Hello, everyone, it's your host, Earnest Mann, bringing you another episode that promises to tickle your fancy and maybe ruffle a few feathers. Today, we're ostensibly talking about astrophysics and the cosmos, with a nod to everyone's favorite astrophysicist, NE DeGrace Tyson. But let's clear the air right away – we're not really diving deep into the celestial bodies or having a chat with the man himself.
In a twist of events, I discuss how figures like Dr. Tyson, while knowledgeable and charismatic, may not always be painting the full picture regarding humanity's future in outer space. With a mix of humor and seriousness, I question the transparency of such public figures in astrophysics, comparing their discussions to serving homemade hot cakes and sausages – delicious but perhaps not entirely nutritious.
I take you through a hypothetical Q&A session with Dr. Tyson, illustrating how certain inconvenient truths about space travel and human compatibility with the cosmos are glossed over. It's not all doom and gloom, though. I use humor to highlight the absurdity of certain space ambitions, likening a trip to Mars to an extended, and rather chilly, vacation in the Arctic Circle – minus the Uber and pizza delivery.
Wrapping up, I argue that while dreaming big is part of human nature, there needs to be a balance with reality, especially when discussing space travel. I stress the importance of intellectual honesty, urging public figures and researchers to be more forthcoming about the limitations and challenges of venturing into the great unknown.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:18 what I'm going to talk to you about today boys and girls is everybody's favorite subject astrophysics with everybody's favorite astrophysicist NE De Grace Tyson we're going to be talking about our sun the moon and the stars and all the various ways they interact in our galaxy okay screw that I don't want you even for a moment to think I'm being serious we're not really going to be talking about all that stuff much at all and we won't actually be talking with with Neil deg Grace Tyson because there
01:04 are some things going on here that the good doctor fails to mention and I'm going to explain the reasons for that too most of you know who Dr Tyson is he's kind of like another version of Bill Nye the Science Guy and most people who know Dr Tyson I'm talking about through his countless radio and TV appearances not personally like him and what's there not to like he's very warm humble and charismatic sharing with us lay people some of his vast astrophysics knowledge like homemade hot cakes and
01:49 sausages and who doesn't like that yum but and I'll bet you could tell there was a butt coming what if I told you that Dr Tyson was being a little bit disingenuous with you concerning man's future role in outer space actually what if he were being very disingenuous with you okay I'll push the envelope just a little further what if I told you he was just out and out lying to you well you would probably want some serious proof of this and that's totally to be expected and that's totally what I'm
02:37 going to give you imagine if you will Dr Tyson doing a Q&A session after giving a lecture or some other form of public appearance just imagine for a moment questions and answers going something like this Dr Tyson you stated earlier that for reasons a b and c we cannot do blah blah blah which is the reason and what is the reason for that thank you very much that's a very good question we cannot do a b and c in that order the primary reasons are blah blah blah and everything would just blow up but we're
03:23 not going to talk about that right now that is a very inconvenient reality for this presentation so let's just move on to the next question Professor Tyson you talked earlier about subjects EF and G on how they would ultimately be incompatible with blah blah blah would you therefore care to speak on their relevancy well thank you again another great question all I'm able to say at this time is that what we as astrophysicists fully understand that our answers to such questions if fully scrutinized would be completely
04:10 nonsensical and redundant Because the actual answer is probably closer to blah blah blah and everything ends up going boom and blowing up I hope that answered your question oh my look at the time there are so so many of you out there with so many questions and I would really love to answer them all but I'm afraid we've run out of time it's been a pleasure being here and hopefully if you are attending the next stop on this circuit you may possibly get to ask your question and I will most certainly give
04:52 it the observed and intelligent response just as I did here with your other questions tonight thank you all and good night now I'm not trying to say for a moment that within his field by the established dogma and definitions of his field that he is not absolutely knowledgeable in what he's saying but what I am saying is that in relative terms everything that he is talking about concerning astrophysics and the universe is relatively meaningless and it is relatively meaningless on many levels and that is the
