women.

Wendy Green:


As the host of the Re-invention Rebels podcast, Wendy interviews bold and

Wendy Green:


unapologetic women 50 to 90 years old, who have reinvented themselves later in life to

Wendy Green:


see new possibilities.

Wendy Green:


In this way, Wendy shines a light on the notion that we can reinvent ourselves at any

Wendy Green:


age or any stage.

Wendy Green:


And she's helping to disrupt the limiting beliefs about the value of aging women.

Wendy Green:


At 57, Wendy is a reinvention.

Wendy Green:


Rebel herself, having reinvented herself many times during her life, including as a

Wendy Green:


management consultant, a voice actor, a health coach.

Wendy Green:


And now in her most recent reinvention as a cybersecurity awareness expert and a podcast

Wendy Green:


host. And she says that the podcast hosting is by far the most rewarding reinvention she

Wendy Green:


has come across yet.

Wendy Green:


Along her journey of greater self awareness, she's learned the art of living on purpose

Wendy Green:


and embracing life with more joy, ease and trust.

Wendy Green:


So you are going to love Wendy.

Wendy Green:


You are in for a high energy conversation.

Wendy Green:


But before I bring her on, I want to mention our sponsor, Road Scholar.

Wendy Green:


Road Scholar is the not-for-profit leader in adventure and educational travel for boomers

Wendy Green:


and beyond, offering expert led adventures in all 50 states and over 100 countries.

Wendy Green:


I love learning with Road Scholar.

Wendy Green:


I've been on several of their trips, both as a solo traveler and with my grandchildren.

Wendy Green:


And I am inviting you all to join me in Costa Rica this summer, June 2nd through the

Wendy Green:


10th. I'm doing a private trip with Road Scholar and it's going to be amazing.

Wendy Green:


So if you're interested in that, drop me an email.

Wendy Green:


My email address is, and I will send you all the information.

Wendy Green:


Now, I need to bring on and want to bring on my friend Wendy Battles.

Wendy Green:


Hi, Wendy.

Wendy Battles:


Hi, Wendy.

Wendy Battles:


So weird to say that, but I'm so excited to be here with you today.

Wendy Green:


And you know, we were just talking before we came on.

Wendy Green:


It was such a joy. Wendy and I met through a women's podcasting group and just been a joy

Wendy Green:


to know her and share her delight and energy with what she's doing.

Wendy Green:


But I want to let's start with reinvention.

Wendy Green:


I mean, you've reinvented yourself several times.

Wendy Green:


And so you know what?

Wendy Green:


What have you been looking for with each one of those reinventions?

Wendy Battles:


That's a great question, Wendy.

Wendy Battles:


And I have to say that probably different things in each reinvention.

Wendy Battles:


I think when I was in my thirties, I reinvented myself as a consultant.

Wendy Battles:


So I was looking for new experiences and learning new skills and trying things out,

Wendy Battles:


which was great.

Wendy Battles:


I reinvented myself as a voice actor and that was really because people kept saying,

Wendy Battles:


Wendy, you have a great voice.

Wendy Battles:


You should do something with it.

Wendy Battles:


And I didn't even know what I was getting myself into, to be honest with you, which is

Wendy Battles:


sometimes what happens, I think when we reinvent ourselves, we might have this idea

Wendy Battles:


of it. And then there's sort of the reality of it.

Wendy Battles:


And for me, that was getting out of my comfort zone.

Wendy Battles:


That reinvention was about getting out of my comfort zone, building trust in myself that I

Wendy Battles:


could do something I'd never done before.

Wendy Battles:


Learning new skills.

Wendy Battles:


And also, I think it was the ability to work with different people because as a voice

Wendy Battles:


actor, you work with a lot of different producers.

Wendy Battles:


They have different very different styles and expectations.

Wendy Battles:


So it taught me a lot about flexing my style.

Wendy Battles:


You know, in my forties, I reinvented myself as a health coach.

Wendy Battles:


I had a corporate career. I'm not really a corporate person and I was really searching.

Wendy Battles:


And that was a great opportunity for me to figure out how to be an entrepreneur.

Wendy Battles:


And honestly, I wasn't that good at it and I became a coach.

Wendy Battles:


But then I realized I don't love coaching.

Wendy Battles:


So it was a lot of self-discovery in that reinvention about both what I liked and what

Wendy Battles:


I didn't like.

Wendy Battles:


And I think it's interesting because I think the things we do give us breadcrumbs and

Wendy Battles:


often hints about something bigger, even though when it's happening, we can't always

Wendy Battles:


put all those puzzle pieces together.

Wendy Battles:


But they really were all leading up to my current reinvention as a podcast host, just

Wendy Battles:


like you of the Reinvention Rebels podcast, because it really encompasses my voice acting

Wendy Battles:


work and all the years I've spent public speaking this idea of being in conversation

Wendy Battles:


with people. I love talking and listening to people.

