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How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine to Start Your Day Right
Episode 8026th June 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
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Are you tired of your morning routine feeling like a chaotic race against time? Have you ever wondered why following someone else's "perfect" morning routine just doesn't work for you? In this episode of Unshakable Habits, we're diving deep into why most morning routines fail and how you can design one that aligns with your unique lifestyle and goals.

By the time you finish listening, you'll discover:

  • The crucial first step to creating a morning routine that actually benefits you.
  • How to include essential components without getting bogged down by too many details.
  • Simple strategies to align your routine with your personal priorities, setting the stage for a productive and fulfilling day.

Tune in to learn the secrets of a morning routine that feels effortless and natural, and become unshakable in your daily habits!

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Stephen Box:

If you had to create the perfect morning routine.

Stephen Box:

Where would you start?

Stephen Box:

What would you include?

Stephen Box:

That's what we're going to be talking about today right here on Unshakable

Stephen Box:

Habits and it's coming up next.


The right habits can help you have it all.


More time, better health, improved relationships, and less stress.


But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits


long enough to see results.


That is about to change.


Welcome to Unshakable Habits with your host, Stephen Box.


It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back to Unshakable Habits I am your host Stephen Box and

Stephen Box:

this is episode number 80 and today we're talking about how do you create?

Stephen Box:

The Perfect Morning Routine.

Stephen Box:

And I started off this episode by asking the question, How would you

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create the perfect morning routine?

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Where would you start?

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What would you actually include in it?

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And I'm going to tell you guys, I think one of the biggest mistakes I see people

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make when it comes to creating a morning routine is they focus on the what.

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They get too granular, right?

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It's, okay, I'm going to add movement to my routine.

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What kind of movement should I add?

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Should I do strength training?

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Should I do cardio?

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If I do cardio, how much cardio should I do?

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Should I do sprints or should I do steady state cardio?

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If I do weight training, What body part should I work?

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Should I do full body?

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There's all these things that we get hung up on the specific details of.

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And there are definitely some things that I think need to be included, but we

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don't need to get super into the details.

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And I get why people feel like they do, because here's the reality.

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You look on all these sites, you Google this question, how do I

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create the perfect morning routine?

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What you're going to probably see is a lot of examples of

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what other people have done.

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You're going to see their morning routine.

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And, as I said on the episode number 78, why your morning routine is failing you,

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a big part of why that doesn't work is because We are trying to take someone

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else's life, someone else's goals, someone else's priorities and we're trying to put

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them into our life and that doesn't work.

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And so instead of trying to overly complicate this, what

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if we just simplify it, right?

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What if we just make this easy?

Stephen Box:

What if we put it in alignment?

Stephen Box:

Last week I bought a walking pad for my office, basically a little

Stephen Box:

treadmill without any kind of handles or bars or anything on it.

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And I've been doing really great with walking on it every day, but

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one thing I've noticed is, as the day wears on, is I start to maybe

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wear down a little bit mentally.

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or when I'm trying to read something on my tablet, or look at something

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on the computer screen or whatever.

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And I'm not completely focused on what I'm doing I stumble a little bit.

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Now, not to the point where I'm about to fall or anything like that,

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but it's just a little stumble.

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Feel my weight shift a little bit to one side or the other, but what I've

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also noticed is, at the times where my arms and my legs are perfectly

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synchronized, when my core is nice and strong, when my neck is in alignment with

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the rest of my body, and I'm standing up nice and tall, and my shoulders are

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nice and relaxed, the walking feels easy, not only am I not stumbling,

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I feel like I could really walk forever, It is basically what it comes down to.

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I feel like I could just walk all day long if that's what I wanted to do,

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because it feels so easy in that moment.

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And sometimes that's literally seconds after I stumbled, right?

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I, that stumbled gets me to focus, it gets me on track and gets me to get

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my arms, my legs synchronized, gets me to do all those things I need to do.

Stephen Box:

And I think morning routines are a lot like that.

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Where, when we get distracted, when we start trying to do things that don't

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put us in perfect alignment, we stumble.

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But when we get everything in alignment, and we get everything

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working the way that it's meant to work.

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It's magic.

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And so that's really where I wanted to hit on today is how do we do that?

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How do we actually create that alignment for ourselves first thing in the morning?

Stephen Box:

So a couple of quick things I want to hit on here.

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Number one, time.

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There is no set time for a morning routine.

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Some of you, a morning routine might be two minutes.

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Some of you, it might be an hour.

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Some of you, your morning routine might be three hours.

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It all depends on your schedule and your needs, because as I've talked to you guys

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about before, there are actually different routines that we need throughout the day.

