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Driven by Legacy: Vladimer's Relentless Pursuit of Excellence and Gratitude
Episode 4011th October 2023 • Push to be More • Matt Edmundson
00:00:00 00:42:51

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Behind every entrepreneur's success lies a tale of relentless grind, unwavering determination, and unseen sacrifices. Dive into Vladimer's journey, where tennis legends mirror business strategies and parental sacrifices shape global ambitions. Are you playing the right mental game?



Matt Edmundson: BotsvadzeBotsvadzeBotsvadze


Welcome to Push To Be More with me, your host, Matt Edmundson.


Now this is a show that talks about the stuff that makes life work.


And to help us do just that, I am chatting with my very special guest,


Vladimir Botswaze, uh, from...


From, well, just all over, it seems.


And we're going to talk to Vladimir about where he's had to push through, what he


does to recharge his batteries and to be, as well as what more looks like for him.


Now, the shouts, the shouts, the show notes, I'm going to...


Take that as a word.


The show notes and transcript from my conversation with Vladimir will be


available on the website pushtobemore.


com and whilst you're there make sure you sign up for the newsletter and


each week we'll email you the links and the notes from the show automatically.


They go straight to your inbox.


This episode is brought to you by Orien Media, which helps entrepreneurs


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That's A U R I O N media dot com.


That's the show sponsor.


Let's talk about the show's guest.


With a distinctive voice echoing across the globe, Vladimir has etched


his name as a celebrated icon in the.


Sphere of digital transformation and social media.


His journey, which spans more than 15 years, has been marked by numerous


accolades, thought leadership, and lots of invigorating keynote speeches.


Uh, he is full of influential startup advice.


And is basically an infectious online persona.


He's a great guy.


Currently crowned as the top ranked marketing and retail


influencer by Thinkers360, Vladimir continues to redefine the digital


landscape with his unmatched expertise and innovative outlook.


And also, I might add to this bio, uh, I've not met that many people with a


joy and a passion, uh, to the degree, Vladimir, that you have for what you do.


So welcome to the show.


It's great to have you.


I've been looking forward to this conversation, man.


Hi, Matt.



Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, thanks a lot for inviting me to your podcast.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And you know, uh, when I, in retrospect, when I look back, I'm

Vladimer Botsvadze:

very grateful to the UK because I moved to UK, it's age of 22 in London.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, I used to live in Mottingham, um, uh, Codford, um, uh, and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Egan, you know, where, I mean, I gained practical experience.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I studied business marketing and, and, uh, I'm very grateful to the UK from

Vladimer Botsvadze:

the bottom of my heart for all support that I now work with speakers agencies.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I work with, I have been invited.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I was invited as a award judge to prolific nurse marketing awards

Vladimer Botsvadze:

last year, and I was the only.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

International Judge to Prolific North last year.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I'm very grateful for all support.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I believe that, uh, uh, this business is a two way street for me.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I always look forward to giving back and to helping my friends in the

Vladimer Botsvadze:

UK through my expertise, you know.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Well, it's great to have you, Vladimir.

Matt Edmundson:

It's great to have you.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, this show, Vladimir, as I mentioned, is sponsored by Orien

Matt Edmundson:

Media, the podcast genius, guys.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, if you had your own podcasting, you could have a guest on the show.

Matt Edmundson:

Someone from your past or the present, no doubt.

Matt Edmundson:

The only thing being, the only rule is, they've had to have a, had to have had

Matt Edmundson:

a really big influence on your life.

Matt Edmundson:

Who would be someone that you would like to interview on the show and why?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It would be Matt James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, I mean, if you follow James on Twitter, you know what an amazing

Vladimer Botsvadze:

leader he is because he provides content that is in followers best

Vladimer Botsvadze:

interest, literally, very eye opening and refreshing perspective, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

from his content, from his book, he's an amazing individual, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I praise James to the skies because of his willingness to give back

Vladimer Botsvadze:

and to inspire people, you know.

Matt Edmundson:

So what was it, um, well, let me ask you this question.

Matt Edmundson:

What are some of the key insights that you took away from his book?

Matt Edmundson:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

it's all about capitalizing on digital transformation

Vladimer Botsvadze:

to tell your story, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I mean, James is an amazing storyteller.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Because he has so many followers on Twitter, so many people follow him, he,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, he inspires, I mean, so many people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And of course, when I started following him on Twitter, I have

Vladimer Botsvadze:

been, I have been inspired by him, by his wisdom, by his inspiration.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, it's just that we lack people like James, because, uh, James leads by

Vladimer Botsvadze:

example, you know, and James wants to see many confident and, uh, Uh, successful

Vladimer Botsvadze:

people around him in his community.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I would advise, uh, James as a drop of a hat, uh, uh, to my podcast, uh, to let

Vladimer Botsvadze:

him to share his wisdom with my audience.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, no, fair enough.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm just looking here Vladimir, on the Amazon website, Atomic Habits,

Matt Edmundson:

his book, which was released in 2018.

Matt Edmundson:

I didn't realize it was that long ago.

