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Shazam! (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)
Episode 5612th April 2019 • Piecing It Together Podcast • Piecing It Together Podcast
00:00:00 01:04:08

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On the 56th episode of Piecing It Together, our resident DC fan Chad Clinton Freeman is back again to follow-up our Superman: The Movie discussion with an episode on DC's newest superhero adventure, Shazam! Based on the classic story of a kid who is granted the power to turn into a superhero, it's a complete turn to full on fun for the the DCEU. Puzzle pieces include Kick-Ass, Big, Ghostbusters and The Naked Gun.

As always, SPOILER ALERT for Shazam! (and any other movies we discussed)!

Chad Clinton Freeman is the founder of the Pollygrind Film Festival and recently helped plan the Ironton Wizardfest. He’s also the only person I know who sees more movies than me.

Follow Chad on Twitter at @pollystaffle

And Check Out Ironton Wizardfest on Facebook at

My new album, A Different Kind Of Dream is available NOW on iTunes and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!

Also, my new Virtual Reality Music Video “Palindrone 360” is available now on YouTube at

And now my new short-film style Music Video “Artificial” is also available on YouTube at

The song at the end of the episode is "Made of Stone" from my 3rd album Head Like Fire.

Make sure to “Like” Piecing It Together on Facebook at

And “Follow” us on Twitter @PiecingPod

And Join the Conversation in our Facebook Group, Piecing It Together – A Movie Discussion Group.

And check out for more about our show!

Share the episode, comment and give us feedback! And of course, SUBSCRIBE!

Also, be sure to check out the Buried Gems Podcast at

And most important of all… Keep going to the theater to see new movies!

Mentioned in this episode:

The Pup Pups - A Boy and His Dog and Three Cats and A Bear is available for pre-order now!

You can now order the third album by The Pup Pups - A Boy and His Dog and Three Cats and A Bear, exclusively on vinyl and digital download at Bandcamp. And if you act fast and get your pre-orders in this week, you'll get your pet included on a special bonus track that closes out the album! Get your orders in at



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