Today on Butterfly Kisses we welcome Psychic Medium, Jessica Mangum! Jessica is a psychic medium, intuitive, teacher, Spiritual Guide, and mentor. She helps people on their life journey by connecting to their authentic selves, understand their divine gifts, and heal traumas from this lifetime and others.
She also works with spirits who need help crossing over into the hereafter and helps people connect with loved ones who have passed.
Learn how Jessica came to accept her unique "gifts" and how she manages life as an intuitive, psychic, medium, wife, and mother.
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Hello, and Welcome to another episode of Butterfly Kisses, a Journey of Spiritual Transformation. I am here today with my good friend and mentor Jessica Mangum. She is here to tell us about her spiritual journey as a mentor, mystic, healer and medium. I actually met Jessica, several years ago now through her dog. Maybe we'll talk about that a little bit. But her dog actually escorted me to Jessica literally, and would not let me leave until we actually started walking and talking. And then once we were together, she took off but and it's been a rather interesting ride since then. So Jessica, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself.
Jessica Mangum:You know, my portfolio has has expanded especially with provan. So what I do, I'm like literally listing off the bullet points. But I guess the overriding aspects of what I do revolve around helping people acting as a bridge serving people in terms of helping them to receive clarity wherever they are, I meet them wherever they are, really, I'm a teacher. I tried to avoid that for a while because I really like I remember like high school and college, I'd have to stand up in front of the class. And I would get, I did not like speaking in front of people. And I finally realized, oh, wait a second, this is actually what you're supposed to be doing. So yeah, and I mean, I guess I'll move into since we're talking about butterfly, metamorphosis, just the evolution of my teaching from you know, Masters in education follow following the societal, like, quote, unquote, norms of what a teacher is supposed to do into my realizing that through meditation and meditative practice, I can actually hear, which is what our throat chakra allows us to do here and see and feel energies that were coming to me. And I took me a while to realize that not many people could could actually do that. Or they could but didn't realize that that's what that was. So there was a whole, like, transition during that timeframe. And that, you know, I've always been able to realize, like a week ago, actually a me. And maybe I've talked to you about this, but from the time I was like, tiny, tiny, I can remember always having to pull a blanket up over like my head. Because we're a God, they would come and talk to me as a kid. That'd be like, get out of my room, like who are you. And I didn't realize that it was actually energies that were trying to speak to me. So to this day, it could be 100 degrees in any given room. And if I have just a sheet on me, I freak out. I can't sleep. So I have to have like a comforter on me at all times. Because the Comforter will keep me safe from all the energies that come and talk to me. Of course it will. So yeah, so I, I learned that I have a primary guide. And my primary guide had a masculine voice. So I knew it wasn't my voice, I could actually distinguish my voice in my head from that of his voice. And he could just tell me really soothing, calming, um, seemingly generic things. And I had to learn that, you know, when I asked questions, whatever he told me to do, I would do that. And it was always in the right direction until it came to a point where he said, All right, well, now you need to stop teaching what you're teaching right now, which at the time was English as a second language, and start teaching people how to move through their awakening, how to meditate, how to understand their own intuition who they are at their core, because people have lost that aspect of who they are. Because we're trying to fit into the norms, right? And so we we not I don't want to say we're all sheep, but we kind of lose who our unique aspects of self are and yeah, just get lost in that. So, I mean, it's very long winded way of saying what I do, but it's about private so I do intuitive readings. I do medium readings. I do mentoring mentorships my favorite. I do workshops. I do past life regressions. I just got certified in transpersonal hypnotherapy and I'm so excited I do holy fire Reiki and singing bowls and I use singing bowls on the body to help vibrationally align people and it's like whatever everyone or anyone needs. I bring it to Their table to help them open up so that ultimately they can move forward. So there you go. To do a lot. Yes.
Amy Cunningham:And you're a mom and a wife. You've got one graduating and one in kindergarten, right?
Jessica Mangum:Yeah. All my all my birds were about to leave the nest and and Chad my my husband decided to have a baby. Thank God we have. So yeah, she's in kindergarten, she's loving another. They're back in school and Mary's graduating, and she's going to be at Chapel Hill next year. So I'm excited about that. Very nice to love Chapel Hill. To love Chapel Hill. I think Yeah, I never been on the campus, but I'm sure she will. It's just fun to watch them grow. It's amazing.