Matt Edmundson:

I thought it was much more recent.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know why, but it's had over 136, 000 reviews.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, that's a phenomenal number of reviews, isn't

Vladimer Botsvadze:

it for a book?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Unparalleled, unrivaled, you know, James, James is just cream of the crop.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Matt Edmundson:

yeah, well, if you're listening to the show,

Matt Edmundson:

go and follow James on Twitter.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm very delighted, I'm very delighted

Vladimer Botsvadze:

that I embarked on this journey.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

From scratch in the last nine years, I have managed to join speakers bureaus.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm alongside James Clear as a speaker at some speakers

Vladimer Botsvadze:

bureaus throughout the world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It's just like that I live my passion every single day.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, I don't follow the crowd.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Even if it takes three years, four years, five years to build my path.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I hit the ground running and I go into overdrive because I don't have my time

Vladimer Botsvadze:

to waste and every second should be spent on making my dreams come true.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, because I was 18 when I moved to New York and when you, even in

Vladimer Botsvadze:

childhood, I was burning the midnight oil and it was my dream to explore

Vladimer Botsvadze:

in the United States at an early age.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So my dreams came true.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Then it was followed by the UK.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And you know that, uh, uh, for me, United States and the UK are two peas

Vladimer Botsvadze:

in a pod, almost the same mentality, uh, galvanizing people, forward thinkers,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, uh, and these, uh, environments, uh, just, uh, applause and cherish

Vladimer Botsvadze:

your, uh, determination, your hard work, uh, hardworking skills, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

your sleepless nights, you know, and I was sleeping like four hours a day

Vladimer Botsvadze:

in order to build my personal brand.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And, you know, Building a huge following on Twitter is not a walk in the park.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I was just, uh, uh, building my dreams.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I was just, uh, connecting with the world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I was just, you know, that communication dictates everything we do.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

If you don't, uh, communicate with the world, nothing great happens, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And it's all about, uh, Matt.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, emotional connection with my followers, you know, for example, Nike

Vladimer Botsvadze:

has emotional collection, uh, connection with us because Nike storytellers,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Nike, uh, collaborates with top athletes to tell the best stories, right?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So it's inspiring, inspiring example for me that, uh, I positioned

Vladimer Botsvadze:

myself as a media company.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

That I provide value.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I positioned myself in a media company like Forbes, like Guardian, like CNN,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Bloomberg, to tell my story, to publish informative content that was in my

Vladimer Botsvadze:

followers best interest, and my efforts truly perform miracles, you know.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Um, there's a lot there Vladimir, there's a lot there, let me dig into some of this.

Matt Edmundson:

So you said that you were 18 when you went to New York, where were you before

Matt Edmundson:

New York, where did you come from?

Matt Edmundson:

I come from Bil,

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Matt Edmundson:

know, in Georgia.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So why did you move to New York when you were 18?

Matt Edmundson:

Was this, um, a, a family thing?

Matt Edmundson:

Was this just because

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you No, I was, I was, uh, I was involved in

Vladimer Botsvadze:

summer exchange program, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

I was a work control, work control program and, uh, first I was in,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, Washington DC area where I.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I had trainings and I got my certificate, then I got my social

Vladimer Botsvadze:

security card from the State Department.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Then I was sent with my colleague to Menezes, Virginia, which is

Vladimer Botsvadze:

like a 25 minute drive from D.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

C., you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And then afterwards, two months later, I moved to New York City, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

the best melting pot in the world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I wanted to explore this amazing city.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I started seeing the world faster, easier, clearer.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And you know that U.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

experience is worth its weight in gold.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, I, I, I have just started taking risks, you know, I

Vladimer Botsvadze:

have become a risk taker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I have become a risk risk taker and you know, I, I always want to give

Vladimer Botsvadze:

150 percent day in and day out.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, so when you, when you explore all avenues, all streets, uh,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

in, uh, in Manhattan, you know, and when your city is empty, it's very.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Tough, you know, because it's very tough to get experience to get the job.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so I was building, I was just dreaming that I wanted to wrap

Vladimer Botsvadze:

shoulders with successful people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I wanted to get inside track.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I want to establish myself as a game changer in New York City.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And, uh, you know, this social media networks emerged like

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It, uh, it was like a road to Damascus to, for me, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

that to tell my story, you

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So here you are, you're a young 18 year old lad from

Matt Edmundson:

Georgia, uh, going to New York.

Matt Edmundson:

And what, what is intriguing me here, Vladimir, is you, you come

Matt Edmundson:

from, um, From a different culture.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, it is different, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

The culture between Georgia and America is different.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, of course, of course.

Matt Edmundson:

So, and then obviously you talked a little bit about You know, the, the

Matt Edmundson:

ability in the US to sort of, um, work hard, have that, you know, rewarded the

Matt Edmundson:

American dream, as we like to call it, a similar, I suppose a little bit to the UK.

Matt Edmundson:

But what, what are some of the things that stand out between the

Matt Edmundson:

culture that you grew up in and the culture that you, um, moved to?

