Mamas! Managing multiple responsibilities can be challenging, especially for working moms who juggle a main job, a side hustle, and taking care of your family. Balancing all these responsibilities can be overwhelming, but with a few strategies and tips, it's possible to achieve a balance that works for you.
Prioritizing and setting clear goals, creating a schedule, learning to say no, delegating and outsourcing tasks, practicing self-care, and being flexible and adaptable are all strategies I'll be covering in today's episode.
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Hi there.
HyperX QuadCast S:Hello, welcome to the Mamas Making More Podcast.
HyperX QuadCast S:I am so happy to see you today.
HyperX QuadCast S:In last week's episode, I covered the benefits that you can experience by having
HyperX QuadCast S:an online business as a side hustle.
HyperX QuadCast S:So, if you didn't listen to that episode, you can go back.
HyperX QuadCast S:Now, if you need a little bit more convincing, you can go back, but for
HyperX QuadCast S:today's episode, we're going to be talking about balancing that side hustle.
HyperX QuadCast S:And before I get into all the good juicy stuff in this episode, I
HyperX QuadCast S:wanted to tell you that I am going to keep saying the phrase main job.
HyperX QuadCast S:And what I mean by that is, a corporate nine to five job, a part-time job.
HyperX QuadCast S:And I mean, if you are a stay at home mom.
HyperX QuadCast S:It's just too hard to say all of those things over and over again.
HyperX QuadCast S:So I'm just going to continue to say your main job and basically it is
HyperX QuadCast S:meant to cover all of those situations.
HyperX QuadCast S:All right.
HyperX QuadCast S:Got that out of the way.
HyperX QuadCast S:So listen, managing time.
HyperX QuadCast S:It can be difficult as a mom.
HyperX QuadCast S:There's just really no two ways about it.
HyperX QuadCast S:And finding that right balance, the sweet spot between your main
HyperX QuadCast S:job, side hustle and mom life can be super-duper challenging.
HyperX QuadCast S:So in today's episode, I am going to be sharing with you some strategies and tips
HyperX QuadCast S:to achieve the balance these, let's face it, these monumental responsibilities.
HyperX QuadCast S:So here are some practical tips for managing time and
HyperX QuadCast S:balancing those responsibilities.
HyperX QuadCast S:First off, prioritizing your tasks and setting clear goals.
HyperX QuadCast S:It's really essential for balancing all of these areas of your life, whether
HyperX QuadCast S:it's your main job, that side hustle or that mom life, you really need to first
HyperX QuadCast S:identify the most important tasks that need to be completed, and focus on those.
HyperX QuadCast S:So here's what I want you to do.
HyperX QuadCast S:I want you to start by creating a to-do list that outlines all of the tasks you
HyperX QuadCast S:need to accomplish in all of the areas.
HyperX QuadCast S:And then once you have your list, prioritize the items based on urgency.
HyperX QuadCast S:So the most urgent being the non-negotiable things,
HyperX QuadCast S:those are time-bound things.
HyperX QuadCast S:I'm talking about doctor's appointments that are at two o'clock I'm talking about
HyperX QuadCast S:an exercise class that you take at the gym, anything that has like this time
HyperX QuadCast S:bound, it has to happen at that time.
HyperX QuadCast S:That's the very first thing that you have to put there, because
HyperX QuadCast S:those are really non-negotiable.
HyperX QuadCast S:Then you kind of move on to the less urgent things from there.
HyperX QuadCast S:And this is really going to help you identify which tasks
HyperX QuadCast S:you should be tackling first.
HyperX QuadCast S:And then what ones can wait until a little bit later on.
HyperX QuadCast S:The next step is that for all of the items without an obvious
HyperX QuadCast S:deadline, set a deadline.
HyperX QuadCast S:This way you create a sense of urgency and you can stay on track
HyperX QuadCast S:and cross those items off the list.
HyperX QuadCast S:Take advantage and incorporate productivity tools.
