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There Are Sharks In Every Ocean
Episode 541st July 2021 • The Becoming the Big Me Podcast • Djemilah Birnie
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On today's episode of the Becoming the Big Me Podcast your host Djemilah Birnie talks about how there are sharks in every ocean, yet the entire ocean does not only consist of sharks. It is important to protect yourself from the sharks in life, but don't allow the fact that there are sharks out there to cloud everything else that is out there too.

Hi! I am your host Djemilah Birnie of . I have been building businesses online since the age of 17. When I discovered the power that we hold within our own minds my world truly began to change.

I love to write and have published some books, some of them have even hit some charts 😲 You can check them out here Djemilah Birnie

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Hello, fellow Earthlings, welcome to the becoming the big me podcast. I'm your host, Djemilah, Birnie. And together, we will be stepping into our highest potential, exploring all things mind, body, and soul. With justice major business, you're a spiritual badass solopreneur and a warrior for change, you're ready to expand your impact and leave your old self behind in order to raise your vibration so that you can positively influence your business, your community, and ultimately, the world. Without further ado, let's dive right into it.

There are sharks in every ocean, right? I mean, that's something that we know. And just as sharks in every you, Shin, they're going to be sharks in every industry, there are going to be sharks in all different areas of your life. But you know what else there is an embryo ocean. Besides sharks, there's treasure in every ocean. There's no lot of other stuff in every ocean, besides just sharks. So while we can sit back and we can focus on the sharks in the ocean, we can sit back and we can focus on the people out there that want to tear us down, we can sit there and we can focus on people that want to take maybe what you have built, we can sit there and focus on the dark side, we can focus on weaken Spiral Spiral for days on the dark side, because it is there. There are sharks in every ocean. And if you look hard enough for them, you will find them. But as you know, with the law of polarity, as with, you know, the sharks, comes the whales comes the fish comes the krill comes the coral comes the treasure in every ocean. And someone's just like life because while in life while in business, you might experience the sharks, you're gonna run into a shark. If you swim in the ocean, you're you're bound to run into a shark here and there. They exist. But what else is there? And we have to remember what what is it that we're looking for? Where is our focus upon? Are we focused upon the sharks? Are we focused upon the treasure? Are we focused upon what it is that we're seeking? Well, you will get what it is that you're focused upon. So if what you are seeking is not aligned with what you are focused upon, then it's time to sit down. And and to revisit that. Because yes, there are sharks in every ocean. And you know what, that is a reality that we must look face on. And we must sit down and we must decide, okay, how can I protect myself? What equipment What do I need to make sure that I am protected if I'm going to swim in this ocean, I need to make sure I'm protected from the sharks. And that's something that is a reality that does exist, and it's something that we do need to look at. And it's something that you knew do need to consider and to protect yourself from but you need to remember that the ocean is vast, the ocean is large, there's so much more than just the sharks, there's so much more. And you need to remember to shift your focus towards the trash. You need to remember to shift your focus towards what is it that is going to move you closer towards that dream? What is it that's going to move you closer towards that vision because the sharpstown they they're not going to help you. Unless you want to swim with the sharks and you've less you want to become one of them. They might help you for a minute until they realize they don't have anything So that you can get from you, that's the thing with sharks. Oftentimes, you'll find yourself confused, because you'll think that a shark is really your friend. And, well, the sharks are really good at being your friend until they do nothing left they can take from you. So make sure you protect yourself from the sharks. But if you're going to swim and swim in the ocean, because you are going to encounter them, and you are going to run into them, but there's so much more, there's so much more, if you want to get to the treasure, if you want to get to the dream, if you want to get to the vision that you have been painting for yourself, you're gonna have to swim with the sharks, you're gonna have to swim with a few. But there's so much more, that's not all, that's there, that's not all this, there's so much more, there's so many good kind fish friends out there, that will help that will help on your quest that will help on your journey that will help you get closer towards what it is that you are creating. But, you know, it is important to remember that they do exist, and that we aren't going to encounter them. I have experienced my own fair share of sharks in my journey in the business space. And I've watched, you know, my fair share of sharks in the business space.

You know, there are people that will see what you have, and, and try to take what they can from you. And that is, you know, an ugly truth and an ugly reality that, unfortunately, is something that needs to be talked about, and unfortunately, is something that needs to be said. But when you realize that that exists, when we're open about having these conversations, instead of hiding behind the toxic positivity of some of the, you know, spiritual business online motivational guru space that there is, there's definitely that shield of toxic positivity that hinders us from having a lot of these conversations that we do need to have, because it's something I see on a constant basis is yes, there are people that might see your vision, they might see what you have created it, and they might want it for themselves. And they might act as if they are a friend, until they can get into a position where they can obtain you know what they need from you. And it's important to understand that they do exist, there are sharks in every ocean. And if we are going to swim in the ocean of chasing your dream into building a business into creating this vision, you are going to encounter some sharks, you're going to encounter some people that don't want you to succeed. And more than realizing that they do exist, like it is extremely important to understand that they do exist so that you can protect yourself, for when you do inevitably run into them. But it's important to understand that there's so much more than just them because they're my reach a stage in your journey where it feels like, gosh, that is just I'm just in a I don't know what a swarm a swarm of sharks, I'm just in a herd of sharks right now. And maybe you are maybe you have taken a path where you have surrounded yourself with that, you know, type of person and you know that that happens. Sometimes I found myself in those experiences as well. And you need to recognize when that happens and pull yourself out and get into different circles, but you need to remember that that's not all that there is, you know, this is a vast, wide open ocean and there's so many other things out there to experience and just because you have experienced a few sharks or there's it gives you I've seen others experience if you sharks doesn't mean that that's all that there is out there and you need to keep your your focus in tune with the treasure with the vision with the dream with the purpose with the mission with whatever it is that you're building, so that you can continue to move forward. So yes, protect yourself from the sharks understand that they exist, understand the reality that they are there. But with that awareness with that awareness, move forward, understanding that now That you are aware and that you know you have a greater power because you have a greater ability to recognize when you are in the presence of one. But then just keep moving forward towards the mission towards the treasurer towards the goal.

Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of The becoming the big me podcasts. If you found value in today's episode, make sure to leave us a review and share this episode with someone who needs to hear this message. That's how our podcast grows. Are you curious about learning more about harnessing the power of your subconscious mind? then join the free rewire challenge where we'll dive deep into the subconscious mind how it works and give you some tangible action steps to began rewiring it to serve you go to slash rewire challenge that slash rewire challenge. Until next time. I'm your host Djemilah Birnie, signing out




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