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Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle – Fred Stoeker pt 1
Episode 135728th September 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:31:27

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Preparing Your Son for

Every Man’s Battle

Fred Stoeker pt 1

Fred’s ministry is to help men get free from sexual sin and then teach their children how to remain free. His book, “Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle” is actually a book about teaching both, sons and daughters, how to win this battle.

There is a 10-chapter “Parent’s Section” that is designed to teach mothers and fathers how to connect with their kids on this topic.  And this is a topic that, if you are in the trenches with teenagers right now, you know that you know this is needful in this day and time. Amen!

To discuss all of this, help me welcome to the program, our good friend, Fred Stoeker!  Fred, it is so good to have you back on the program today.

Other than that brief information I just shared, and for the sake of those that may not have heard our prior interviews, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Fred Stoeker?”

Your book, “Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle,” was first published back in 2010. But it is just as valid today as the day it was first released, correct?

As I was going through and preparing for our interview, I noticed you use some sports metaphors to relate the importance of properly preparing our kids for this phase of their life. That transition period through puberty and beyond.

For example, you shared how you came in last place in a 440 relay and how that affected you. Can you discuss how we can use these metaphors to help understand the topic of preparing our sons for this sexual battle they are about to endure?

Can this book be used if it’s just mom raising the boy and dad is out of the picture?

I like the analogy you use about a football game to describe raising your kids between the first half and the second half…ages 1-11 and 12 and beyond. Can you share about the “imaginary audience” that young teens feel is always watching them at that second stage.?

What are some of, what you call, the “rules of the game” that we should be aware of when discussing this subject with our children?

Fred shares a couple of stories that helps us to understand the importance of discussing these sensitive subjects with you children…

Folks, Fred has been on this program a few times, sharing absolutely valuable, Godly information on marriage, manhood and family and some of the trials, tests and problems men (and women as well) face in this day and time we are living in right now.

I urge you to drop down into the show notes and click the links right there to get in touch with Fred Stoeker. Check out his website – it has a lot of valuable information right there at your fingertips on this and other subject matter related to it. Amen!





Book:  “Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle” – on Amazon

Book:  “Every Heart Restored” – on Amazon

Book:  “Every Man’s Battle” (Revised and Updates in 2020) – on Amazon

Book: “Battle On Battle Over” – on Amazon

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