Wendy Battles:


I love their stories, and I think it's very interesting that I was able to integrate in a

Wendy Battles:


very synergistic way many different skills gathered.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


Time. And I will just add that in my thirties or my forties, I was always seeking like,

Wendy Battles:


what am I meant to do?

Wendy Battles:


And I would try something, but ultimately it wasn't it.

Wendy Battles:


And it took me until 54 to really feel like I'm truly living on purpose.

Wendy Battles:


And that's what's really different about this most recent reinvention.

Wendy Battles:


That's why I think of it as my best reinvention yet.

Wendy Green:


So I love how you tied it together, you know, because when I was looking at some of your

Wendy Green:


different reinventions, I was like, Hmm, where is the thread?

Wendy Green:


But I love how you tied it together.

Wendy Green:


And and your comment about finding yourself, finding your purpose or whatever at 54.

Wendy Green:


In all the interviews that you've done, do you feel like that's common, that we find our

Wendy Green:


purpose later in life, or do you think that's not as common?

Wendy Battles:


I think it's pretty common for a lot of people to find their purpose later in life.

Wendy Battles:


And for some of us, we have multiple purposes.

Wendy Battles:


You know, it could be it could have been that when we were younger, our main purpose

Wendy Battles:


was raising healthy, productive kids.

Wendy Battles:


And that's like a pretty important purpose.

Wendy Battles:


But I think that as people age, their priorities and values can change.

Wendy Battles:


So I certainly think that we can change our focus or perhaps we have a new purpose,

Wendy Battles:


something new emerges that we couldn't even see before.

Wendy Battles:


So I think it's a mix because I also know people who from the twenties have been so

Wendy Battles:


clear on their purpose.

Wendy Battles:


That was never me.

Wendy Battles:


I couldn't even decide what to major in.

Wendy Battles:


In college I changed eight times and it was sociology like you.

Wendy Battles:


But I could not figure out like, what can I major in?

Wendy Battles:


I'm a multi passionate person.

Wendy Green:


And I'm raising it.

Wendy Battles:


That's right. Yep.

Wendy Battles:


So I think it's it's been for me this journey.

Wendy Battles:


And I certainly see other women especially that I meet that are on a similar journey,

Wendy Battles:


that are searching, that are looking for that greater purpose.

Wendy Battles:


And I do think that when we get to midlife and older, we tend to have more time and

Wendy Battles:


space. We have more opportunity to focus on ourselves as opposed to more outwardly

Wendy Battles:


focusing on our job, our family, you know, what have you.

Wendy Battles:


So I think it creates greater opportunity if you haven't figured it out to say, I want to

Wendy Battles:


make me a priority right now, I want to focus on what I want to do and see what might

Wendy Battles:


we might uncover in that process.

Wendy Green:


Of that. And Wendy, I want to talk a little bit more about purpose.

Wendy Green:


Because some people think I have no idea.

Wendy Green:


I mean, what purpose is so big, right?

Wendy Green:


Like, if I'm not solving world hunger, then I don't have a purpose.

Wendy Green:


And I want to find out from you what you mean when you say you're living on purpose.

Wendy Battles:


That is the great question.

Wendy Battles:


And for me, living on purpose means living with joy, getting up every day and doing

Wendy Battles:


something that is so inspiring to me that I'm willing to make sacrifices to do it.

Wendy Battles:


And by that I mean I get up every day.

Wendy Battles:


Since I do have a full time job, I get up every day at 445 promptly, and I cannot wait

Wendy Battles:


to get to work on the podcast.

Wendy Battles:


So something to me that I and it's the kind of thing that I would do for me that purpose

Wendy Battles:


means I would do without getting paid like I love it.

Wendy Battles:


So not that it wouldn't be a nice thing to get paid to do it.

Wendy Battles:


I wanted to say that, but I feel so inspired to do this.

Wendy Battles:


I feel like this is what I'm called to do.

Wendy Battles:


I feel like I finally stepped into the light and I'm doing something that that's what I

Wendy Battles:


came here to do. Where are the other things I've done in the past?

Wendy Battles:


For example, even as a health coach, like, I enjoyed it to some extent, but I quit my job

Wendy Battles:


to do that. And then I was like, Oh, this is really kind of hard and I don't really love

Wendy Battles:


it. But I didn't want to admit that.

Wendy Battles:


I didn't really love it because now I quit my job and I don't want to seem like I'd

Wendy Battles:


failed. So I didn't have that kind of thing where I this time I have this knowing this is

Wendy Battles:


how I know it's my purpose. I have a knowing about it.

Wendy Battles:


And the way that I got to this purpose, Wendy, is that I have been asked to be on a

Wendy Battles:


panel at Yale University for one of our affinity groups, the future leaders of Yale,

Wendy Battles:


and they had asked me to be on this panel about personal branding.

Wendy Battles:


Okay, so what do I know about personal branding?

