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"Moral Unburdening Was Found In The Collective Identity"
Episode 5022nd September 2023 • Common Sense Ohio • Common Sense Ohio
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We dive into this fascinating quote Steve uses frequently: "moral unburdening was found in the collective identity."

Remember Desert Storm? The US showed the footage of the "highway of death" and the American people demanded that the troops come home. But did we really think about the purpose of our presence in Iraq?

If we had focused on prosecuting the Iraqi Republican Guard instead of getting caught up in the CNN footage, maybe a second Desert Storm wouldn't have been necessary. It's crucial to consider all angles!

Now let's talk about World War 2 history. Patton observed the post-war scenario, specifically the complete occupation of Poland by the Soviet Union. The Europeans aimed to defend Poland from despots but ended up leaving it in Stalin's hands.

Some argue that the Soviet Union, not the US or England, won World War 2. It's a thought-provoking perspective that challenges our understanding of history.

Other Ohio stories we covered...

The Remembrance Project and a recent school bus accident.

The Biden administration will grant temporary legal status to an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans who are already in the United States.

Fentanyl overdose deaths rising in the US. And tracing where this drug is coming from.

Hundreds of flying taxis to be made in Ohio, via corporate welfare (as we see it).

A Big Thanks to our sponsor, Harper Plus Accounting. They provide more than just basic transactions, offering expert business consultation as well. They go beyond the basics, providing comprehensive advice on saving, planning, and optimizing taxes.

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson, My Podcast Guy®, is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.

Recorded at the 511 Studios, in the Brewery District in downtown Columbus, OH.


Steve Palmer [:

Alright. It is that time again, your weekly dose of common sense. I'm back. I missed my Common Sense dose last week. I heard it was a great interview, guys. That, It

Brett Johnson [:

was a fun show.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

So did you dive into World War one just as much as you did World War Too.

Steve Palmer [:

No. World War 2 hit me like a ton of bricks. I I I started to do World War one. You know where I started with history like that? I would read, Jeff Shara. Is that his name, Norm? Jeff he he wrote he wrote, historical fiction, he and his son. Oh. And great stories. Like, I mean, really, like, you write trilogies about, the war of 18/12, the war of World War one. There's a civil war trilogy. He's got a World War 2 trilogy, And he's got a World War one trilogy as I already said. I don't know. I don't know. But, anyway, I would listen to those. Those sort of got me involved. And then a guy named, Stephen Ambrose Wrote a whole plethora of history books on World War 2. And he later was criticized. He got caught plagiarizing. I don't know what the hell the real story was. He died of cancer, but He really like, I was a history major, and what Ambrose did is he sort of took history and made it interesting to read. So if you go back and read, like, Gibbons rise and fall or there's, read the old British guys on history. It's like, blah blah blah blah blah, footnote, endnote, Blah blah blah blah. Long words, big words. For the footnotes longer than the chapter. Exactly. But Ambrose would come in, and he wrote a book called Citizen soldiers, which I highly recommend, and it talks about, it's like a he wrote several books on World War 2 and was fascinated. But He sort of followed. He started, I think, with D Day and took it and took it through. And citizen soldiers, it reads like a novel. I mean, I a lot of my My jumping off point for World War two history was that. Now my son, he just is he's just got an intellectual capacity to remember details that don't matter, And an incredible conscious ability to ignore details that do. Well yeah. Right. As as

Norm Murdock [:

any That sounds like a

Steve Palmer [:

son. Sounds like

Brett Johnson [:

a As

Steve Palmer [:

any teenager might.

Norm Murdock [:

Two comments on your stories that are your historical markers there. One of the, interesting things about the Japanese and Indochina is after Hiroshima, Nakasaki, and their surrender And the emperor actually addressing the people and shocking the Japanese population because he was thought of as a god, And here he is on the radio hearing to his voice for the first time in their lives. After all of that and their surrender, the Missouri, You know, signing the surrender documents. The British in Vietnam and other parts of Indochina Maintained the Japanese soldiers with their arms, with their pistols and their rifles in order to act as police Until the British and the French could come back into Indochina and take over that job themselves. So here you have liberated Vietnamese, right, who the yoke of Japanese oppression has been allegedly tossed off of them, And yet they still have Japanese people, soldiers, the Japanese army, maintaining Public order. So that is that is a very strange artifact, from, the Japanese in, into China. And then, about the Nazi thing with, Patton, it's kind of, hypocritical, isn't it? Because we imported under Operation Paperclip All these Nazi scientists, like Wernher von Braun, like like we imported the hundreds, maybe thousands of these scientists. Right? And so And ignored

Steve Palmer [:

their really, really gross deeds.

Norm Murdock [:

All all kinds of slave labor in these caves where they built the, rockets, under Wernher von Braun. So, you know, Patton is basically saying in in Europe, Hey. You know, these guys are gonna become mercenaries in the French foreign legion or something else. These are combat experienced soldiers. We ought to be using them. And in And indeed, the UN did adopt many ex German, Wehrmacht soldiers and and pilots Into the United Nations and the new German, Bundeswehr.

Steve Palmer [:

You know what's interesting, Norm? 2 things, to your 2 things. The first thing is no matter what I could bring up historically, Norm knows it. Right?

Brett Johnson [:

I know. I'm I'm I'm thinking the same thing. I'm a

Steve Palmer [:

off or headsets off, whatever the situation would be. The second thing is, Patton, it's like he is the anti woke of the forties.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And All he was doing here was saying what was already happening. You know? He would just call it like it was. Exactly. And, you know, he got in trouble for a couple lots of comments like that, not the least of which was when He basically said we don't need the and not in so many not so many. We're well, actually, in so many where we don't need the Russians or the we need to go. Why don't we just keep going and invade the Soviet Union? I mean, He he understood he had he had this very, very unique ability to cut through the nonsense, to cut through the politics, and he understood sort of the bigger picture, And he understood with boots on the ground every day what needed to be done to effectuate the bigger picture. I mean, the guy was really a genius.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, after all, the Europeans started hostilities with Hitler after he invaded Poland under their treaty treaty obligations to Poland. And at the end of the war and, of course, Poland was invaded half by Germany and half by their ally at that time, the Soviet Union. So Patton is looking at the results, right, of of of of of the end of the war, and there is the Soviet Union completely occupying Poland. Right? So the Europeans decide they're going to defend Poland from 1 despot, and at the end of the war, we leave Poland in the hands of Stalin, and Patton is obviously looking at that saying, well, wait a minute. They were actually an ally of Germany at the beginning of the war. They got all these countries in Eastern Europe under their, you know, rubric, and, You know, obviously, we did not free Eastern Europe. East we we gave away Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union at the end of World War 2. You could Say the Soviet Union won World War 2, not the US and not England.

Steve Palmer [:

Our our stomach for it, it was no longer That's Right. You know, this is this is good old fashioned American politics, and I can't necessarily criticize. Right? We lost a lot of guys. I mean, it was it was a horrible time for the country.

Norm Murdock [:

People were sick of the

Steve Palmer [:

Or And people didn't wanna

Norm Murdock [:

fight the war. They threw Churchill out of office.