HyperX QuadCast S:What kind of things do you like to use to help you better
HyperX QuadCast S:manage your time, save time.
HyperX QuadCast S:You can use calendars.
HyperX QuadCast S:I have told you before.
HyperX QuadCast S:I love me a Google calendar, but I cannot run my life on a digital calendar alone.
HyperX QuadCast S:I also have a paper planner.
HyperX QuadCast S:Both of those things are crucial in my business and my life in general.
HyperX QuadCast S:There's project management software, huge fan of Trello.
HyperX QuadCast S:There's also a task tracking apps that you can try out, there's a ton.
HyperX QuadCast S:And it really depends on what works best for you, but these can
HyperX QuadCast S:really help you stay organized and just keep track of that progress.
HyperX QuadCast S:By prioritizing those tasks and setting really clear goals, you can maximize that
HyperX QuadCast S:productivity and really just be sure that nothing is falling through the cracks.
HyperX QuadCast S:It also ensures that you aren't forgetting to give attention to your main job,
HyperX QuadCast S:your side hustle, your main life.
HyperX QuadCast S:You want to make sure that your attention is being divided correctly.
HyperX QuadCast S:And then step two with this prioritization is to create a
HyperX QuadCast S:schedule and actually stick to it.
HyperX QuadCast S:But let's be real, you also need to allow for flexibility because life happens.
HyperX QuadCast S:I am a huge advocate of doing this at the same time each week.
HyperX QuadCast S:I personally do it, at the end of the day on Sunday, that's just what works for me.
HyperX QuadCast S:This could be on a Friday for you just anticipating the week to come.
HyperX QuadCast S:It could be on Monday morning, whatever works.
HyperX QuadCast S:Just really create that habit of doing it the same time so that you
HyperX QuadCast S:continue to be consistent with it.
HyperX QuadCast S:So you're going to create a schedule that outlines your work hours for
HyperX QuadCast S:your main job, your side hustle and all your mom commitments.
HyperX QuadCast S:And then you're going to assign specific time blocks for each
HyperX QuadCast S:general task and try and stick to that schedule as much as possible.
HyperX QuadCast S:Okay.
HyperX QuadCast S:So what do I mean by a general task?
HyperX QuadCast S:Besides all of those non-negotiable appointments that you already put in
HyperX QuadCast S:your calendar because you know at two o'clock, you have to be at the doctor.
HyperX QuadCast S:I really don't want you to micromanage yourself.
HyperX QuadCast S:I want you to create these blocks of time that have an overall task that kind of
HyperX QuadCast S:drives what happens within that time.
HyperX QuadCast S:But I don't want you to break it down super specific as far as, create this
HyperX QuadCast S:type of post or do this sort of thing.
HyperX QuadCast S:I really want generalizations like content creation or email
HyperX QuadCast S:responding, things like that.
HyperX QuadCast S:So it doesn't have to be like down to the minute what you're going to be doing.
HyperX QuadCast S:Because also this helps you cause you're doing the same types of tasks together.
HyperX QuadCast S:Your brain likes it better.
HyperX QuadCast S:So like I said, content creation, that is a task type.
HyperX QuadCast S:And then if you have your main nine to five job and say, you want to set
HyperX QuadCast S:aside 45 minutes at your lunchtime to work on your side hustle, you
HyperX QuadCast S:want to put that on your calendar to help you stay accountable to that.
HyperX QuadCast S:If you're a stay at home, mom and your kids have a kind of typical nap time.
HyperX QuadCast S:And that's when you're going to be working on your side hustle,
HyperX QuadCast S:put that on your calendar as well.
HyperX QuadCast S:So when you're creating your schedule, it's really important
HyperX QuadCast S:to be realistic about the time that you need for those tasks.
HyperX QuadCast S:Especially the tasks that are time bound.
HyperX QuadCast S:You want to be sure to include all that time that's involved.
HyperX QuadCast S:You want to include the drive time.
HyperX QuadCast S:You want to include the estimated time that you'll be in the office.
