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The Energetics of Transformation with Master Coach, Kirsten Welles
Episode 263rd October 2024 • The Abundant Coach • Lauren Brollier Newton
00:00:00 01:01:21

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In this powerful episode of The Abundant Coach, Lauren Brollier Newton is joined by Brave Thinking master coach and energy medicine expert Kirsten Welles, who shares the transformative power of accessing the infinite side of our nature. Kirsten explains how understanding and working with energy is key to coaching for transformation and overcoming obstacles. Tune in to learn how to access your inner power and align yourself with your true potential.


00;00;03;23 - 00;00;32;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

Welcome to the abundant coach. I'm your host, Lauren Berlin. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you'll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.

00;00;32;20 - 00;00;50;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

All right everyone, well, I've got a really, really good one for you because my next guest, what I'm going to talk about with her, this is something that around the world, I've never heard anyone teach exactly what she teaches and have the transformational power of the way that she teaches that. So I'm really thrilled to bring this next guest to you.

00;00;50;21 - 00;01;16;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

She is a master coach. She's the one and only master coach at the Brave Thinking Institute. She's helped tens of thousands of people with her, speaking with her, coaching, with her expertise. She's an expert in the field of energy medicine with more than 20 years in that field, she actually brought Brave Thinking Institute's signature program, the Dream Builder Program, to a Western medical practice where it was actually prescribed to her patients and the whole medical practice patients.

00;01;16;19 - 00;01;23;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

And she's a fellow at the Institute of Coaching at Harvard. So without further ado, let me bring you the one and only the amazing Kirsten Wells.

00;01;23;10 - 00;01;26;26

Kirsten Welles

Thank you. Lauren, it's really a pleasure to be here with you.

00;01;26;28 - 00;01;51;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

Well, I'm thrilled to have you. I'm just going to get, like, right into the depth of everything because I've told you this before, but I want the audience to know the particular way that you teach and train on transformation. I have never heard quite like it anywhere else in personal development. And one of the things that I know I've told you personally is like, I Google like some of the things you say and I can't find it anywhere.

00;01;51;13 - 00;02;26;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

So you you must write a book. We must do a million podcast episode. We're going to do this everywhere. So I want to talk about there's a lot of personal development of course, out there, and it's all wonderful and all has its unique gifts and things that it brings. But one of the things that I see across the board in personal development, I saw it before I became a coach, and I see it now as the director of coach certification is people wanting to change, having insights into change, even maybe going to a seminar and having a breakthrough and then going back to the same pattern.

00;02;26;08 - 00;02;48;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I think that you have really, in a lot of ways, pioneered the way that you get sustained transformation through the energetics of it. So maybe we could start by you saying, by you telling us why this change gets so hard for people. And how does focusing on the energetics really make the difference?

00;02;48;08 - 00;02;49;27

Kirsten Welles


00;02;50;00 - 00;02;52;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that's a great question.

00;02;53;00 - 00;03;20;13

Kirsten Welles

And where do we go? I just going to dive into the deep end of the pond for sure here. Well, I think that's just let's just talk about what the framework is when we're talking about the energetics of transformation in the first place. So the foundation of the framework that I would say this rests upon is the foundation of it is the idea that we are energetic spiritual beings having a human experience.

00;03;20;15 - 00;03;49;23

Kirsten Welles

So that would be the framework. And that's not two separate things operating. That's actually one thing happening, energetically speaking. And I think, part of it is learning there's a there's a skill set to learn if we're in agreement around this framework. So, first of all, you get to opt in for that framework, right? So, but if we're in agreement with that framework, then we the next step is to understand that there is a skill set to learn in the how to apply that in our human experience, in our human journey.

00;03;49;25 - 00;04;16;23

Kirsten Welles

How do I become, you know, really proficient at being a spiritual, energetic being, having a human experience. And the first place that we go with that is that, is understanding the access point of this infinite side of my nature and being getting really proficient at, at the, at accessing that and going to that. And, you know, that's going to go by many names.

00;04;16;26 - 00;04;33;12

Kirsten Welles

So as unique as our thumbprint, how we access that part of ourselves, that infinite side of our nature, some use the word God, some use the word infinite intelligence or the universe, you know, as, the Persian poet Rumi says, I love this quote. He says, you know, there are 10,000 ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

00;04;33;15 - 00;04;54;17

Kirsten Welles

And I think that's really true. There's infinite ways that we're going to know what this is. But once we know it, we want to be able to to access that, and we want to be able to access that at will, and then we want to really receive the information, the inspiration, the direction, let's say, of our lives from that infinite side of our nature and then serve it.

00;04;54;19 - 00;05;09;03

Kirsten Welles

This is where we move into the physical side of our nature, serve it with the physical, human side of our nature. And so I'll pause here, because all of that is a framework, but it also requires a specific skill set to have it be really user friendly and practical.

00;05;09;06 - 00;05;30;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. So for the people who there's going to be people who as soon as you say spiritual being, having a human experience are like so resonant with that, they're like, yes, this is what I've always known. And then there's going to be those who it definitely opens their mind, but they're not quite sure. So how how is what is a way to know for myself?

00;05;30;04 - 00;05;40;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

And of course, there's not going to be one right way, but what are some ways that we know that we're spiritual beings or energy beings, and not just physical beings?

00;05;40;22 - 00;05;58;09

Kirsten Welles

Again, you know, the answer to that question is really going to be very unique. I wish I could say there's a one size fits all, but I think some ideas of that would be when and again, this is this is when we develop a skill set that, that we would call our notice or metacognition or observe or self.

00;05;58;11 - 00;06;20;21

Kirsten Welles

But when we begin to notice ourselves and in in time and space in our lives and start to notice what in our lives feels more expansive to us, what feels more life giving, what's the impulse that we're engaging with that there's something about that that just, you know, I my know or knows, right, that I know that that feels expansive to me.

00;06;20;24 - 00;06;41;17

Kirsten Welles

And and that is something that would be a clue that because when we talk about this idea of infinite intelligence, this, that, that we are these energy beings having this human experience, this is where this is where the get the conversation gets deeper. Okay? Because now we're going, you know, back to our source. What is it that we actually come from?

00;06;41;17 - 00;06;55;20

Kirsten Welles

Where is that. And how are we going to know that in this unique expression of our own lifetime? So impulses of what brings me greater degrees of life and that kind of expanded feeling. I love this. That's a great indicator.

00;06;55;22 - 00;06;56;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;06;56;26 - 00;07;20;04

Kirsten Welles

I think I'm also noticing sometimes that inner conversation where again, there's this inner voice that says, you kind of know you're on the right path. You know, this, this, this is why you're here. You just you're it's again, like, there's something about you. It's greater than than the human part of the self, the intellect, as it were, that just knows.

00;07;20;06 - 00;07;23;13

Kirsten Welles

And those are the signs, the signals we really want to pay attention to.

00;07;23;16 - 00;07;47;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah, yeah. So okay, so we have this access point or we're developing the skill set so we can access this part of ourself that's greater than just the physical side of my nature. So do you think so when I say why is it so hard for people to change. And what makes actually studying and engaging with the energetics of transformation such an answer for people who is it.

00;07;47;03 - 00;08;04;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

Because most people. Why is it hard to change? Even if I'm studying personal development, even if I'm reading the books, even if I've read Thinking Grow Rich, is it because people don't have the skill set to live at that access point that makes it so challenging in human birth? Well, I think.

