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The Body Knows- Part Three How to Live Your Dream series
Episode 1914th March 2023 • The Connectedness Podcast with Rev Karen Cleveland • Rev Karen Cleveland
00:00:00 00:13:53

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What does the body know? In this third part of the Holistic Approach on How to Follow a Dream series I talk about the body and all the ways it can helps live our best, happiest life!

The Body knows- it can tell us enlightening information if we just pay attention

Why does your stomach hurt? How about your headache? Lump in your throat? These are just some of the signs that our body gives us when we need to know something. But we usually think there is nothing behind it besides bad food or lack of sleep or any other myriad of physical reasons. If we take the time to listen to and learn what our body is trying to tell us, it can save us time and heartache whether we’re trying to achieve something or just living our life.

And it’s not just our emotions . . .

Our body has several ways it helps us and the sooner we learn to master it the happier we’ll be

In this episode you’ll learn the 3 primary ways we can use our body in pursuing our goals; it’s connection with:

-energetic vibration


-taking action

I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group And in the meantime, enjoy the show! 


Rev Karen:

there's no wrong answer.

Rev Karen:

It just means you're not gonna like it as well, or it's gonna take

Rev Karen:

longer to get where you wanna go.

Rev Karen:

It's gonna take you longer to find your purpose or to live your heart's desire.

Rev Karen:

But there's no wrong answer.

Rev Karen:

Hello and welcome to the Connectedness Podcast.

Rev Karen:

Just as you might have guessed, I talk about connection and connectedness

Rev Karen:

on this podcast, our connection with everything in the world around us.

Rev Karen:

Whether you see it or not, we're all connected.

Rev Karen:

And it doesn't matter if it's our dog, our cat, our God, our body.

Rev Karen:

And I'll also talk about some more abstract connections like our career or

Rev Karen:

our land, our community, our emotions.

Rev Karen:

Your body life is all about connection.

Rev Karen:

So the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we can have

Rev Karen:

an easier, more meaningful.

Rev Karen:

I will talk about these connections through different lenses.

Rev Karen:

Things like synchronicities and coincidences are just everyday

Rev Karen:

little bits of magic and miracles that we, we usually dismiss.

Rev Karen:

It's really important that we pay attention to all of this so we can

Rev Karen:

live an easier, more meaningful life.

Rev Karen:

So welcome to the show.

Rev Karen:

I'm your host, Karen Cleveland.

Rev Karen:

Hey, welcome back to the show.

Rev Karen:

In this episode, I want to talk about the body and how the body is really important

Rev Karen:

when we are pursuing a goal or a dream, or even just trying to live a better life.

Rev Karen:

I've talked about the mind a little bit in a previous episode.

Rev Karen:

Uh, before that I talked a little bit how, when we're setting goals

Rev Karen:

and we wanna achieve our goals, it's really important to incorporate the

Rev Karen:

mind, body, and soul in the process.

Rev Karen:

And I haven't fit them all together yet, but as I said

Rev Karen:

today, I'm talking about the body.

Rev Karen:

, the body has three ways.

Rev Karen:

We really need to pay attention to it and to use it in achieving our dreams.

Rev Karen:

So one way that the body is critical is in our emotions and paying attention

Rev Karen:

to our emotions and using our body as a navigation system for if we

Rev Karen:

should be turning right or left.

Rev Karen:

there's no wrong answers.

Rev Karen:

Even if your body is telling you to go right and you go

Rev Karen:

left, there's no wrong answer.

Rev Karen:

It just means you're not gonna like it as well, or it's gonna take

Rev Karen:

longer to get where you wanna go.

Rev Karen:

It's gonna take you longer to find your purpose or to live your heart's desire.

Rev Karen:

But there's no wrong answer.

Rev Karen:

So if we.

Rev Karen:

Pay attention to what our body is telling us to do.

Rev Karen:

It just shortens it a little bit and makes life a little bit better in the

Rev Karen:

process, and we feel better about it.

Rev Karen:

there's several ways that we listen to our body and what our emotions are

Rev Karen:

telling us, so that really, it's an emotional, guidance system is what it is.

Rev Karen:

If we learn to pay attention.

Rev Karen:

To what the emotion is and how it feels in the body.

Rev Karen:

Then the sooner, as I said, we get to either achieve our dreams or

Rev Karen:

just live a more meaningful, more happier content satisfying life.

Rev Karen:

So how do we pay attention to our emotions?

Rev Karen:

What, what does that look like?

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

. So let me ask you a question first.

Rev Karen:

Have you ever gone somewhere?

Rev Karen:

You might just be in the parking lot.

Rev Karen:

You might have walked in through the door of a place.

Rev Karen:

You might have made it all the way through the door, and you're going into a room and

Rev Karen:

all of a sudden it just doesn't feel good.

Rev Karen:

It doesn't feel right, and it's not like anxiety.

Rev Karen:

like this doesn't feel good.