Steve Palmer [:

And Churchill, it's like he was this necessary evil, and then they got rid of him. That's sort of how they looked at it.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And and, you know, he was Before the war was even over. And they went They got rid of it. And and they went in a completely different direction. And, you know, Patton Patton really was an incredible guy to understand all of this. And, you know, I think the history as we look back on it, you can look at that century and say, alright. It was really all one big conflict. You know, it's like World War 1 did not get resolved. No. World War 2 did not get resolved. And now the cold war is not yet resolved. No. Right. Because World War 2 resulted in the cold war. I mean, if we'd if we'd had done what Patton won, we probably wouldn't have had Vietnam.

Norm Murdock [:

We got out of we got out of Desert Storm because of television footage of the highway of death. Right? Mhmm. Well, what did the American people think we were doing over there? Did they think it was a highway of life? What did they think we were gonna do when the Iraqi Republican Guard was retreating up that highway with all this booty, Right? From Kuwait Kuwait. You know, what did they think was gonna happen? They had, you know, Rolls Royces and Land Rovers, they they stole furniture, and and the Republican guard later on went on to murder the Kurds. And had we prosecuted the Iraqi Republican Guard instead of saying, oh my, look at that CNN footage. That's so terrible What our fighter jets did to those poor soldiers. If we had pressed that, there would have been no, you know, Desert Storm 2. We would not have had to go back. And that, you know, in a in a nutshell, is a great synopsis because, You know, sure enough, what did, Bush and Powell Bush 2 and Powell do just, you know, 10 years later After 911, we went right back to Iraq Yep. To finish off Saddam Hussein, a job we should have done 10 years hence.

Steve Palmer [:

And and looking back, I think both the politics of it at the time were it it strikes me that the politics of it at the time are all short cited. You know, it's all about getting elected, getting power, doing this, doing that. And and people people use those

Norm Murdock [:

And Bush didn't get reelected anyway. And Clint Clinton beat him.

Steve Palmer [:

And and people use those things as a as a stepping stone to get their well, this is so bad. We can't do this anymore. We're gonna Come in. We're gonna we're gonna do I mean, I mean, look what Biden did as soon as he took office with Afghanistan. Same kind of thing. We're gonna look back on that and say Right. We didn't have to look back that far. No. How horrible of a decision was that? You know, we left it unfinished. Right. And now we have created we have seeded the field, seeded part of that the, substantial part of the globe To Armageddon coming over the horizon. That's China. You know? It's like China's got control of all of that now because of that dumb decision, which was totally political. Yeah. It it just it It just defies reason and logic.

Norm Murdock [:

We left a staggering amount of material. You know, I I think I heard something like this this just blows me away. Something like 10,000 Humvees just for starters. Yeah. We just, Like, that's all in the hands of the Taliban now.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Taste. Just leave it. Yeah. And it just is it it's like an and I think Patton back in his day was the Truest, original, inner or nonwoker. You know? He was like

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Look. Denaustification is a farce because Yeah. We're doing all these other things. We all know what this is. This is all just for political theater. Just abandon this BS, and let's move forward.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. The the reporter famously asked him, well, wasn't the Nazi party kind of just like Republicans and Democrats? And and And, Patton, you know, in his offhand kinda throwaway kinda thing, he's thinking more at down at the local level when you would sign up To a party in order to avoid persecution.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

You know, like, if you're the mayor of a local town, it could get pretty rough If you weren't a member of the Nazi party. So a lot of them, maybe they believed in it, maybe they didn't, but they hung a little portrait True to have uncle Adolf on the wall.

Steve Palmer [:

That's right.

Norm Murdock [:

And they joined the party.

Steve Palmer [:

So do you persecute those people? You know? And that's like it's, it's pretty interesting To me, when people look back and say, I would never have joined Exactly. X party. I never would have been involved in that. Right. And, you know, don't Don't don't be so sure about your own morality and your own, you know, meddle because

Norm Murdock [:

you weren't there in that village When the brown shirts were going door to door knocking on things, saying, are you a member of the party or not? Because if you're not, this is gonna happen. If you are

Brett Johnson [:

Well, because you're living in Situation of this is my forever.

Steve Palmer [:

You're doing what you're doing to survive.

Brett Johnson [:

You don't have the perspective of that we have looking back. They're living it and thinking, this is my life from now on. I have to play the rules.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. There's a book I I read recently or a year or 2 ago called Ordinary Men, and it was about how Hitler sort of, how the Nazis sort of recruited The the older guys in all the various towns to help with the final solution. And, you know, so they were just normal dudes, and the brown shirts come and knock and say, you know, we need help, killing the Jews. You know? Really, that's what it was.

Norm Murdock [:

Least identifying them.

Steve Palmer [:

No. No. Taking them out to the woods and shooting them. And this was a fascinating bit of psychology because it it it sort of It sort of explores how that happens. How do ordinary men go from this, like, existence where they used to be firemen, they used to be constables, Bulls, they used to be policemen in these local towns. They fought in World War one, and now they're out killing they're they're they're literally murdering, mass murdering Jews. And, you know, they basically categorized you. And even when they had a chance to opt out, not everybody did. And so it's like this exploration of where people say, I never would have done that. It's like, Well, I think it's a deeper it's a deeper dive than that.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, I mean, all the children had to become members of the Hitler Youth, And, we had a pope, pope Benedekt from Germany, who, as a youth, was impressed into the Hitler youth. You It wasn't like you had a choice to be a boy scout or a girl scout or not be 1. All the children Had to be. Whether they were in the Nazi party or not, their parents, all of the children had to be in the Hitler Youth. So so people made a big deal about the pope being a a member of the Hitler Youth. Well, so was everybody his age?

Steve Palmer [:

He'd be dead if he weren't. And then there's this, the I'll tell you. I have 1 quote, then we can move on to the news because that's really what we're supposed to be doing. But it it there is a quote that struck me. In fact, I wrote it on a little bit of piece of notebook paper and tore off that corner, and and it Sat on my kitchen island countertop for it might even still be there. And the quote was this, moral unburdening was found in the collective identity. And it's such a powerful quote. It's like, moral unburdening is found in a collective identity. So as my dad always said, I'm not worried about what I'm gonna he wasn't worried about what I was gonna do alone. He goes, I trust you implicitly, but I worry about you when you're with your buddies. Of course. Yes. You know? And it's like this idea of a collective identity. And when you do things for the collective, You unburden yourself with moral obligations.

Norm Murdock [:

It's the hive mentality. Yep. It's the hive mentality.

Steve Palmer [:

And that

Brett Johnson [:

and it's so true for today if you apply that to To different things that are going on today. Well

Steve Palmer [:

Or any communist Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

You know? Sure. Anything that just is you you question, why are why is this whole group

Norm Murdock [:

We talked yeah. We talked about, like, well Clan clan lynchings in the South. Right. You know, when when, everybody's wearing a hood, Okay. And a guy brings a rope, and and you can't be identified, and you're a racist or something. This hive Mentality takes over, and it is very dangerous, very dangerous for people not to be identified and to be themselves and to be selves and to be individuals and to speak up, have a little courage, and say, hey. You know what? I think it's kinda wrong. We're hanging this guy.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Well, and we've kind of Discuss this too in the in the men changing gender and and playing in women's sports. Yeah. Why isn't there any talk From the feminists to stop this.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, the terps. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

It it kinda feels like a hive mentality to a certain degree because of They're seeing some other big thing going on.

