Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Best of the WIS Podcast 2021: Michelle Andres
Episode 42622nd December 2021 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:46:06

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We are down to single-digit days left in 2021, and to close out this year, the WorkInSports Podcast is looking back at its top expert guests of the show over the past 12 months. We started this look back with former Harris Blitzer Sports and Entertainment Scott O’Neil, who touched on the value of being your authentic self in everything you do.

Today’s flashback features the Baltimore Ravens’ Michelle Andres, who serves as the Senior Vice President of Ravens’ Media. Andres’ journey to overseeing the Ravens’ digital content is not the typical story of going to college, majoring in sports management, working several internships, and landing a gig with a pro sports franchise. Instead, she earned a bachelor’s and then a master’s degree in political science with a position with the Orlando Magic as their Assistant Director of Interactive Marketing. Andres began overseeing digital content after joining the Ravens as their Director of New Media in 2006 and has kept the franchise current with their sports social media strategy ever since.




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