00;08;04;22 - 00;08;26;07

Kirsten Welles

Partly that and then partly also just, you know, just to give ourselves a break here a little bit is that when we come into the human experience of our lives, that's really governed by initially, certainly all of the human factors of our operating system, including the autonomic nervous system that fight or flight response, which is all about survival.

00;08;26;13 - 00;08;52;27

Kirsten Welles

And really, if you think when we land here, it is all about survival, right? That's, that's, that's the deal. And and so we get very habituated to paying attention to the human part of our operating system. And so being able to and let me say this, it is a privilege to be able to have the space to really, begin to understand and access this infinite side of our nature.

00;08;52;27 - 00;08;57;04

Kirsten Welles

Because if you think about it, in our human evolution, it really isn't that.

00;08;57;07 - 00;08;58;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

Long ago.

00;08;58;00 - 00;09;16;22

Kirsten Welles

That just, you know, getting through the day was the order of the day. Just get the sun out and don't get it, you know? So it was really sitting around thinking, at least in certain cultures, we were, you know, really accessing, the greater elements of our, of ourselves, energetically speaking, we were just getting through the day. So let's go back to those patterns.

00;09;16;22 - 00;09;38;23

Kirsten Welles

So most of us are trained in these habitual patterns that get us from point A to B in our lives. And it's not maybe now that the saber tooth tiger isn't in the driveway, but there are lots of things in our experience that our nervous system interprets as a saber tooth tiger, or it's about survival and it's about, kind of maintaining the status.

00;09;38;23 - 00;09;39;29

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;09;40;02 - 00;09;56;25

Kirsten Welles

So that that survival isn't threatened. And so the idea of consciously expanding beyond that, that is something I believe we as we, we choose and we then apply ourselves in a certain way to be able to re pattern, and create new patterns of life.

00;09;56;28 - 00;10;14;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

So it's interesting, as you say, that I'm thinking about there's a teacher, I guess, who comes off a spiritual teacher named Matt Kahn. I'm not super, super into his work, but my sister is very into it. And he said something that piqued my curiosity the other day or my interest. And I thought, yeah, that resonates is truth for me, he said.

00;10;14;16 - 00;10;34;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

Just an average human birth like you, you, you, you're born, you might go to school, you might get married, you might have kids. Just that is rigorous enough that you're going to grow leaps and bounds even if you're not choosing to grow. But yeah, yeah. Fair enough. So there's a lot that we're I'm like, yeah, that resonates. There's there's a lot of growth that's happening.

00;10;34;29 - 00;10;56;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

I think for humans, even if we're not opting in for let me, let me really get interested in this. So my question for you is how did you get interested in the energetics of transformation? Take me back to the beginning, because I think it's such an interesting, concept. Like I said, like, not many people in the world teach.

00;10;56;18 - 00;10;57;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

Well, I mean.

00;10;57;21 - 00;11;34;20

Kirsten Welles

There's definitely an entry point for me. I think I had several entry points, but probably the most significant one was in my late 20s, when I had a near-death experience. And, my NDE, my near-death experience was not actually a classic NDE experience in that, I didn't flatline on a table and come back, you know, in that way, which is, probably more of a classic way of sort of having a near-death experience and having, experiences of really understanding the, oneness of everything and who we truly are as spiritual, energetic beings.

00;11;34;20 - 00;12;06;02

Kirsten Welles

Right. There's in in near-death experiences throughout. There's a very similar understandings of this. So my NDE actually took place over a ten day period of time. I had my my I was in an accident, of which I gratefully and miraculously walked away from, but for the next ten days after that experience, as I was going to sleep, instead of walking away from this accident, I actually decided I was leaving this human life.

00;12;06;02 - 00;12;35;12

Kirsten Welles

And I would go to, you know, a place on the other side. I guess we could describe it and have all these different experiences, part of them, which are very classic. And the experience I decided life review. I met with different, energy beings and, and the fast forward on this, just so it applies here is that, I came back with an understanding and it was like I was ten days every night going to sleep.

00;12;35;14 - 00;12;36;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;12;36;16 - 00;12;47;06

Kirsten Welles

Going there, coming back all the day times. By the way. I would walk around like I was in this kind of ecstatic state, and I was like, I wanted to shout from the rooftops, hey, everybody.

00;12;47;11 - 00;12;50;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

This is this is how it works. Yeah.

00;12;50;20 - 00;12;58;22

Kirsten Welles

And that was a dramatic departure from my, my prior self. So even my family was like, you know, what's what's happening here.

00;12;58;25 - 00;12;59;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

You know.

00;12;59;19 - 00;13;20;24

Kirsten Welles

And and so that went on for a period of ten days. And then just to sort of let you know how then I moved forward from that point was at the end of that ten day period, I then had physical symptoms, which were neurological. I had short term memory loss. I had, issues with my speech and so on.

00;13;20;26 - 00;13;43;10

Kirsten Welles

And I then plunged into, actually a very dark night of the soul, which went on for about nine months, where it was this those veils that had been parted for me now were closed. And, I didn't actually have the immediate access that then what would happen over the next number of decades is that that what I brought back would actually be I like to say, time released.

00;13;43;12 - 00;14;07;21

Kirsten Welles

And all of that led me ultimately over decades to study energy medicine, to really take a deeper dive into, all things energy and, and kind of understanding, you know, and more than understand kind of bringing what was gifted to me in that experience originally and now bring that more formally, into this world as a teacher of, of, of these principles.

00;14;07;23 - 00;14;17;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

So when you had your near-death experience prior to that, were you doing anything either in your life or career that was anything having to do with energy or transformation or anything like that?

00;14;18;02 - 00;14;38;24

Kirsten Welles

Yes, I was meditating, I was I somehow my, my dad, was an Episcopal priest. He was very progressive. He was always very much like he'd say to my brother and I, you know, this may not be for you. And it wasn't actually what you say, but I highly encourage that you find something that is your spiritual Northstar, if you will.

00;14;38;27 - 00;15;10;20

Kirsten Welles

So he was very encouraging. And so I did deep studies in, Tibetan Buddhism. I did deep studies in other, you know, faiths in the world and models. And so at that time, yes, I, I definitely I had been meditating and working with, different, different personal development skill sets as it just I was just came to my mind as I was as I was sharing this, I was at that time, I think I was listening to, Tony Robbins like cassettes or something at that point, you know, and it was like it was like it was all about the vision in that sense.

00;15;10;22 - 00;15;11;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

So, so I.

00;15;11;17 - 00;15;30;07

Kirsten Welles

Understood, you know, this idea of like, aligning ourselves and creating a vision and, and, and I think, you know, at the time of my near-death experience, actually, what I was having was an existential crisis and saying, it's supposed to work where how does it work and where is it? And I was I was kind of like, well, then I got the I got the answer to that.

00;15;30;07 - 00;15;50;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

So yeah. So would you, would you be willing to if you're willing to just go into a little bit of actually what occurred when you had that near-death experience? Because I think the story of what was happening in your mind and the accident happens, and this person comes like, it's just so just if you'd be willing to just take a step in to that moment, I think it'd be fascinating.

00;15;50;09 - 00;15;51;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

Oh, yeah.

00;15;51;07 - 00;16;00;08

Kirsten Welles

Absolutely. So I think, you know, just time back to the temper tantrum I was having on that day was, you know, I.