Steve Palmer [:

Who is honestly gonna look in the mirror? And and, look, I get it. I'll be Stuart, we might even get canceled for this. But who's honestly gonna look in the mirror and say, a man with a penis and testicles can be a woman? And, look, you can you can In those terms, you know, you can say, well, look, he he is he's got a feminine identity or whatever it would be, but it's like, he's not a woman. He can't have a baby.

Norm Murdock [:

People He

Steve Palmer [:

can't do things that women can do. It cannot do it.

Norm Murdock [:

So you're saying these people are not fastened to reality, and and you're right. They are not fixed In the real world But I think they got a makeup world.

Steve Palmer [:

I think in their heart of hearts, they everybody knows that that it's not the same. Like, a man with balls and a penis can't get pregnant. He can't menstruate. He can't. So look. I mean, to say that to say that he can is Patently absurd. Of course, it is.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

And and you can say whatever you want about the person. Like, he has every right or she has every right or whatever it would be. I don't even care. And if somebody said, look, I'd prefer you to call me she instead of he, I would do it. I could care less. But to to to deny the factual reality of it, it's lies, lies, Lies. Lies. And and and it's

Norm Murdock [:

Even after the Berlin Olympics, right, and they saw Jesse Owens from Ohio State

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Right, Get 4 medals. Right? They even then, okay, the op the idea of the, The idea that there are people of different colors or religions or races who are inferior to the Aryan Strain of humanity. It it was clearly demonstrated by mister Owens. That is bullshit. Right? Right in front of old Jickelgruber up there in the stadium watching this happen. Okay? He was tossed right up in his face that, no, actually, There are other people who can be as good as, if not better, at all kinds of things than you guys. Right?

Steve Palmer [:

And isn't there a story, Norman?

Norm Murdock [:

He denied reality. That's what the trannies are doing too.

Steve Palmer [:

And and They're in another world. They're in another world. Yeah. And in there a story there that that is a extension to this where we We had a relay team, and we took some like, the the Nazis come to us sort of behind the scenes and say, take your Jews off the team, you know, or something like that. And and I think we complied. I think we did.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it was the head I don't

Steve Palmer [:

know that history. It was the head of the my brain.

Norm Murdock [:

It was head of the American Olympic Committee, who pressured the coach, to substitute Jesse Owens and 1 other runner in place of the 2 Jewish Runners. And Jesse protested and said he wasn't gonna run, and the 2 Jewish guys went over to him and said, well, then the coach is gonna default. Then we're not gonna enter this, and I want you to run for me, Jesse, because if if you don't, we're giving we're giving victory to the Nazis. Please. Yeah. So in an incredible act of sacrifice, right, those 2 Jewish runners who should have run Who should have run. Right, actually,

Steve Palmer [:

you You know? And I think we were gonna win. We were expected to win.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Right. So it's like,

Norm Murdock [:

That's how he got his 4th gold medal.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right. So you can say you you know, you somebody could say, well, if I were back there, I would have be I would have taken the stand, or I would have done this, or I would have done that. It's like, Not so fast.

Norm Murdock [:

We didn't have social media.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Not so fast, Kalabla.

Norm Murdock [:

Those 2 Jewish athletes might have just got on Twitter, right,

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And said, hey. Guess what? We're over here in Berlin. This bullshit coach is saying this, this, and this, and then the whole world would have, like, freaked Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

But we did you know, that didn't

Steve Palmer [:

make sense. Even Jesse got pressure from, it was at the n, double, a c p or whatever would have been at the time.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, not to go.

Steve Palmer [:

Not to go. Right. And, you know, he got a lot of criticism for that.

Norm Murdock [:

He did.

Steve Palmer [:

But look what he did for The culture and, and, and breaking through those barriers for black athletes.

Norm Murdock [:

No. I got to meet him. I got to shake his I got to shake his hand. Yeah. He was a Republican.

Steve Palmer [:

I didn't realize you could run that fast.

Norm Murdock [:

He coulda kicked my ass when he was 60. Anyway, he, He's a he was a lifelong Republican, and, he,

Steve Palmer [:

Moved over on the west side of Columbus for a bit.

Norm Murdock [:

He he he, from Cleveland. Right? Anyway, he, was at the, opening day of the general assembly. My dad was a, a state representative, and, Hey. While while people were milling around waiting to be sworn in or whatever, dad drags me over and says, I want you to meet Jesse Owens. And I just stood there with my jaw, you know, on the floor. Right? I was a little, like, 11 year old kid, and I just couldn't believe what was going on. I just couldn't believe I'm meeting Jesse Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And hats off. I mean, look what he had to endure in order to compete. The racism and the and the actual prejudice against him.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, and I got that big smile, Steve. I got that Jesse Owens, You know, patented, big smile, so nice, so gentle. You know? Just a wonderful

Steve Palmer [:

Incredible guy.

Norm Murdock [:

Incredible guy.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. Well, we've we have burned some time

Norm Murdock [:

From Ohio.

Steve Palmer [:

OHS. Right here. Right in the middle.

Norm Murdock [:

istic that Somewhere around a:

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

By the communist Chinese and by the Mexican cartels, and we're relatively doing nothing.

Steve Palmer [:

And it's Not even relatively. We are doing nothing.

Norm Murdock [:

We're if In fact, there's

Steve Palmer [:

a fight against doing something.

Norm Murdock [:

We're we're accommodating him. Right. And, you know, Anthony, Blinken goes to the chine goes to Beijing and kneels down, and and Biden just has an open border For the Mexican cartels, and they're making 1,000,000,000 of dollars, as coyotes and drug dealers and arms dealers. And we're having 3 911 events or 3 Pearl Harbors. Roughly 10,000 people a month are dying from Fentanyl, And we're like, that's no big deal. But if they knock down the Twin Towers or bomb a naval base, that is a big deal.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's it's

Norm Murdock [:

It's a it's it's it's unbelievable to me.

Steve Palmer [:

Foreign power that wanted to attack the United States, It would be foolhardy to do it with another 911 or another Pearl Harbor. You would do something a lot more sinister, like send Fentanyl across the border. Right. You're gonna take advantage of Biden's open border policies to implant your your, sleepers in the United States all over the place. You're gonna do all sorts of stuff from within, and why wouldn't you? Because we're letting them happen. We're letting it happen. Steve, we'd steal our technology.

Norm Murdock [:

I think just a couple days ago, I heard That the customs and border patrol service, announced in one day, 10,000 illegals came over. In one day. Yeah. This was this week. I think it was Monday or Tuesday.

Steve Palmer [:

It's insane.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And How is everybody okay with this?

Norm Murdock [:

So believe we don't know who they are. We don't know if they have diseases, if they're carrying drugs. Are they gonna be human traffic?