Rev Karen:

You need to pay attention to that.

Rev Karen:

There's a lot of reasons why you're getting that feeling.

Rev Karen:

It might be because you know you shouldn't be there.

Rev Karen:

It might be because something happened before you got

Rev Karen:

there, you don't know about.

Rev Karen:

You could be walking through someone else's energy and not realize it, so

Rev Karen:

it's not always yours, but if it hits you and it lands and it stays with you.

Rev Karen:

you might want to pay attention to it to see.

Rev Karen:

When I say it doesn't feel good, , like maybe it's fear, you

Rev Karen:

need to ask yourself, is it fear?

Rev Karen:

Because I don't wanna do it.

Rev Karen:

I just simply don't want to, it's, it doesn't bring me pleasure.

Rev Karen:

It's boring.

Rev Karen:

Or is it because you're afraid of it?

Rev Karen:

If you're afraid of it, that is probably an opportunity for growth.

Rev Karen:

If it's, I'm just bored with it, I just don't like it, it doesn't feel

Rev Karen:

good, then there's probably no reason.

Rev Karen:

To move forward with it.

Rev Karen:

When we're not feeling good based on a fear that.

Rev Karen:

that is like, we're going to get judged.

Rev Karen:

I'm not good enough.

Rev Karen:

People aren't gonna like me.

Rev Karen:

That kind of fear is something that's going to allow you growth.

Rev Karen:

But let's go back to the body.

Rev Karen:

Let's go back to this lesson before I get too far off track.

Rev Karen:

You do need to pay attention to all these emotions, whether they're fear,

Rev Karen:

happiness, anxiety, you know, what is it?

Rev Karen:

, what's the basis of it?

Rev Karen:

, I know people sometimes don't know what they're feeling in their body

Rev Karen:

because they don't pay attention to it.

Rev Karen:

It was a long time that I didn't pay attention to the energy in

Rev Karen:

my body, I totally get that.

Rev Karen:

But there's ways to start learning and it's worth taking

Rev Karen:

a minute and paying attention to what we're feeling in our body.

Rev Karen:

You may have heard that when kids get a stomach ache at home, they

Rev Karen:

don't wanna go to school the next day.

Rev Karen:

It's usually because there's something going on at school.

Rev Karen:

Either someone is picking on them or there's a test that they have to

Rev Karen:

take, they have to do an oral project, something's going on at school that they

Rev Karen:

don't wanna do, so they get stomach aches.

Rev Karen:

That happens a lot and it doesn't go away when we get.

Rev Karen:

So, so they don't recognize as children, they don't recognize what's going on.

Rev Karen:

They just know they don't feel good and they wanna stay home.

Rev Karen:

But as adults, we can recognize that that's a sign of something

Rev Karen:

they don't want to do.

Rev Karen:

Same with us.

Rev Karen:

It's a sign of something we don't want to do.

Rev Karen:

So learning to pay attention to the signs of our bodies.

Rev Karen:

Taking a minute and ask, actually asking ourselves,

Rev Karen:

asking our body, what's going on?

Rev Karen:

Why am I feeling off right now?

Rev Karen:

It's really important.

Rev Karen:

If you're familiar with Martha Beck, she wrote a book.

Rev Karen:

and I, I'm not gonna get the title exactly right.

Rev Karen:

It's like finding your true north or something like that.

Rev Karen:

But she has a really powerful exercise in it, and it leads you through finding

Rev Karen:

a yes answer within your body and finding a no answer within your body

Rev Karen:

so that when you're filling it in your body, , you know if it's a yes or a no,

Rev Karen:

or conversely, if you have a question, you have a decision to make and you

Rev Karen:

don't know what to do, you can ask the question and then listen to your body.

Rev Karen:

So that's one way to use your emotional guidance system within your body.

Rev Karen:

There's another way, there's muscle testing and you can find out a

Rev Karen:

lot online about muscle testing.

Rev Karen:

There's a lot of people that work with it, but it's.

Rev Karen:

, it's allowing that the body wisdom, the divine wisdom that's within us to

Rev Karen:

come out through using our muscles and whether our muscles go weak or strong.

Rev Karen:

And of a similar note, pendulums are like body testing because they're

Rev Karen:

using the muscles within the body.

Rev Karen:

The muscles contain our answers.

Rev Karen:

So there's a lot of ways you can do muscle testing.

Rev Karen:

I'm standing right now.

Rev Karen:

. I used to do this in the grocery store all the time when I was picking up produce.

Rev Karen:

If I knew it was a good piece of fruit for me and my family, or not, you

Rev Karen:

need to go through the instructions to learn how to do it, but if I sway

Rev Karen:

forward or sway backwards while I'm holding it, it would tell me if it's

Rev Karen:

good for me and my family or not, or if it's ripe or if it's unright.

Rev Karen:

So, and that can be done with anything, you know, which supplements

Rev Karen:

should I take, which dog food should I buy anything in life?