00;16;00;11 - 00;16;01;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;16;01;18 - 00;16;22;11

Kirsten Welles

I had been, I had that that year, I had been working three separate jobs. I at that time was one it was in the film industry. Wanted to be more, officially in the film industry. So, I had set a clear vision of what I wanted that to be. I set a timeline. I was giving myself a year, you know, to create this, and,

00;16;22;13 - 00;16;40;27

Kirsten Welles

And nothing seemed to be kind of moving in that direction of my life, or at least that I. I could say I was getting really kind of frustrated. And so with that, so the day of my accident, I was working one of my three jobs, and I was in downtown Los Angeles, and I was driving my car and I was going to pick something up for this job.

00;16;40;27 - 00;16;59;18

Kirsten Welles

And as I'm driving through downtown L.A. and it's raining and I'm looking around and I can see homeless people on the street, and there's this part of me in that moment that says, you know, if, if, if there's such a thing as and this was an interesting term for me to use. Also in the moment, I didn't have any relationship to Christ at that point or anything like it.

00;16;59;18 - 00;17;17;26

Kirsten Welles

But I said, if there's a Christ consciousness in the world, I said, you know, then why is all this happening? Sort of homeless people in the rain. And, and if there's guidance and where's that? You know, in my own, like stopping my foot and protection. What about that? You know, like, I was what was kind of that moment?

00;17;17;29 - 00;17;32;18

Kirsten Welles

I was pulled into an intersection and the light was green for me. I was making a left hand turn. As I turned to make the left hand turn, I noticed that there was this just the front end of this giant vehicle bearing down on me. And the next thing that I know that I heard just kind of an explosion.

00;17;32;20 - 00;17;52;08

Kirsten Welles

And then, my next awareness was I was high up, high up above, actually, the scene of the accident, and I could see the car actually, that hit me, pulled out and drove away. And, and I'm thinking, you know, I didn't I'd start watching this, and then I hear my voice instructing me to breathe, and I was sort of like, breathe, breathe, breathe.

00;17;52;11 - 00;18;05;26

Kirsten Welles

So I start breathing. And as I'm breathing, I have the sensation of coming back down into my body. And, the whole front side of the car was wrapped around me. That was this was missing all of this part. But this woman then just pops.

00;18;05;26 - 00;18;06;23

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;18;06;25 - 00;18;29;11

Kirsten Welles

And she's in this missing window. So she says to me, you're alive. You're alive. So, Jesus, she says, my name is Rebecca, and Jesus loves you. And I remember now this was like a movie. Now I'm watching a movie. I'm thinking, well, that's on. But okay. And, and then moments later, the paramedics and the fire department arrive, and I can remember thinking about this.

00;18;29;11 - 00;18;43;11

Kirsten Welles

And so I'm watching this movie. Is that this? First of all, it was the most, the most exquisite man I'd ever seen. But each one of them was better looking than the next. And they. And they all kind of glowed. They had this warm glow to them. And then I counted them for some reason. Then there were 12 of them.

00;18;43;14 - 00;19;06;11

Kirsten Welles

I remember that being important to me, like, oh, there's 12 of them. Anyway, the fast forward to say they, they take me from the car with Jaws of Life and they transport me and, to the hospital. The other part of the story. That's right. Quite remarkable in this moment is that when I get to the hospital, my my boyfriend is there waiting for me, and I'm thinking, how is this place?

00;19;06;11 - 00;19;25;04

Kirsten Welles

This is pre cell phones. This is even stranger in this moment is that he was working that day at a location that I didn't even have the phone number for, and he'd received a phone call on the phone call was from a woman who said to him, you're you have a friend. She's been in an accident. You can call the LA, but the police did the direct to you.

00;19;25;06 - 00;19;33;13

Kirsten Welles

But she's unharmed and he even remembers putting the phone down and thinking, first of all, like, how did this person find me? But also what's he says unharmed?

00;19;33;16 - 00;19;35;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. So I.

00;19;35;07 - 00;19;56;12

Kirsten Welles

I firmly believe that that was Rebecca and, that she, she kind of let him to me. And so this, this experience happened as I said, originally, I was completely, I didn't have a scratch on me. So there's the answer to where's my protection? I'm walking away from this. I'm. I'm in this kind of altered state, walking away from this accident.

00;19;56;13 - 00;20;14;22

Kirsten Welles

I go home that night, I go to bed and I relive that impact. And now I'm taken to this other place. The next ten days, this would be repeated. And for the next ten days, all these different experiences that I would have there. And, then after that ten days, of course, I shared.

00;20;14;25 - 00;20;15;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;20;15;23 - 00;20;19;29

Kirsten Welles

Everything went really into a very dark place for me for about nine months.

00;20;20;01 - 00;20;39;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

So it's interesting because one, I mean, just the every question you asked in that car before the accident happened was answered. Yes. But I think the most interesting thing is, so you basically, when we talk about this access point and I know I've heard you talk about it, it's like the horizontal line is the finite side of our nature.

00;20;39;27 - 00;20;44;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then a vertical line becomes the infinite side of our nature. And so and the access.

00;20;44;25 - 00;20;46;23

Kirsten Welles

Point for purposes of illustration.

00;20;46;26 - 00;21;16;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. For the purposes of illustration. And then when you're talking about this access point, we can think of it as this place where the two meet. So as I'm hearing you tell this story in this moment, it's like the access point was so alive and awake for these ten days. And I like that you use it's it's been time released over time, but you've got this instant access to this divine side of your nature, and it sort of fades away.

00;21;16;26 - 00;21;27;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

So what do you think is the thing that got you out of the dark night? Was it? And now I have access to this place with me, in me again? Or was it a series of events or.

00;21;27;03 - 00;21;52;25

Kirsten Welles

Series of events? It was a series of events. And this is where the time released portion of our program started. Nine months after the accident, I had a friend who wished she'd been away. During that period time she'd been in England. She came back and Jen seen me since prior to before the accident, she took one look at me and she was like, oh, you know, she was sort of, you know, I had I had, you know, there's a lot of anxiety with short term memory loss.

00;21;52;25 - 00;21;54;20

Kirsten Welles

I had lost a lot of weight. That was very.

00;21;54;20 - 00;21;55;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

Very sort of skeleton.

00;21;56;03 - 00;22;15;19

Kirsten Welles

Thin. I didn't look well. And she was sort of like. And then I explained to her some of the symptoms that I'd been having, and she said, oh, you need to see an acupuncturist. My mother in law had a stroke, and she had a lot of these similar symptoms, and she's better. And and I was like, well, I'll do anything because at that point there was nothing that, you know, neurologists were saying, well, we'll just have to wait and see.

00;22;15;21 - 00;22;16;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

The good news is.

00;22;16;10 - 00;22;31;20

Kirsten Welles

You don't have any swelling or bleeding or, you know, things of that nature. So yes, that is good news. But what about the other news when this could be the rest of my life? So I went to see an acupuncturist and it was my first experience with acupuncture at that time. And and the acupuncture said to me, I can help you.

00;22;31;20 - 00;22;52;09

Kirsten Welles

He said, you know, you may I may require you to be here every day off, you know, five days a week, but I can help you. And so I did go five days a week. And I think I remember it was six weeks or about a month and a half, you know, that I, I'd gone from what I'd been experiencing to 95 to 98%.