Matt Edmundson:

And what was it about that that really drew you

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, Matt, you know that my country was part of the Soviet Union for 70 years.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And, and, you know, since I was born in 1987, I have been swimming

Vladimer Botsvadze:

against the current, you know, I mean, I was burning midnight oil.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I just wanted to think different.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I was a dreamer.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I had tutors in childhood that my parents supported me as much as.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It was possible.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So education is the best investment, right?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, uh, all efforts paid off because my, my parents then moved to capital

Vladimer Botsvadze:

at the age of 15, just to help me make my dreams come true, you know, and, uh,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

even, uh, many parents, uh, would not take such a risk to move to the capital.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

In order for, for a greener pastor in order to help their kids,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, make their dreams come true.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So then, uh, then, you know, uh, I passed my entry exams.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I started, uh, uh, doing my, uh, BA bachelor's degree in computer engineering.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

. Yeah.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so it's the end of, uh, second year of my bachelor studies.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I, uh, I was given, uh, US visa to move to the United States to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

get a practical experience and to.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Expand my horizon.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Time is very precious.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I can't turn the clock back in time, but it's pretty precious, you know, so I

Vladimer Botsvadze:

always try to make the right decisions.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Even I make 100 decisions a day, and it's not easy to be Vladimir in 2023

Vladimer Botsvadze:

because I take so much responsibility.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I wear so many hats.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I go into a drive.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, so, but, but, you know, it's just, I followed my past.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I, I live, I have been living my passion and I don't need to follow

Vladimer Botsvadze:

the crowd to be in survival mode, you know, so I have been in gross mode

Vladimer Botsvadze:

and I have turned all the tables.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Because I love what I'm doing and, and you know, now the show is on the other foot.

Matt Edmundson:

Such a great phrase, such a great phrase.

Matt Edmundson:

So what does, um, what does the business, what, what does

Matt Edmundson:

your business day look like?

Matt Edmundson:

What's a typical day for Vladimir

Vladimer Botsvadze:

look like now?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Yeah, it's very passionate, you know, very energetic, very dynamic, you know, I

Vladimer Botsvadze:

work with 25 speakers bureaus throughout the world, so, so I often receive like

Vladimer Botsvadze:

invitations to get featured in magazines, Matt, you know, and I was featured in

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Exilium Magazine, Matt, Exilium Magazine.

Matt Edmundson:

Yep, there he

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

In Delaware, Exilium Magazine recognized me.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, as a transformative leader of the year, you know, so I'm also

Vladimer Botsvadze:

able to judge, uh, Matt, you know, I have been invited to Gartner and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Communication Marketing Awards in London.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And of course, it's a great, uh, privilege even to be recognized by, uh, Gartner

Vladimer Botsvadze:

as a leading marketing software there.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I have judged amazing projects of Fortune 500 brands.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And, uh, you know, I was, uh, uh, a member of marketing judging committee of the

Vladimer Botsvadze:

American Business Awards last year, and I judged the biggest projects of big,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

big, biggest brands, you know, and, uh, of course, I'm also a public speaker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

As you know, I work with, uh, six, seven, uh, uh, speakers agencies in the UK.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I work with champion speakers, inspirational speakers, Kruger Kohn.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I also work with, uh, Many, many speakers agencies, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

so I deliver my masterclasses.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I deliver my workshops.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I deliver my Podcast episodes.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I deliver my keynote speeches.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And of course, I believe, Matt, that I, I believe in putting everything into

Vladimer Botsvadze:

different baskets, you know, I don't depend on one Revenue stream and I want to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

put my eggs into different baskets to be in gross mode and to have a contribution

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You and even as you know that Sync360 which is the best open platform for

Vladimer Botsvadze:

global software has ranked me as Number one global marketing software since 2019.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I have been ranked number one.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So consistent action creates consistent results.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So so there's a more Uh, every ceremonies I judge, uh, the more interviews I

Vladimer Botsvadze:

have, the more speakers bureaus I join, uh, the more followers I gain, right?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

This, uh, algorithm gives me higher scores.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I should be ranked number one in the world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And it's just remarkable that, you know, through passion, through success,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

through long term seeking, and I advise everyone, Matt, to deploy.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Long term thinking, long term thinking, you know, it's very game changing.

Matt Edmundson:

When you, when you talk about long term thinking,

Matt Edmundson:

what do you mean by that?

Matt Edmundson:

What's your, what's your definition of long term thinking?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

A long term thinking is that we need to envisage what will

Vladimer Botsvadze:

happen in five, 15, 20 years, not in one year or two years, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

We need to reinvest every penny in our growth, even if we, for

Vladimer Botsvadze:

example, build our personal brands.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And there are 8 billion people in the world and 5.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

4 billion mobile users, 5.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

2 billion internet users, and 4.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

8 billion social media users.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Consumers trust people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Consumers trust influencers, not companies and not executives and locals

Vladimer Botsvadze:

because executives and directors of big organizations are not willing to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

download social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, to share their

Vladimer Botsvadze:

expertise outside their companies.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I have been in storytelling mode.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I have galvanized my audience on Twitter.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I built a trust with my followers.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It's not about gaining followers, Matt.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It's all about building community.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So the power of community is just a miraculous.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You can make your dreams come true when you build your personal brand.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So as you know, like a bigger automotive companies depend on advertising, right?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, but Tesla, Tesla does not depend on advertising.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, Tesla depends on Elon Musk's personal brand.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It is a best example.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

It's a best example, uh, to build your, uh, personal brand, to build

Vladimer Botsvadze:

your authorities of leadership, to tell your story and to be close to your

Vladimer Botsvadze:

consumers and audiences on worldwide.