Steve Palmer [:

And all we hear from the media is like, well, we need these people for our to to for labor in the economy. It's like nonsense. It's total nonsense.

Norm Murdock [:

We should feel sorry for them, You know, for some some kind of bizarre reason that we can't do things like the Peace Corps or military assistance or police training or, You know, like the kinds of things we did in Colombia when the cartels were operating there, American America lent assistance to those.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And then people like Bernie Marino that wanted to come in legally, his family waited in line.

Steve Palmer [:

And Tammy

Norm Murdock [:

ranted work visas to a half a:

Steve Palmer [:

Put put some It's something that

Norm Murdock [:

made a

Steve Palmer [:

staggering number. A half a:

Norm Murdock [:

A half a:

Steve Palmer [:

to do that. Hold on. Hold on.

Norm Murdock [:

And they and they got work visas now.

Steve Palmer [:

Sean Penn And the rest of his cronies thought that Venezuela was perfect. Yeah. Chavez was was, like, the ideal. That's right. They're all going down there talking about how great he was.

Norm Murdock [:

Like Cuba.

Steve Palmer [:

This is this is the Yeah. That's right.

Norm Murdock [:

Like, now

Steve Palmer [:

that the like, they're Utopia. They're fine. They got it. They figured it out. They learned Uto, And now they're all

Norm Murdock [:

payer health care.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Then he then he goes, and he kills everybody and gets rid of all his opponents, and now they're all running here to to hide.

Norm Murdock [:

So So we're on track for 2,000,000. Last year, 2,000,000 illegal immigrants came into the US Customs and Border Patrol Service. They are saying we this year, we're on track For at least the same number. 2,000,000, and we already have 30,000,000 estimated illegals in the country already. It it's just

Steve Palmer [:

Again, I want everybody to think about it where where you're living, how big your town is, how big your city is, how many people live there, and start doing that math. Right. It's like start doing that math. It's like a state. Right. You know? Oh, for sure. Like, it it's it's, like, it's it's utter insanity. And, look, I could care less if people come in this country, lawfully.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Because we want that to happen. It should be a symbiotic problem. Like, we should not open our borders to immigrants unless we need them. And people are gonna say I'm a horrible person for saying that, but it's like it's a fact. Right? It's like that's what borders are. It's like we like, you don't get citizenship, without a price, you know. And, you know, we we're not obligated to let everybody become American citizens. Like, anybody who is, like, Think of the Titanic. Right? How many boats do they have? And if you load everybody up on the light boats, the boat sinks. Like, it cannot sustain itself that way. A country can't sustain itself that way.

Norm Murdock [:

You got you got New York City. So they estimate the number of illegals that have come in to New York City this Past fiscal year at a 150,000, only 13,000 of those have been bust from Florida or Texas. So In one day, 10,000 this week crossed into Texas. New York City is complaining about a total of 13,000 that have been bust from Texas and Florida.

Steve Palmer [:

And Abbott is getting they're freaking out about that. People are scammed. And if you listen to these people before and after, it's it's Awesome. When they're in their political show Right. 2 or 3 years ago about how they're gonna be sanctuary cities, whatever, now the same people are saying this is intolerable. We can't do that.

Norm Murdock [:

Seems to go one direction. The compassion seems to be for this. They have this meme that every illegal is some poor, downtrodden Broaden Mexican, you know Well, and and even if they were total meme. It's not true.

Steve Palmer [:

It's the same thing we're talking about with Patton. Right? It's like it's it's this It's this political position for short term gain. And then when they reap the benefits or The that when they reap what they sow

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Now they're not so in favor of it. No. Because it's, like because it made sense Back when Patton said Right. We just can't see the entire European field or half of Europe to the Soviet Union because we're creating a problem for later. Right. And 5, 10, 15 years, Erwin, Trump was there saying, we can't keep an open border because we're creating an enormous problem for later. Now the problem is here, and these people, don't wanna deal with it. So they you you lie facts out of existence, but you don't or you lie facts out like, You lie facts out of your immediate memory, but you can't lie them out of existence. That's the way to say it.

Norm Murdock [:

You distract. Yeah. So so, our governor, our illustrious governor here, Who who has COVID, by the way? He's got all shots, but he got COVID. Our governor DeWine here, we have an 11 year old in Springfield Killed by an illegal immigrant. You should not have been here. I don't know if the guy was drunk or on drugs. I have no idea. But at any rate, That was what caused that school bus wreck. Okay? And DeWine, instead of saying we gotta solve illegal immigrant Crime. Okay? And there's a whole website called the Remembrance Project

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Which which you can go to, and you can peruse Thousands and thousands of people killed by illegal immigrants in traffic accidents or robberies or Other kinds of homicides or manslaughters or vehicular homicides. It's a it's an unbelievable list of slaughter, And I wanna know why governor DeWine doesn't have compassion in that direction. Why does he have a committee looking at, you know, Messing around with school buses. We've had 2 more school buses since that one. They both rolled over, and nobody died. And and and yet we're gonna we're gonna focus all this energy on that instead of why don't you authorize the sheriffs and the state patrol To arrest any illegal immigrants that they find like they're doing in Texas now, okay, and haul their asses to jail because they're criminals. They shouldn't be here. And then turn them over to customs and border patrol. I mean,

Steve Palmer [:

who what's was it Chicago that just I just saw a a new story that Chicago's gonna build a tent city for And Yeah. You know Yeah. It just is Right. The the problem isn't going away. It's I it's like when I when I talk to people in my law firm about, You know, I've talked to people recently. It happens all the time, but somebody's got a warrant for their arrest. So they maybe they've alleged they're they're accused of, domestic violence, and and They're denying it. That didn't happen. And you might be surprised, but a lot of times, they're false accusations of domestic violence. Man. Or, Like, if your if your spouse happens to be coming at you and you grab him or her shoulders and sort of push him push him aside and then try to leave, well, that's a domestic violence. Sure. That kind of crap ends up with a warrant for your

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

So somebody calls and they say, look, I can't go to jail. I'm, like, alright. There's a warrant for your arrest, and the city of Columbus has a policy where you have to go to jail. There's some ways around it I'm not gonna go into, but it it I give them this analogy. I'm, like, listen, if we turn if you turn yourself in, We can control how we turn ourselves in. We can control when you do it, to some extent. So I mean, you don't get arrested before that, but, you know, there's a warrant. Let's get with surrender. I'll be there the very next morning in court, and we'll get you out on your own recognizance. And then I can tell the judge, he's obviously not a flight risk where she's obviously not a flight risk because here we are. They came to court. They actually reported to jail. This person reported to jail and said, here I am. I'm here to deal with the charges, And you're gonna be far more likely to get a recognizance bond released just without having to pay any money. But, you You know, if you if you ignore the problem, if you stick your head in the sand, if you don't do anything about it, it's like a it's like a cavity. It gets worse, and it gets worse. And you're afraid to go to the dentist because the dentist sucks, and you're afraid of the dental drill because the drill sucks. But if you put it off long enough, you're gonna have a root canal. And if you put that long enough, You're gonna have your tooth yanked and maybe some surgery and other infection problems. The infection's not going away. No. If we let this continue, it is not going away. We cannot stick our head in the sands on this. And people say, woah. I don't care about that. We got we need the labor anyway. It's like, no. No. No. This problem is not going away.