00;22;52;12 - 00;23;12;12

Kirsten Welles

My symptoms were resolved, you know, a massive impression on me, right? I was thinking, I am going to have acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine as part of my health care forever. I didn't know I would go on to study the medicine, but that was a defining, changing point for me. Which, later I would go on to to study for.

00;23;12;14 - 00;23;43;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

So this point of power within is so fascinating to me. Or this access point, as you refer to it, that I think for many of us as spiritual beings, whether we know we are not, you know, whether we're really awake to it or not is a thing that we're reaching for, seeking for all the time. And I think part of the reason why personal development can leave us short sometimes I did for me for years before I came to the Institute, met you and Mary, that I know what I want to feel.

00;23;43;02 - 00;24;01;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

I couldn't put words to it. I know it was an access point I didn't know, but it was like all like, if I if I look at my bookshelf behind me right now, every book on there is like thinking grow Rich and Science of Getting rich. And, you know, all sorts of things were all books I owned before knowing any of this.

00;24;01;05 - 00;24;22;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I'd read that, but it's like they stayed on the page. So if someone is wanting to explore, how do I access this place? How do I find this access point? What are some of the tried and true ways you would teach finding this place in you that, where the rubber meets the road?

00;24;22;28 - 00;24;42;20

Kirsten Welles

Yeah. Well, that's a great it's a great question. And I think what you're speaking into is so important because for me, the idea of and I, as I said in the beginning of our conversation today, is this idea of what it is to be a spiritual, energetic being, having a human experience, and to know that and to really work with that in our lifetimes is I.

00;24;42;21 - 00;25;14;28

Kirsten Welles

My goal is always to make it very user friendly and very practical. It's not there's some far out thing or that you have to have a near-death experience to access this point of, of, of, you know, to the infinite side of our nature. Not at all. But what? Because what you're talking to Lauren is speaking to when you have this bookshelf of books and this and, you know, before you even arrived at the institute and this and this longing to know more, that's in all of us, you know, we where we come from, we come in, we're all encoded with what I would call a spiritual DNA.

00;25;15;00 - 00;25;31;20

Kirsten Welles

And that DNA gets awoken or activated when it when it is in a vibrational resonance with what I would call the truth with a capital T here. Now that spiritual DNA knows the truth when it hears it. And here's the other thing I would say to each of us. We're each of us is the highest authority on that.

00;25;31;23 - 00;25;47;26

Kirsten Welles

Only we will know what that is for us. Nobody else know that for us. And we always want to trust what that is for us uniquely so, because that is our spiritual DNA. And as it weakens, I think if I was to say, you know, what's the objective of the human journey?

00;25;47;26 - 00;25;49;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

You know, like, all right.

00;25;49;17 - 00;26;14;12

Kirsten Welles

Like, why do we even come here? I think, you know, there's certainly been references to this as a large classroom and we all get to learn. But I think that that's really very true in that we get the opportunity to, learn as much as we possibly can in a human experience about who we truly are as infinite spiritual beings.

00;26;14;14 - 00;26;33;27

Kirsten Welles

And as we're learning that, we actually get to express more of more of that in time and space dimension in the human journey. And the goal, if there is one, I'll just speak for myself, is to express as much of this infinite side of my nature, which I if I was to distill down to one thing, is unconditional love.

00;26;33;29 - 00;26;39;04

Kirsten Welles

To express as much of that into the world as possible of time and space in this experience.

00;26;39;07 - 00;26;40;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;26;40;22 - 00;26;44;14

Kirsten Welles

So I didn't answer your question. I'm sorry.

00;26;44;16 - 00;27;04;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

No, but that was really important for that to come through that. Yeah. It's like, okay, if I am a spiritual being, having this human experience, I think it's very important. I think most of us, at least people who are seeking after. Yeah. Why did why did I come here and and decide for this? So if someone's just getting started and going, I really want to feel that point of power within.

00;27;04;12 - 00;27;21;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'm resonating with this. I do know truth when I hear it that I know I just want to stretch it out for longer periods of time to eliminate some of the suffering or challenges of day to day life. How would you start them in that access point? Because one thing you mentioned earlier is about just noticing the things that are life giving so deep in that for us here.

00;27;21;29 - 00;27;23;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

And tell us a little bit more about I.

00;27;23;28 - 00;27;47;25

Kirsten Welles

Think, like I keep harkening back to that. It's a skill set. So like learning any skill to gain fluency, you've you've got to have repetition and practice. So, you know, my go to would always be just, you know, starting with a daily practice and even just experimenting with that, you know, just, you know, give yourself an opportunity to experiment the daily practice, the daily practice.

00;27;47;28 - 00;28;07;26

Kirsten Welles

What does that what does that include? I think a daily practice that includes meditation. And and it doesn't start with five minutes. You know, I remember my teacher, my meditation teacher said to me one day I was just beginning, and he's like, can you sit in the chair for five minutes? And I was like, yeah. And I was like, okay, well, that's where you're going to start.

00;28;08;01 - 00;28;26;03

Kirsten Welles

So I was bouncing all over like a, you know, like a hot skillet. So, you know, it doesn't just sit in the chair and close your eyes or just gaze downward, you know, and relax and pay attention to your breathing. It doesn't have to be fancy. But what happens with that is it begins to steal the entire human system.

00;28;26;05 - 00;28;43;18

Kirsten Welles

Right? And that's important. That's important to begin to, you know, allow it just to become still. I think to your point, Lauren, you've got a whole bookshelf of books behind you. Something drew you to those books. Some thought there was something about that book, you know, so paying attention, there's something about that book or there's something about that speaker.

00;28;43;20 - 00;28;45;12

Kirsten Welles

Follow those impulses.

00;28;45;14 - 00;28;46;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;28;46;12 - 00;29;06;01

Kirsten Welles

When I met Mary Morrissey as an example, I didn't know who she was. I, I, I was at an early morning service that she was she was the speaker, and I, I had an I sort of sitting there. But when she came out, I remember, she thought I was going to be a minute in two minutes.

00;29;06;01 - 00;29;22;16

Kirsten Welles

And I was like, every hair on the back of my neck stood up, was like. I was like I was just awakened. I knew that what she was speaking to about living a vision driven life, I, I had to bring that to our patients. I just knew that living a vision driven life was a foundational piece of health care.

00;29;22;18 - 00;29;48;13

Kirsten Welles

Now, she didn't have any codified system at that point, didn't have the Dream Builder program. There was no, break thinking institute to go to. So I just, I like I like to like this to say I followed Mary everywhere, but what I did was I actually studied with Mary for another three years until she created the Dream Builder program, until she created the coach certification program so that I could then go get certified in this program called The Dream Builder.

00;29;48;16 - 00;30;07;13

Kirsten Welles

I want to take it back to our medical practice, but staying close to her. So. But the reason I share that is that that word, there was something in me that that resonated with that. So that I, so I would say to individuals, pay attention to that when you when you respond to something like that, pay attention and follow that.

00;30;07;15 - 00;30;35;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I had a very similar experience, when I first met Mary at a, at an event called Dream Builder Life. Super skeptical. I was one of those people who literally was, like, skeptical of everyone and everything, you know? And, but when she came out on stage and she started to speak, I still have the notebook that I wrote my notes, and it's like I somehow I don't know how I wrote that fast.

00;30;35;18 - 00;31;01;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

I think I transcribed, transcribed every word of that whole three day weekend. And I remember within the first it was like a yellow legal pad. And within the first flip of the page, which was only like two minutes because I'm writing everything she says. I remember literally feeling like someone took my DNA and just went like this all over my body and put it straight, put it in motion, and, that's what you're.