Wendy Battles:


I used to have a business. I used to do that.

Wendy Battles:


I was kind of boning up on it, and I started listening to a podcast called Package Your

Wendy Battles:


Genius. Which I love the title of it alone.

Wendy Battles:


Right. This idea that there is something that each of us shines at.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


Sometimes it's a matter of uncovering what that thing is.

Wendy Battles:


But I got so enthralled with this podcast I listened to, like all these episodes that I

Wendy Battles:


bought her book. She had a workbook, and I started answering the question, What do you

Wendy Battles:


love to do? What have you always loved to do?

Wendy Battles:


What gives you energy? What don't you like to do?

Wendy Battles:


What would you do if no one paid you?

Wendy Battles:


I started like really thinking about these questions and the answers.

Wendy Battles:


And I think the key for me about that process is that I got really quiet.

Wendy Battles:


Oh, I started to.

Wendy Green:


Write in white.

Wendy Battles:


You know, just cook in silence, clean and silence, just really being more with myself.

Wendy Battles:


So this really this path of self discovery.

Wendy Battles:


And it was in that getting quiet that one day I was meditating and I heard re and

Wendy Battles:


mentioned rebels.

Wendy Battles:


I was like, what, three invention rebels like this tiny little voice inside bubbled up

Wendy Battles:


and something told me, Wendy, you better write that down.

Wendy Green:


And, you know.

Wendy Battles:


Sometimes you get ideas and you're like, I'm going to remember that in the morning and you

Wendy Battles:


wake up in the morning, you're like, I don't know what it was.

Wendy Battles:


Right? Right. So that for me was the start.

Wendy Battles:


And I think that's what's different, too, about for me, living on purpose is that this

Wendy Battles:


really came from within.

Wendy Battles:


This was listening to my inner wisdom to help guide me, and it just sparked something

Wendy Battles:



Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


That was like, Yes, that is it.

Wendy Battles:


That is me doing this.

Wendy Battles:


And it has just been fantastic.

Wendy Battles:


I love it. So living a purpose?

Wendy Green:


Yes. What a beautiful explanation.

Wendy Green:


And I can totally agree with everything that you said there and that, you know, I do most

Wendy Green:


of this for free because I love it.

Wendy Green:


You know, I feel like the work that you and I are doing, Wendy, really helps a lot of

Wendy Green:


people find that life is not over at 55 or 65.

Wendy Green:


We can still live full, meaningful lives and reinvent ourselves.

Wendy Green:


And, you know, in my beginning story I talked to when we were young, what we left

Wendy Green:


behind, neither one of us could have thought about podcasting when we were young, right?

Wendy Green:


But we had this idea of being helpful.

Wendy Green:


Yeah, right.

Wendy Battles:


Yeah, absolutely.

Wendy Battles:


Absolutely. And I will tell you that, yes, I think that is one of the keys for me, because

Wendy Battles:


I've spent a lot of my time over the course of my even as a teenager volunteering.

Wendy Battles:


I remember I was my first volunteer job was the candy striper at our local hospital.

Wendy Battles:


And, you know, I've always been very involved in whatever community I lived in

Wendy Battles:


volunteering, whether it's direct service at a soup kitchen or being on a nonprofit board.

Wendy Battles:


But I come from a family where there's a legacy of service and giving back.

Wendy Battles:


And I really feel like what we are doing, to your point, is being of service to other

Wendy Battles:


people. And I think that's one of the reasons why this feels very fulfilling to me,

Wendy Battles:


that it's bigger than just me.

Wendy Battles:


It's really, to your point, helping other people see what's possible and right.

Wendy Battles:


I feel like you and I are a testimony to the idea that anything is possible.

Wendy Battles:


We can do and be anything we want to be.

Wendy Green:


I agree.

Wendy Green:


So a couple of comments have come in.

Wendy Green:


Somebody says to you, don't forget Kumba Collective, I'll speak to that.

Wendy Battles:


That's my friend Denise.

Wendy Battles:


Hey, to me, it's about I've always had this entrepreneurial spirit, even though I'll say

Wendy Battles:


I haven't always known what I was doing.

Wendy Battles:


But that great creative ideas and Denise and another friend, a mutual friend, and I got

Wendy Battles:


together with this idea because we were all creative souls and we started this this

Wendy Battles:


company where we would make these we would do a lot of crafting and make these things

Wendy Battles:


that I made jewelry. And Denise is an amazing milliner, and she made the most

Wendy Battles:


beautiful hats and Kathy made beautiful textiles, and we would work collectively

Wendy Battles:


doing this. So so I think in so many different ways we can express our creativity.

Wendy Battles:


And even if things don't work out, I feel like even when things don't work out the way

Wendy Battles:


we want them to, and it can feel very disappointing that it's not for nothing, that

Wendy Battles:


all those experiences are helping us get to that next thing or ultimately where we're

Wendy Battles:


supposed to be. Because from Kumba Collective, from being a health coach, from

Wendy Battles:


doing it consulting independently, I learned a lot about marketing and how to show up, and

Wendy Battles:


all of those things have really helped me with this endeavor.