Norm Murdock [:

There's a way there's a way to get that labor And identify who these workers are and give them a work permit. Right? Yeah. Give them a green card. Allow them to work. Give them a work visa, But why not process them? Why do you have this unfeathered swarm across the border? It's not orderly, And that's what the American people mainly object to is, so far, 50 people on the terror watch list, right, have been apprehended. Who knows how many were not apprehended?

Steve Palmer [:

Wouldn't we all isn't it common sense that everybody would agree that we should not let let terrorists, Criminals and drug dealers across the board.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Like, can we all agree with that?

Norm Murdock [:

We've only caught 50 of them so far.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean

Norm Murdock [:

Who and God knows how many sleeper cell Sure. Immigrants have

Steve Palmer [:

come in. These are criminals, folks. They're not gonna tell you they're criminals.

Norm Murdock [:

And they're not Mexicans. The the the numbers coming in from China, Africa, For, all all around the globe. You know, Poland, wherever. Yeah. People are coming in over the southern border from all over the world. Right. A 160 different countries have been documented

Steve Palmer [:

so far. If if I mean, what would you do? Well, it looks like the southern border of the United States is open. Let's go there. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

But, you know, that stat right there is not really well known. That a 160 countries are coming through that hole That's right. Or those holes. That's right. That that's not what the general public thinks.

Steve Palmer [:

No. The the

Brett Johnson [:

They don't. The corporate

Norm Murdock [:

media doesn't wanna tell me what's true.

Brett Johnson [:

Except they're right there.

Steve Palmer [:

They're saying it's these poor Mexican folks who are just looking to earn a living and take money back for their families, and it's not enough of this.

Brett Johnson [:

It's nothing.

Steve Palmer [:

We can argue that all you want, but that's not exactly it.

Norm Murdock [:

That's not it. Right? And Elon Certainly

Steve Palmer [:

not that's not all of it.

Norm Murdock [:

And Elon Musk, you know, in his, I guess, weekly press conference or whatever he does, He came out with a story, just, I think, yesterday. Elon said the corporate media, the legacy media, is not Covering the southern border to your point, Brett. Yeah. One one final thing if you guys this will blow your your mind. This blew my mind. I did not know about this Program. But this is this is why somebody this is why so many of those so called Neanderthal Republicans in Congress Well, our our okay was shutting down the government until we get a decent budget. There is actually a program in the state department for 200,000, immigrants where the American public will pay for them to come in free, and there's an app for this. 200,000, and I think so far, a 120,000 have taken advantage of this program, and it is for people that, again, do not have any other legitimate reason for being here. They can come, land at an airport as opposed to swimming across the Rio Grande.

Steve Palmer [:

Little bit

Norm Murdock [:

easier to fly. Little bit easier. And just

Steve Palmer [:

Unless you need the exercise.

Norm Murdock [:

And then just show up, and then there's a second app for people who want to arrange An asylum statement with the border patrol. They can schedule their crossing at the Rio Grande. They could say, listen. We're gonna swim the river At 9 o'clock. Okay? And we're gonna we're gonna appear on your shore. Will you have an agent there to apprehend us? Yes. We will. This is all done by app. That is available. Unbelievable. We so what Biden has done is he's turned the border patrol service from a guard service into an accommodation service.

Steve Palmer [:

They're doorman.

Norm Murdock [:

They're travel agents.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Travel agents. That's even better. Yeah. That's unreal.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And and nobody's mad about People

Steve Palmer [:

are gonna hear this and say, nuh-uh. This is the kind of stuff I there was a a guy I used to work with, and I I I would tell him stuff like this and be like, no. Not not really that's Going on. I was like, yeah. Google it, man. Yeah. And peep people Google this

Norm Murdock [:

stuff, and they're like, holy crap. This is happening. Own research, people. Don't believe us. Please do not believe Common Sense Ohio. We're not here to indoctrinate you. I'm just trying to stimulate you to do your own research.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Because some of this stuff is insane.

Brett Johnson [:

Could that app though. Okay. Let's Let's turn that around. Again, not understanding all the nuances of the app, but let's say you could turn that app into your scenario that, okay, you have a warrant for your arrest.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

Go do it. You're kind of setting an appointment. Could that help filter, though? Could it be a positive thing?

Steve Palmer [:

No. I well, I I see what you're saying, but why don't we just say Follow the process to come into the country.

Brett Johnson [:

And that's true. You're white you're you're pushing a process that works anyway.

Steve Palmer [:

Why do we need that? So this is this is what I always say.

Brett Johnson [:

It's like

Steve Palmer [:

The the conspiracy theorists get they get their their moniker. You're a conspiracy theorist, whatever. But when you when you start to look at stuff like this, there's Solation of stars that you can put together that makes you sort of think, like, what's really going on here? Why why would we need this app?

Brett Johnson [:

When we have a process when Well, we have a process.

Steve Palmer [:

All you have to do is show up Yeah. And say True. True. Look. I need asylum. I need this. And then you vet that person, and you let them in. Mhmm.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

So, look, if we wanted to create some sort of app or some sort of process or streamline it or or or or fix that, I I'm with you.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

with you. Let's figure out a way to vet these these people. Right. And if they're if they should be in the country, let's let them in. If they shouldn't be in the country, let's not. But the app is a way To let people in the country easier without doing the it's like a backdoor.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. The the whole the whole remain in Mexico thing, Brett, was A Trump administration concept. Because once they cross the Rio Grande, once they land at an airport, they have a whole different set of rights True. On American soil. True. So what he had was an agreement with the Mexican government that people pending their hearing would have to wait in Mexico on that side of the border. Right.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And we got rid of under Biden, that's gone.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Okay.

Norm Murdock [:

One of the first things he did, The remain in Mexico program's gone. And you would think people like mayor Adams, you know, and the, you know, whatever name is, Lori. No. There's a new mayor of Chicago. Agree. But you would think that these big city mayors that are Democrats who are complaining about the situation wouldn't say, Gee, mister president, you've gotta go back to remain in Mexico. Yeah. You've gotta finish the wall, complete the wall. You know, there has to be a barrier That physically keeps people out. Because once they report, once they get a

Steve Palmer [:

report It does. The other

Norm Murdock [:

thing it

Steve Palmer [:

does and I I don't know the nuance like you, Brett. I don't know the nuance. But the other thing it does, it's this back to our theme for today. It sort of reshapes the definitions because then if you come in by the app, you're not illegal. You know? You you've done it.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

So now they get to say it's not illegal. You can let more people in maybe without and all you've done was redefine what illegal means.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, now I'm undocumented. Right. But I'm not here illegally because I used your app.

Brett Johnson [:

I used your app. Yeah. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

So it's like, if you can change that way, the media, the press, Biden, or the the politicians Can say things with some sort of perceived protection over the lies.