Matt Edmundson:

So , I agree with you on the whole personal brand and, and

Matt Edmundson:

Tesla and, and Elon Musk, and how those two things are very closely intertwined.

Matt Edmundson:

And, and buying Twitter was probably one of the most extraordinary marketing

Matt Edmundson:

moves I've seen for a long time.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

If someone's listening to the show, because we have a lot of CEOs, business

Matt Edmundson:

leaders, uh, listening to the show, where personal brand is one of those

Matt Edmundson:

things that they've maybe not done a whole great deal with up until

Matt Edmundson:

this point, um, where do they start?

Matt Edmundson:

Do they, do they open up a Twitter account, uh, an Instagram account?

Matt Edmundson:

What, what's your advice to, to people who, who, who need to understand where to

Matt Edmundson:

start when it, when it comes to personal

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

Oh, Matt, you know, it's a great question.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, I just want to remind everyone of that, uh, great ox grow

Vladimer Botsvadze:

from smaller coins, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

. So big things have small beginnings.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So if you even open a Twitter account and if you start tweeting, even if you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

follow like 300, 3000 people, like, I mean, uh, 3, 750 will follow you back.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you will need you, you will, uh, you need to.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Start, uh, building, uh, your account gradually to show to, uh, to show

Vladimer Botsvadze:

more patients, uh, to, to create, uh, great content, compelling content, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, and to connect with the world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Because 85% of global technology leaders use Twitter.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, even through networking, you can, uh, become

Vladimer Botsvadze:

a billionaire through networking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Yeah, so networking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You can become a keynote speaker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So networking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You can build a like a million dollar marketing agency through networking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You can, uh.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Rub shoulders with successful people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So the market decides, Matt, what is good and bad.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

The market is a decision maker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So not MBAs, not business schools, not professors, because, uh, like,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, business schools are water under the bridge and even MBA degrees.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And even when Elon Musk is hiring, he does not check out, uh, MBA degrees, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So web your CV.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

LinkedIn is your CV, Twitter is your CV.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So what you publish today is going to bring you success tomorrow.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So it's a now or never for everyone to tell their stories and to be in growth

Vladimer Botsvadze:

mode through social media channels.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Because it used to cost a fortune to reach global audiences like 70 years ago.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And you used, you had to pay millions of dollars to traditional

Vladimer Botsvadze:

media to reach global audiences.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And through Twitter, at no cost, you can reach millions of people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And my work has reached millions of people annually.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Just remarkable, remarkable figure, you know.

Matt Edmundson:

So, the platform that you, I mean, you've talked a lot about Twitter.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, Vladimir.

Matt Edmundson:

Is, is that your preferred platform or do you prefer like Instagram or LinkedIn?

Matt Edmundson:

What's your, what's your sort of place of choice?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

LinkedIn is very competitive.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Matt, you know, very competitive.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, everyone is try, uh, everyone is trying to put, uh, their.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Best foot forward.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It's very competitive, but Twitter is more collaborative, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Twitter allows you, Twitter is like a cocktail party for the business world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Just imagine that you are at a cocktail party, you are mixing with

Vladimer Botsvadze:

people, you break their eyes, you exchange experiences, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you build great contacts and connections because of this network.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So if you tweet great content, people...

Vladimer Botsvadze:

We'll start retweeting you and it will, uh, skyrocket your brand awareness.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you and I have been followed by, um, like a billion

Vladimer Botsvadze:

entrepreneurs, you know, on Twitter.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I have learned a great deal from my colleagues from the United States, how

Vladimer Botsvadze:

they have built up their success, how they connected with the world, how they

Vladimer Botsvadze:

have become, uh, um, Keynote speakers, you know, so, so just remarkable to what

Vladimer Botsvadze:

extent you can learn through networking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So luckily, uh, I have fired on all cylinders, uh, on Twitter and,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, I have gone into overdrive.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I can put my shoulder to the wheel and, um, I have made my dreams

Vladimer Botsvadze:

come true because now I have it.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Now I'm at the forefront of digital transformation, social media, because

Vladimer Botsvadze:

of my indefatigable hard work in the last nine years and success is

Vladimer Botsvadze:

not accidental, success is earned.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I have earned my success from my hard work, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Matt Edmundson:

Twitter then is a good platform for you and I'm

Matt Edmundson:

just looking here at Twitter.

Matt Edmundson:

And so your last tweet, start, start now, start where you

Matt Edmundson:

are, start with what you have.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Start with what you already know, start moving toward the goal,

Matt Edmundson:

start small, start now, just start.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, I liked the, there's a phrase isn't there, I can't remember the phrase where

Matt Edmundson:

you kind of, you repeat the, the end is the beginning, just sort of repeat it and

Matt Edmundson:

the key bits in the middle kind of thing.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So you start with what you already know.