Amy Cunningham:So what was the transformation like for you when you awaken to your gifts? And when you realize that you had a gift,
Jessica Mangum:I think, you know, initially it was. So let me again, I'll retrace I have to go back to when I became aware that I needed to do something meditative. And I used to get migraines when I was about 15 or 16 years old. And my mother was very much into meditation at the time. And she gave me a cassette tape. Some doctor that was just saying, you know, see this white light and watch it moving through whole body relax on my feet, all your muscles and the migraines started going away. And I realized there's something to this meditation piece. That was like the the initiation. My mom has always been the the catalyst I suppose. Which I hear is rare. Mostly there's like this year Oh, what? What are you doing? Are you crazy? My friend, my whole family is like, That's so cool. When can I come in for reading or whatever. So she started that. For me, she really got me started in terms of visualization. And, you know, separating mind and body and spirit and trying to figure out like who I was in time and place. And so then it wasn't until my late 20s when I married my now 18 year old who's going to Chapel Hill was about two and a half and I. So I'm not a stay at home mom. I'm a good mom. But I had her and it was like beating my head against a wall. I just I I realized I had to do something to keep my sanity. So I started meditating while she would nap. And that's when I started seeing real colors, vivid colors coming through my third eye. And I didn't know what they meant at the time. I was just like, that's kind of cool. And then I started seeing these like circles like donuts that would come at me and they get faster and faster. And then you know, 3045 minutes, and I start going through wormholes to like different dimensions. And I didn't realize that's what I was doing. I was opening up portals. And I was like, that's cool. Where am I? now. That was fun. The the tricky part. And what really threw me was when I then moved to Thailand and started hearing other voices that were not William my primary guide. And I'm not going to go into the whole story. But I remember the first voice that I heard it was like the first time I heard a ghost scared the heck out of me. Because with a ghost energy comes a sort of like emotion like an anxiety or it's like when you walk in a cemetery at midnight, you know, you're not yet a sensation. And this ghost this this voice is kept talking to me. And he said like, I just want to talk to him. Maybe he wanted to talk to my then husband and I stopped meditating altogether. So that part of the awakening scared me I was not expecting it. I didn't ask for it. But I had opened up the portals from doing the meditation. Yeah, so then I but the rest of the awakening was a very gradual, they were nice to me. When I say they I'm talking about you know, the powers that be that was very gradual. It was very much about becoming aware. And they showed me both the dark and light side that was a little scary. I'm like, I don't want to display anyone from doing this work. Yeah, most of it's just beautiful. So, but it can be challenging. It can be confusing. So that's why I teach it.
Amy Cunningham:What is or how is your views of God or spirituality changed as a result of doing this type of work?
Jessica Mangum:Wow. I grew up Lutheran. And you know, even as again, as a child, I always had this understanding that Jesus was right with me that there wasn't this like he wasn't on a pedestal somewhere way in the distance. And I know that a lot of the people that I work with, still struggle with that a lot of people. A lot of people do struggle with that in general. So I used to think of God. Let's just I like the Old Testament, that I had to be good that I had to be perfect that I couldn't make mistakes. And I've learned through various disciplines, including, as you know, the Course of Miracles, right that, you know, mistakes are just an opportunity for growth, that God is a loving God. And that he she is here to help us further our growth, because all the work that we do here is in conjunction with what they're doing over there. It's almost like they're like the, quote, the blanket of light and star energy that just helps us move forward and vice versa. It's really interesting. So moving from, you know, memorizing the apostles creed, or the Lord's Prayer, and like, making sure I said my prayers and doing everything I was supposed to do into understanding more of what I felt in a heartfelt soul and spirit level. That's how I see God. Now God's my friend.
Amy Cunningham:That's awesome.
Jessica Mangum:Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Amy Cunningham:It takes a long process, I think to get there because I was like, you I mean, I had or, like people that you've worked with, where I saw God is very judgmental. And he was up in the sky judging every move I made. And I didn't, I could never quite understand why he couldn't love me.
Jessica Mangum:Yeah, but you were perfect. Yeah, of course. You didn't make any mistakes. The God had nothing to judge.
Amy Cunningham:So tell us a little bit about channeling angels and spirits? What is that? like for you? How do you how do you when people hear that? What is what does that mean? Or how do you hear angels, glitzy angels that are talking to you?
