This episode we’re putting down roots in North America for two, count ‘em TWO, different Native American cultures that show you, as they always do, what a bad-ass really looks like. And, speaking of incredible individuals, for our fact, we’re taking a look at the person newspapers at the time dubbed the Zuni princess, charming everyone from paupers to presidents with a myriad of talents. Like I told you – I been waiting for this episode for a bit. Keeping even our staff on the edge of their seats, here… on the Colored Folklore podcast.
01:06 – Music: Mr. Mischief, All Good Folks (via Music Vine)
01:14 – Logo: Arthur
01:19 – Episode Art: Jacqueline
05:29 – Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Lore
17:41 – Two Spirit Etymology
19:51 – Two Spirt Defined Roles of the Two Spirit
22:00 – Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender myths from the Arapaho to the Zuñi : an anthology
22:23 – Native American Spirit, by AirFamily
22:40 – Tewa
26:40 – The Native American, by AirFamily
27:04 – Sioux
28:00 – Dark Native American Flute Solo, by Orchestralis
28:15 – Take Aways
28:30 – Censor Beep, by SoundJay
32:54 – Censor Beep, by SoundJay
34:34 – We’wha
39:21 – Censor Beep, by SoundJay
41:25 – Colored Folklore contact information