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Insights for Employers and HR Teams: How to handle romantic relationships in the workplace
Episode 814th February 2023 • Perspectives – Legal Voices on Business • Fasken
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Fasken's Legal Voices on Business.

Daphne William:


Hello, everyone. My name is Daphne William.

Daphne William:


I am a partner in Fasken Labour and Employment Practice Group in Johannesburg.

Daphne William:


Today I'm joined by my fellow partner, Awutu Mbambo.

Awutu Mbambo:


Hi, everyone. Daphne, I'm looking forward to chatting about this interesting topic that we

Awutu Mbambo:


have lined up for the recording.

Daphne William:


I'm also looking forward to it.

Daphne William:


Today's discussion is influenced by February being the month of love.

Daphne William:


We will be chatting about how employers, specifically HR practitioners, can handle

Daphne William:


romantic relationships in the workplace or I know that this topic is not the usual top of

Daphne William:


agenda HR topic, but it isn't something that employers should sweep under the carpet,

Daphne William:


given the potential risks that such relationships can expose an employer to.

Awutu Mbambo:


Yes, I agree with that.

Awutu Mbambo:


Yes, this topic is also important since many employees are going back to the office more

Awutu Mbambo:


and there's a shift back to working in the office to hybrid work arrangements over

Awutu Mbambo:


remote work arrangements.

Awutu Mbambo:


So employees are once again engaging more in -person.

Daphne William:


There are a few scenarios that I can think of where a romantic relationship in a workplace

Daphne William:


can potentially be risky for an organization.

Daphne William:


For example, where a superior is in a relationship with a subordinate who is in his

Daphne William:


or her department.

Daphne William:


Are there any other scenarios that you can think of and what are the potential risks of

Daphne William:


having these romantic relationships in the workplace?

Awutu Mbambo:


So there's another scenario that I can think of could be a romantic relationship between

Awutu Mbambo:


managers who are at the same level, but in different departments who are involved in

Awutu Mbambo:


significant decision making where conflicts of interest may arise.

Awutu Mbambo:


These type of relationships in a workplace put a spotlight on potential biases, on

Awutu Mbambo:


favoritism, on victimization and a potential disruption to workplace operations.

Awutu Mbambo:


But before we touch on the potential legal risk, I think it is important for us to look

Awutu Mbambo:


at what the laws and the rules actually say about this.

Awutu Mbambo:


I mean, when people think about romantic relationships in the workplace, they usually

Awutu Mbambo:


have questions like, Can you have a relationship in the workplace?

Awutu Mbambo:


Is there a law that prevents people from having relationships romantically in the

Awutu Mbambo:


workplace? Do I have to declare it?

Awutu Mbambo:


Those are the sort of questions that generally come up with this topic.

Daphne William:


Those are very good questions.

Daphne William:


And to answer them, one, there are no laws prohibiting romantic relationships in the

Daphne William:


workplace generally.

Daphne William:


There is also no obligation on employees to disclose their relationships with their

Daphne William:


fellow colleagues to their employer.

Daphne William:


Employers may, however, implement workplace rules that prohibit workplace relationships

Daphne William:


or that require employees to disclose their romantic relationships to their employer.

Daphne William:


Even if an employer does not have a rule regarding the disclosure of such romantic

Daphne William:


relationships, there are certain instances where an employer may expect employees to

Daphne William:


disclose their relationships.

Daphne William:


You have already touched on the most important instance, and it is where any of

Daphne William:


the employees are in positions of power and they exercise such power or the exercise,

Daphne William:


rather, of the power will affect their partner.

Daphne William:


For example, during a recruitment exercise where the hiring manager is in a romantic

Daphne William:


relationship with a prospective employee, or where the determination of any discretionary

Daphne William:


benefits to employees will affect the partner of the person making the decision.

Daphne William:


In these circumstances, a conflict of interest arises or it has the potential of

Daphne William:


arising and it can be avoided by disclosing romantic relationships and not participating

Daphne William:


in the activities that give rise to the conflict.

Awutu Mbambo:


You highlight some really good points there, and I want to add to this discussion that

Awutu Mbambo:


there are risks that arise for employers.

Awutu Mbambo:


And the one obvious risk of workplace relationships, if you look at the case law,

Awutu Mbambo:


is the increased risk of sexual harassment cases arising from people trying their luck

Awutu Mbambo:


by making advances on colleagues or even worse, a workplace romance going sour, which

Awutu Mbambo:


would thus blur the lines of the unwelcome conduct when those relationships have

Awutu Mbambo:


terminated. In this case, employers are required by the Employment Equity Act to

Awutu Mbambo:


prevent and eliminate harassment in the workplace.

Awutu Mbambo:


The Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the

Awutu Mbambo:


Workplace was released last year in 2022, and it emphasizes the duties of employers in

Awutu Mbambo:


this regard.

Awutu Mbambo:


This code of practice should be an important agenda item for HR teams going into 2023

Awutu Mbambo:


because employers can be held liable for very hefty fines if they don't manage

Awutu Mbambo:


harassment cases in the workplace appropriately.

Daphne William:


So what do you think is the most appropriate way to deal with romantic relationships in

Daphne William:


the workplace?

Awutu Mbambo:


So I'm going to give you the most lawyerly answer, because that really is the correct

Awutu Mbambo:


answer. There's no one size fits all approach to handling workplace

Awutu Mbambo:


relationships. Employers must consider their workplace culture, their demographics and the

Awutu Mbambo:


risks to determine what measures are appropriate to put in that specific

Awutu Mbambo:


workplace. This can range from having very detailed guidelines and policies requiring

Awutu Mbambo:


disclosure generally or in possible conflict of interest situations.

Awutu Mbambo:


But sometimes it just may be appropriate for an employer to reserve the right to intervene

Awutu Mbambo:


in workplace romances under certain circumstances that may affect operations.

Awutu Mbambo:


So it's important for each workplace to be assessed and to be considered based on the

Awutu Mbambo:


rules and the culture that apply in that workplace death.

Daphne William:


That's very helpful Awutu.

Daphne William:


I think employers should implement those guidelines.

Daphne William:


I have enjoyed chatting with you today on this topic.

Daphne William:


And to summaries, I think we both agree that romantic relationships can and have formed in

Daphne William:


various workplaces and it is important for employers to consider how to manage them.

Daphne William:


HR teams should also be thinking about what kind of training they can be putting in place

Daphne William:


to educate their employees about the impact that the relationships have on workplaces,

Daphne William:


operations and most importantly, the workplace morale.

Awutu Mbambo:


Thanks Daph. It's definitely been great having this topic with you.

Awutu Mbambo:


It's not the easiest topic to navigate, but definitely it is something that organizations

Awutu Mbambo:


should consider and have the appropriate measures in place so they are equipped to

Awutu Mbambo:


manage the risks that can arise from these relationships because if they are managed

Awutu Mbambo:


properly they can work and you can have some weddings in the workplace.

Daphne William:


And with that I'd like to wish all of our listeners a happy Valentine's Day.

Daphne William:


Awutu Mbambo: Indeed. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.



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