Jessica Mangum:You know, I went from, like I said, the first voice that I actually heard was my primary guide. And then I heard my ex husband's grandfather talking to me got freaked out and then went back to meditation was told after some time that I needed to start working with people. And it was then that I began to understand and learn that all the different colors that I was seeing were different angelic, high frequency energies that were coming to share their energy with me. But I didn't understand that until it was explained to me. I mean, you just don't you're like everybody sees these colors, you know, and the eyes are closed, you see color, some people don't see color at all right? Yeah. But you know it. I think the first realization was that I, there were a couple things like I get all this ringing in my ears. And someone finally, I think it was my first mentor Gina Gina sprigs. When I get ringing in my ears, she's like, Oh, that's a download that the angels talking to you sending you information. And it just comes through like a, like a really high pitch noise in your ear. Because they just move that much faster than we do. We're like in slow motion down here. So that was interesting to me. And then I realized that around people of light, I'll see with my eyes open, like flitz of light. And those are signs that angels are present. But I think what really helped me was going into a meditative state, opening up my energy fields, or my chakras, whatever you want to call that. And then calling in specific angels for certain things and like almost shaking hands with them in my mind space, so I would feel them I would personify them. That always helps me because angels, in my understanding, really don't have a human form. It's just the only way that humans can perceive them. Right. They're more like an energy. So for example, like the Archangel Michael, who's the protector, I would call him when I'm going on an airplane ride. And if I needed to, I would channel I would ask questions just like I would with my primary guide, and get the answers that he was willing to give in terms of my trip or things that I should prepare as On nights. But he comes through as a like an ultraviolet light for me, and different people see him as a different color. And yeah, you know, Michael, so Gabriel comes in for me a lot because that's the Archangel of communication, teaching counseling, you know, working with kids. Gabriel is like a copper color but I had to learn all these colors that were coming to me which one applied to which angel or Ascended Master so when I see Jesus, it's like a gold rose mash color. I don't know how and that's, that, to me is like the Christ consciousness. So really, what it boils down to is observing, paying attention looking at like, Am I seeing colors? How do they feel? How do they even smell? How do they sound you know?
Amy Cunningham:So Angel, what do they do to people in different forms or different ways? I mean, if if like you see colors and I hear things Yes. So they will they will come to you. However, however you need them to come to you. Is that what you're saying? Yeah.
Jessica Mangum:So yeah, and just to kind of not get too deep into but delve into, you already know this, we all have different strengths. I mean, everybody knows. What I mean to say is, in terms of receiving information, invisible information, right? Like what we can't see here, feel touch, spirit, essentially. Each of us has a stronger gift. Like an energy field. For example, like I said, the throat chakra is the ability to hear the third eyes, the ability to see the colors, the heart would be the ability to heal or network and feel, from a loving standpoint, what they are, you know, the most of us, women in particular not to stereotype, but are empaths. So the sacral chakra being able to feel, you know, like, what does Jesus feel like emotionally, when he comes to visit? How do I feel emotionally? You know, that's really important. Now, how
Amy Cunningham:do you help people, if they're just learning how to meditate or starting to meditate? And they have a hard time with meditating? They can't quiet their mind, or they can't sit still long enough? How do you teach them to bridge that gap and actually go into a meditative state?