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We need that morning routine, we need that midday, we need that

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night time routine, and we need that pre and post work routine.

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So depending on when you want to get things done, will decide how

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long your morning routine is.

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My morning routine is maybe 15 20 minutes.

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And outside of that, most of my routines actually happen in the midday.

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But that's my personal preference.

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That's what works well for me.

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Now, let's talk about the components that I believe are important to have.

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if your morning routine is only two minutes, you probably aren't going

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to be able to fit all of these in.

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But I would encourage you to do these things as early as possible, even

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if they're just very short versions.

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So number one, spend some time in prayer or meditation.

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Even if you are not a religious person, I encourage you to

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spend time just being quiet.

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Just focusing on the quiet.

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for me, it's prayer, right?

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I'm talking to God.

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I'm listening for God's voice.

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I'm trying to you.

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See what God wants me to do that day.

Stephen Box:

I'm trying to get on the same page with God, right?

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That's the goal for me first thing in the morning, and I usually

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sleep a couple of minutes on that.

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even if that's not your thing, I would encourage you just

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at least sit in the silence.

Stephen Box:

Another thing is movement.

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Even if you are not someone who likes to exercise in the morning, encourage

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you to get some kind of movement in.

Stephen Box:

Now it could be doing something like the walking pad, might

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be getting outside in nature.

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if you're a nature person, definitely encourage that.

Stephen Box:

So me, sometimes I like to go walk downstairs and we have a little

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screened in patio that I like to go sit in and do my morning

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reading and do my prayers, right?

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And that's where I go and do that at.

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So for me, it's getting outside, it's the prayers, it's quiet time,

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it's reading of my daily devotional.

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That's pretty much my morning routine and I'm moving around the house.

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I'm doing this.

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I'm getting some movement in right?

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it's something that's a little bit intentional And I guess really my morning

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routines may be extended a little bit this week with the walking pad because I

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have added 10 minutes of walking on that as well so that has actually extended my

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morning routine out a little bit from what it used to be but Movement is important.

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Even if you're not doing a full workout just getting some kind of movement in If

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you have the opportunity first thing in the morning, make time for relationships.

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This is huge.

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So whether this is your spouse or just a significant other or

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your children or whatever, right?

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Even your pets, right?

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Just make time for those relationships.

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Spend time doing those.

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I have found that when I make time for other people and I make time for

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those connections, especially early in the day, it's just my mindset.

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It makes me feel a little bit differently as I go through my day.

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The other thing is, you need to plan.

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Now, ideally, you are going to plan the next day the night before.

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But when you get up, it's a good idea to evaluate the plan.

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Hey, is this still what I want to do?

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I've had time to think about it tonight.

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That's one of the reasons, by the way, I like doing it at night.

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is because then as I'm sleeping, subconsciously, I'll process my plan,

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and then when I get up in the morning, it's do I want to stick with that plan?

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Is there anything I actually want to change right now?

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for me, those are the big ones, right?

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if you just do those things, if you have some quiet time, prayer, meditation,

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time if you get in some intentional movement if you take the opportunity

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to Connect with someone else even if it's just a quick connection, right?

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Just a quick like kiss of your wife or hug your children or whatever, right?

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Just that quick connection with somebody, right?

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sorry, ladies, I didn't mean to leave you out.

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I, as a guy, I just automatically say wife, but please understand

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when I say something like that.

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your spouse.

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whether you're a man, a woman, whatever, right?

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you get the gist of what I'm saying here.

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I didn't want to leave anybody out.

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I believe if you do those things and then you finish up with that plan, that

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will take you into your pre work routine.

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And you could argue that could be part of your pre work routine if you

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are going directly from your morning into work, then that could be a part

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of your pre work routine as well.

Stephen Box:

But if you're someone who maybe doesn't really start your work

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day until a little bit later, then I would encourage you to make it

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part of the actual morning routine.

Stephen Box:

As we wrap up here today, I wanted to encourage you to share today's

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episode with a friend so they can also get tremendous value out of it.

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And if you have a particular topic or question that you would like for me

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to answer here on the podcast, you can reach out to me on either Instagram,

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LinkedIn or Facebook at Unshakable Habits and let me know, just send me a

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private message and let me know exactly what topics you would like to hear

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about or if you have a specific question that you want me to answer here on

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the show, let me know that as well and I'll be happy to do that with you guys.

Stephen Box:

And finally, make sure you check out our next upcoming episode.

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I'll be talking all about procrastination.

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Why is it that we tend to procrastinate and what exactly should we do about it?

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And with that guys, as always, I'll remind you that while none of us are born

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unshakable, we can all become unshakable.



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