In this episode, Tara takes you behind the scenes of a coaching call to learn which delivery method (online course, online program, hybrid experience) actually sells better. This is a common issue that business owners face as they search for their perfect buyers.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, welcome to today's episode of the course building
Unknown:secrets podcast. I am thrilled that you're here today. In this
Unknown:episode, I want to talk about a conversation I had with a client
Unknown:today because I think it's totally relevant for everyone
Unknown:who is getting in the game, to start to package your services
Unknown:or your expertise. And it's a really common sort of challenge
Unknown:that people have. And that is, how do you determine what is
Unknown:going to sell best, and how to sort of package your program,
Unknown:your course your offer in a way that is going to make the most
Unknown:impact. So here's the situation. We were on a coaching call
Unknown:today. And she happened to mention that one of the people
Unknown:that she follows or groups that she's in, they had a guest
Unknown:speaker and this guest speaker said that he actually sold more
Unknown:when he packaged his expertise into an online course, an
Unknown:evergreen online course, then when he tried to sell it as a
Unknown:coaching program. And so because of that, she determined that her
Unknown:program would be better, and would sell better as an an
Unknown:online course. And that may be the case, but it's not always
Unknown:the case. And so today's episode, I want to break down,
Unknown:kind of the key things to think about when you are in this
Unknown:position. Because the reality is, is that your offer is
Unknown:whatever your offer is that you make it and you're you're
Unknown:attracting people to that offer. So you can attract people to an
Unknown:online course. And they'll buy that online course, if it's a
Unknown:compelling offer, you can also build a coaching program, and
Unknown:attract people to that coaching program. And they will buy, if
Unknown:it's a compelling offer, you can also do sort of a hybrid, right,
Unknown:like you can do a hybrid program or hybrid experience, which is,
Unknown:you know, a lot of the things a lot of times what we're helping
Unknown:people build, and that will sell if it's a compelling offer, and
Unknown:you have the audience that you've attracted to it. So the
Unknown:key point is that
Unknown:it's not so much how you deliver your methodology or your
Unknown:framework, it is the fact that you have a packaged framework,
Unknown:you are tackling a real problem that you then an audience wants
Unknown:to solve. And then the way that you're delivering it, is to
Unknown:determine the best way for people to get results. So let me
Unknown:give you a couple of examples. So the first example is, say
Unknown:you're selling a weight loss program.
Unknown:And so you could determine that you want to do an on demand,
Unknown:you know, 12 week
Unknown:fitness course, as an example, right? So somebody goes in, they
Unknown:buy it, they do it themselves, they interact with the content
Unknown:and your material. Maybe you have some take actions, daily
Unknown:accountability, those kinds of things. But it's all packed
Unknown:So therefore, you're going to go out, and you're going to attract
Unknown:people who have the problem of wanting to complete a weight
Unknown:loss program completely on demand, and on their own time,
Unknown:right. So there's a market for that. And they will buy that,
Unknown:that program as long as you are able to find and attract people
Unknown:who have that problem, who want solved in that delivery method.
Unknown:You're gonna have other people who want to solve that same
Unknown:problem, but they need accountability, they need you to
Unknown:show up and guide them or hold them accountable. Give them you
Unknown:know, some recognition, some
Unknown:just some more feedback, right? So there are going to be people
Unknown:who are attracted to that model. And they want to go through the
Unknown:experience in that way. Right. So it's two different people
Unknown:that you're trying to attract. One who is totally internally
Unknown:motivated, wants to do it themselves and doesn't
Unknown:necessarily need someone to hold them accountable. And someone
Unknown:who wants that accountability wants to have that personal kind
Unknown:of interaction with a real human right. Same same content, same
Unknown:roadmap, right? So what you're teaching is exactly the same,
Unknown:but the way that it's being delivered has two different
Unknown:audiences or two different approaches that you can sell it
Unknown:in, right so it's not so much one is going to sell better than
Unknown:the other. It's that when you're selling it, you're targeting,
Unknown:you know, one audience versus the other. Right. So when you're
Unknown:selling a program lightweight, like weight loss, most people
Unknown:have spent their entire lives developing poor habits and poor
Unknown:behaviors that they need.
Unknown:Need some, some real help unraveling? Right? They need
Unknown:somebody to hold them accountable. They need someone
Unknown:to remind them to not eat that brownie because they have a
Unknown:greater goal. And so is it a better program? In that case to
Unknown:have accountability or coaching along with the education?
Unknown:Potentially, right? You get to choose that as the creator. And
Unknown:as the person who's creating that experience, what is easier
Unknown:for your people? What, what guarantees them a better chance
Unknown:of succeeding? Well, in this case, probably more of that
Unknown:coaching, because you know, that that's necessary for somebody to
Unknown:be able to change their, their behavior or their habits. Okay.
