In this Episode of the Secure Your Retirement Podcast, Radon and Murs have Shawn Southard, our in-house Medicare expert, talk about Medicare's doughnut hole. Medicare’s doughnut hole is a temporary limit on what a Medicare drug plan will pay towards the course of the drug.
Listen in to learn about the importance of enrolling into a prescription drug plan at the right time to avoid paying penalties. You will also learn about the four stages of how Medicare Part D works, plus strategies you can take yourself to avoid the doughnut hole.
In this episode, find out:
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Radon Stancil:
Welcome to Secure Your Retirement podcast. We are excited. We're back on this topic of Medicare. We've got Shawn Southard, who's our in-house Medicare specialist who just helps us around that area. He's focused with Medicare. And today, we are not going to talk about a topic that necessarily make you hungry because we're going to talk about donut hole, but we're talking about a donut hole in this idea of Medicare. And we're going to kind of break it down for you because we've had some clients that we've talked to who are a part of this. And so I don't know, Shawn, when I hear donut hole, I immediately just start thinking about donuts. So could you tell us in the context of Medicare, give us a really easy way to understand conceptually what is a donut hole?
Shawn Southard:
Sure, absolutely. And just to kind of reference back to that, Homer Simpson, he probably should be listening to this as well, right? Because he loves donuts. But anyhow, the donor hole very simply is related to Medicare prescription drug plans, part D prescription drug plans, and the drug plans that are contained in Medicare Advantage plans. And basically what the donor hole is, it's actually referring to what's called the coverage state or the coverage gap stage in a Medicare drug plan. And it's basically the temporary limit on what the drug plan is going to pay towards the costs of the drugs, very simply stated.
Murs Tariq:
Actually, I had a conversation with the client and he said, "Hey, I know you have this Medicare person now, and we continue year over year to run into this donut hole thing, and it's driving us crazy because costs on some of our prescriptions and we're trying to figure out how do we navigate this donut hole better." So I think Shawn, for everyone listening, I think first to understand the donut hole, we got to first walk through, well, what is the drug side of Medicare? So take us through that on prescription drug plans and then we'll get into the donut hole, how you actually end up in it, and then maybe some solutions around, or are things that may be coming in the future.
Shawn Southard:
t. So Medicare was started in:Radon Stancil:
Oh, that's a real simple name.
Shawn Southard:
and they went into effect in:And then that penalty kind of ticks into the background and then adds up. And then when you enroll eventually into a drug plan, you're going to have that penalty monthly for as long as you enrolled in a drug plan, which is usually the rest of the person's life. And that penalty, whatever it ends up being, whether it's 5%, 10%, 30%, it's based against the national average of drug plan premiums in Medicare, which in 2004 is $34.70. So that's the late enrollment penalty. So Medicare really wants people to take it seriously. Medicare beneficiaries that once you get into Medicare, that you do enroll into a prescription drug plan so you'll have something there to help you with your prescription drugs if you do have to take them.
Radon Stancil:
Murs Tariq:
So quick, fast tip there for anyone listening, if you missed it, you don't want to miss it and you don't want to get assessed with the penalty. So when it comes time for Medicare and you're getting on Medicare, right Shawn, we want to make sure that even if you don't need it right away, that you do enroll for a drug plan to avoid any penalties.
Shawn Southard:
Absolutely. If you don't take any prescription drugs, even so, you need to get into a drug plan so you don't have a penalty being assessed against you in the background. So definitely get into one and the strategy there as we always talk, we love to strategize here, is if you don't take any prescription drugs, find a drug plan that has a zero premium or a low premium, who cares what the deductible is at this point because you're not taking any prescription drugs if there is a deductible. So just get into one for now.
Radon Stancil:
Excellent. That's a good point. So we know that with all aspects of Medicare, it doesn't ever just as simply say, "This is how you do it," or, "This is the element of it." I know with Medicare Part A and then you got Part B and then Part C. So now we're talking really now about this prescription part of things Part D. So could you break down, I know you talk about the four stages of the Part D. Could you talk us through what that means? What are the four elements or four stages of how Part D works?
Shawn Southard:
Absolutely. So when you get into a prescription drug plans, there's four stages of them, and these apply to either a standalone Part D drug plan or a drug plan that is bundled inside a Medicare Advantage plan. That's basically what it is. It's a Part D Medicare drug plan that's been bundled in there. So they both work the same, both have four stages. The first stage is the deductible stage. So if the plan does have a deductible, you're going to be in that stage first when you first get started. Some plans do not have a deductible, and many of the plans in Med Advantage do not have a deductible. So those folks, when they do start getting prescriptions filled, are going to move to the second phase, which is called the initial coverage stage. But if those have a deductible, they do have to meet the deductible first, and that basically means that you're paying a hundred percent of the cost of the drug out of pocket, whatever that may be, up to your deductible amount.