Matt Edmundson:

I guess this is one of the big questions for people, um, you know, that they

Matt Edmundson:

have is like, how do you create good, compelling content on a consistent

Matt Edmundson:

basis for a platform like Twitter?

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and because it's very noisy, it's very, you can easily

Matt Edmundson:

get drowned out, I think, and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Just imagine, just imagine is that you also will need to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

cope with toxicity of Twitter because instead of walking the path just to build

Vladimer Botsvadze:

your following, I mean, you need to be...

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It is an uphill battle on Twitter, just imagine, you know.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it's the same, I mean it's true on any platform, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

It's an uphill battle.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and I can see why a lot of people get put off by it and don't do it,

Matt Edmundson:

or they start doing it and two days later can't think of anything to say

Matt Edmundson:

or they, they download the app and it's like, well, what do I tweet?

Matt Edmundson:

What do I, so what advice, I mean, what's your own personal

Matt Edmundson:

strategy when it comes to tweets?

Matt Edmundson:

What sort of things do you tweet about?

Matt Edmundson:

How do you keep that consistency?

Matt Edmundson:

Matt, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, I'm a curious guy to the core, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm curious how Joe Bezos built Amazon.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm curious how Elon Musk started going on a strong path to success.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm curious how, uh, I mean, Travis Kalanick started building, uh, Uber, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, with Ryan Graves, so Ryan Graves became a billionaire because Ryan replied

Vladimer Botsvadze:

to Travis through Twitter, said, uh, uh, Travis, uh, tweeted that he was hiring

Vladimer Botsvadze:

first product marketing manager in 2011.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So Ryan replied, they met, they started.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Building Uber together and Ryan Graves became a billionaire through Twitter a

Vladimer Botsvadze:

few years later, you know, it's all about networking, you know, so, so Twitter

Vladimer Botsvadze:

is like a happy hunting ground, happy hunting ground for ambitious people,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

ambitious people, you know, so I would, um, I was tweeting quotes of successful

Vladimer Botsvadze:

people, entrepreneurs, I was sharing videos, I was, uh, Sharing articles

Vladimer Botsvadze:

from, um, Forbes and, uh, measure, uh, media publications, you know, and,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you know, uh, as I say that, uh, uh, nothing, nothing success, like success.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Then I, I started growing from Center to Strengths.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And then, um, then, you know, it, it had like a snowball effect on

Vladimer Botsvadze:

my, um, uh, statistics on Twitter.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And, uh, then, you know, I mean, I was, I was just tweeting, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, my, my parents and my, uh, family members were asking me to go

Vladimer Botsvadze:

out and hang out with my friends.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I have forgotten everyone for a few years in order to sacrifice, in

Vladimer Botsvadze:

order to build my community, my, and authenticity, authenticity is what

Vladimer Botsvadze:

sets me apart, Matt, because, you know, I'm a bona fide, uh, influencer, if

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you check out like a Twitter audit of my Twitter, like a 98 percent of my

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Twitter followers are real because I, I was building organically, organically,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you know what I mean, organically.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And you went so many executives.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

Oh, I mean, use Twitter from Fortune 500 brands, business schools.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so they helped me a lot in gaining ground, going places and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

moving up, moving up in the world.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So everyone sees who I am today.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, very ambitious, very forward thinker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, I even deploy, still deploy long term thinking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I, uh, I reinvest every penny in my growth.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, if you Google like a digital transformation keynote speaker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

My website appears on page two.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm even in a million results, six million results, you know, so but, but my, my

Vladimer Botsvadze:

website has great authority because I put my heart and soul into industry.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So Google chooses me as one of the top three, top three.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Digital Transformation Keynotes because in the world because of based on my

Vladimer Botsvadze:

strong performance and consistency So consistency as you mentioned Matt is

Vladimer Botsvadze:

decisive and a game changer, you know

Matt Edmundson:

So the key then to building a personal brand is

Matt Edmundson:

you talked about Having compelling content being consistent.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, I'm looking here at the numbers and you've You've, you've

Matt Edmundson:

written one hundred and, what did it say, one hundred and thirty three

Matt Edmundson:

thousand or something like that.

Matt Edmundson:

That's mad.

Matt Edmundson:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

was, I was, I was truly crazy about tweeting, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, I, I was working sixteen hours a day on Twitter to build my...

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Network from scratch, uh, organically, authentically, you know, so as you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know that I, I posted, I posted more than 130, 000 times or 125, 000 times

Vladimer Botsvadze:

just because I'm consistent and I, I love communicating and I hear the

Vladimer Botsvadze:

gift of the gap and you know, I always try to communicate with other people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Even if someone is successful, if someone is a tycoon, billionaire,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

it means that, uh, Uh, you can also become, uh, like a, like a tycoon.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You can also be on the path to success.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you need to be very open minded, Matt.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So open mindedness has been my, has been the bedrock of my growth

Vladimer Botsvadze:

because I always try, uh, to surround myself with smarter people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I never say that I'm the smartest person in the room.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

No, I always, I'm always in learning mode.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

In gross mode, outside my comfort zone, you know.

