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30 Days of Promise. Enough.
Episode 33rd April 2024 • 30 Days with Nathan • Nathan Stearman
00:00:00 00:01:58

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“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” . . . Therefore lI take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. mFor when I am weak, then I am strong

Jesus and Paul. 2 Cor 12:9-10. Hi, I’m Nathan and this is day 3 of 30 days of promise. Incredible! I don’t like admitting I have weaknesses, but I confront them daily. I would guess the same is true of you. As we embrace God’s purpose in our lives we are bound to encounter challenges. From weak genetics to stubborn habits. From lousy friends to irritable bosses. At times, it may seem as if every possible form of resistance has marshalled to oppose any progress toward God’s transformative activity in our lives. But . . . according to the writer . . . this is where the good stuff happens. This is where we learn to soar “on eagles wings” carried along by the power of Jesus, instead of crumbling in disheartened failure. It’s in these moments where--backed to the edge of the cliff--we discover the joy of falling into the unfailing hands of Divine strength, Divine faithfulness. It’s these moments you/we can begin to relish—because it’s these very moments when God shows up. The closer I come to failure, to breaking, to being overwhelmed—the nearer I am to seeing God. When the chips are down, press into Jesus—he will never fail you. Never.




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