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Leaders Eat Last Full Book Introduction
18th May 2023 • Bookey App 30 mins Book Summaries Knowledge Notes and More • Bookey APP
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Leaders Eat Last

Leaders Eat Last Full Book Introduction


Some enterprises perform well in the short-term but, in the long-term, end up failing. While this unfortunate scenario happens to some branches around the world, other can miraculously grow their stock prices in over 1200% increase in stock prices. Why does that happen? What is the difference between those that succeed and those who fail? Many enterprises regard short-term rises in earnings as a sign of success, but overlook long-term growth and sustainability. So, how can we inspire employees with ideals of dedication and cooperation whilst keeping up with an extraordinary performance? This book, used as training material by top organizations including Microsoft, American Express, the US Department of Defense, and the United Nations, will open the door to a sustained increase in performance in your teams.


Author : Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is known as the pathfinder of leadership philosophy. His pioneering "selfish & selfless chemicals" leadership rule initiated the integration of human biology principles into leadership philosophy. Sinek also put forward other important leadership principles to leaders all around the world, including the “Golden Circle" and the "Circle of Safety". His leadership speech streamed on TED has over 54.77 million views, and ranks among the top videos of the platform.


Overview | Chapter 1

Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock the book “Leaders eat last: Why some teams pull together and others don’t”.


If you were to visit the United States Marine Corps, you will notice an interesting fact: the local restaurant has a different dynamic. Many organizations opt to serve their leaders or their top-tier employees before anyone else in the team. However, in the American Marine Corps, junior employees are served first, before the group of senior leaders, who are usually the last ones to get a meal. Surprisingly, there is no standing order which dictates this behavior, the habit is just a product of the strong leadership culture of the foundation.


Exceptional leaders genuinely care about their employees, as they understand that they are the ones who put the power in their hands. Good leaders put others before themselves, sacrifice personal interests, and advance the interests of the organization, gaining true respect from their peers and strengthening their leadership as a consequence.


The principle of "leaders eat last" is not only applicable to the Marines. If typical enterprises or organizations can blend this concept into their own corporate cultures, they will also be capable of building and sustaining a well-motivated team. However, in reality, we will see that the "kick the cat" effect often exists in many companies. The term “kick the cat” refers to a chain reaction where those who rank higher in a company vent dissatisfaction to people – or employees - considered inferior. When the upper-level group of employees of an enterprise is under extreme pressure in an enterprise, they tend to pass the pressure to the middle level workers. Following the cycle, the pressure will then end in the group of employees with the lowest level of knowledge. When this group is under duress, working becomes a burden for them. The entire working environment becomes a "pressure barrel", where the employees at the bottom of the “barrel” feel exhausted and suffocated. The results are clear-cut: loss of employees and following company crises.


How can an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy revitalize its fortune? How can leaders inspire employees' passion for work? How can we functionally improve a company's efficiency? The book "Leaders Eat Last" offers fascinating insights about the creation of a winning company culture and helps people to become outstanding leaders.


As the best training material for team management, this book integrates base human survival principles into leadership philosophy. The "selfish & selfless chemicals" leadership rule tells readers how to establish a "Circle of Safety" that leads the way to a sense of security. This “circle” is powerful enough to inspire employees with ideals of dedication, cooperation, promoting stronger and more effective team performance. The author, Simon Sinek, believes that positive long-term outcomes can only be achieved when members of an organization share common values and are sincerely respected in their work environment. Even in the face of adversity, a team in a “Circle of Safety” will eventually overcome obstacles, increasing the business’ chances of survival.


Next, we will take a look at the upcoming three parts:


Part One: How to improve team cohesion and create a "Circle of Safety"


Part Two: How to relieve employees' stresses and maintain the "circle of safety"


Part Three: How to safeguard the "Circle of Safety" in the face of challenges and temptations



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