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Mass Migration with Parag Khanna
Episode 3811th October 2021 • Charter Cities Podcast • Kurtis Lockhart
00:00:00 00:46:09

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Because of the pervasive media coverage of Trumpism, Brexit, and the like, it is easy to assume that the dominant sentiment around the world is that mass migration is a new and terrifying phenomenon that could upend the world as we know it. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth, and we’ve brought Parag Khanna, founder of FutureMap, to explain why. Not only has most of the world remained pragmatic about the topic, but mass migration has been occurring for decades, and although there are some exceptions, in the majority of cases, societies have absorbed the newcomers and the newcomers have assimilated remarkably well. Parag is an Asian-American who has also lived in Europe, and his personal perspective combined with the in-depth research that he has conducted around migration, sustainability, community, governance, citizenship and more, reveals a lot about what drives us to do the things we do, and offers a glimpse of what our future could look like.


Key Points From This Episode:


•   Parag shares his thoughts on why the US should (hypothetically) buy Greenland.

•   The premise of Parag’s new book, Move.

•   Two megatrends that are currently shaping the world.

•   Four potential futures that Parag thinks we are heading for.

•   Immigration policies in the UK, US, and Canada, and what these indicate about the future.

•   Changes in migration dynamics since Parag’s school days, and what is driving those changes.

•   The sentiment amongst European politicians about migrants that Parag has picked up through his research.

•   How societies have historically dealt with mass migration.

•   High volumes of migration that take place in East and South-East Asia.

•   Value that lies in having civilizational confidence.

•   Parag explains how Germany is breaking open the definition of what German-ness is.

•   A brief analysis of the migration situation in the UAE.

•   Primary factors which motivate the migration of Western expats.

•   The nuanced nature of citizenship.

•   Sustainability, mobility, and connectivity from the perspective of the youth of today, and Parag’s opinion on where these ideas emerged from.

•   How definitions of community have changed, and how they are changing now.

•   The important role that cities are going to play in coming migrations.

•   Parag explains what the mobile real estate phenomenon is, and what is driving it.

•   Why Parag does not think de-urbanization is a major trend, although it is being talked about as if it is.

•   Plans that Parag has for the future.


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


Parag Khanna

Future Map

Charter Cities Institute

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