Matt Edmundson:

So what are some of the things that are emerging in the

Matt Edmundson:

digital landscape, Vladimir, that you think we need to keep our eye on, that

Matt Edmundson:

things are going to be game changing?

Matt Edmundson:

What's getting you excited at the moment?

Matt Edmundson:

I guess what's...

Matt Edmundson:

What's today's Twitter?

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Yes, I mean, Webster is very emerging and very

Vladimer Botsvadze:

promising, you know, so even we are in a Web2 landscape, marketing landscape

Vladimer Botsvadze:

nowadays, and even brands struggle with Web2 marketing ecosystem, Matt.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Brands struggle because even majority of clients I know, uh, and even prospective

Vladimer Botsvadze:

clients, they, uh, invest 90 percent of their marketing money on the wrong

Vladimer Botsvadze:

traditional Marketing channels, you know, they are wasting their money

Vladimer Botsvadze:

on TV, on billboard, on TV, on radio, in magazines, in print, you know, so

Vladimer Botsvadze:

they need to tell their story where 4.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

8 billion people spend their time online.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

They need to be in their eyeballs and ears business.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

They need to win attention as they, they need to win attention in nine

Vladimer Botsvadze:

seconds through their stories.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Nine, because as you know, that people have a short, uh, short attention span.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so it's just, uh, you need to, uh, win attention at a drop of head, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Matt Edmundson:

I couldn't agree more.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think actually that the attention span seems to be getting smaller

Matt Edmundson:

and smaller for people, doesn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

It's, um, it's, it's, it's only going down.

Matt Edmundson:

It is not going up.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Um, So, Matt, even as a judge, I can see what brands are doing.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so, so the world has put my personal brand building on a pedestal because I

Vladimer Botsvadze:

have put my, uh, You know, heart and soul, you know, even, even, you know, I have the

Vladimer Botsvadze:

underdog mentality, you know, I know that I will turn the tables from my hard work,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you know, if people denigrating, uh, uh, Twitter in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, I'm now

Vladimer Botsvadze:

a winner because I have shown consistency.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I have told my story.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I told my story in 20 14, 20 15, 20 20 17.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so the market is a decision maker.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

The market decided that Uber, Uber, Airbnb, Spotify, uh, are good.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And the rest of the brands, uh, that disregarded internet and social media,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, gone, uh, have gone out of business.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, for example, a blockbuster, uh, disregarded, uh, uh, to buy, uh,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, Netflix for 50 million in 2007 and, uh, they have gone out of business.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Because they're outdated business models, you know, they would say Were sinking.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

They were thinking that in internet was not going to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

affect their business, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

. So

Matt Edmundson:

when I Yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

It's a very famous

Vladimer Botsvadze:

story, isn't it?

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

When I was in Virginia in 2006, uh, even I, I was, uh, I I I, I used

Vladimer Botsvadze:

to see, uh, uh, blockbuster stores in my area, you know, in Westgate.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I, I live in Westgate, you know, so, so, but, but, um, um, uh, the market is tough.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to keep up with the latest trends and adapt what is coming

Vladimer Botsvadze:

and to stay ahead of the car.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And marketing is the ultimate driver of business results.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you need to constantly reinvent yourself and you need to be a

Vladimer Botsvadze:

long term thinker, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Yeah, no,

Matt Edmundson:

fair enough.

Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

So, I'm curious, Vladimir, you're working crazy hours, you're investing

Matt Edmundson:

a lot of time and energy still into your brand and into your clients.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

What recharges your batteries?

Matt Edmundson:

What do you do, um, to sort of, uh, refill your tank?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Well, I love playing tennis.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I also love rock climbing.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm a climber to the core.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, so, so these two sports are my pastimes because I don't have much

Vladimer Botsvadze:

time just to, I mean, uh, to spend in gym or I mean, uh, to, I mean, because

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I'm working 15, 16 hours a day, uh, it is a very hectic schedule because I'm,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, supposed to, uh, deliver my keynote speeches, uh, you know, judge biggest,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, uh, projects and nominations at, uh, Uh, award ceremonies, you know,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I receive a request for, from media to feature me, you know, and I also

Vladimer Botsvadze:

deliver my masterclasses, workshops.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I mean, uh, so, uh, it's, I have so many ongoing projects, but playing golf,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

playing, uh, tennis and, uh, Um, rock climbing are to my pastimes because, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

know, these two activities truly galvanize me to achieve more, uh, to, I'm a big fan

Vladimer Botsvadze:

of tennis, you know, I love Andy Murray.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I love Djokovic.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I love Roger Federer.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I love their mindset, how they respect each other.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I love their mentality that they, everyone wants to achieve more.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And it's a very competitive world, Matt, you know, even,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

even tennis is very competitive.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so the growth of, uh, Novak Djokovic also inspires me because,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, he started, uh, he started, uh, turning all the tables.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

He, uh, he has shown more consistency.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

