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Podcast Ethics
5th July 2019 • So You Want to be a Podcaster • Andrew Rappaport & Coleen Sharp
00:00:00 00:41:00

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This week Coleen and Andrew discuss ethics for Christian podcasters.

Remember why you are podcasting

8 Finally, brothers, (1)whatever is true, (2)whatever is honorable, (3)whatever is just, (4)whatever is pure, (5)whatever is lovely, (6)whatever is commendable, (7)if there is any excellence, (8)if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. (Php 4:8–9).

  1. Behavior
    1. For Christians – behavior on social media, being an example of Christ
    2. Language
    3. Misrepresentation
    4. Click bait – what your show is about.
  2. Playing with your download numbers
    1. Posting old episodes on the same feed
    2. Downloading your own podcast over and over
    3. Do not buy downloads
  3. Legal Issues
    1. Copyright issues
      1. Music
      2. Other people’s content
  4. Promotion
    1. Plug other shows
    2. When you promote someone you are endorsing them
    3. <Title your episode as a question to gather interest>
    4. <Interview guests with an audience and put that guest name in the episode title>
  5. Working with Others
    1. Contract services
      1. Logos, music, etc
    2. Podcast reviews
      1. Negatively reviews on other podcasts
      2. Writing your own reviews

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