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112 Auctions: A Pathway to Property Investments
23rd October 2023 • Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton • Rachael Troughton
00:00:00 00:21:48

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I bet the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of auctions is properties in a state of collapse, with a shedload of legal issues, pushed by a bunch of unscrupulous vendors in a long, tedious process. 

But what if I tell you that the average boring auction is stuffed with hidden gems and massive investment opportunities? 

In this episode, I'll cover the exciting world of property auctions, its potential for hidden treasures and its pitfalls, as well as how to prepare yourself to navigate this dynamic world. 

What is Covered:

  • The fun of jumping into property auctions
  • How thorough due diligence and carefully reading legal packs can save you thousands of pounds
  • Potential pitfalls from vague legal issues and costs in auctions
  • Tips and advice for buying in auctions
  • Why you need to perfectly understand the auction process before going into it

Auctions have this undeserved fame of being too tricky, difficult to deal with, or something investors should only consider after they've mastered property per se. Yet, if you ask old-fashioned investors, this is the only way they would buy. As long as you play to your strengths and have a strategy, proper methods and systems, you'll discover a hidden-at-plain-sight truth about auctions: it's there that fortunes are made.


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