00;31;01;02 - 00;31;10;06

Kirsten Welles

Speaking to them or just to tie back when I'm talking about the spiritual DNA of us encoded in us, and it was awakened, activated, turned on in a way that you understood.

00;31;10;08 - 00;31;10;27

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;31;10;27 - 00;31;11;25

Kirsten Welles

Right. Yeah.

00;31;11;28 - 00;31;33;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

It was exactly. It was like that knowing of truth like this, this way of understanding, transformation. This is what I've been missing. And the missing part for me personally. And of course, it's going to be unique to everyone. But the missing part to me personally, was that I had heard that I was a spiritual being. I had heard I'm supposed to have a vision like I had heard all these things.

00;31;33;22 - 00;31;55;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

But the way that she described it, it was like actionable. You like, I can now? Oh, that's it's like I can see where the actions I had taken leading up to that point led to all the dissatisfaction that I was feeling, and I could see that there was a different pathway for action moving forward using this spiritual system.

00;31;56;00 - 00;32;17;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

But it was actionable. It was like, oh, this is about decisions. This is about action. This is about using my consciousness in a way that, you know, moves me somewhere. So that's interesting. We mentioned having a you having a medical practice. So that so you have that acupuncture nine months after your accident, you start to study the medicine.

00;32;17;11 - 00;32;19;11

Kirsten Welles

Not not right away.

00;32;19;13 - 00;32;45;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

Eventually, but there and then you have this, this medical practice. So when you have that, experience of hearing Mary teach and going, this is what our patients need, I want to bring this to medicine. And it's like this light bulb moment. Who had there been a longing and discontent about medicine and the way it went, or was this more like a it just was a moment that came in like, was this an answer to, oh, I want patients to move faster, I want.

00;32;45;22 - 00;32;55;25

Kirsten Welles

No, it wasn't an answer to that. I actually was very privileged to be part of a an integrative medical practice where we were we we held our patients care very holistically, you know, mind, body, spirit. So.

00;32;55;28 - 00;32;56;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;32;56;20 - 00;33;37;29

Kirsten Welles

But what I felt that this fit ideally with that. And there was also a part of me that when I met Mary, when we talk about and that this time-released journey that I was on, you know, there was there was a, definitely a timing to that, that meeting that was destined, you know, predestined and always terms of my own, evolution in this lifetime where I would have the opportunity to go deeper into the study of spiritual on principle and deeper into with Mary and deeper into understanding of, again, the like, how I could bring that to the mechanics of what it is to to live a vision driven life for our patients

00;33;37;29 - 00;33;59;23

Kirsten Welles

and then and, and, to have the idea everything starting with, with a, with a vision and you know, and in the, in our medical practice, we then, out of this impulse, began to have our patients have their, their vision in their charts and their medical charts. So it could be simply their vision for their particular health outcome could be that or it could be a vision for their whole life.

00;33;59;23 - 00;34;22;01

Kirsten Welles

But but to begin to have them thinking thoughts that were aligned with the outcome of what they would love for their lives independently of what other people are telling them. And that's very powerful in the medical paradigm, because we've all been trained in a medical paradigm. Oh, what the doctor says, you know, etc. but what we were saying is that, yes, here are the facts.

00;34;22;03 - 00;34;50;20

Kirsten Welles

We're not in denial of the facts. And by the way, being infinite spiritual being, having a human experience, this is not some spiritual bypass to facts and conditions. Facts and conditions are what they are, and they're part of the human package deal of being here. So they're actually what grow us. So so we have those. But in the midst of having those, those facts and conditions, we have this part of ourselves that we can access and that we can and that that's the part that's going to have the vision.

00;34;50;20 - 00;35;03;07

Kirsten Welles

That's what would I love that, as I said earlier, expansive feeling tone of this is what I would love. And once we presence that that's what that that's that becomes our, our our true north. That's what we want to align ourselves to.

00;35;03;09 - 00;35;31;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

So in other words, so for someone who's new to this, what I think I'm hearing you say is if I, if I start thinking thoughts that are coming from this infinite side of my nature, that are vision driven, that are expansive, and I'm making the assumption here because you don't say this, but I'm making the assumption that you're saying I can actually improve or change or expand those facts and conditions because I got on a different I got on a different wavelength.

00;35;31;21 - 00;35;53;21

Kirsten Welles

Absolutely not to go down the quantum rabbit hole here, but we're really talking about when we are holding a specific relationship. And then the way, the primary way we as humans are aware that we do that is through the thoughts were thinking both consciously and subconsciously, that this is energy. These thoughts are energy we're transmitting. Those thoughts have vibration.

00;35;53;24 - 00;36;24;04

Kirsten Welles

That vibration yields a reflective, if you will result, things of that vibration are going to be mirrored in our experience. And so absolutely now change my thinking, change my results, change my thinking, change my life. Or we understand that. And the other part with this just I just kind of slip this in here. Is that, you know, there was so much of a, at a certain point with this whole idea of, you know, particularly when the secret came on the scene with the Law of Attraction.

00;36;24;06 - 00;36;46;22

Kirsten Welles

But the other thing about the Law of Attraction is the law that precedes the law of Attraction is the law of vibration. So I've really got to learn how to be a vibrational match first to the things that I'm wanting to attract. So I've got to be thinking those those thoughts. I've got to be imaging those images, which is also energy and also vibration, in order to to begin to have that as a reflective result in my life.

00;36;46;24 - 00;37;09;03

Kirsten Welles

But if I wanted to start very simply, you know, I could take one thing in my life and, and if it's a, if I've got it framed in the negative, reframe it to an affirmative or a positive statement and just align myself with that and be willing to experiment with that. Guess what the results are now, that's not it's not a one and done.

00;37;09;05 - 00;37;32;04

Kirsten Welles

I want to say this. It's consistent repeated action. So give yourself, a timeline 21 days I'm going to do this thing. 90 days I'm going to do this thing. And every time this other thing wants to rise up to negate it, this old pattern of of whatever the negative old patterns say, no. You know, right now I'm choosing this, the affirmative, and then insert the affirmative thinking and statement, so to speak.

00;37;32;11 - 00;38;01;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

When you think about thinking a thought, that is whatever word you want to put on it constrictive, negative, anxiety producing, you can feel how it changes the physiology in your body. Absolutely. And, I don't know if I've ever told you this story, and I certainly haven't said it on the podcast, but I had an experience, as a young person, I was in my teenage years and, I was having a lot of, I would say pretty severe stomach issues, digestion issues.

00;38;01;07 - 00;38;23;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I kept going to, well, the first the emergency room. But then, you know, I just kept going to the doctors and they'd be like, oh, we think it's acid reflux. We think it's this. We think it's that. It's now it's an ulcer. It's just, you know, going into these things. And I remember ever having these stomach issues and getting so anxious now about them because I'm a young girl I'm having all this summer, just like the last thing you want.

00;38;23;04 - 00;38;35;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

You want to be at school to be like, oh my God, I have to run to the bathroom for times, you know, like so I start to get all this anxiety about it and my life got very small. So by the time I was, you know, 19, 20, I was going to work, I was going to school, and that was it.

