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"The Great Exposure" (Part B)
Episode 424th December 2020 • The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib • The Kingdom Corner : MATT GEIB
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In this Episode taken from Ephesians 5:8-11 we continue  to discuss Not only How God wants to 'Expose us Before The World', but that he intends to use us,His Church to 'Restrain' or Hold back evil in the world, as we shine forth our Beautiful Portrait in His Light.

{0:43-1:58} Reading of Text Eph. 5:1-11

{1:58-3:00} As I studied this passage vs. 11 was high-lighted to me (reading again vs. 8-11) , this was revealed to me as an answer to the darkness, that is being "The Great Exposure"...

{3:06-3:31}   THREE Key POINTS so far 1) We are being developed in God's Darkroom as a beautiful Portrait, that God intends to show off to the world...2) Light is essential for exposure, Exposure is Birthed in Light....3) We are God's Treasure/Inheritance that is protecting in order to reveal this at the right time.

{ 3:31- 4:12} Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to share in the Inheritance of the Saints In Light.....the word LIGHT comes from the Greek word 'PHOS", from which we derive our word Phosphorus...also in scripture LIGHT is often referred to as "REVELATION" ( Greek= APOKALYPSIS)

{4:12-4:28} The Portrait,The Inheritance,, FELLOWSHIP with both God & Man,Light are all crucial for God to Bring about THE GREAT EXPOSURE He desires for this palnet

{4:35-5:00} Example of Moses & the right amount of light needed to expose a picture

{5:00-5:33} The uncovering,unveiling, revealing of a secret or what is hidden requires a Revelation

{5:50-5:56} Only in the Light of Revelation can our Inheritance be found

{6:05-6:14} Without fellowship In the Light w/God & the Saints this whole 'Exposure' Process will FAIL!

{6:14-6:36} a re-reading of {4:08-5:00}

{6:36-6:45} Since Light is so critical to this process lets look @ some more points for clarity

{6:45-6:53} POINT #4 Fellowship with God & His Saints will Increase the LIGHT you Have.

{6:53-7:38} Proverbs 4:18 "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day."  ...Your Masterpiece, Treasure, that God desires to SHINE Through is meant to shine more brightly each day you walk with Him...This increased brightness increases as we walk with Him & have Fellowship with His Saints.

{7:38-7:57} Fellowship = KOINONIA  in Greek, meaning joint participation,association,contribution,community, fellowship, intercourse...AND of course we are talking about this taking place with other humans as well as ABBA

{7:57 -9:30}  1 John 1:7, NIV: "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."...........Fellowship with God+Saints as we walk together in God's Light...We can never walk ALONE, there are no 'Spiritual Lone Rangers' In The Kingdom of God....We need BOTH the Darkroom experience w/ God+Each other!....The enemy will 'pick off' loners & deceive them.....The sign of a healthy Saint= ONE that is in fellowship WITH the Body of Christ , BOTH creating together Masterpieces, Inheritances,Treasures to show off to the World.....A LONER Lacks Light , is deceived, & the enemy may pick them off!

{9:30-11:15} 2 Corinthians 3:18, NLT: "So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord........Some say this 'Mirror' could be our Brethren...that is we reflect God's Glory back & forth between us  as we fellowship together & this will cause us to ascend into Higher levels of God's Glory, light, & Revelation...

UNVEILED FACES..speaks of being vulnerable & exposed...JAMES exhorts us to 'confess our faults to each other.'...There is a time to 'open up' about faults & shortcomings with the Brethren..this will foster an authentic brokenness &  humility leading to us burning ever brighter & with more clarity before the world...When we are walking in God's LIGHT we will be drawn to others Walking In Light that have the same hearts...Just as bugs are drawn to light.

