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142 The NCCAOM Looks at Challenges & Opportunities for Acupuncturists • Mina Larson & Afua Bromley
Episode 1425th May 2020 • Qiological Podcast • Michael Max
00:00:00 01:07:58

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Most of us are head’s down in our clinical work and focused on taking care of patients and running a business. It’s easy to forget that 40 years ago people were being arrested for doing acupuncture. As a profession in the West, we are new. Even without Covid-19 we often dealing with issues of growth, development, scope of practice, messaging and regulation that all professions go through.

And since we are in a time of challenge and change these issues become all the notable.

Listen in to the conversation with with NCCAOM CEO Mina Larson and Member at Large Afua Bromley as our national accrediting organization responds to the coronavirus and what it means for our profession.

Head on over to the show notes page for more information about this episode and for links to the resources discussed in the interview.  




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