00;38;35;23 - 00;38;53;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

And my life was confined because I knew where the bathroom was and I wasn't going to be embarrassed. And this is this is the life I'm living. And I eventually got to a point. I'll tell the longer story at some point on this podcast, but I got to a point where I decided to ask for help, which in my family of origin was very challenging.

00;38;53;03 - 00;39;08;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

It wasn't like, oh, we ask for help or we go to therapy or we, you know, it was like very, you know, just deal with that kind of thing. So I decided to ask my dad for help and he asked at work, he worked at a golf course with a lot of people having memberships and, you know, doctors.

00;39;08;14 - 00;39;27;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I guess he asked a woman, doctor, you know, this is what's going on with my daughter. This was going on with her stomach. Is there anything that you can suggest? And this wonderful woman who will never know that she was an angel in my life, said to my dad, it sounds like she needs a cognitive behavioral therapist.

00;39;27;02 - 00;39;50;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so my dad comes home and he tells me this. So I'm like a googling, you know, logging into my insurance, and I had no idea what it was, you know, cognitive behavioral therapy, but I'm able to search it. And I find this therapist and I go, and one of the things that, she taught me pretty soon on is she said to me, so I'm curious, what if you don't have a stomach problem?

00;39;50;21 - 00;40;09;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

What if you have a thinking problem? And of course, I'm like 19, 20, 21. You know what I'm like, what? I'm like, I am taking pills. I'm like, run into the bathroom. What do you mean? I don't have a stomach problem, you know, and over time, she started to get me to recognize these anxious thoughts that were producing this physiologic response.

00;40;09;26 - 00;40;31;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

So she didn't give me a reframe like you're suggesting here. Like she didn't give me a positive, affirmative statement, but she did teach me how to stop the thought. Well, and so she said, when we're going to notice what are worth thinking about. And then if you notice a, you know, because I used to call this the thoughts that I was thinking dark and scary, or who are these dark and scary thoughts, you know.

00;40;31;13 - 00;40;49;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so I told her and she said, okay, so anytime you hear one of these dark or scary thoughts, you're just going to stop it. And in the stop, thought could be anything that you want. You can say no or you could say go away or, you know, so I you know, being the age I was my stop thought include a hand motion and it might stop.

00;40;49;16 - 00;41;05;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

That was not even going to go there. So every time I heard one of these dark, scary thoughts, I would just pause myself and say, I'm not even going to go there. So I didn't even have a reframe or an access point. But what happened is I was very rigorous with it and I'm very grateful to her. Her name was Stephanie.

00;41;05;05 - 00;41;30;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

She told me you might have to say, not even going to go there 10,000 times today. You might have to say it 50,000 times, but don't get discouraged because it'll it'll start to get better. I mean, she was right. The first couple days I was weary. I was like, I've said this a million times. It seems like it's getting worse, but I just stuck with it because I was miserable enough to try something out.

00;41;30;09 - 00;41;53;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

And within six months, never a stomach issue. Could eat whatever I want off all my pills. Everything changed and at the time I wasn't aware enough. So this was like, you know, I'm 21. I didn't meet married till I was marrying you, till I was 31, maybe ten years. I didn't even realize that I had discovered the power of my thinking.

00;41;53;27 - 00;42;03;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

I was just happy to feel better. But as you're saying this about having the vision in a patient patient's chart, it's just bringing up the story of my stomach. Something that no doctor could help me with.

00;42;03;04 - 00;42;03;28

Kirsten Welles

That's right.

00;42;04;00 - 00;42;18;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then I tap into this ability to stop thinking those thoughts were real. And it was like the world opened up to me in terms of feeling good and going out again and just being a normal 20 year old girl. I love that.

00;42;18;29 - 00;42;39;08

Kirsten Welles

I love that story. I thank you for sharing this beautiful and it sentence. It's a beautiful demonstration of exactly what we're talking about here. And you were became an unconscious component to this. You didn't even know what you were doing, but you did it. And, and it's, it did underscores that the power of our thinking. And the good news is that each of us, only we have dominion over our thoughts.

00;42;39;08 - 00;42;42;08

Kirsten Welles

No one else can think our thoughts for us, thankfully. Right.

00;42;42;10 - 00;43;01;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

So you've now you're in this Western medical practice, you're bringing the Dream Builder program, and the vision goes into a patient's chart. I know you have, I'm sure you have many stories about this, but there is a particular story that I'm thinking of about a woman. I believe she was, having a cancer diagnosis and having a vision in her chart.

00;43;01;07 - 00;43;06;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

Would you tell us the story of how that was transformational for her and the people around her?

00;43;06;08 - 00;43;28;27

Kirsten Welles

They. I know the story you're speaking of. So this would be Lila's story? Yes. While I was hospital ized, with a cancer diagnosis for treatment. And while she was in the hospital, she had asked me if if her, vision could be photographs. You know, the chart was digital, and she wanted to put together a collage of photographs that really were a representation of her vision.

00;43;29;00 - 00;43;47;07

Kirsten Welles

And so that every time her chart was opened, this collage would pop up. And that would be the first thing that her health care providers would say. I said, absolutely, I that's a beautiful idea. And, because it's, you know, ultimately image is actually the most powerful way we transmit, I mean, written word. Yes, but to to have that image.

00;43;47;09 - 00;44;09;06

Kirsten Welles

So her vision hurt her snapshot vision for herself was that three years from being in the hospital, she would summit Mount Kilimanjaro. So she had this picture in her collage of the sunrise on Count at Mount Kilimanjaro. She would tell me that she would, just as she was lying in hospital, but she would just feel, you know, the breeze on her face, and she would see the sun rising.

00;44;09;06 - 00;44;36;01

Kirsten Welles

And she could just I mean, she would just five sense arise that image and be in it. And, so every time, you know, her doctors, every time her own collages would open up the chart, of course, they would see this collage and they'd see this image of the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. So love, love, love the fast forward on the story because three years later, not only was she summiting Mount Kilimanjaro, but her oncologist and one of the nurses who cared for her were with her.

00;44;36;04 - 00;44;53;17

Kirsten Welles

They were so honored by her vision and her story, and she raised all this money for research for this type of cancer that she'd been diagnosed with and, and had started the foundation. I mean, it was just so much greater good coming out of this. But there she was. And so the power for me, that's always speaks to the power of one image.

00;44;53;20 - 00;45;06;06

Kirsten Welles

And just putting yourself in that image, no matter what was going on, because there was a lot at the level of fact when I went from that hospital bed, that in no way indicated that she'd be on the top of summiting Mount Kilimanjaro.

00;45;06;08 - 00;45;21;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

So yeah, yeah, that's so powerful, that idea that it's like, no matter what the circumstances going on, I can still hold the vision. Oh, someone's new to visioning. What would be a way for them to actually start or awaken their particular vision for themselves?

00;45;21;15 - 00;45;42;22

Kirsten Welles

I think I always recommend starting very simply. And, as you know, in the work that that I do, that we do at the institute, we're working with domains, you know, for domains of life. So we really cover the full spectrum of, of life, you know, relationship health, our vocation in the world. And then what we have in is time and money, freedom.

00;45;42;22 - 00;46;09;03

Kirsten Welles

You know what's happening in the overflow of living a really abundant life. But I, I really think starting with one image or two per domain, or if you just want to start in one domain, start with one image. And when you're put yourself in that image and you five sense arise that image, you know, pretty much that everything else has worked out is that when you're in that image, you know, in Leila's case, everything had worked out.