{11:15 -13:13} FELLOWSHIP brightens the illumination inside of us for enabling God to create the 'Masterpiece' w/in us.....'Iron sharpens Iron'...Also Iron POLISHES Iron as well...EXAMPLES of  dirty 1955  Chevy Belair & Going out with a spot on my shirt compared with allowing ourselves to be cleaned up, corrected, polished by each other in the Body of Christ, too often we are too proud to allow this....However for ABBA to put on 'The Corporate Art Show' he desires with the Body of Christ we will need to be as clean & polished as possible!

{13:13 -18:33} POINT # 5 God is Creating a RESTRAINER Both to Expose & Hod back the Darkness....and that Restrainer is YOU & I...we have entered a Time of Darkness as never before in 2020...II Thessalonians 2:1-12 The rise of the Anti-Christ,,,The AX is roaming the earth possibly , yet not yet fully revealed...We could say, that 'The Ungodly Picture' is currently in the development process even now....vs.6 "RESTRAIN" means to withhold, hold back something,...A FORCE of some kind is Holding back something,,,what it is holding back is the revealing & formation of the AX govt....some commentators/scholars believe this WITHHOLDING FORCE to be The Holy Spirit, & I would agree with that, However I see this as The Bride of Christ with God's Spirit inside of them holding back the darkness....that is The Sons & Daughters of God Fully showing forth God's Glory as His Masterpiece...Then the 'Restrainer' will be taken out of the way...I believe that comes through the Rapture....I like the TPT Translation here..."The One Who Now PREVAILS" we PREVAIL with God, As we shine Brighter & Brighter we hold Back darkness


{18:37-20:12} DANIEL 11:31-32 The people that KNOW their God, shall be strong & Do EXPLOITS....speaking of End Time events of Jewish  Christians in the Tribulation having the AX take over their temple & eliminate sacrifices....This verse can also apply to our time as The Bride/Masterpiece/Treasure will arise & DO EXPLOITS as we Become that 'Great Exposure' to the God's LIGHTS resisting the darkness...we are also speaking of APOKALYPSIS/ uncovering, an unveiling....

{20:13-22:02} RE. 1:1 The APOKALYPSIS of Jesus Christ...21 chapters of end time visions

Ephesians 1:17,18 A Spirit of REVELATION....Lk. 2:32 Jesus to bring a light of REVELATION....Romans 8:19 The whole earth groans for the REVELATION of the sons of God...Ro. 16:25 The Bride of Christ will be established by a wore of REVELATION

{22:02-23:25  } We as The Church/Bride of Christ are that GREAT EXPOSURE that is beginning to shine brighter & brighter to the world.......I am beginning to believe in this trying year of 2020...with Covid19, Racial riots, unemployment, election uncertainty, that this is the beginning of God's great Exposure to the world as Habakkuk prophesied of the Glory of God covering the world as the water covering the sea

{23:25-30:14} Examples of Men/Women of God who processed with ABBA in the Dark room who did great works for God in their Time.....MOSES...perhaps God is calling you as a chain breaker today?...GIDEON.....God saw Him as Warrior that would defeat the enemy......eventually, God's light will 'break out of us' confounding & defeating the enemy...King SAUL....are you hiding today from God's call on your life.....David.....was not even PRESENT for His own anointing as King!...God LOOKS at the Heart!....ESTHER...called out of obscurity she had to be brave & step up, even endangering her life....Have you been called "For Such a Time as This?" ...It may be uncomfortable for You to step out just as it was for Esther..................GET in the Darkroom with ABBA & find out who he wants you to BE...forget your own ideas!......He wants to EXPOSE His sons & daughters to the world to bring Revival, Revelation, Refreshing!


Ephesians 5:8-11  

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Fruit never strives to bring forth it's in the light & well watered a tree brings forth good fruit...we are HIS garden it says in  Song of Solomon...being in His Presence in the Darkroom, the fruit will just begin to develop & will just Flow out from you!

You are his Highly favored sons & daughters today & your time for exposure to this world has come!The whole earth is now groaning for the EXPOSURE of God's sons & daughters...this is YOUR HOUR To step up...step courage,,,so be EXPOSED & SHINE!...Hold back & defeat the forces of the enemy...This is Your Time! Amen!











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