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111 - challenge yourself to be better
Episode 1118th April 2022 • Living Fearless Today • Coach Mike Forrester
00:00:00 00:13:42

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We have two choices - to remain where we are or to step forward into being a better you. Obviously staying where and how we are is the easier and more comfortable choice, at least at this moment. Yet, in the long run, it robs us of living and enjoying life, in the end, we're wracked by regret for playing small.

Decide today to instead challenge yourself to be better, not to stay stuck in the rut of your current life. Flip the script, rise to the challenge and change your life! What we often forget is that this doesn't impact just our life, but also the lives of our children and grandchildren. You have the opportunity to be the man you've desired to become AND to give the gift of a better life to your family.

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Why I bought it is that I'm working on doing ice packs. Now you might wonder why in the world would you want to do an ice bath? That looks absolutely ridiculous and fair enough. For some people it is growing up my mom because of her. Paranoid schizophrenia. It wasn't diagnosed at that time because she wouldn't go get help.

so the only option that was [:

Cool it down and take a bath with a sponge or a washcloth. Sorry. And so you can imagine how fun it was with those two options. And so. You know, you split it up between the two. Um, the great thing



And so. You know, it's one of those of friends who would say, Hey, this is really been beneficial for me. I'm taking these cold showers. And the first thing that would come to mind was like, Nope, not going there. Not doing that. I didn't care what they were talking about. As far as the health benefit, it didn't matter.

It was tied [:

And I worked it up in the cold showers with. Just going longer and longer, but I really wanted to take it beyond that because you know, my friends were talking about doing, um, you know, ice plunges or, you know, ice baths, whatever you want to call it, where you'll get in water, that's had ice and you just sit there.

The [:

You really. I have to think yourself into the situation. And there's no way to not realize what you're doing. Funny thing was, as I'm sitting down, I'm just like, oh my gosh, I'm far enough into this tub. It's cold. And I don't want to go down any further. And so I'm sitting there propped up on my arms on the side of this, this water trough.

he point, I'm like, I'm just [:

at moment of, of just being, [:

And we're right there and we stop, we, we just talk ourselves out of the possibility of. Of being able to complete it, you know, I don't have it. I'm, I'm not enough. I can't do this. Um, I'm not, you know, like other guys it's crap. And you know, today I went for just over two minutes now, was that where I'm going to stop?

apable of being to being the [:

No, is it going to make me a million dollars? Well, if it's not going to make me a hundred, it's not going to make me a million, not directly. Anyways, the thing is that it's going to help me get past my mental blocks. Those hurdles that keep me from moving forward and doing more than I think I can. Right.

ge. I don't have the skills, [:

When we start removing them, then we find out, Hey, I, I can do more. I was able to achieve this. I reached my goal. Then you can set bigger horizons, bigger goals. You can expand your ideas of what you want to achieve and your dreams grow as well. I don't know about you, but I played small. I lived under fear.

I just might as well have crawled up under a rock and just hit away. You know, that was, if I failed, I believed that I was a failure and that was something that was impressed upon me. I, in no way, shape or form, want to continue believing that nor do I want to continue living by that. So this for me is expanding my boundaries.

The other thing. The [:

en continue working on their [:

You know, they're not looking at us going, oh my gosh, you know, Like dad taught me that I can never do this, that if I fail, I'm a failure, none of that stuff, they see you being real and struggling, and that gives them courage, confidence in space to grow and struggle and work on their own stuff on themselves.

And so I encourage you to continue working, to become the better version of you to be the better you and create the space to give that. To your family. Um, so those that you work with to your friends, um, yeah. I just want to challenge you start stepping out to be the better you. Okay. Not something that is going to be easy, but it is rewarding.

e minutes a day reading, um, [:

Right. So if you're wanting to, you know, um, Move more weight, right? You might want to start out with just like biceps, you know, like doing curls. But the whole thing is you're not just doing curls, then you're doing chest righties. Our body is a lot of parts coming together. And so it's the same in life.

start moving boldly in other [:

Um, yeah. So I want to challenge you to. To be the better you take those steps feel free to book a call, go to and look for the buttons. And book a call and let's sit down and see what we can do to get you out of where you're feeling that rut, you know, just kind of, um, where you're not being the man, you know, you can be, and let's start talking to get you to the man that you desire to become.

friend have a great day. Bye.[:




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