Artwork for podcast Selling the Couch
123: Practicing Mindfulness
6th July 2017 • Selling the Couch • Melvin Varghese, PhD
00:00:00 00:35:45

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Today’s guest is Kim Engstrom, a colleague who practices in my local area, just south of Philadelphia.  Our topic is perfect for my return after a break; it’s about practicing mindfulness. As practitioners, we must learn to take time for ourselves, even when we’re battling the daily grind. Mindfulness is a basic idea, but a powerful medium that can be helpful for anyone, no matter what your profession. Let’s join Kim to hear what mindfulness means for her and how she fits it into her life.


Today’s Awesome Sponsor: Brighter Vision

Find out more about Kim: 

Email Kim:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

A favorite mindfulness app: Headspace

You can read the full show notes at

Mentioned in this episode:


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