00;46;09;04 - 00;46;27;28

Kirsten Welles

She's on the she's summoning immaculate mandalas. I didn't have to think about the other domains. Those are all working. She's there. But it's A11 image and then $0.05. Right. So keep it simple. And as you develop that skill with that and the relationship with it, other images will come and you'll begin to build that out. But just starting even with one image is is a great way to start.

00;46;28;00 - 00;46;53;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

I love that, I love that. So something I think that would be helpful for the coaches that are listening to this. Yes. How about this practice? Yeah. Well, I think we I think what you've done here, Kirsten, is transmitted, an energetic frequency for all the coaches listening of transformation being much deeper than, let's get out of let's get out a sheet of paper and write down your goals on our coaching call.

00;46;53;10 - 00;47;15;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then take some action, like the real quantum transformation that we see happen in clients lives comes from something so much more than just, here's a goal, let's take some action. Let's report back like that. That is a completely different energy than what you've transmitted here. And I think everyone can see the power of that. So for the coach you so you go and see Mary speak on.

00;47;15;01 - 00;47;33;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

So you're in this medical practice is great. You don't have a ton of longing and discontent, but you go to see Mary unintentionally and know who the speaker was that day. But you meet this woman named Mary and start following her around and, and, then there comes a point where you get certified and you're bringing it to your Western medical practice, and everything's going well.

00;47;33;24 - 00;47;56;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

And Mary asks you to come be a part of Brave Thinking Institute. And I think that for a lot of our coaches, 1 or 2 things are happening. They don't at all like the life that they're living, and they want to make the leap to being a coach, but it's scary. Or they're much like you. They've got a good thing, even maybe a wonderful thing going, and they're being called to more.

00;47;56;21 - 00;48;11;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

But it's scary because it's like I should be just fine with what I'm doing. So if you tell us a little bit about how you were able to feel into that decision of taking a risk of being a, you know, full time, full fledged coach.

00;48;11;06 - 00;48;30;15

Kirsten Welles

Well, that really circles back to this, this part of our nature, right? This infinite side of our nature. Now, one thing that had developed over the years, from my near-death experience, was that I absolutely had turned up the volume on my listening skill set.

00;48;30;17 - 00;48;30;25

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;48;30;25 - 00;48;47;22

Kirsten Welles

Really I knew and could hear from that part of myself. The impulses, the sometimes they were they were quiet and sometimes not so quiet even. They get louder. And I certainly had learned my lesson. I was never going around stomping my foot, going, well, you know.

00;48;47;24 - 00;48;48;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

Where is it? I don't.

00;48;48;25 - 00;49;15;10

Kirsten Welles

You know, I wasn't having any more temper tantrums. But in the listening side of things, what I began to know and really know was that this part of of the infinite side of my nature, absolutely the in that impulsive life, wanted to serve in greater capacities than I could in a clinical week, in a clinical hour. And that was becoming very, very clear.

00;49;15;13 - 00;49;48;12

Kirsten Welles

The how was that? I didn't know in the moment, you know, like Mary hadn't come along and invited me to to come in and build what's now the institute. But I, so I didn't know what the how I think that this is presume it's pre I mean, we didn't have immediate global stages at our fingertips so I was sort of left with I don't I but I could feel it and and I'll tell you in this I think what I want to say to the coaches who are maybe at this is what's going on, where you've got something that's good and that's within the resistance to something even greater still through that impulse,

00;49;48;14 - 00;50;12;25

Kirsten Welles

like I also I was building something with a wonderful team of people in the medical practice, and I was very committed to that, committed to that vision. So it wasn't just like an immediate like, oh yes, I'm going to go off and do this other thing at all. They were pull, I was being pulled. But I do know that listening and honoring that, that's still small voice, that that infinite side of my nature, I knew that that was the right thing to do.

00;50;12;27 - 00;50;32;03

Kirsten Welles

And so when Mary came and made up that invitation, there was the other side of that, just for anyone who's nervous about getting out on stages or Lord knows there's a body. You know, I was a happy clinician. I was like, like happy as a clam at high tide doing what I was doing, a patients at a medical team.

00;50;32;05 - 00;50;50;16

Kirsten Welles

All of that was I had no desire, zero to speak on stages, to, teach from large stages and things of that nature. Not at all. That was abhorrent to me in the sense that I was so terrified by it. So Mary's invitation included, this would be a requirement, you know, you would be required to.

00;50;50;22 - 00;50;52;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

Learn the skill of.

00;50;52;10 - 00;51;13;07

Kirsten Welles

Standing on stages and teaching. And so I was just so the willingness to do it, afraid, the willingness to get out there and say, yes, is is this is that that place we navigate when we're saying yes to life or saying yes to that infinite side of our nature? And there are moments that for all of us that will be scary and it's okay.

00;51;13;10 - 00;51;18;07

Kirsten Welles

It's like, you know, it's just like being willing to do it. Afraid is so important.

00;51;18;09 - 00;51;36;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

I think that's so crucial, Kirsten, because I think there's this misconception sometimes that when we find the thing that sets our soul on fire, we find the thing that we're meant to do. It's just going to be like rainbows and butterflies, and we're going to be, like, happily skipping along into this new. And I personally have actually, I don't think I've ever experienced that.

00;51;36;23 - 00;51;46;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like following the impulse of life and then the oh crap that comes after you've decided you're going to follow this impulsive life happily. Exactly.

00;51;46;15 - 00;52;18;19

Kirsten Welles

But the other part of that is I'll just squeak this in here is that and this is what I love about the work that that I do, that we do is that, but here's the good news. There's there's a system. There's a system you can we put in place where we can learn this skill set that allows us to access this impulsive life, the infinite set of our nature, and, and take the steps required to serve it with the physical side of our nature, no matter what's going on.

00;52;18;21 - 00;52;29;06

Kirsten Welles

And we haven't gone into a deep dive on that here today. But that does involve and this is part of the system that when I talk about the energetics of transformation, it does involve working with the autonomic nervous system.

00;52;29;08 - 00;52;29;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that I.

00;52;29;27 - 00;52;43;09

Kirsten Welles

Override that fear response and and continue to take the action. And rather than, say, override, I can work with that response in a way that that allows me to take the step I'm there to take.

00;52;43;11 - 00;53;05;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

So I think that's one of the most helpful things you taught me, Kirsten, when I was studying with you for all those years, and I was learning to become a coach and training with you is, I think sometimes when you don't understand that it is a nervous system response. When you're the person experiencing the fear, it feels so real that it feels like there can't be any other thing.

00;53;05;19 - 00;53;24;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Because this is I'm physically feeling it. It feels real, I'm reacting to it. And I think one of the most powerful things you taught me, this is my words now, not yours, but just the way that I interpret it is it's not who I really am. Even if I'm feeling the fear, even if this is happening, it isn't the truth.

00;53;24;03 - 00;53;46;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's not who I really am. And like being able to distinguish. I'm not the anxiety, I am not the stomach problem. I am not the condition. I'm more than that. And this is something that I can actually use my consciousness to navigate. To me, that's the most freeing thing on the planet, because then what could really get me, you know, at that point?

00;53;46;22 - 00;54;06;00

Kirsten Welles

That's right, that's right. That's exactly right. And you just hit the nail on the proverbial head there. It's that's exactly right. Because once I have that awareness and once I have the, the, the, the skill set that I can apply, you know, but here's the deal for all of us is that it's it's also it's not a given that will apply it.

