11: The Disaster of Business Conformity with Steve Sims
15th May 2018 • Create Your Own Salary (previously Business Breakthrough) • Estie Starr
00:00:00 00:44:29

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My Guest: Steve Sims

Over the past 24 years Steve Sims has quietly become the Wizard Of Oz to the world’s wealthiest celebrities, professional athletes, and successful entrepreneurs. He would be insulted if you called him a luxury “concierge”, because that would imply that he’s picking up Taylor Swift’s dry cleaning and walking P. Diddy’s dog. Sims’ clients already have people for that. They call Sims when they’re looking to drop a million dollars to get married at the Vatican or reserve a rocket to the International Space Station.

Today Steve tells us how he went from door bouncer to guide for both the rich and famous, and even better, the richer and unknown, as well as putting a life changing spin on his current “struggles.”

Pivotal Moments:

Learning to act rich and read the genuine from the fake
Like attracts like
Learn what your target is missing, scared or frightened of- and solve their problem
Adding unique value to every interraction
Building one step at a time
When Hewlett came out with a copy/fax and they could send repeat faxes without having to scan them each time!
Spending 30K on a website in 1999, only to have them leave off his contact info- and spinning that into exclusivity live on TV
Having an all around can-do attitude

The Advice:

Followup is more important than the sale
It takes no effort to be you- and the biggest mistakes you’ll ever make is when you try to be someone else
Learn from each mistake and failure- set up every new contract smarter than the last one that messed you over
No one ever drowned by falling into water, they drowned by staying there

The Struggle:

Steve has no struggles, but he’s far from perfect. It’s just that to call it out as a struggle is to come up against it, and Steve doesn’t see that as helpful. Instead, he’s got problems and then he goes to find a solution. Lots of problems, with lots of solutions – and if you’re an entrepreneur without every having a big problem (what we may normally call a “struggle”) then it’s only a matter of time before it comes. A current “problem” Steve shares with us is trying to update his CRM and having it not communicate with his other database programs, nor do the automation he needs it to do for that reason.

The Breakthrough:

Better than focusing on HOW to fix a problem, find the WHO. You will benefit much more from finding someone who knows what they’re doing, than trying to solve something you don’t understand on your own. Steve’s already found his WHO for this problem, and actually ended up using our favorite DB program, ZOHO (we discussed this after the recording, so don’t worry, you didn’t miss it in the audio).


“It’ll all be all right in the end, and if it’s not all right, it’s not the end” -John Paul DeJoria

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