Norm Murdock [:

Word games.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Absolutely. They change And then follow their new definitions and say, see, it's sort of like, I did not have sexual relations with that girl because I don't believe that getting a blow job was sexual relations. Alright. Well, the rest of us do. Right. Right. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. The, the street walker ladies, who charge money for that Sure as hell. Think it's

Steve Palmer [:

That's right.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. They're still getting charged on

Norm Murdock [:

They have the whole fee schedule is my understanding. God knows I've never, you know,

Steve Palmer [:

I I have I have let's just say this. I have represented plenty of folks who have fallen into that dubious trap on both sides.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. On both sides. So I've represented folks who have, been charged with solicitation. I've represented, women, never a man yet, but I'm sure that could happen, who is out soliciting their own their own sexual.

Brett Johnson [:

But not through an app yet, though.

Steve Palmer [:

No. I've had done it through an app. I look. Here's what happens. People come in, and they have apps. They it used to be, what was the the before Facebook Marketplace, it was

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know what I'm talking about.

Norm Murdock [:

Home Shopping Network? No. It was,

Steve Palmer [:

like, where you sell stuff.

Brett Johnson [:

Like Ebay?

Steve Palmer [:

Now now that was Oh, I'm sorry. It was like the, like, a homegrown version of that.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, okay. Okay.

Steve Palmer [:

I'm drawing a total blank.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. I know. But, yeah.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

mean, it started with ads and papers. Yeah. The colored paper.

Norm Murdock [:

Classified. Yeah. Classified. Like Craigslist, that kind of stuff.

Steve Palmer [:

Craigslist is what I'm thinking of. Oh. So then it became Craigslist, the the Craigslist personals, and then now it's, Now it's gotten a little bit

Norm Murdock [:

eBay bought Craigslist.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, I didn't know. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. They've they've owned it for some time, and a lot of people were afraid that eBay was gonna stick fees on there. And instead, they created kind of a Craigslist of their own called Marketplace

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Where you can list stuff and you don't have to pay Any kind of listing fee?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I've never sold anything on Ebay. I've purchased some stuff on Ebay.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it it's it's a way to get, gosh, that guy in Mount Vernon that buried people, Right. That answered his Craigslist ads.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean, Craigslist and Marketplace

Steve Palmer [:

killer. Here, Ohio makes it big again. Yeah. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, it can be a way to really trap Yeah. So so you show up at a Walmart parking lot with, say, 4 tires that you're trying to get rid of. You know? Well, I never use these snow Snow tires, winter tires. And I guess I'll put them on Craigslist, and you show up. You've got them in the back of your van.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, now And some guy meets you Same thing with Facebook

Norm Murdock [:

wants to Hey. Give me your tires. I'm not giving you any money. This is a stickup.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, look. Facebook Marketplace is like that. I mean, people are having, like, At home pickup, you know, door pickup. So you you're inviting people into your home.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Brett Johnson [:

And and but I would encourage anyone that and my daughter's Sold and bought off of Facebook Marketplace, and there are local police stations that have dedicated parking space areas What are those things? For that exchange.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, that's a huge issue.

Brett Johnson [:

I think the one when she was still in Ohio, she went to, I think one of the cop shops around Marysville, in Marysville possibly, Like has a dedicated area, probably a camera on it. You don't know it. For that part for sort of thing, I'm thinking that is smart. Yeah. Good idea. They're probably reactive to a situation, but it's very proactive in in its Well, look. If you're if you're

Steve Palmer [:

if you're single, if you're A female, and you you are you are vulnerable for all sorts of horrible things.

Norm Murdock [:

Don't invite them to your apartment.

Steve Palmer [:

Them to your apartment. Right? Right? Go meet them at the police station.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. You

Steve Palmer [:

know? That makes perfect sense.

Brett Johnson [:

They will I I even if they don't have a dedicated space, you know local police departments would I have no problem at all with that scenario.

Steve Palmer [:

Pay for those we pay for that. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Yeah. We are citizens. It's 5 minutes in a parking lot, exchange, boom, done.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. They don't show up, That's probably telling you something.

Brett Johnson [:

It probably

Steve Palmer [:

is. Buyer doesn't show. Exactly.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Or the seller if you're on the other one. I met somebody at, Starbucks one time and bought a A buffer norm for my car paint. But, anyway Mhmm.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, that's enough traffic. It's

Norm Murdock [:

not about the joke in there somewhere, but I'm not going for

Steve Palmer [:

It was it was a real snar of the operation.

Norm Murdock [:

Jeez. I'm sorry. So sorry. Wow. Wow. Well,

Steve Palmer [:

the operation went smoothly. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

He went down the prostitution Oh, no. Trail, not me. I know.

Steve Palmer [:

I didn't even I didn't even see it. It's like, look where your mind is. Yeah. I

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it's terrible.

Steve Palmer [:

Makes sense. Common sense.

Norm Murdock [:

Cup you know, a couple, if we can talk a little bit about Ohio, development situations. And this might be something I wish we had, like, a, You know, a a a crack shot, investigative reporter, on our staff.

Steve Palmer [:

We do. You.

Norm Murdock [:

No. Oh, god.

Brett Johnson [:

We're getting there.

Norm Murdock [:

But This would really so I I don't know about you guys. I keep hearing all this happy news about companies coming to Ohio. For example, over in Dayton, there's an outfit called Joby Aviation

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

That is gonna build quadcopter air Air taxis. Electric powered air taxis over in Dayton, Ohio at the airport. New Albany just this week, I think Monday, approved for a a $3,500,000,000 Amazon data center out in Licking County.

Steve Palmer [:

Well and look look at this real quick. Go ahead. So people people around the world that are listening to Common Sense. Believe it or not, it's happening. I promise. But, no, people are lifting around the world, but understand Ohio, is the home to Les Wexner. That's New Albany that you're you're talking about. That was the limited. I mean, there there is enormous political power and money in that part of Central Ohio. And, as a result of that, you guys out there in Johnstown, Norm's favorite, development intel and all the all the surrounding developments that go with it. But Ohio is is really it it's there's a huge influx now, this kind of stuff going on, and I think there's a people are projecting housing crisis and everything else. I mean and, Norm, they're building out there faster than they can get concrete trucks.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Where I was going, I and there are a lot of spin off effects. There you know, there's obviously, elderly people. There's a bill in the in the state house to try to help people that are 70 or older And maintain their real estate taxes at the current level, because what's happening, for example, in the western Licking County, A safe from Granville West to Columbus. The supposed appraised value of this land has doubled or tripled In some cases I know in my own case, just in 1 month, Zillow says, in 1 month, my property went up by $100,000. Okay. That's how rapidly prices are climbing, and I don't wanna move. Where am I gonna move to for the same convenience to Columbus If I go to Delaware, if I go to Dublin, if I go to Hilliard, or if I go to Grove City, I'm gonna have to spend the same kind amount of money, to to

Steve Palmer [:

Well, and

Norm Murdock [:

to move.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, people moved out or people live out where you are because they wanted to have open space.

Norm Murdock [:

And they bought those properties inexpensive Expensive at the time. Yeah. Sometimes 40, $50,000.

Steve Palmer [:

Still get here pretty quickly.