00;54;06;00 - 00;54;24;03

Kirsten Welles

You know, I think that's the thing. Also, once we know, it's like it's like we're all blessed with free will. So there's always a choice. And so there is a rigor to training ourselves to apply to applying this. What you're talking about more and and and but when we do as you're describing that's the, that's the gift is liberation.

00;54;24;03 - 00;54;24;17

Kirsten Welles

It's like.

00;54;24;18 - 00;54;25;12

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;54;25;15 - 00;54;27;27

Kirsten Welles

Keys to the kingdom, so to speak.

00;54;27;29 - 00;54;45;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. Because I always thought that fear was like an omen that I wasn't supposed to do something. I always thought it was like, oh, I if again, if I was, if I was really meant to do this, I wouldn't be feeling any fear. I'd just be skipping under the rainbow. You, So maybe in this in these last few moments, we have.

00;54;45;18 - 00;55;01;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

And you'll have to come back here so we can take deeper dives on everything. Would you be willing to just take us into a little bit of, if fear is not an omen that I'm not supposed to forward, what is it? Why doesn't it just feel like rainbows when I. When I'm trying to make a move toward my vision?

00;55;01;25 - 00;55;02;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

Well, because.

00;55;02;19 - 00;55;29;02

Kirsten Welles

We want to look at what is the origin of the label that I'm calling fear, right. What is the origin of that? Well, really it is. It's it's physiology that's been triggered by my nervous system. And that nervous system has been triggered. Why? Because meaning that my system is assigning to my current experience or reality. Now, some of that meaning is to our conscious awareness, much of that meaning by the way, is to is below the radar.

00;55;29;05 - 00;55;31;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

But our system is so powerful.

00;55;31;06 - 00;55;46;17

Kirsten Welles

It's it is it is taking in and processing. I think the example I heard once, which I love, is that what we're consciously aware of, that we're processing at any given moment, you can sit on the head of a pen and what we're we're that what's below the radar that we're simultaneously processing. You could fit inside a football stadium.

00;55;46;22 - 00;56;13;16

Kirsten Welles

Like that's how that's how powerful our our systems are at interpreting information. But that olfaction, that all that information is now being being, you know, assessed, if you will. But it's by our nervous system. And so if there's something in there that is potentially that our system makes meaning of, that is potentially threatening. Now bottom line is anything that's outside of our comfort zone, it is is to my nervous system, a potential threat.

00;56;13;18 - 00;56;32;24

Kirsten Welles

So it could send off then all the physiology that goes with that, that that alarm system of potential threat from my sympathetic part of my autonomic nervous system, the fight, fight or freeze. Now, I've got this going on. I don't even know why necessarily it's going on. Right. I might not know. And usually if it's an imagined fear, doesn't matter.

00;56;32;24 - 00;56;48;07

Kirsten Welles

It's still triggering my nervous system. So then what do I do with that in that moment, if I don't have the next steps that I would say that we could put in place, then what I'm automatically going to do is I'm just going to be reactive to my my nervous system. I'm responsive to that.

00;56;48;14 - 00;56;49;04

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;56;49;06 - 00;57;09;14

Kirsten Welles

I'm gonna say, I'm not doing that thing. I'm afraid of it. It's telling me no. But if I can act independently and say, well, wait a minute, no, there's nothing here. I'm looking around. No saber tooth tigers, nothing in the way. Right. And then I can work with my breathing to shift my autonomic nervous system. And I can now think independently of the box here.

00;57;09;16 - 00;57;21;02

Kirsten Welles

I can now bring in my vision. I can bring it right that that new pattern of, of life, the vision. And then most importantly from there, from that new energy, take action.

00;57;21;04 - 00;57;21;29

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;57;22;01 - 00;57;26;16

Kirsten Welles

That's kind of the what do I do in the face of, you know, this perceived fear.

00;57;26;19 - 00;57;27;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;57;27;15 - 00;57;46;26

Kirsten Welles

And one of the perceived fear is I just say this because I think a lot of, we get triggered much in our world today, social media, you know, being on an online presence as an example, our, you know, if you think of our autonomic nervous system come full circle in this conversation, it was about survival.

00;57;46;28 - 00;57;47;03

Lauren Brollier Newton


00;57;47;03 - 00;58;10;00

Kirsten Welles

So survival back in the day meant visibility could potentially be threatened to us as humans in terms of our survivability. So you know if I'm out on the Serengeti I don't want to be visible right to predators. But if you think of it now, like the internet, social media is the new Serengeti. You know, a click of a button and you have global presence that my nervous system is going to be triggered by that.

00;58;10;05 - 00;58;10;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

00;58;10;25 - 00;58;22;08

Kirsten Welles

I want to be aware that that that that's okay. I can work with this. This is not a potential threat to me in the ways that my nervous system might be saying it is. So that's a kind of an example, perhaps, of.

00;58;22;10 - 00;58;50;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

I love that, you know, and that's exactly it, because once you taught me, Kirsten, that I might be physiologically feeling that response, but knowing, okay, wait, I'm actually not threatened. I'm not going to die if I do Facebook Live or post a post or whatever. And this is just a response of a nervous system that's responding for survival as opposed to, oh, Lauren's just a scaredy cat, or Lauren has imposter syndrome or, you know, all these different stories.

00;58;50;13 - 00;59;09;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

I can make up about it. I can separate my being from, oh, here's a physical part of my nature that's just got a little worked up because it thought something might happen and everything's fine. There's just so much power in. It's no longer me or it's this. It's this thing that I can separate who I really am from.

00;59;09;19 - 00;59;31;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like that. There's just something so potent, powerful about that. Oh my gosh, Kirsten. So what? I'm what I'm thinking of in my mind is there's going to be so many coaches on here who are trained and certified in many different methods and methodologies of coaching, which are all super potent in their own ways and wonderful. And I know there's going to be some people listening who go, that what Kirsten was just teaching.

00;59;31;05 - 00;59;50;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

I want to take that to my clients. Anybody who feels this resonance with Kirsten as a master coach or would like to be trained by her or want to know more about this particular method of transformation, I'm going to suggest that you go to becoming Masterclass, and it's where I give you seven steps to becoming a successful coach.

00;59;50;25 - 01;00;12;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

And one of those seven steps is exactly what Kirsten was taking us through, which was she didn't put this label on it, but it's coaching and curriculum, so it's not just willy nilly getting on the phone with a client, like, how may I help you today? It's not therapy. There's a system of transformation. And I think if you start with the masterclass and listen in on that and then take the next step from there, if this has got your name on it, I think that would be a great place to go.

01;00;12;26 - 01;00;19;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

So Kirsten Wells, will you come back another time and we'll go even deeper on all other things that we could talk about.

01;00;19;03 - 01;00;28;25

Kirsten Welles

I was so honored. I was honored for such a privilege and such a pleasure to be here with you and everybody tuning in. And if this does resonate with you, do what Lauren says, and come.

01;00;28;25 - 01;00;37;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

On and have fun with us. All right. Thanks, Kirsten, and for all of you. I'll see you on the next episode.

01;00;37;18 - 01;01;02;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking certification where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you'll never miss an episode. And while you're at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review.

01;01;02;13 - 01;01;15;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

To find out how to jump start your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at quiz. I'll see you.

01;01;15;12 - 01;01;15;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

In the next.

01;01;15;27 - 01;01;16;11

Kirsten Welles






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