Jessica Mangum:That's the tricky part there is, you know, as a healer, I have to understand that whoever I'm working with has to be ready to heal. So I can talk and talk and talk about meditating. This is what you should do. And you know, sometimes I'll give quote, unquote, homework and be like, Alright, five minutes a day. But if they are not ready to take that time, because of all the distractions and feeling, it's, you know, moving away from that normalcy or being uncomfortable with that quiet, I can't teach it. Yeah, but when I do teach it when they are ready, what I do teach is to focus on the breath. So breathing in through the nose. And, you know, you can think of it as a coolness going in through nostrils, and warmth coming out. When I was in Thailand, a monk taught me that you can visualize it, almost like a cane or a candy cane, that going into the mind space all the way down to the root chakra at the base of the spine all the way up and back out. And through that visualization. When the thoughts come in, you can be like, Oh, I'm thinking, let them go. And then focus back on the flow of the breath. Some books, there's a book called Mindfulness in plain English, that's really good. You've got teach not Han, who's amazing. You have Pema children, they're all these different resources and Buddhists, and Buddhist texts and literature that are really helpful in terms of learning how to meditate, I always recommend to not doing guided meditation, because well, then, then you're listening to so you're that faculty, the throat shopper and your ability to hear his focus on what that person is telling you to do. You can start that way, but then begin by just focusing or continue by just focusing on the breath itself. So as a medium, what is it like for you to receive messages? Or have you ever received a message from a spirit that you didn't want to receive? Like I said, the first time that I realized I was talking to a I don't want to say ghosts, because that sounds like oh my gosh, like Poltergeist and Steven Spielberg. Like what movies would have you believe it? Dang. So I had to learn how to create psychic boundaries, meaning, you know, we have physical boundaries of people, which like basically is like no. Boundaries are the same, it's a little trickier because you're dealing with metaphysical forces that you can't you can't like physically tell, Hey, stop. So I work with what's called called a gatekeeper to help not mute but just kind of like set up the the timeframes when I would want to receive their energy or not even receive because I don't want to receive it. Finally can't hear them. Right. So there have been times that like, I can't go on ghost tours. The one that I did was you know, I was with my husband. And there were people talking to me the whole time. There was like a little girl running around. He wanted to sit on my lap, you know, like it's, um, it's cool but the same time it's like yeah, cuz then you kind of that energy goes with you, you know what I mean? So now what I what is it kind of like an invasion on my own an invasion of space face is because they're in my head right or not, it's not like they're taking over like Whoopi Goldberg goes, but it's just, they're just there. So I have to be consistently pure and clean in my energy fields that I don't pick up, they don't have anything that they can hook on or grasp onto, energetically. Anytime I've had a situation where I should not have been talking to that person, or energy. I've learned from that, because there are some energies that just we on the human side don't necessarily need to be working with them because they're either angry or they're they're trapped. Or, you know, I have got William my guides my gatekeeper to tell me who I should or should not be working with. So yes, I have had that happen to me where I've had someone talk to me, and then they got attached to me. And I had to work with a shaman to clear that, but it doesn't happen anymore, because I had to learn from it.
Amy Cunningham:Well, I guess that's how we, we learn and grow is by making mistakes sometimes, well, not necessarily mistakes, opportunities for growth.
Jessica Mangum:Yep. Other you known lately. It's interesting, me, I don't think I've told you this. But I've had a lot of a lot of medium readings where the the people that I'm tapping into most typically. So there's like layers of ascension, right and different dimensions. And I don't know how much you want me to get into all of that, because it's hard to see. But I'll try to explain a good book to read for those of you watching or what listening is Jerry of souls, by Michael Newton. And it was, you know, just setting in our course in miracles class and suggests I love that book is a great book. It's a great book. But it explains that that movement to and from the heavens back to Earth. I've had a lot of people that are kind of stuck in what I would call the fourth dimension, like they're, they're anchored here on Earth, they don't know that they're dead, sometimes like drug overdoses or suicide, those sorts of things. And I've had to help them crossover, which is a really interesting process.
Amy Cunningham:I know working in the Akashic records, some of the soul specifications that we receive is transitions, certain people have different specifications, and transitions is one of those. And that is exactly what that cell specification is all about is helping people transition in and out of the body, and helping them move on to an into heaven, the next round, which is it's really a really cool specification for for people to have. It takes a special talent and a special skill, I think, to be able to do that and to detach from it as well.