He's mentally very robust, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So it's all about a mental game, Matt, you know, mental game, because everyone,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

everyone plays tennis, everyone is healthy, but it's all about mental game.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I would say that success is also a mental game.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you need to be able to cope with negativity.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to be able to cope with skeptics, doubters.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And so you need to just move forward, never look back and to have a sick skin.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

It's very important because if their, if their critics affect

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you, then you go backwards.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you should always choose optimism.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You should always choose positivity.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to be collaborative because nobody has time to waste

Vladimer Botsvadze:

in high places because those are millionaires and billionaires and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

building their startups and they are speaking, they are extremely busy.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so you need to be very finicky and choosy when it comes to your circle.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Because your SQL will, uh, uh, will determine your future and your success.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you are a product of five successful people you hang out with, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true.

Matt Edmundson:

So, part of me is almost afraid to ask Vladimir, but what

Matt Edmundson:

does growth look like for you?

Matt Edmundson:

What does more look like?

Matt Edmundson:

Where's the future going?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Matt, it's a great question, you know, I just want to be in

Vladimer Botsvadze:

the right place at the right time with the right people, you know, I'm now 35, and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

from the vantage point of the present, I have always fired on cylinders, and I'm

Vladimer Botsvadze:

proud of every step I have taken, that I'm a very diligent, very hard working,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

very dexterous, very, Uh, they, they say that, uh, uh, uh, elbow grease, uh, the

Vladimer Botsvadze:

best Polish and, uh, you just need to be very hardworking, you know, so the

Vladimer Botsvadze:

harder and smarter you work, the luckier you get, you know, you need to put your.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Your future in your hands.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to depend on your, on your, only on yourself.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to pedal your own canoe and you need to stand on

Vladimer Botsvadze:

your own two feet, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So you should never depend on MBAs, on people, on, uh, I mean, your

Vladimer Botsvadze:

friends, because you need to, you, you, you should be a solo entrepreneur.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to be depend on your, yourself.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You need to make the right decisions, right decisions, because

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I want everyone to, to listen it carefully, right decisions.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Hmm, who are listening to.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

If you are listening to people who have given on their dreams, you

Vladimer Botsvadze:

should dissociate yourself with them and start associating yourself with

Vladimer Botsvadze:

successful, smarter, better people.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, if you are in complaint mode, if you are such mode,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

even, you are going to backwards.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So we need to choose optimism.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

We need to choose positivity and, and I'm sure.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

That, uh, uh, time after time you will be on the right path to success

Vladimer Botsvadze:

because, uh, if I can do it, if I can do it, anybody can do it, you know?

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Powerful stuff, man.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, listen, Vladimir, we have come to that stage of the show

Matt Edmundson:

where we do the question box.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, yes.

Matt Edmundson:

This is the random question.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm going to flick through the questions.

Matt Edmundson:

You're going to tell me when to stop.

Matt Edmundson:

Wherever we stop, that's the question we ask.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

Please stop.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That's an interesting question.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, would you, and this is presuming you don't, but would

Matt Edmundson:

you like to believe in God?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Matt, you know, I believe in God, you know, because

Vladimer Botsvadze:

God helps those who help themselves.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I help myself, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Even this, my example has demonstrated the great, my case, my success story

Vladimer Botsvadze:

that if you work hard, if you love what you do, if you are passionate, God is

Vladimer Botsvadze:

always by your side, you know, so I, I, I, when I wake up, I'm very thankful to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

God that I wake up, I'm healthy, that I choose optimism, I choose positivity,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I always try to surround myself with right people, and I'm, I'm just, life

Vladimer Botsvadze:

is very short, but I'm very grateful for small mercies, I'm, I'm very kind to

Vladimer Botsvadze:

the core, you know, very kind guy, Bye.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

But very success, very ambitious, very competitive, very driven,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

you know, I'm very passionate, you know, because my parents invested

Vladimer Botsvadze:

their fortune in me, that they sold their house in Georgia to prepare me

Vladimer Botsvadze:

from the United States for the UK.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I want my parents to be proud of my performance, my activities, and

Vladimer Botsvadze:

even if they watch me on podcasts or...

Vladimer Botsvadze:

If they see me in the magazines, I know that I'm doing the right thing, so they

Vladimer Botsvadze:

are proud of my activities, you know.

Matt Edmundson:

Is that what drives you, Vladimir?

Matt Edmundson:

The fact that your parents gave up so much so you can

Matt Edmundson:

Vladimer Botsvadze: have this current life?

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, because, you know, Matt, you know, I mean, my father is a professor

Matt Edmundson:

in Georgia, my mother is a doctor, and, uh, I was born in a very hard

Matt Edmundson:

working family, you know, I mean, uh...

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, hard work has always been, uh, noticeable in my family in

Matt Edmundson:

the last 35 years since, uh, I was born in fam in this family.

Matt Edmundson:

So I don't have my time to waste.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, I'm very finicky.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm in the learning mode, growth mode.

Matt Edmundson:

So I want my parent to be proud of me because of, proud of my performance

Matt Edmundson:

that I have been showing, uh, uh, uh, patients, uh, from year to year.

