Welcome To The Waffle-Free Storytelling Podcast!
I have a hedge growing around my little backyard that's so full of birds that their dawn chorus wakes me up most mornings. To me, they're part of our home, so I fill the feeders with the stuff they love, which means they stay. As a result, I get to see new little ones spread their wings every spring. It's a thing of beauty.
However, despite the number of birds I see living life every day, I never see a dead bird in my yard. Ever. Even on my walks with my dog, I never see a dead bird.
This had me asking the question...Where do birds go to die?
That's what this story is all about.
So, take a moment, put your feet up, and join me for a waffle-free moment.
When the story is done, feel free to enjoy the rest of the site ( for more stories and other stuff and nonsense.
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Written and told by Tina Konstant (Copyright)