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What to Do When Your Strengths Have Side Effects with Dr Joanna Bircher
Episode 972nd November 2021 • You Are Not A Frog • Dr Rachel Morris
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Dr Joanna Bircher talks about essential leadership skills and the impact of our personalities, motivations, and strengths on our teams. She explains why you need to act like a leader even if you think you are not one, and gives brilliant advice on becoming more self-aware. 

Episode Highlights

[05:54] You Are a Leader, Even if You Don’t Think You Are 

  • Even if you're a trainee in a company,  you have an impact on your team. 

[08:56] Joanna’s Leadership Journey 

  • Leadership is not about knowing everything. It’s about exploring new ideas together with your team.
  • A leader listens, collaborates, and makes good decisions.

[14:00] How to Recognise Collaboration

  • As a leader, it is your job to bring out others' opinions during discussions. 

[15:21] How to Develop Self-Awareness

  • You can build a much better team if you focus on your strengths and those of your members.
  • We must develop our strengths rather than our weaknesses. 

[22:26] Finding Your Strengths 

  • Being self-aware means that you recognise the good and bad effects of your strengths. 
  • Remember that the brighter you shine, the more shadow you cast.  

[26:41] The Dilemma of Hierarchy

  • No matter what kind of leader you are, power imbalance will always be there. 
  • When people are silent in meetings, the problem is often with your method, not with the people in the room.

[35:51] The Importance of Knowing Your Team’s Personality Profile 

  • Your team’s strengths and motivations affect their job satisfaction and joy in work. 

[38:41] Developing Active Listening 

  • Real listening isn’t just about waiting for your turn to talk. 

[40:58] Being Genuinely Curious 

  • It’s better if you actively engage with people and help them come up with an answer on their own. 

[42:35] Joanna’s Top 3 Tips to Be a Better Leader

  • Genuinely believe that you're not the person with the best idea.
  • Learn how to listen and continue to practise it.
  • Everybody in the room with you has their own ideas. 

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