Matt Edmundson:

Then they knew.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That, uh, if I was going to show more patience, the results would

Matt Edmundson:

come, so they would be proud of my global performance, you know.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That's really interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

It's an interesting place to end there, because actually that's where you started.

Matt Edmundson:

You started, uh, where you were in Jordan, and you sort of bring

Matt Edmundson:

it back to your parents, which I think is quite lovely, um, and, and,

Matt Edmundson:

and, and really nice and special.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, so Matt, you know, my parents.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

We are not allowed to leave their, uh, their country when they were

Vladimer Botsvadze:

raising and growing up in the U.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

They know how important it is, uh, to have a good education, to invest

Vladimer Botsvadze:

in yourself, to invest in yourself.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And of course, they are the best parents, you know, like my father

Vladimer Botsvadze:

is the author of more than 20 books.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

He has been an eager beaver his entire life, you know, very

Vladimer Botsvadze:

contagious, very infectious guy.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know what I mean?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So it's a very genetic, just that I'm successful, that I'm very ambitious,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

that I don't rest on my laurels.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So I always look to my laurels in order to improve my results, you know.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Matt Edmundson:

no, fantastic.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Well, listen, Vladimir, it's been a thoroughly enjoyable conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

I've, I've got lots of notes.

Matt Edmundson:

I've had to work hard to keep up.

Matt Edmundson:

But it's been, it's been a great conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

If people want to reach out to you, if they want to connect with you,

Matt Edmundson:

what's the best way to do that?

Vladimer Botsvadze:

You know, I'm available at www.

Vladimer Botsvadze:


Vladimer Botsvadze:

com where they can book me as a speaker, as a mentor, as a, like,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

lecturer, as a coach, you know, so they can also follow me on LinkedIn.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Uh, I'm open to new connections.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

Follow me on Twitter at Lado Bozzuaze, also on Instagram at Ladimer Bozzuaze.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

So, let's, let's connect and build something great together,

Matt Edmundson:

you know?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, no, there, all of those links we will of course put in the show notes

Matt Edmundson:

as well, uh, which you can get along for free at the website pushtobemore.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, we will link to Vladimir's LinkedIn, we will link to, uh, your

Matt Edmundson:

Twitter, and we'll of course link to the website, so you'll be able

Matt Edmundson:

to find all of those things there.

Matt Edmundson:

But Vladimir, thanks for coming on the show, man.

Matt Edmundson:

Genuinely, uh, Thank you, I really appreciate your energy, your passion,

Matt Edmundson:

um, um, there are very few people that I, I've, I've listened to, I think

Matt Edmundson:

that maybe work as hard as you do,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

um, so, uh, uh, compliment also from my side because,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

uh, I watched your episode with NailMotorCraft and other amazing people

Vladimer Botsvadze:

and you are a true storyteller at the heart, you know, you have been...

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I know that you stand out through your qualities, through your

Vladimer Botsvadze:

authenticity, through your thought provoking ideas and questions.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

And I loved being a guest on your podcast, you know.

Matt Edmundson:

Ah, super kind of you.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm glad you enjoyed that episode with Neil.

Matt Edmundson:

He's a great guy.

Matt Edmundson:

Neil, a great story.

Matt Edmundson:

So, um,

Vladimer Botsvadze:

He sent my regards in mail.

Vladimer Botsvadze:

I hope we connect and build great things together.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

He's a great guy.

Matt Edmundson:

You should definitely reach out to him.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, but, um, yeah, of course, uh, all legends on the Push To Be More podcast,

Matt Edmundson:

but thank you Vladimir and genuinely, uh, huge thanks to you for joining me today.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you so much, Matt.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you.

Matt Edmundson:

Well, what a great conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

Also, a big shout out to today's show sponsor, Orion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

If you're wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business,

Matt Edmundson:

do connect with them at orionmedia.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That's A U R I O N media dot.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, be sure to follow Push To Be More wherever you get your podcasts

Matt Edmundson:

from because we have got yet more great conversations lined up and I

Matt Edmundson:

don't want you to miss any of them.

Matt Edmundson:

And in case no one has told you yet today, you are awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes you are.

Matt Edmundson:

Created awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just a burden.

Matt Edmundson:

You have got to bear.

Matt Edmundson:

Vladimir has to bear it, I've got to bear it, and you've got to bear it as well.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Now Push To Be More is produced by Orien Media.

Matt Edmundson:

You can find our entire archive of episodes on your favourite podcast app.

Matt Edmundson:

The team that makes this show possible is Sadaf Bainon, Estella

Matt Edmundson:

Robin, and Tanya Hutzilek.

Matt Edmundson:

Our theme music is by Josh Edmundson, and as I mentioned, if you would like to

Matt Edmundson:

read the transcript or show notes, head over to the website, Push To Be More.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So that's it from me.

Matt Edmundson:

That's it from Vladimir.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you so much for joining us.

Matt Edmundson:

Have a fantastic week wherever you are in the world.

Matt Edmundson:

I'll see you next time.

Matt Edmundson:

Bye for now.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you.




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