The max deductible in:It's very, very reasonable cost for the copays. So many, many people in the prescription drug plans and Medicare are not really paying much for copays because a lot of their drugs are preferred generics or generics and they're on low tiers. But depending upon what your drug is or your drugs are, they may be on higher tiers and you're going to be paying more in copays and co-insurance as you go through the initial coverage stage. The initial cover stage goes from $546 after your deductible is met all the way up to $5,030. So if you are co-sharing and co-paying up to that amount, once you go over $5,030, the next dollar, now you're in the coverage gap stage, which is known on the streets as the donut hole. This is the coverage gap stage.
Radon Stancil:
The Medicare streets. You made that sound like-
Shawn Southard:
s stage, really goes up to in:However, the full cost of the drug will go towards what's called TROOP, your true out-of-pocket maximum on your drug plan, which is good because that's going to get you out of that gap coverage gap even sooner and get you to the last stage, which is the catastrophic stage. So for an example, you may have the manufacturer of the drug is going to pay, they're going to give you a discount in the coverage gap stage of 70%. Okay? And you may only end up having to pay, well, you're going to pay no more than 25%, right? So 70% plus 25% is 95%, and then your plan pays 5%. So 95% of the cost of that drug is going to go towards getting you out of the coverage gap, getting you out of the donut hole, which is wonderful. It's not wonderful that you're in the coverage gap, but it's wonderful that you're going to get out a lot sooner because of that.
So that's how brand name drugs are handled when you're in the coverage gap, the manufacturer is going to give you a 70% discount, but that discount does go towards getting you out of the coverage gap even quicker. Dispensing fees are also included in here. The pharmacy charges the dispensing fee for drugs. The manufacturer will pay 70% of the dispensing fee, so that also helps get you out of the gap sooner. Dispensing fees sometimes are $1, $2, $2.75. It all depends on the drug and so forth. And then finally, generic drugs, basically you're going to pay 25%, no more than 25% of the drug, but nothing that... The manufacturer's not going to pay any discounts for you in the generic stage. So 25% is going to go towards getting you out of the donut hole, and then eventually if you end up spending more than $8,000, $8,001 or more, you're out of the coverage gap totally.
out of the donor hole and in:Murs Tariq:
Yeah. So someone that usually when you're on certain medications, you're on them for life or for a significant period of time. Rarely is it a one year and done. So kind of what you're saying, if someone gets in the donut hole and it's more of a chronic type of solution, then they're consistently getting in the donut hole every single year. At least that's what I heard from the client that I talked to on the phone. So I had the opportunity just the other day to listen to Shawn, this is a 15-minute podcast, and 15 minutes can already probably just rack your brain a little bit of what goes into making proper Medicare decisions. And all we're doing right now is talking about one aspect of the many aspects of Medicare.
he Inflation Reduction Act of:Shawn Southard:
promising. That Act signed in:But if it does, basically the most... The donut hole is going to shrink significantly because you're only going to... Once you hit $2000, you're going to be in catastrophic stage and you'll be paying zero for your prescription drugs moving forward. So that is very significant and great hope for Medicare beneficiaries at this time. And then, as you probably heard in the news, because it's been on the national news a few times, it's been in news all over the place. The next step from there is in 2026, there's 10 major drugs, brand name drugs that there's no generics for right now, that the Medicare is negotiating with the pharmaceutical companies to drive down the costs of these drugs for Medicare beneficiaries. And federal judges, I've been following the case with some of the outlets that I look at, and federal judges, obviously, the drug companies have hired attorneys, and they're really fighting this and saying that they put a lot of money in research and development, and they do and so forth, and this is not fair and blah, blah, blah, blah.
But there's a lot of federal judges that are ruling in favor of Medicare beneficiaries and saying that even so, we want to make sure that we can negotiate these prices downward. So that's really great news for Medicare beneficiaries and costs for them.
Radon Stancil:
So you've done a great job, I think, Shawn, of helping us understand what the donut hole is. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot more time, but this is a question, just in a general question. If a person, let's just say that we're in the donut hole. We have these drugs that we're taking, this donut hole problem going on. What if the government doesn't fix it? Are there other strategies that a person can do? And I know we don't have time to go into those strategies, so just letting us know, are there strategies that we could do or help to avoid this donut hole?
Shawn Southard:
There are some strategies. Generics is obviously one, if they are available, talk to your doctor and really try to work out a strategy regimen with your doctor to get on generics, work with your pharmacist, become friends with your pharmacists, and ask them what they can do to help. Pharmacists can be very helpful in helping work with you and work with your doctor to find alternative generics and so forth. And then if you're really struggling economically and so forth, which a lot of people in Medicare do and are having trouble with, you can always look to see if you qualify for extra help or low income subsidy. You would need to contact Medicare and see if you are eligible for those programs. And if you are, and you can get into those programs. Those programs, you will never go into the donut hole because you're in those programs and your costs will be very, very significantly reduced.
Radon Stancil:
-:And they will get you on Shawn's calendar or transfer you to him if he's available, and he can walk you through these scenarios, help you think through all these different aspects of Medicare. So Shawn, thank you very much for taking some few minutes out of your day to come on and talk with our listeners. We certainly do appreciate it.
Shawn Southard:
And I appreciate as well. It's always a pleasure and a privilege to be here, and I appreciate it. Thank you.