Unknown:So in that case, then, if that person who was who was speaking,
Unknown:when he said, My, my automated course sells better than my
Unknown:coaching program, maybe he was selling some other type of
Unknown:program, right, maybe he wasn't selling one that you knew, would
Unknown:get better results with? Coaching, right? So it all it's
Unknown:not apples to apples in terms of comparing what somebody else has
Unknown:done and how they've sold their program. So another example
Unknown:would be, say you want to teach somebody the skill of building a
Unknown:Okay, well, let's look at that. So if you are trying to teach
Unknown:somebody a skill of building a website, could they do that on
Unknown:their own without accountability and guidance? Sure, right. You
Unknown:could teach them the steps, they could implement the steps, and
Unknown:they could successfully build a website, that could be done as
Unknown:an online program, right and automated online program. Could
Unknown:you also do that as a coaching program? Absolutely. Right. So
Unknown:the coaching element to that would be, you're there to answer
Unknown:questions, you're there to give feedback on what they've
Unknown:created, you're there to give additional tips or help them
Unknown:overcome some obstacles or hurdles they may have, maybe
Unknown:they're trying to do some coding, and they get stuck, and
Unknown:they don't know what to do, you being there in a coaching
Unknown:capacity helps them guarantee their success, that they can
Unknown:keep moving forward. So again, another scenario where both will
Unknown:sell. But
Unknown:you know, somebody has to be self motivated to go through it
Unknown:in an automated fashion, versus having a coach to the to be
Unknown:there to guide them. So no, you know, both scenarios are
Unknown:correct. Both scenarios are helpful, you will sell both
Unknown:options. But your preference for how you're teaching it and
Unknown:delivering it is, is the first criteria to look at like do you
Unknown:want to be actively involved through people or not? Right,
Unknown:you can create a virtual version of yourself, and really simulate
Unknown:a lot of the coaching that you would do in an automated program
Unknown:when you when you design the experience correctly. So you
Unknown:could provide them with that opportunity to get that
Unknown:feedback, to get the answers to the questions when they need
Unknown:them. Because you're able to anticipate those is that expert?
Unknown:Or do you want to be there? Do you want to walk them through
Unknown:it? Do you want to develop a relationship with them? Do you
Unknown:want to help them, maybe get a job in web design or something
Unknown:else that you're doing in a coaching capacity? First and
Unknown:foremost, you get to decide that sales and attracting people
Unknown:isn't it's it happens once you determine what you're teaching,
Unknown:the roadmap, and the delivery method. It's not a delivery
Unknown:method is going to work better than the other in terms of
Unknown:attracting new clients to you. So hopefully, this helps you
Unknown:because it was a great conversation. And again, it's
Unknown:something that is common. I heard somebody say, Well, we
Unknown:have to do a course not necessarily, or I heard somebody
Unknown:say we have to do a coaching program, I heard somebody say we
Unknown:have to do high ticket, we have to do low ticket, we have to do
Unknown:this, we have to do that. Right? So if you're following the
Unknown:market, or what the gurus are saying, and not sticking to your
Unknown:business strategy based on what your goals are, and how do you
Unknown:want to deliver your proprietary framework, then you're going to
Unknown:fall in this trap of well, so and so said this, and so and so
Unknown:so that I don't have enough sales. So I'm gonna flip this
Unknown:and do this and change this, when the activity that you're
Unknown:working on, around selling is how are you finding the right
Unknown:people that are are challenged with the problem that you are
Unknown:uniquely qualified to solve in your program, your course your
Unknown:coaching, whatever it is you've got going on, right, who want to
Unknown:have that solution. That is the focus is finding those people go
Unknown:to where they are and establish your authority and, and bring
Unknown:them towards you to tell them that you can solve their
Unknown:problem. The way that you solve their problem. Depends on how
Unknown:you think the best approaches
Unknown:To solve that problem, or you know how you're building your
Unknown:business model, right?
Unknown:It's not about just flipping from one to the other, because
Unknown:you haven't been able to successfully sell your program.
Unknown:If you're not selling your program, nobody's buying,
Unknown:regardless of the way that you are delivering, then it's time
Unknown:to look at the offer, right? Because you're either not
Unknown:solving a compelling problem that people want solved. Or you
Unknown:are not finding the right customers to come in. Right. So
Unknown:so like, there's, there's a offer problem, not a delivery
Unknown:problem. So whether it's an online course, whether it's an
Unknown:online coaching, whether it's a high ticket workshop, whether
Unknown:it's an in person mastermind, like it doesn't matter how
Unknown:you're delivering it, that is, is secondary to are you bringing
Unknown:the right people in who have a problem that you can provide
Unknown:them a solution to. And so don't confuse the two, because they're
Unknown:not necessarily equal. So when when we were talking about that
Unknown:this morning, what was important about the conversation is when
Unknown:you're listening to somebody talk about, you know, what's
Unknown:working for them, put it through the filter of your business
Unknown:goals, right? If you can't, you can't take what somebody else
Unknown:has said, as fact, if it doesn't match the your approach and the
Unknown:way that you want to run business, you run your business.
Unknown:So that's the very first thing is always kind of look through
Unknown:that lens of what your goal is. And then also think about, like,
Unknown:how do you want to deliver it. And if, again, if you're not
Unknown:selling, nobody's buying it, it's not usually a delivery
Unknown:problem, you can deliver it as a book, you can deliver it as a
Unknown:program, you can deliver it as a workshop, like you can deliver
Unknown:it however you want to, but there's a million different ways
Unknown:to deliver your program. Typically, that's not the
Unknown:problem, people don't say, Well, I'm not gonna buy because I want
Unknown:to in this modality, or in this delivery method, that's not
Unknown:usually going to be the hiccup that's going to get them to buy
Unknown:or not buy.
Unknown:And so what's going to get them to buy is that they have a pain,
Unknown:and you have the solution, right? You have the painkiller
Unknown:that's gonna get them out of pain, or they want the solution
Unknown:that you are able to get to them. That is the critical sort
Unknown:of factor that that starts first. And then you put them
Unknown:into the best delivery method that works for them. And
Unknown:typically, it's do it yourself, done with you or done for you,
Unknown:right, those are kind of the three big buckets and
Unknown:and you'll have different people who will prefer one, one versus
Unknown:the other, but it's not driving their decision making. So
Unknown:hopefully this serves you
Unknown:and provides you just a little bit of clarity. I know that it
Unknown:was a conversation that was helpful this morning, in terms
Unknown:of just identifying where in the process you should be focused
Unknown:and how do you create an experience that incorporates the
Unknown:the right things at the right time, so that you can guarantee
Unknown:results for your customers. Alright, there you go. Have a