"No one ever started a business because they were good at business," observes Peter Santry of Fox Run Advisors.
To get around this issue, Peter recommends incorporating a business operating system to guide how you run your company. In addition to a vision, strategy, and structured accountability, your business operating system includes meeting structures and how to grow your company with controls. Peter advises that having a business operating system allows you to grow your company, institutionalizes accountability, and gives you the time to work on your business not just in it. Listen to the end for a generous gift Peter offers our listeners.
Show highlights
02:52 You don't get into a business because you are good at business.
04:06 The 3 things you need to keep your business humming.
06:12 Your business operating system.
08:12 The case for incorporating a business operating system into your company.
11:50 Profits flow from people, purpose, and having a playbook.
14:21 Learn about Peter. Email Peter at or call him at +1.203.921.5528.
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