Jessica Mangum:I was just gonna say Wait, it was like the other stuff. It's it's like, sometimes they would throw stuff in my lap that I wasn't ready for. But I always met up to the challenge. So like at the White House, I found up talking to a ghost that was there and helping him ascend. He was stuck because he had been, he was trapped in the basement of this lighthouse. And he was funny, like he had this great personality. He liked blondes and redheads. So you would have liked you to remember that the tour guide was like oh, now we're gonna go see I can't even remember his name was. And she's like, oh, and he loves blondes and redheads. And I looked at Chad roll my eyes. I'm like, great. Here we go into the. And he did. He stood there right by me the whole time. He's like, Can you hear me? Oh my Oh, no, he can, you know, just like and he was just telling me things. And the next morning after we had left I you know, I figured I'd left that all behind. And he can't I was in the bathroom, of course, because they always show up like either on the toilet. Or they are just around water, right? The psychic conductor water. And he just started talking to me and telling me he's like I he was he was kind of crying. He was upset and he's like, I don't know where I am. And I didn't know at that time. I was like, Oh my gosh, like he doesn't realize he's a ghost. The ghosts don't know where they are in time and space. They're like literally stuck. And I could feel him and then he showed me this because another I mean, I love my third eye because it just I can see the stories and storylines and he showed me that they had been lynched in soldiers in Florida and I saw like their hats I saw they were wearing Navy I saw like their you know, the beard things that Elvis? What do you call that sideburns had to have like, and he had like a bottle of some sort. I think it was like whiskey scotch whiskey. And he was drunk and I could see him spewing. I mean, I saw in such detail and they kill them and he's like, I gotta get that man. I'm like that man's dead. He didn't even know that the man had died. He was stuck because he hadn't let go of that resentment. He wanted revenge. Oh, and so when you know a ghost or an enemy DJI is holding on to something that they need to try to resolve in this plane. They literally cannot go there like anchor here. So I had to ask William because I'm, I'm still on the toilet like, Okay, well in my bathroom. But I could see he wasn't in the bathroom but I can see him still in the light house and William walk me through. He said, Just tell him to raise his energy upward go towards the light. He's where's the light? And I had to explain, like, go out the window or go this way. I'm like, do you see the window to the right, so I was William was showing me what was happening. And then I watched the whole thing. And he was gone. I didn't hear from him again. Wow. And that was that was the first time I did that. On the toilet. in Pensacola, Florida. Right. You freaking in the bathroom? In the bathroom always in the bathroom? was in the bathroom? Yes.
Amy Cunningham:So what happens? What is it? Like when you tell people that you're a medium?
Jessica Mangum:You know, it's it's an interesting question, because for a while, I was very careful about who I would share that with. And now I've just come to grips with the fact that I'm a medium. I think there was a part of me that that work is really hard. It's a lot of emotional, it's heavy. You know, because you're working with people humans, and feeling the energies of their, you know, whoever is that they're looking for the parents, their loved one or whoever. So it's, it's a, it requires a lot more energy to do that type of a reading. So for a while, I didn't say I was a medium because I didn't want to do medium readings. But then, then Williams, like, you know, this really isn't about you. I was like I yeah, that's right.
People need help.lately. I would say since since COVID. Since I've done my hermit thing. I've just I've come out of the quote unquote, proverbial closet to just say like, yeah, I'm a medium. I'm a mentor, I teach intuitive guidance. And I don't really care who my audience is who I'm talking to, there's some people that that I probably wouldn't mention it to, it just wouldn't make any sense. It wouldn't make any difference. So I'd say I teach meditation a lot easier. And I don't need to go into like, elaborate like, and this and this and, you know, so I own it now.
Amy Cunningham:That's awesome. Yeah. And we can own our, our authentic selves and step into our authentic power. Can you tell us a little bit more about the past life regression and what you do there?
Jessica Mangum:That's my favorite. It is so healing. I mean, I spent my whole life in counseling. I, I'll just say I grew up in an alcoholic household. So I mean, everyone's recovering now. So my family and I are very, very close. I think as a result of what we witness together, but I will say that the past life work that I have done on myself as well as on other people is oh my it's just incomparable. So the the healing that comes from so you want to identify like who who Chuck was another lifetime to figure out why you guys bigger or whatever. I mean, I don't know if even bigger now but you're married so to see par for the course. Right?
Amy Cunningham:He Bickers I'm perfect, you know.
Jessica Mangum:So you could go back and literally see what the relationship was like, or go back and see the role that they played and why there might be like a power struggle, or, you know, at one point, I went and looked at the lifetimes that I've had with my sister, if she's watching this, I'll be like, well, what was it? What did they say? But I was able to see why there was, you know, there was a little bit of friction between the two of us where that came from, and then how to heal. And I think that's the most important part. So you don't just see it, and then you're like, oh, that stinks. And you come back, it's like, you go see what happens, you feel it, you are immersed in the situation and scenario with that person or persons, and then you and then you heal it with your guides, you literally go up, you ascend. Now you don't die in a sense, we just clarify. But you can go home to your version of what the heavens are, meet with your guide, have a conversation asked what the purpose of that lifetime was and what you were learning, and then what you can be what you can bring with you and your toolkit moving forward. So, you know, regular therapy is helpful, but to me, having experienced it my whole life, it was just a reiteration of all the quote unquote, problems that I had. Yeah. And I really resolved it was like healing anything. I was becoming aware. But it's almost like with the past life regression, you have to go back to what I would call the shadow like what is the origin of this trauma or the situation or this relationship? And what do I need to do to mend that so it's, it is my favorite, the past life regression, the current life regression like a Ah regression, super powerful and ancestral regression. I'm working on a program to teach and help people with that as well.