HyperX QuadCast S:So say you're going to that two o'clock doctor's appointment.
HyperX QuadCast S:You want the drive time there, you want the drive time back.
HyperX QuadCast S:If you think you might be having to pick up a prescription, you want to put that
HyperX QuadCast S:in there, that helps you really see what's realistic in your upcoming schedule.
HyperX QuadCast S:And just in general with kids, it's important just to have a lot of
HyperX QuadCast S:flexibility and make adjustments throughout the week as necessary.
HyperX QuadCast S:I'm not sitting here telling you that your schedule has to be a strict schedule.
HyperX QuadCast S:We're moms it's not going to be, it has to be flexible.
HyperX QuadCast S:Don't forget about giving yourself breaks and time for self care.
HyperX QuadCast S:Taking breaks throughout the day, it can really help you recharge and stay focused.
HyperX QuadCast S:And can help you reduce stress and overall well being, and let's just face it, being
HyperX QuadCast S:a stressed out mom is really not fun.
HyperX QuadCast S:These breaks are super important to help you stay at your best, whether
HyperX QuadCast S:you're in work mode or mom mode.
HyperX QuadCast S:Okay.
HyperX QuadCast S:Third, learn to say no, because boundaries are good.
HyperX QuadCast S:It's important to set boundaries and learn to say no, as much as you say yes.
HyperX QuadCast S:Avoid taking on too many tasks or commitments that they might overwhelm
HyperX QuadCast S:you and negatively impact your ability to manage your main job, your side
HyperX QuadCast S:hustle and mom life effectively.
HyperX QuadCast S:To say, no, it is a skill and it can help you manage your time and energy,
HyperX QuadCast S:and really it does take practice to become comfortable with, and that's okay.
HyperX QuadCast S:When you're thinking about whether to say yes or no, ask yourself if you
HyperX QuadCast S:even have the capacity to take it on.
HyperX QuadCast S:If the answer is no, it's okay to politely decline and leave it at that
HyperX QuadCast S:because no is a complete sentence.
HyperX QuadCast S:All of us moms I'm sure have felt that pull to say yes to
HyperX QuadCast S:all the things for our kids.
HyperX QuadCast S:Yes to the school asks and yes, to all the parties yes to just
HyperX QuadCast S:all of the things .You're not alone in feeling this pressure.
HyperX QuadCast S:Trust me.
HyperX QuadCast S:I learned a really valuable lesson from my divorce attorney, which is really
HyperX QuadCast S:weird in this context, but stick with me.
HyperX QuadCast S:She told me that my kids need a happy mom.
HyperX QuadCast S:And she didn't mean that life should be all rainbows and butterflies.
HyperX QuadCast S:What she meant was that my kids will benefit from me
HyperX QuadCast S:being the best version of me.
HyperX QuadCast S:So this is something that's just really stuck with me and become kind of a
HyperX QuadCast S:mantra and something that's really important in balancing my overall life.
HyperX QuadCast S:Okay.
HyperX QuadCast S:Number four is to delegate and outsource.
HyperX QuadCast S:Don't be afraid to delegate or outsource tasks that can be done by other people.
HyperX QuadCast S:For example, if you have a side hustle that requires email marketing and you
HyperX QuadCast S:hate writing emails, consider hiring someone to write those emails for you.
HyperX QuadCast S:You can also delegate some of the mom stuff.
HyperX QuadCast S:Maybe you hate the time suck of doing laundry.
HyperX QuadCast S:So you think about hiring a laundry service to take it over.
HyperX QuadCast S:So when it comes to your side hustle or your mom life, think about those
HyperX QuadCast S:areas that are time sucks or you just playing don't like and consider
HyperX QuadCast S:whether you should or can outsource it?
HyperX QuadCast S:Also think about things that you can delegate to your partner or kids.
HyperX QuadCast S:For my business., I have my teenage son doing some of the website
HyperX QuadCast S:maintenance and things like that.
HyperX QuadCast S:My other kids, they're now at an age where they can do their own
HyperX QuadCast S:dishes and empty the dishwasher.