05:41 problem what he knows in his field is about as relevant to people in their daily lives as a research scholar a very well-paid multi-million dooll research scholar I may add that would go off to live in the Sahara Desert for the sole purpose of calculating precisely how many grains of sand in all of the world's deserts of all the world I'm going to diverge just for a moment to illustrate my point from a different perspective NASA always wants to have space travel front and center in the public consciousness just recently NASA
06:31 sent another Rover to Mars with a cute little flying drone which just recently could no longer fly with NASA sharing video of the poor injured drone with so much emotionally manipulative sentiment like it was a puppy and all of America as if on Q collectively was supposed to say oh NASA and every other space agency around the world knows pretty much everything there is ever to know about the Moon and actually as far as what is truly relevant is concerned the same thing goes for Mars I will say what I've said many
07:24 times before assuming we even could travel tomorrow and manage to set up some kind of very primitive life support structures it's much cheaper and a hell of a lot simpler if you want to know what living on Mars would be like to go live for a full winter in the Arctic Circle now while you're having such a blast at the Arctic Circle understand the temperatures are at least 10 times lower on Mars than the Arctic Circle so bear that in mind that happens every day day in and day out this should be just that one example
08:16 alone a very good example of the many negative realities of taking a long camping trip to Mars besides being incredibly resourced wasteful in case you get sick of the Arctic Circle and you will get sick of the Arctic Circle or if something seriously goes wrong you can fairly quickly and easily get the hell out of there which certainly wouldn't be the case if your ass was stuck on Mars and finally and I think this is one of the worst things yet there is no Uber and no pizza delivery service service so even if you
09:02 disagreed on anything else I said I believe my last statement alone should be you should be able to agree with and why I believe going to Mars is incredibly stupid and while there's a hell of a lot that's really stupid out there folks here's something that's definitely not and now an important message from from former president of the United States Donald Trump hello folks as you know I want to make America great again right now I want to speak for another true patriot besides myself Ernest man Ernest has
09:48 some very special items beautiful items most magnificent items folks and I would ask that you do your duty as an American citizen and get some of these items before they're all gone which would be a terrible thing a very sad and terrible thing folks as your former president I call upon you let's make America an Earnest man great again so why won't NASA shut the hell up about it for the same reason that Dr Tyson won't shut up about about space and the cosmos money if Dr Tyson and the scientists at
10:37 Nasa were being completely honest most of the research taking place would stop immediately but those scientists and researchers love those big fat government checks and if you don't think Dr Tyson is above graft think again what all of these perpetually happy and excited grifters I I mean um the scientists and researchers already know is that due to a certain number of scientific laws and principles physics certainly being one of them it is extremely unlikely we will ever be able to travel into the far reaches of even
11:28 just our own soul solar system let alone deep space there are quite a few serious and honest physicist and space physiologist that can explain why humans simply are not in any way designed for long Ventures or being exposed for long periods of time into space as I mentioned earlier a a very condensed but accurate description of what happens is we blow up or turn into space mush and Neil De Grace Tyson certainly knows this but makes certain to keep his mouth shut about it if I may say this in just one more way it's one thing when young dumb
12:26 college students want to get together over pictures of beer and discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a pin or the technical possibilities of all the cool things that just took place in the latest sci-fi movie but when adults who have acquired legitimate degrees in science are sitting around and collecting multi-million doll paychecks for doing what amounts to the same thing but actually knowing full well there's no way in hell that any of this is even reasonably possible or for that matter even
13:10 desirable yet keep treating ignorant adults in the general population like children by Charis charismatically Charming them into hopes and dreams for just a bit more money I have a big problem with that no matter how pleasant or charming a crook is still a crook and a person doesn't need to go to Mars or have a degree in astrophysics to understand that you just need to be reasonably intelligent understand just how hostile the environment of space is to human beings and the intellectual honesty to share that with others until next Monday
14:00 or Friday this is Ernest wishing you peace and good things