Amy Cunningham:That's one of the things I love the Akashic records for is because you can go back into past lives and you can figure out where the root cause of situations comes from, because it's all about the book of life and the book of remembrance. So that's very similar to what you're doing. Yeah. Which is very healing and it's actually healed a lot for me as well. Well tell us how our audience can find you if they want to work with you on a mentor mentee relationship, or even get a mediumship reading or past life regression therapy session. How would they get in touch with you? Where can they find you,
Jessica Mangum:or even intuitive guidance or Reiki or singing bowls? Whatever kind of spiritual, you need, just like any anyways, you need to heal. So my webpage is Jessica mangum calm. And I'm on Facebook, your spiritual Pathfinder. And I can't remember my social media is not my schpeel I think my Instagram is at Jessica mangum y s like Sam p like Paul. Pretty sure that's it. But if you look up Jessica mangum, it's there. But definitely the website. I just revamped it. There's a meditation that you can download. When you download the meditation, you can receive my newsletters.
Amy Cunningham:Well, I will make sure to add all of that also in the show notes so that they can be there. But is there anything that you would like to add?
Jessica Mangum:About You know, but I just I'm so glad you're doing this. Because y'all when I met Amy she was a hot mess. She was like, well, the Bible says, I was like, Oh, well, let's, let's let's look at it from a different angle. And now here you are. I mean, this is perfect butterfly kisses, just the metamorphosis and the symbology behind it. And it's just, you know, the spirituality is not so taboo anymore. And my is my goal is for it not to be so woowoo it's just something that we can participate in on a consistent basis daily in our lives to make our lives better, to have better relationships to be happier to be grateful.
Amy Cunningham:So dude, well, yeah, yeah, I have. I finally believe we are these creators of our own experience. So we get to choose how we live our life. We're here to experience our divinity through our humanity. And that's how we, how we grow a grid. I have got one last question, boy that I've been asking all of my guests. So I've got to ask you as well. If you had one hour to sit on a park bench with someone and ask them questions and talk with them, whether they're dead or alive, who would it be? And why?
Jessica Mangum:Oh, wow. Probably Jesus. If I could physically sit next to him and just put my head on his shoulder. I wouldn't even need to talk. We just speak telepathically. I probably would ask him like, seriously, why did you go? That was really selfish, because you left the rest of us here to just kind of figure everything out when you already knew it. You know? So rude. You in that whole crucifixion thing? He's probably like, I kept trying to tell everybody but nobody was listening. Yeah, I'd probably be Jesus. He's just what a presence. I mean, you know? Yeah. It'd be him. I and I'm thinking Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, like, Who would I? I don't know. Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin. That would be an interesting conversation. You'd probably be doing them. Yeah.
Amy Cunningham:Very cool. Well, thank you, Jessica, for joining us today and sharing your spiritual journey with us. It's been fabulous. And thank you for always being my friend and sharing your heart and soul with me. And yeah, being willing to share your heart and soul with my listeners. And
Jessica Mangum:well, who would you sit next to you didn't answer that. I know, I'm not interviewing you. But
Amy Cunningham:I've actually answered it before on a couple other Jesus would be a good one. Another one of my guests had mentioned Mother Teresa. Yeah. And I think she would probably be a very interesting one to interview or to talk with. And also if we're alive would probably be Oprah Winfrey. Hmm, I would love to just sit and pick her brain. Oh, and she probably love it too. Yeah, just because I think she is a very interesting woman. Very powerful in her own right.
Jessica Mangum:Yeah.
Amy Cunningham:Well thank you again for joining us and we will definitely have to have you on again. One day.
Jessica Mangum:I would love that. Thank you much. Bye bye.
Amy Cunningham:Thank you for joining me on another episode of butterfly kisses a journey of spiritual transformation. If you like what you've heard, please subscribe by hitting the subscribe button. This way you won't miss it when a new episode is released. Also, join me on the Facebook page at butterfly kisses podcast. Here we can continue the conversations we've been discussing on these podcasts and you can also ask questions of our guests as well. Also, if you're interested in learning more about Akashic Record readings, you can schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me on the Facebook page. Or you can do so by visiting my website at Amy Greg Cunningham comm again, thank you and remember, always spread your gorgeous wings my friend and fly. Until next time. See ya