Wendy Battles:


And the other thing I noticed is in the past I've given up really easily on things like I

Wendy Battles:


thought, Well, how hard can this be?

Wendy Battles:


Well, things are.

Wendy Battles:


More difficult often than we think.

Wendy Battles:


And then I would kind of give up.

Wendy Battles:


Like when I started voice acting, I thought, Oh God, this is so hard.

Wendy Battles:


It's hard to find work, but it's like being an actor.

Wendy Battles:


You've got to keep at it, right?

Wendy Battles:


You've got to be persistent.

Wendy Battles:


So all of those things have served me so well because this is something that I'm going

Wendy Battles:


to do forever.

Wendy Battles:


So I know have that much broader perspective in this endeavor to know I'm not giving up.

Wendy Battles:


I'm going to keep going.

Wendy Battles:


It takes a while to build your audience and to grow something.

Wendy Battles:


It doesn't happen overnight, at least not for most people, and that you have to just

Wendy Battles:


keep at it. So those are all incredibly important things I've learned from these

Wendy Battles:


other reinventions.

Wendy Battles:


Even if they didn't pan out the way I hope they would.

Wendy Green:


Yeah. And and that there's another comment here that really reiterates that he says

Wendy Green:


Steve says there's a lot of pressure to find our path early.

Wendy Green:


But for so many it takes longer.

Wendy Green:


The discovery journey can be exciting and it's so true.

Wendy Green:


So you mentioned creativity and I'm wondering as as the podcast host, right.

Wendy Green:


So you and I interview people, where do you get to express your creativity during

Wendy Green:


reinvention Rebels?

Wendy Battles:


And a lot of different ways.

Wendy Battles:


One in talking to people and being in conversation and asking them interesting

Wendy Battles:


questions. A lot of what I do outside of the interview, the actual production of the

Wendy Battles:


podcast is writing.

Wendy Battles:


I write a lot.

Wendy Battles:


I and I love writing.

Wendy Battles:


And one thing I was thinking about recently is that.

Wendy Battles:


Growing up, I was terrible at athletics.

Wendy Battles:


My my whole family, like, were were more intellectual people than athletic people.

Wendy Battles:


Like, my dad was the manager of his high school basketball team and I enjoyed was the

Wendy Battles:


manager of my high school track team.

Wendy Battles:


Like, I just had no athletic ability whatsoever.

Wendy Battles:


However, one of the things I uncovered, though, when I was in middle school is that I

Wendy Battles:


was a really good writer and that continued in high school when I was really good at

Wendy Battles:


expository writing, not creative writing, not writing short stories, but writing

Wendy Battles:


research papers, doing research.

Wendy Battles:


So my creativity was expressed in that way and that my love of writing has continued

Wendy Battles:


throughout my life and everything I've done.

Wendy Battles:


I've done a lot of writing and I've always been really good at writing.

Wendy Battles:


So one of the things that I do in this role that's very creative is a lot of writing from

Wendy Battles:


writing, writing posts on Instagram or Facebook or linked in.

Wendy Battles:


And I think because I'm open to ideas, coming to me again, being quiet and more still ideas

Wendy Battles:


come to me. So I'm able to take that little kernel that shows up as, Oh, this would be a

Wendy Battles:


great Instagram reel.

Wendy Battles:


And then I just have fun.

Wendy Battles:


Also being creative, like even making videos, I have a lot of fun just making

Wendy Battles:


videos, sometimes 15 seconds, sometimes a minute, but kind of be in this space of being

Wendy Battles:


playful with what I'm doing.

Wendy Battles:


I think that's a way to express our creativity because I know that sometimes I

Wendy Battles:


take myself, like, way too seriously.

Wendy Battles:


So I'm having fun just seeing what unfold and also thinking, Well, some things work and

Wendy Battles:


some things don't. Like, part of being creative is you're testing out things, right?

Wendy Battles:


What things work, what what resonates with people, what doesn't.

Wendy Battles:


So I'm having fun kind of playing with that with the graphics.

Wendy Battles:


So I think in a lot of different ways I'm able to express my creativity in doing this

Wendy Battles:


and and it makes it really a lot of fun.

Wendy Green:


It does make it a lot of fun.

Wendy Green:


So I have to ask you this, Wendy.

Wendy Green:


Sometimes I have found in my recreations my reinventions.

Wendy Green:


Some people have been a little bit skeptical, like, really, you're going to do

Wendy Green:


that now?

Wendy Green:


Maybe that's not the best way to go.

Wendy Green:


I'm wondering. Well, and I should say the other side I mean, other side, people have

Wendy Green:


been like, oh, that's a great idea.

Wendy Green:


Yeah, you should go for it.