Norm Murdock [:

And now those homes, instead of 40 or 50, are quarter $1,000,000 homes. The same person making the same money as a mechanic, a plumber, or a retired person on Social Security is still in that house, And yet their real estate taxes are gonna go up 2 or 3 times.

Steve Palmer [:

Really good point that, frankly, I hadn't considered.

Norm Murdock [:

And it it will evict Them. Everybody says eviction of these people.

Steve Palmer [:

That's the eviction of the poor. You know? That's like the that's like the the just take a leak on everybody below you. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

Because And this That's how they cleaned out New Albany. New Albany, you know, was a very small farming community. One flasher in town. If if you go to Founders Day, go go to the parade, You can walk through the old schoolhouse, and the complete class, like the 1st grade class or the 8th grade class, it was like 15 to 20 kids.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Right? This is only 50 years ago. 15 or 20 kids was the entire graduating class.

Steve Palmer [:

l, I graduated high school in:

Norm Murdock [:

That's exactly right.

Steve Palmer [:

In the high school.

Norm Murdock [:

And those people all got evicted because Overnight, the New Albany Company built up all this beautiful stuff, and those people could not afford the real

Steve Palmer [:

estate bills. Who are saying Those who are saying it only benefits the locals because their property values have skyrocketed. They're now millionaires or this or that. Well, they have to move, Or they have to pay taxes they can't afford.

Norm Murdock [:

They can't afford that. If if you're making,

Steve Palmer [:

what de facto eviction.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. I think the average American Household is still somewhere around 50, $60,000 average.

Steve Palmer [:

I can see you, Norm. You're gonna be like the the cartoon. Remember Up? Norm's gonna be out. There's gonna be skyscrapers all around him, and he's gonna be this old codger there with his race cars But just think screaming at people.

Norm Murdock [:

Just think of that, guys. So so twice a year, you get a bill you're you're making 50 grand. Twice a year, you get a bill for $10,000.

Steve Palmer [:

That's it it, You know,

Norm Murdock [:

that Are you kidding me? How where is a $50,000 Social Security

Steve Palmer [:

would have been what?

Norm Murdock [:

It would have been 3 2,000. 3,000. Yeah. So 6. And that's a stretch for a lot of People. Yep. If you're on Social Security and you're maybe getting 30 out of that, maybe you have some savings, you know, it's a stretch to pay it 6,000. Now it's 20,000.

Steve Palmer [:

It it is a de facto secret silent eviction of of the population.

Norm Murdock [:

So what's happening is is It's a taking.

Steve Palmer [:

It's a it's a taking.

Norm Murdock [:

So the vultures are knocking on the doors of these widows and and guys families that are modest income, knocking on the door And basically giving them, you know, an alternative. You either sell to us or, basically, you're gonna go bankrupt because you can't afford Dose.

Steve Palmer [:

And we're not and and so with these people who are pounding the table demanding these insane amounts of money for their property, all the big boys have to do is say no and then wait them out.

Brett Johnson [:

hat's coming to Dayton, it's $:

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Half a bill.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Supported by 325,000,000 in incentives from the state of Ohio.

Norm Murdock [:

See and this is, oh, this is where I was going, guys, Investigative reporter wise, this is the story that's not being told to the public. So if you go to the dispatch or you'd listen to WTVN, They give you the happy news. They tell you, oh, Joby Aviation's coming to Dayton. Right. Amazon of jobs. Amazon is coming to New Albany Lots of jobs. Etcetera, etcetera. This data center. But what you're not hearing is out of our pocket, out of our taxpayer pocketbook. Corporate welfare. Right. We're get we're we're giving away a lot as a state and as counties and as voids.

Brett Johnson [:

And that goes back to your The problem of being able to live here.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Brett Johnson [:

Somebody's gotta pay that bill. Somebody's gotta get a lot. Where it comes from.

Steve Palmer [:

Pricing people out.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

And and there is a story for a, you know, somebody to really investigate The cost benefit ratio of all this development

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

I just feel like we're giving the store away.

Brett Johnson [:

Well and and they're projecting they're going to Deliver up to 500 of these aircrafts a year. I don't see that sustainable.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, in

Brett Johnson [:

the in the long run. So we're talking over 10 years, 5, thousands

Steve Palmer [:

of years from the government. Aircrafts? How much money how much did the federal government subsidize this company to go build electric helicopters?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

I wanna know that. Well,

Norm Murdock [:

before This is an abject Because

Steve Palmer [:

they they start

Brett Johnson [:

they start in California. Right? So this is, you know, they

Norm Murdock [:

It sounds wacky. I I know 2 I know 2 engineers. 1, I'm very close to. The other, I'm a good friend with, and both of them are involved in a drone technology. 1 in electric airborne drones using copter blades like this. Right. The other military. Both have told me that at most, at the extremist, the range on these things is only gonna be a For miles. Right. This is this is

Steve Palmer [:

this is again, back to the theory. Lies, lies, lies, lies. This is great. This is the next best technology. This is it. We're gonna spend 1,000,000,000 of dollars on this nonsense, and it would be an abject failure.

Norm Murdock [:

And the idea is it's gonna be some kind of airborne Uber, and Shanette, the question is, really, when you think about it, okay, after you pay a pilot so somebody's gotta get license to fly this thing. Right? Yeah. And the operational costs and the price of the aircraft.

Steve Palmer [:

But you have that for every pilot type

Norm Murdock [:

thing, John. When you amortize that and think of what that Ubercharge is gonna be To be able to chop. It's yeah. You're gonna chop here.

Steve Palmer [:

And it's Supertrain in California. It doesn't work.

Norm Murdock [:

It doesn't make sense to see it.

Brett Johnson [:

It's strategically placed near Wright Patt Air Force Base. If You know that the Air Force is just the government's gonna buy this.

Steve Palmer [:

It is. It's it's in a Government already owns it, at least through Subsea. I almost am sure. It's Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.

Brett Johnson [:

Not gonna turn into a a airborne Uber. And can you imagine that

Norm Murdock [:

a Tesla being sold as air taxis.

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Air attack. Can you imagine the mess in the air? There's absolutely no way this can it It's just not. And

Steve Palmer [:

but it sounds good. It looks good.

Brett Johnson [:

It looks green. It's all these things. Right? PR thing at the Wright Brothers' Yeah. Home house, which

Steve Palmer [:

And guess what,

Brett Johnson [:

folks? Come on.

Steve Palmer [:

If if it were financially feasible, somebody would be doing it

Norm Murdock [:

with around money.

Brett Johnson [:

Without Some that is the subsidizing over half

Norm Murdock [:

of it.

Steve Palmer [:

The genius of a capitalist economy. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

It's a story of Tesla. If it wasn't for the subtleties, Tesla would not exist.

Steve Palmer [:

Would never have happened. Right? Drilling on it. Big 3 are doing the same thing, and now we have auto I mean, it's like all this stuff. It's We are we are seeing the crest of this insanity happen and and crumble right in front of us.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. The the command economy thumb on the scale has tilted market forces to such an extent that we have this exaggerated demand for electric vehicles That is a phantom.

Steve Palmer [:

It's a phantom.

Norm Murdock [:

It doesn't exist.

