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191: Know Your Audience And Watch Your Engagement Soar
Episode 19127th February 2024 • Burnout To All Out Podcast • Melissa Henault
00:00:00 00:10:43

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You’re growing in followers but your engagement is dismal. What gives?

In today’s hot seat coaching Melissa talks about understanding your audience better. It’s all about tailoring your engagement strategies to match their habits and preferences. She’ll discuss the importance of choosing the right power partners and knowing when it's time to let connections go.

If your DMs are full of tumbleweeds, this is a conversation you’ll want to hear!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • ideal client
  • reaching out
  • driving engagement
  • real estate
  • investing
  • playing the long game
  • diversification
  • delivering value
  • modern entrepreneur
  • content pillars
  • ask questions
  • value content 
  • business owners
  • networking
  • authority building
  • LinkedIn


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Hey. Hey. Hey. I hope you guys enjoy these, what I'm calling podcast shorts for my burnout to all out community. This is just a little peek behind the curtain of the coaching that goes on inside of my programs. We're bringing to you Some of the best nuggets and coaching I'm giving, within hot seats of all of our different programs, whether it's our LinkedIn Method Academy, our mini mastermind business basics all the way up to our higher level mastermind. If you're hearing some of these questions and you're like, man, I wish I could get my burning question answered by Melissa. Hey.


Guess what? You could be featured on my podcast. If you've got a question that you want answered and you submit it to my team and we pick it, we will bring you here to the podcast for our podcast shorts and, do a hot seat with you. Where can you submit your questions? Send them to team burnout to all out .co. We'll make sure we drop that in the show notes for our podcast shorts, and I hope that You guys find as much value in these shorts as our clients do inside the program. Need some effective tactical advice that actually helps you get results and makes a real difference in your life and business? You've come to the right place. If you're finding yourself here today, it means you're getting ready to gain serious traction in your business, rapidly multiply your income and impact, and you're ready to make it happen while living all out. Guys, I'm Melissa Henault, your trustworthy corporate dropout turned 6 figure business burnout turned happy and healthy CEO of a multimillion dollar online business, and you're listening to the burnout to all out podcast. On this show, we're serving up innovative growth strategies, simple implementation methods to put them into practice and action stimulating inspiration tailored specifically for the modern entrepreneur.


Let's dive in.


Hi, Melissa. Hi, everybody. I just thought I would ask a question because it was kind of related to Tammy's thing and a little bit of background is I was in the corporate world About 3 or 4 years ago. And then when I left and I had my connections all through work and that actually is my ideal client, Those people. And then I went into real estate investing and becoming an entrepreneur and doing all of that. And so now I popped back onto LinkedIn To reach because I really do think those ideal customers are on LinkedIn and not on Instagram, right? So this is what I've been find and I have been doing the reach outs And a decent success. We've grown it to about 650 now. My question is my engagement I find is not very high.


So like right now, the numbers are around 600, but if I do a post, I might get like 6, maybe 15 likes, Not very many comments. And this is my observation is a lot of people in corporate, I find Oh, and I don't really wanna generalize, but I have noticed That unless you are the type to say being that thought leadership and they're comfortable doing that, most people actually, They like to stay behind whatever, right? And they don't mind being LinkedIn, but they don't like to be heard. They don't like to be seen actually. And that is the corporate culture, right? It's all about the company goals, the company. And so you fall into that and you become the little soldiers. So then what I guess my question is, how do I get these people to engage? And number 2, I actually have not accepted some people that are in my kind of like real estate networking circles because they're not my ideal But those are the ones that actually are more engaging and more supportive. So I just wanted to hear your cake on that. Do I just Accept them and start growing both sides in 1 big one big thing or what?


Yeah. Okay. All great questions. Okay. Couple things. Number 1, remember that only 4% of users actually post any content on LinkedIn. Right? So the other 96 are watching and lurking. Your particular real estate business, are you is your main audience for investing.


Like or are you looking for residential? Like, what's your niche?


Yeah. My niche is residential. I do investing. So I used fine, but now I do development and I bring in vectors on so that they can reap the benefits of it too. Yeah.


Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. And you're probably already doing this, but I think that it's interesting because the average corporate American, Even those in the top tax brackets, a lot of them still have the ality of trading time for money and having their stocks and having their 401ks and their pensions with their companies. And until it's brought forward to them in a way that they understand, they don't see taking some of that money and investing it in hard assets is like a diversified portfolio. Right? I'm working through that with my husband right now. That's why we're investing right now. We're looking to build a home that we're We're gonna take out a pretty significant I mean, the interest rates are insane right now, but we can build it for 2.5.


We can sell it for 5,000,000. Like and so There's just it's the long game and it's educating corporate America that it's another long game. It's it's literally another retirement plan, like diversifying. Right? And you're probably doing that. But if not, I highly encourage you really making that a content pillar out there, really educating them on the value of it. One of the best ways to get engagement is to ask a question in your content. Right? So if you're looking for people to engage more, ask for their opinion. And you can go first, ask a question and then put your own kind of go first comment and embody.


Okay. And even polls are great too. People just love to give their opinion. The other thing you're toying with though with engagers in corporate, Mhmm. A lot of people are also just very self conscious about the optics of being active Yeah. On a social media platform during work person. Right?




So they don't wanna be seen hitting the like or the comment button at, like, 2 o'clock on Tuesday because they're not working. So I wouldn't take the lack of likes and comments as necessarily direct feedback. I would want more impressions and who's seeing it. Right?




And your question around the real estate network, it depends on If they're competitors of yours or if they're, like, power partners of yours. Right? Like


Okay. That's a good point.


So I would definitely connect with people in the real estate arena that are kind of power partners, that are kind of like gatekeepers to more opportunity for you. I would not connect with other folks in your industry, like aggregating investors for projects and stuff because you just don't want them poaching your network for opportunities. But you absolutely could benefit from your real estate connections options who aren't direct competitors, but more power partners that would support a engage in your content because then your pinnacles out to others first. Right?


Thank you for that. And I didn't think about it that way exactly. Like the service providers, like brokers and all of those things would be helpful and not necessarily Yeah. No. That's excellent. Okay.


Yeah. Yeah. Even the mortgage brokers, right, could be really great connection.


Like, they look for my business because they're like, well, she's probably doing development, so but you're right. Like, I mean, it doesn't matter. I kinda feel like at the end of the day, those are usually the ones that will probably I guess it's a little bit of that, what's that word I'm looking for, credibility when you've got other people that are, like, supporting your content and and saying things and Yeah.


I mean, I can even see you talking about, I'm sure you do this. Like, people probably have to be accredited investors to work with you. Right? Like, you can even concentrate on what that is, what it means, what it's doing for you. Thanks guys so much for listening in on today's podcast episode, and I can't wait for you to see my upcoming guest in the next episode. You are going to love this keynote speaker. Hey. Here's the deal. If you like this, please subscribe and leave a review.




So, again, come find me, melissa_




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