Wendy Green:


So I'm wondering if you in your reinventions have had a champion or if you've had

Wendy Green:


naysayers and how you how you approach that.

Wendy Battles:


I approach it by having as many people around me that are my champions.

Wendy Battles:


For example, my friend Denise that is watching right now.

Wendy Battles:


We're each other's champions.

Wendy Battles:


We are each other's cheerleaders.

Wendy Battles:


We remind each other that we can do this because we something that's very similar.

Wendy Battles:


We are both multi passionate people with lots of different interests.

Wendy Battles:


And I certainly have heard people say before, well, you really have your hands in

Wendy Battles:


many different things, don't you?

Wendy Battles:


Kind of thing. The kind of thing that it's not necessarily like a.

Wendy Green:


You know, an.

Wendy Battles:


Overt criticism, but the kind of curiosity that's like, whoa, okay.

Wendy Battles:


Well, that's interesting. And it's true.

Wendy Battles:


I, I have an interest in so many different things.

Wendy Battles:


I would say that there have been some people that have been skeptical in the past or the

Wendy Battles:


kind of thing like, well, do you really think that's a good idea?

Wendy Battles:


Have you really thought carefully about that?

Wendy Green:


Wendy Right.

Wendy Battles:


Right. That kind of thing, which I think you know, I know we've talked about that, that we

Wendy Battles:


both have heard some of that in the past.

Wendy Battles:


But I think when we're living in this space of possibility and when we can find our

Wendy Battles:


allies, our champions, our supporters, and really surround ourselves with people that

Wendy Battles:


are our team Wendy or Team Denise or Team Steve.

Wendy Battles:


And it could even be having like a little mini board of directors, so to speak, for our

Wendy Battles:


dream, whatever that thing is, the people that can help you, that are totally

Wendy Battles:


supportive, but also can give you helpful advice or coach you or help you see things

Wendy Battles:


that maybe you can't see because, you know, you've you've got blinders on.

Wendy Battles:


So I think those supporters can also help us in many different ways.

Wendy Battles:


Not just cheering is on, but sometimes being a reality check.

Wendy Battles:


Because you don't have all kinds of great ideas. It doesn't mean I can make them all

Wendy Battles:


happen. And so.

Wendy Green:


Sometimes I.

Wendy Battles:


Need people to like, rein me in a bit too, which I think is also helpful.

Wendy Battles:


So truth tellers are also helpful, but in a positive way.

Wendy Green:


Right. Right.

Wendy Green:


And, you know, to go back to your comments about purpose, I think when I started the

Wendy Green:


podcast and I was having concerned family members say, well, can you make money at

Wendy Green:


that? And is that really the right thing to be doing?

Wendy Green:


I think the fact that I knew this was absolutely what I wanted and needed to be

Wendy Green:


doing it, it was I was easily able to say, Yeah, this is exactly what I need to be doing

Wendy Green:


and I appreciate your concern, but this is what I'm doing.

Wendy Green:


It gave me that courage, that strain.

Wendy Battles:


Yes, I love it.

Wendy Battles:


I love it. And I think when we're rooted in that belief, that self belief, that this is

Wendy Battles:


it. And even though I don't know the how yet, I know the why, I know why I'm doing

Wendy Battles:


this and I trust the how will unfold.

Wendy Battles:


I think that when we're in that space and we have that belief, it's easier to hear what

Wendy Battles:


people have to say.

Wendy Battles:


And your point, let it roll off us and not have to get defensive about it.

Wendy Battles:


Well, I'm doing this because whatever.

Wendy Battles:


It's just like, well, thank you for that.

Wendy Battles:


And I just know this is what I meant to do right now so we can write that simple

Wendy Battles:


acknowledgement of what they said, and then we just continue on doing what we're meant to

Wendy Battles:



Wendy Green:


Yeah. So from all the women that you have interviewed, Wendy, is there a common theme,

Wendy Green:


A common. Action or common belief that has carried people through their reinvention

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


There are a couple.

Wendy Battles:


If I had to boil it down, I would say first curiosity.

Wendy Battles:


There is a common thread.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


Everybody that I have interviewed that they are curious.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


They are interested in themselves, in the world around them in continuing to develop.

Wendy Battles:


So they're willing to ask themselves questions, they're willing to try something

Wendy Battles:


new. They are willing to ask people for help.

Wendy Battles:


Sometimes I think, right, we have to do what we feel like.

Wendy Battles:


We do it all ourselves. But they're willing to have what I call a reinvention dream team.

Wendy Battles:


People that are we're talking about.

Wendy Battles:


Right. Those supporters.

Wendy Battles:


So that's one curiosity.

Wendy Battles:


The second one is courage.

Wendy Battles:


There is this theme among women that reinvent themselves, that they are courageous

Wendy Battles:


and courage shows up in so many different ways.

Wendy Battles:


For each of us, it could be small courage.

Wendy Battles:


It could be courage with a capital C, right?