Steve Palmer [:

So it's like, wait. Look, Norm, you're you've got an RV, and you understand this. Like, there it takes a truck to pull an RV If you've got a a 5th wheel or or just a trailer To pull a trailer. To pull a

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right. Takes a truck. Yeah. And if they there's there's Stories on the forums that I live on or or check out of people trying to do this with these electric trucks, and it's a complete failure. Right. It's it's a total failure of everything advertised.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

It is a disaster.

Norm Murdock [:

They're getting, like, 30 miles in some cases.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. And and and there's not a charging station. So the families are abandoned on the side of the road thinking, I can't charge it. Like, it's a complete disaster.

Norm Murdock [:

Triple a has to come out with a generator to charge the battery.

Steve Palmer [:

Burn the diesel to charge it. That's literally what they have to do. God. I mean, it's it's just it's just savage. So here's the deal. What you're gonna do on your camper is you're gonna have, on the back of it, a diesel generator. So the generator will charge your truck while you're driving.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right? That's awesome. Or you could just put it or you could just get a diesel truck.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Because this this whole scenario reminds me, I know you hate the group rush, but they have a song called Red Parchetta. Yes. And it and it's futuristic in regards to all all cars are airborne, and Right. He goes out on the weekend, takes To cover off our old red bar chetta, fires up the engine, and he gets to run this gas machine that from decades ago, but the air air cops Absolutely.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

and get them. And as soon as I saw that, Joby, I'm thinking, oh my god.

Steve Palmer [:

His big brother, man.

Brett Johnson [:

It's it yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. That's what it is.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And the price of gasoline right now is at its highest. It's been in, like, the last 3 years. And, you know

Steve Palmer [:

Look. If you want more of this, folks

Norm Murdock [:

The maybe this is a Mad Max scenario that we're gonna have where gasoline becomes so rare and so Precious.

Steve Palmer [:

We're gonna get here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get the x check. We're gonna get Jay on board with us in the next coming weeks to talk about this because he's got a theory about gasoline and fossil fuels It'll blow your minds. So I want him to talk about it here on the show.

Norm Murdock [:

Sounds good.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. We got a you got any nuggets, Norman?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Some quickies. So in in Ohio this past week, Frank LaRose, our secretary of state, has gotten on board with, the cross border states like Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana. We're we're now going to share voter rolls, with each each state will be able to cross check, if somebody is voting

Steve Palmer [:

twice I wanna know. Is anybody objecting to this?

Brett Johnson [:

What what was wrong with

Steve Palmer [:

the old

Norm Murdock [:

I'm sure they are, but

Brett Johnson [:

What was wrong with the old system, though? There was a system in play already.

Norm Murdock [:

People are getting or at least were, and I know this firsthand. I had some neighbors that were that told me from West Virginia. People are getting welfare Fair benefits from more than 1 state. Okay. And they're certainly voting in more than 1 state.

Brett Johnson [:

But but there is a system to check that already. Now There were

Steve Palmer [:

I'm not so sure who it was.

Brett Johnson [:

There was before.

Norm Murdock [:

Not that I know of. LaRose is,

Brett Johnson [:

I thought

Norm Murdock [:

He said he just He just entered into this. A

Brett Johnson [:

new one. There is already another compact

Norm Murdock [:

done, supposedly.

Steve Palmer [:

Is there I look. I don't wanna decide. I don't know.

Brett Johnson [:

I may misunderstood. I may have misunderstood.

Steve Palmer [:

But anyway think But,

Brett Johnson [:

no, I I think Yeah. I did. And and

Norm Murdock [:

Who objection holistically anyway that came out for a week?

Steve Palmer [:

We can start with this premise that it's a good thing to make sure that people don't vote in multiple states. Yeah. And we're Yeah. Can we all at least agree on that? So if you disagree with this policy, then tell me why. Alright.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Right. Exactly. I agree.

Norm Murdock [:

He also the, ballot, commission Also approved, the abortion ballot language with one minor change. The, opponent or the proponents of the Issue, on abortion had recommended 10 changes. They did not didn't like how the secretary of state's, a summary of the language, and so they objected to it. They filed a lawsuit. The Ohio Supreme Court issued vision and and approved only one of the 10 changes, and it was something to do with that the state would be acting, Not a citizen would be acting, so it clarified that language. Otherwise, LaRosa's language has withstood the Supreme Court challenge. Neighboring state, Pennsylvania, also, recently, I can't say this week. It's probably a couple weeks ago, But tying into this voting thing, they have now approved motor voter where wherein if you're a citizen of Pennsylvania And you get licensed to drive, you are thereupon also registered to vote.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

So they've they've done that. RFK Junior, this was news last week, but we had a special show. An assassin in a police, uniform showed up with guns, ammo, at an RFK function dressed as a cop, Was arrested. The White House is still refusing to give him Secret Service protection. He was only 3 miles away In California from the site where his father was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan. I think Joe should give him protection.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, with that, folks, we will wrap it up. We have a, another week in the books of Common Sense Ohio. People are asking us all the time, guys, how can you help out? Well, there's a couple You can help help out. You can become a sponsor. If you've got a business and you wanna have your business discussed here, have your product discussed like we talk about, Harper Plus accounting. I mean, far more than just Doing your transactional stuff. We're not talking like TurboTax. We're talking like business consultation. I had somebody call me recently and and ask for a referral, and I and and you know what they said? They said, I'm not looking for somebody just to file my tax return. I want somebody who's gonna, like, get into my world and tell me, like, how much I need to to save for this. And and if I if it's halfway through the year and income is up or down, what do I do with that? How do I plan for my taxes? How do I optimize my taxes? That's Harper Plus accounting. I've been working with them for years.

Norm Murdock [:

One of our guests last week on the show is a client of Glenn's. There you go. Small of a world it is. So, I won't identify the person. That's obviously confidential. But just to show you that he's out They're in the community. People know about, Harper and, you know, we have a real live, you know, person that surprised us. Hey. We I use him.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So if you've got a guy I mean, if if if you're a person who thinks that I can handle all my transactions, I just need somebody to to fill in the blanks, well, You know, you can find that, and TurboTax will do it. But if you wanna do it right, you wanna make sure you're planning, you wanna make sure you're on top of it so you don't get that dreaded call in, like, April 10. Or you you you'd plug it all in. You're like, holy crap. I owe $35,000, and I don't have it in my account. And you could have, in June, decided and made decisions not only to have that money available, but maybe not have to pay it at all. You work with Harper Plus Accounting. So, folks, if you want us to to get to and then, by the way, I don't just say things about businesses. If you wanna be a sponsor, let's talk. But tell us come meet with us. Talk to us about what you do. And, you know, if we can work with you as you're working with us, we'll do that too. That way, we I can give you the kind of testimonial that matters, the kind that's based on experience with your business. So check us out at Ohio or, if you wanna be a sponsor. The other thing people do can help is is like and share. Right? Tell your buddies about it. If you wanna be, just a Patreon and you listen to it, you wanna give us a couple bucks, go to the website, and we can figure out how to make that happen too. So until next week, coming at you from Studio C at We are Common Sense Ohio right from the middle, at least, until now.




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