HyperX QuadCast S:So I've delegated that test to them.
HyperX QuadCast S:I don't empty the dishwasher anymore.
HyperX QuadCast S:I just leave that to them, and that saves me time.
HyperX QuadCast S:The fifth strategy is to practice self care.
HyperX QuadCast S:We talked about this a little bit earlier, how you need to schedule
HyperX QuadCast S:in self care, but I really wanted to touch on it a little bit more.
HyperX QuadCast S:I think it's important enough to kind of have its own number in this list.
HyperX QuadCast S:Exercise, sleep and spending time with your friends and family,
HyperX QuadCast S:they're all super important.
HyperX QuadCast S:Taking care of both your physical and your mental wellbeing is going
HyperX QuadCast S:to be something that's going to help you stay energized and focus.
HyperX QuadCast S:And just to have that better overall balance.
HyperX QuadCast S:These can be really simple things like taking a walk every day.
HyperX QuadCast S:And to be perfectly honest, I have a really hard time with self
HyperX QuadCast S:care because I always feel like I need to be doing something else.
HyperX QuadCast S:And so when I take my walks, I listen to podcasts.
HyperX QuadCast S:It makes me feel more productive for whatever reason when I'm filling my ear
HyperX QuadCast S:holes with business or personal growth podcast, or even just plain fun podcasts.
HyperX QuadCast S:I don't know what it is.
HyperX QuadCast S:It just makes me feel like I'm more productive when I'm taking
HyperX QuadCast S:that walk, and then I come home from that walk just more energized.
HyperX QuadCast S:Number six is to be flexible and adaptable.
HyperX QuadCast S:I have said this so many times to my kids.
HyperX QuadCast S:Also, my kids had the best kindergarten teacher and she would always say to them,
HyperX QuadCast S:thanks for being so flexible friend.
HyperX QuadCast S:And I just, I loved that.
HyperX QuadCast S:So don't be so hard on yourself.
HyperX QuadCast S:If things don't go according to plan, how often in life do they really?
HyperX QuadCast S:Instead, let's just try to be more open to changing our approach and
HyperX QuadCast S:learning from those experiences.
HyperX QuadCast S:There's nothing wrong with trial and error and figuring out how it's
HyperX QuadCast S:really all going to work for you.
HyperX QuadCast S:This is a lot, having a main job, having a side hustle, being a mom.
HyperX QuadCast S:It is a lot, and we really need to acknowledge that.
HyperX QuadCast S:All of these things, they can change over time.
HyperX QuadCast S:Right?
HyperX QuadCast S:Maybe your side hustle starts during your kid's nap time.
HyperX QuadCast S:And then as your kids grow and they start preschool, maybe your
HyperX QuadCast S:side hustle expands a little bit to fit into that preschool time.
HyperX QuadCast S:I know for me, my kids are all older now and they are all in
HyperX QuadCast S:different types of schools.
HyperX QuadCast S:And I schedule my work happens at home while they're in school.
HyperX QuadCast S:So you just really need to figure out what is best for you and your family.
HyperX QuadCast S:And if necessary, make adjustments, it is not set in stone.
HyperX QuadCast S:None of this is all, it's all adjustable.
HyperX QuadCast S:Figure out what is best for you and your family.
HyperX QuadCast S:And if it's necessary, make adjustments, tweak it, make it work for you guys.
HyperX QuadCast S:Alrighty.
HyperX QuadCast S:Those are my six strategies for having a main job and a side
HyperX QuadCast S:hustle and being a mom and making it all work and be balanced out.
HyperX QuadCast S:I hope you found these helpful.
HyperX QuadCast S:And if you know someone else who's dreaming of starting an online side
HyperX QuadCast S:hustle, would you do me a favor and share this podcast with them?
HyperX QuadCast S:Sharing is caring mamas.
HyperX QuadCast S:All right, that's all I have for you today.
HyperX QuadCast S:I'll see.