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Age of Rage - Week 2
23rd September 2018 • Missio Dei Community - SLC • Missio Dei Community - SLC
00:00:00 00:46:23

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In week 2 of our series Age of Rage, Kyle Costello continues walking through Galatians 1 and exploring the feelings of our current cultural moment. The world doesn’t politely suggest ways to fulfillment; rather it intensely confronts you with them. The world says wealth and importance is paramount. It says the powerful are the real valuable people. If we choose a different way the world mocks us. So where does that leave the Christ follower? Can we mix the gospel of the world with the Gospel of Jesus? And what happens if we do? The story of Jesus, like the claims of the world, is no different in asserting its path to fulfillment powerfully. Jesus doesn’t live, die on the cross, and be raised from the dead to politely suggest his way is a good one. Jesus' life and words tell us that his Gospel is an objective truth that is to be believed above and beyond the ways of the world. So how do we decide? Are the invitations of the world where we will find our peace and thriving? What if we feel like we have tried both and both have left us empty? Can we really trust the message of Jesus? What and how can we uncover the lies or the truth behind these competing claims? This week we dig deep into Galatians to listen to Jesus, see what he is doing in the midst of his people, and ask the questions above.




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