Wendy Battles:


There's the courage by choice, what I call courage by choice.

Wendy Battles:


When we want to do something new, for example, and we're willing to put ourselves

Wendy Battles:


out there. And then there's that courage when you're forced into something or you're

Wendy Battles:


you are faced with dealing with something that you necessarily didn't want necessarily

Wendy Battles:


do, but you, you find the courage to address it.

Wendy Battles:


So either way, they have courage.

Wendy Battles:


And as one of my rebels says, do it scared.

Wendy Battles:


Just do.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


Scared, do it. But right.

Wendy Battles:


We have to just kind of, you know, feel that fear.

Wendy Battles:


And just move move through it.

Wendy Battles:


Even if it means taking baby steps.

Wendy Battles:


Maybe it doesn't mean leaping off that cliff, but maybe it means just inching up and

Wendy Battles:


building your confidence.

Wendy Battles:


And as you have a little victory, then you it emboldens you to think, well, I could take

Wendy Battles:


the next step.

Wendy Green:


On my path to.

Wendy Battles:


So curious to encourage or to really big themes I see throughout the one other thing

Wendy Battles:


I'd say is self permission.

Wendy Battles:


I think for women especially, we put so much pressure on ourselves.

Wendy Battles:


There are so many expectations for us to do it all, which of course is totally

Wendy Battles:


impossible. But we don't always give ourselves permission to nurture ourselves, to

Wendy Battles:


create the space to grow.

Wendy Battles:


And these women have said, My dreams matter and I want to pursue that.

Wendy Battles:


So they really are giving themselves permission to go after whatever that thing

Wendy Battles:



Wendy Green:


Yeah, I love that.

Wendy Green:


So tell me what you have learned about yourself by doing this podcast.

Wendy Green:


I've learned so.

Wendy Battles:


Much. I can learn so many findings.

Wendy Battles:


I've learned that when I really want to do something, I can make it happen.

Wendy Battles:


That when I have decided that this is it, I'm willing to put in the time and effort,

Wendy Battles:


meaning I'm willing to get up at 445 every weekday to work on this podcast.

Wendy Battles:


So I learned a lot about that.

Wendy Battles:


I learned a lot about being much more organized about it because there are a lot of

Wendy Battles:


moving parts to producing a podcast.

Wendy Battles:


And it's not just the production of what is the promotion, it's the.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


It's the research.

Wendy Battles:


It's building basically a business, so all of the things that go into that.

Wendy Battles:


So I learned that I'm a pretty capable person and, you know, I learned you that

Wendy Battles:


sometimes you're using new technology.

Wendy Battles:


So I realized, well, I can learn new things and it things don't have to be as hard as I

Wendy Battles:


think they do.

Wendy Battles:


And that's been a really important lesson.

Wendy Battles:


I've also learned that it's okay to let go.

Wendy Battles:


Some days I have these ideas of all these things I want to do, but it's not even

Wendy Battles:


realistic. So I have you know, I have a limited period of time, right?

Wendy Battles:


And so I've I've learned to let go of.

Wendy Battles:


Not everything has to be perfect, that you need to get started to move.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


Because I in the past, I've been very stuck on doing everything perfectly.

Wendy Battles:


And between doing everything perfectly and being a people pleaser, those have been

Wendy Battles:


things that I think have been my Achilles heel.

Wendy Battles:


And I've been able to really overcome that with healthier boundaries, both for myself

Wendy Battles:


and other people, and letting go of this idea that everything has to be so perfect.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


And I will tell you, I think about that as I was listening back to some of my first

Wendy Battles:


episodes when I got started over two years ago, and I was thinking, well, you know, the

Wendy Battles:


sound quality wasn't that great, even though I had like a decent microphone, I didn't

Wendy Battles:


know. I didn't even know how to set the, like, the volume, the settings for it

Wendy Battles:


properly. But Wendy, I listen back.

Wendy Battles:


I was thinking, wow, you know, this was so, so wasn't terrible.

Wendy Battles:


But now it's so much more professional.

Wendy Battles:


And I see how I've grown just in my work as a podcaster.

Wendy Battles:


And that has been fantastic to see, you know, to look to reflect back on that and

Wendy Battles:


see. I've come so far.

Wendy Battles:


I really do. So far.

Wendy Battles:


So that's been that's been encouraging for me, to be honest.

Wendy Green:


I know. And that's a wonderful thing, as you know, an older adult to recognize that you

Wendy Green:


can learn all these new things and not just skills, but about yourself, you know, about

Wendy Green:


your abilities, about it's okay to not be perfect.

Wendy Green:


I mean, all of those things, I think, are so energizing.

Wendy Green:


I mean, like I was telling everybody about this show, the energy that you bring is it's

Wendy Green:


phenomenal. It's contagious.

Wendy Green:


I love it. You know, I want to be that.

Wendy Green:


Wendy Battles defines energy.

