Slander finds its way into marriages way too easily and often.
But slander doesn't belong in words toward our spouse!
Chelsea and I first give an acrostic for S-L-A-N-D-E-R, then how we should E-D-I-F-Y.
Then, we answer some questions:
Why do we react, respond, or talk negatively about or to our spouse?
- Anger
- Bitterness
- Childhood experiences
- Expectations
- Life events
- Low self-esteem
- Need for attention
What are ways we tear down our spouse?
- Critical or belittling comments
- Putting down
- Manipulation
- Sarcasm
- Quick, snappy statements
- Insensitivity
Scriptures Referenced:
Matthew 12:34-37
Proverbs 4:23-24
Proverbs 18:6
Sources Cited:
Todd Foley, "Words that bruise: Are you emotionally abusive?" Focus on the Family Canada, Accessed September 4, 2022.
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