Rev Karen:

Which car should I buy?

Rev Karen:

You can always use muscle testing.

Rev Karen:

It's a really good way to find out information that is, again,

Rev Karen:

there's no wrong answers, but the best fit for you at that time and

Rev Karen:

answers will change over time.

Rev Karen:

That's one way to use the body when we're pursuing our dreams

Rev Karen:

and want to live a happier life.

Rev Karen:

Another way to use the body is by managing and recognizing and paying attention.

Rev Karen:

to our body's energy vibration.

Rev Karen:

Now, I mentioned walking through someone's energy earlier.

Rev Karen:

Our emotions, our feelings have different energetic vibration levels,

Rev Karen:

and the higher they vibration.

Rev Karen:

The better we feel, the lower the vibration, the worse we feel.

Rev Karen:

So most of the things that we desire are on a higher vibration.

Rev Karen:

If they were at a lower vibration, we've already accomplished it and we

Rev Karen:

don't have to do any work around it.

Rev Karen:

But when they're at a higher vibration than what our current energy is, then

Rev Karen:

it's something we need to work towards.

Rev Karen:

This is where exercises like visualization helps to get you in the same energetic

Rev Karen:

vibration of that which you want.

Rev Karen:

. So it could be sitting down, closing your eyes and visualizing what it is you want

Rev Karen:

and feeling the feeling it that you want.

Rev Karen:

It could be scripting it out on paper.

Rev Karen:

There's several ways to achieve that, but it's a really important

Rev Karen:

way to get our, energetic vibration to match that what we want.

Rev Karen:

Then the third way we need to use our body in pursuit of our goals

Rev Karen:

is to take action, is the very physical act of doing something.

Rev Karen:

You can't sit on your couch all day.

Rev Karen:

And visualize and write and journal and do gratitudes and forgiveness.

Rev Karen:

You'll get somewhere you'll grow, but you're gonna have

Rev Karen:

to take some action sometime.

Rev Karen:

Actually, if you're not taking action, you're reading the emotions in your

Rev Karen:

body, they're probably not going to do much because you're not moving,

Rev Karen:

so you're not going right or left.

Rev Karen:

It's not gonna tell you to switch direction because

Rev Karen:

you're not going any direction.

Rev Karen:

Inspired action.

Rev Karen:

So you need to listen to your guidance, which is gonna come from the soul.

Rev Karen:

That's a different episode.

Rev Karen:

You're gonna need to listen to your guidance and take action on it.

Rev Karen:

What's my next step?

Rev Karen:

Right now, do it.

Rev Karen:

You need to do it.

Rev Karen:

, you need to get on your feet.

Rev Karen:

You need to make a phone call, you need to send an email.

Rev Karen:

You need to go visit someone.

Rev Karen:

You need to actually do stuff and a lot of the time, if we

Rev Karen:

are working on a goal or a.

Rev Karen:

, we can't do it alone anyway, we require input or assistance

Rev Karen:

or offers from other people.

Rev Karen:

Other people have to help us get what we want, whether it's a job offer,

Rev Karen:

a client offer, buying a new house, a career, a relationship, traveling.

Rev Karen:

everything requires other people.

Rev Karen:

So you can't do this alone.

Rev Karen:

So you also have to take inspired action and, and pursue the relationships that

Rev Karen:

you need in order to make it happen.

Rev Karen:

so those are three ways we need to use our body.

Rev Karen:

in addition to mindset that I already talked about.

Rev Karen:

Use our body to help achieve our dreams, achieve our goals.

Rev Karen:

And of course there's a lot more to say about how to use the body and

Rev Karen:

how to incorporate all these things.

Rev Karen:

But if you just start with one of 'em and just start trying something, just do so.

Rev Karen:

, it's going to get you further than if you hadn't done anything at all.

Rev Karen:

So again, either you know, listen to your body, listen to your emotions,

Rev Karen:

and learn your yes and your no or do some, learn some kind of muscle

Rev Karen:

testing, do muscle testing, figure out what your body is telling you,

Rev Karen:

and then work on your energetic vibration to match that of what you.

Rev Karen:

because again, dreams are at a higher vibration than where we're at.

Rev Karen:

Or we'd have our dreams by now and then get on your feet.

Rev Karen:

Take action.

Rev Karen:

Do something.

Rev Karen:

Talk to people.

Rev Karen:

Alright, thanks for listening.

Rev Karen:

I hope to connect with you soon.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head over to rev karen

Rev Karen:

That's R E V K A R E N

Rev Karen:

There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning

Rev Karen:

and happiness in your own life.

Rev Karen:

Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or

Rev Karen:

off the air, be sure to look for that.

Rev Karen:

Make sure you follow me so you get notified when new episodes drop.

Rev Karen:

And also I'd love to connect with you and my Facebook group

Rev Karen:

Connectedness with Rev, Karen.

Rev Karen:

So head over to rev karen




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