Wendy Battles:


Thank you. What can I say?

Wendy Battles:


What can I say? But you're right.

Wendy Battles:


There is so much learning as we age.

Wendy Battles:


And I think these words were freedom, too.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


Often lower, younger.

Wendy Battles:


At least when I was younger, I was so set on doing things a certain way.

Wendy Battles:


And one of the things I've learned is that there are many different ways to get to your

Wendy Battles:


goal. It's not always a straight line, and sometimes it is circuitous.

Wendy Battles:


Sometimes you run into obstacles.

Wendy Battles:


But I've also found, Wendy, that those obstacles or detours are always for a reason,

Wendy Battles:


and they always support me in the outcome being often better than what I might have

Wendy Battles:


even envisioned.

Wendy Battles:


So instead of thinking, Oh, I can't believe this, I really try to embrace.

Wendy Battles:


Oh, well, that's there's new possibilities here.

Wendy Green:


You did you have spoken about that before?

Wendy Green:


Yeah. And sometimes it's hard to embrace those things when delays happen out of your

Wendy Green:


control. So we have Ernest has asked a question and he he says, what advice do you

Wendy Green:


have for not just young people, but for all people wanting to take an example from you on

Wendy Green:


your reinvention Rebel Ride.

Wendy Battles:


That's a great question, Ernest.

Wendy Battles:


And I would say, one, don't be afraid to try because we never know what's going to happen

Wendy Battles:


unless we're willing to put ourselves out there in whatever way you're doing that.

Wendy Battles:


So I think making the attempt and trying, number one and number two, seeing failures as

Wendy Battles:


opportunities. I've had so many disappointments about things I've done.

Wendy Battles:


You know, there are things that have worked out really well, but there are things that

Wendy Battles:


haven't when it comes to like my reinventions.

Wendy Battles:


And of course, in the moment I was like, I can't believe this.

Wendy Battles:


It was disappointing.

Wendy Battles:


Sometimes it felt crushing because if you put your heart and soul into something, it

Wendy Battles:


doesn't work out.

Wendy Battles:


It's it's it's really you know, it can do a number on us.

Wendy Battles:


But I think wisdom is is taught me that I wish I could have learned this earlier when I

Wendy Battles:


was younger, that failures are opportunities for us to.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


And they're often what we need to learn.

Wendy Battles:


Just like people come into our lives sometimes and, you know, sometimes you have a

Wendy Battles:


difficult person in your life and you're like, Why is this person in my life?

Wendy Green:


Why? But whether it's.

Wendy Battles:


You know, a friend or a boss or.

Wendy Green:


You know, a.

Wendy Battles:


Significant other, whoever that person is.

Wendy Battles:


But I always think those I learned the best lessons from the most difficult situations.

Wendy Battles:


Not that there are lessons I learned from when things go smoothly because I can learn

Wendy Battles:


lessons from that too. But the most impactful lessons for me.

Wendy Green:


Come from.

Wendy Battles:


The challenge, the difficulty overcoming something, because it always builds my

Wendy Battles:


confidence. It always reminds me then, Wow, I can do this.

Wendy Battles:


I can use that to look back and say, Well, if I could overcome that situation, now I

Wendy Battles:


have a lot more wisdom and experience.

Wendy Battles:


I should be able to overcome anything.

Wendy Battles:


So I think those things to me are helpful is to to really try and to embrace failures or

Wendy Battles:


even just disappointments when something doesn't go quite the way we want to thinking,

Wendy Battles:


Well, how could I do it better next time?

Wendy Battles:


How could I learn from this experience and use it to grow instead of.

Wendy Battles:


I know we can all do beat ourselves up over it.

Wendy Battles:


I mean, I've spent a lot of time and learn a lot much love up over things, but I feel

Wendy Battles:


like. Wendy, those days are less and less.

Wendy Battles:


The older I get, the more I can have more better perspective to realize the world is

Wendy Battles:


not going to end. I can get.

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


This, and most things, quite honestly, aren't as bad as I make them out to be in my head.

Wendy Green:


Well, and you use good language.

Wendy Green:


You know, you you don't call things like failures and disappointments.

Wendy Green:


You you reframe them into opportunities.

Wendy Green:


And I think that's a wonderful thing.

Wendy Green:


And to be empathetic with ourselves, right.

Wendy Green:


We would never speak to a friend in critical terms of the way we sometimes might speak to

Wendy Green:



Wendy Battles:


It's so true.

Wendy Battles:


It was so where our own worst critics, no one that talks to me the way it's not for

Wendy Battles:


myself, nobody my boss, my friends, my husband, nobody talks to me in the way that I

Wendy Battles:


sometimes catch myself.

Wendy Battles:


Catch yourself talking to myself like, What were you thinking?

Wendy Battles:


This is crazy. That was a terrible job, you know?

Wendy Battles:


I mean, nobody else says that, so.

