On this episode are joined by Alyssa Phillips, an occupational therapist who has spent a large majority of her clinical practice and research on how patients perceive pain and the relationship between psychological factors and pain. On this episode, she shares with us the importance of recognizing how psychological factors can have an effect on our patient’s recovery. She also shares strategies for maximizing our patient’s functional outcomes while addressing their pain.
Guest bio:
Alyssa L. Phillips, CScD, MOT, OTR/L
Alyssa graduated from Saint Francis University with her Masters of Occupational therapy and later with her Doctorate in Clinical Science from the University of Pittsburgh, focusing on adolescent pain management. Alyssa brings a unique background with an undergraduate degree in psychology to her practice as an occupational therapist. For the last six years, she has worked in a variety of clinical settings including: upper extremity, chronic pain, neurological, work & industry, and pediatrics. Currently, Alyssa is the Clinical Education Coordinator and an assistant professor at Pacific University.