Everyday Exposures to Parkinson’s: Environmental Connections to the Disease (Webinar Audio)
27th March 2024 • The Michael J. Fox Foundation Parkinson's Podcast • The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
00:00:00 00:59:08

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The biology behind what causes Parkinson’s is complex, with only about a quarter of cases with clear genetic drivers. The environment – where you live, the air you breathe, the food you eat, the world around you – plays a key role in PD. Emerging research is showing environmental exposures to things like pesticides and pollution may interact with a person’s genetics and contribute to the disease. And there’s a myriad of other factors still being investigated, from the forces that drive your access to neighborhoods with clean air and water, good doctors and healthy living opportunities to psychosocial factors like stress and discrimination. In audio from this Third Thursdays Webinar, listen to our expert panel discuss the latest research and ways you can get involved to end preventable exposures and advocate for Parkinson’s policy.  

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The Foundation’s landmark study, the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative, also known as PPMI, is recruiting volunteers. Join the study that’s changing everything at michaeljfox.org/podcast-ppmi

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In 2024 alone, The Michael J. Fox Foundation awarded 195 research grants aimed at medication, mobility, medical devices and more to scientists around the world, all in pursuit of better treatments and closing in on a cure. Your support can accelerate this urgent research. Donate by visiting michaeljfox.org/weneedyou.



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