Wendy Battles:


Yeah, give yourselves grace.

Wendy Battles:


I think it's one of the most important things that we can do.

Wendy Green:


I do, too, as Steve.

Wendy Green:


That's great. He says he prefers the term second opportunities over second chances.

Wendy Battles:


Oh, I love that.

Wendy Green:


Yeah, I do, too. That's a good one.

Wendy Battles:


You know, And I can think of my podcasting as a second opportunity after my voiceovers.

Wendy Battles:


Yes, that's a great way for me to reframe that, Steve.

Wendy Battles:


I love that because that really is what it is like.

Wendy Battles:


I couldn't figure out how to make that work.

Wendy Battles:


And interestingly, even a few years ago, I was going to try to to start my voiceover

Wendy Battles:


career again and I just wasn't feeling it like I made a new demo tape and I just

Wendy Battles:


thought, I don't feel inspired to just make ads for people I, you know, or, you know, do

Wendy Battles:


that kind of thing. That wasn't my thing.

Wendy Battles:


But but this taking those skills and applying that to something that I can be of

Wendy Battles:


service to other people like now that is it, right?

Wendy Battles:


So second opportunity.

Wendy Battles:


Thank you.

Wendy Green:


Steve. I know.

Wendy Green:


I love that. Steve. Thank you.

Wendy Green:


All right. So I I'm wondering if there's any last things you want to leave us with because

Wendy Green:


this has been amazing.

Wendy Battles:


It has been awesome and I've loved it.

Wendy Battles:


And the thing I will say is that if you listen to the Reinvention Rebels podcast, if

Wendy Battles:


you're at all thinking, I want to think about second opportunities, I want to create

Wendy Battles:


something new.

Wendy Battles:


One of the things that you will get from listening to these stories is is a little bit

Wendy Battles:


of the how of how people did this.

Wendy Battles:


But really what you're getting is inspiration to let your path.

Wendy Battles:


It's hearing stories to remind you if Wendy can do this, if Mary, who started running at

Wendy Battles:


55 and at 72 is running in marathons around the world can do this.

Wendy Battles:


Well, I can have my own version of second opportunities in my own way.

Wendy Battles:


I just have to figure out what that is.

Wendy Battles:


So the possibility lives within all of us to create those second opportunities or first

Wendy Battles:


opportunities, whatever it might be, in whatever way lights us up.

Wendy Green:


Yeah, it's great.

Wendy Green:


Go check it out. It's on Reinvention

Wendy Green:


And you can.

Wendy Green:


Reach Wendy Battles.

Wendy Green:


If you think you have a wonderful reinvention story, you can email her at

Wendy Green:

: and possibly be a guest on her show one time.

Wendy Green:


Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy Green:


So, so much fun.

Wendy Green:


Wendy, thank you.

Wendy Battles:


My pleasure. And thank you.

Wendy Battles:


You is such an honor and pleasure to be here with you today.

Wendy Green:


Wendy Awesome.

Wendy Green:


Well, thank you. So just want to give a shout out to the Greenville Podcast Company

Wendy Green:


for their expert editing and production of the podcast.

Wendy Green:


So they take our live show.

Wendy Green:


Clean it up, make the audio just pop, and then we post it out to all of the different

Wendy Green:


podcast apps so you can find us on any of the apps that you listen to.

Wendy Green:


Podcasts. Also, I have what's called the Vitality Assessment, and it will give you an

Wendy Green:


idea of where you are on the scale of feeling completely full and vital or

Wendy Green:


completely depleted and then what you might think about doing to fill yourself back up

Wendy Green:


and certainly reinventing yourself, finding who you are meant to be is a great way to

Wendy Green:


refill yourself.

Wendy Green:


So go to HeyBoomer.Biz and download that vitality assessment, which is right there on

Wendy Green:


the home page.

Wendy Green:


Also, please check out Road Scholar, our sponsor.

Wendy Green:


We loved to support our sponsor.

Wendy Green:


So go to

Wendy Green:


And look at all the amazing trips that they have there.

Wendy Green:


And next week's story, my guest next week is a woman named Doris Blumenthal.

Wendy Green:


And Doris was adopted as a very young child, as an adult in her fifties.

Wendy Green:


She went on a journey to try and find her birth parents.

Wendy Green:


It's an amazing story, but there's more to it than that.

Wendy Green:


You know, so many of us.

Wendy Green:


Don't understand what it's like to be an adopted child.

Wendy Green:


And do you fit in or do you not fit in?

Wendy Green:


And why did my parents give me up?

Wendy Green:


And all of those questions?

Wendy Green:


So we're going to explore that with Doris next week, so be sure and tune in for that.

Wendy Green:


And I always like to leave you with the belief that you can live with passion.

Wendy Green:


You can live with relevance.

Wendy Green:


And you can live with courage.

Wendy Green:


And remember that you are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.

Wendy Green:


My name is Wendy Green, and this has been.



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