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Making Money God's Way - Winston Grier pt 2
Episode 116621st October 2022 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Making Money God’s Way

Winston Grier pt 2

Believers everywhere are concerned about the economic times in which we find ourselves today. Inflation is up. Crime is up. Housing costs are up. Interest rates are up. And money that last year met our needs and possibly having some left over, today does not stretch as far and, in some cases, is coming up short.

You want to have prosperity. You want to be able to give more to God’s work. You want to be able to live comfortably and provide for your family. But you don’t want to compromise your Christian values to do it.

Pastor Winston Grier’s calling is to help YOU, to increase your Faith, increase your inheritance from God and to help you unlock the Kingdom blessings for your personal life and business. He does this by helping you to keep a healthy “work-life” balance in accordance with scripture. He is also the author of a great book titled, “Making Money God’s Way.” Praise God!  He is also a Christian motivational speaker and business coach who loves to help young men grow up to become good men, loving husbands and fathers. Amen!

This is part two of a great, two part interview!

Let’s talk a bit about your book, “Making Money God’s Way.”

Why did you write this book and why publish now?

You share scriptures in your book to help guide business owners. How do you use these scriptures and what is one of your favorite scriptures that you share with business leaders?

In your book, you emphasize that we need to “count the true cost.” This is more than just seeking a profitable return on their investment. Can you share more about this with our listeners?

We all make mistakes. I know I’ve made many mistakes over the years, especially when I was in business about 30 years ago.  Can you share with us one of the biggest mistakes you’ve made in business as a business owner and as a Christian?

You have a chapter titled, “Be Indebted to No One Except to One Another in Love.” I know that sounds good – but many business owners are not operating that way. The mindset has been one of “business loans,” etc. Share some information about this chapter with us and how it can be applied to those just starting out?

Tell us about your chapter on Jira and “you are enough” and how that can apply to businesses today?

Pastor Winston, this has been so interesting. How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “Making Money God’s Way?” Is it on Amazon?

Pastor, you also help Christian to plan and start their businesses, according to God’s methods of operating a business scripturally. How can someone reach out to you if they are interested in this type of training and service? How can they get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, Pastor Winston Grier has, but God’s guidance, created this book for “such a time as this.” Who knew, other than God, that when he published this book, our economic climate would nose diving into the chaos that we are witnessing today?  But, it did not take God by surprise!

That is why He led Pastor Grier to write this book and why he is helping people, men and women just like you, to overcome the lack and learn how to “Make Money God’s Way.” Amen!

I want to encourage you to reach out to Pastor Winston Grier by using the links down below. And be sure to order his great book, “Making Money God’s Way” right now. Just click the link right there in the show notes and get this book in your hands as fast as possible. Even if you do not have a business of your own right now, the principles still apply. Amen! Order your copy right now, today.

Pastor, I want to thank you for taking the time to come on the program and join us today. I do appreciate it and I know that someone somewhere was blessed by your message today.






Book:  “Making Money God’s Way” – on Amazon

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