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Why coaching and the GDE Matrix is key to road safety
Episode 312th November 2023 • The Instructor • Terry Cook
00:00:00 01:24:09

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The RAC Foundation's Head of Research, Liz Box joins me to discuss how coaching and the GDE Matrix is key to road safety and an important tool for driving instructors. 

We also look at why shock tactics don't work, graduated licences, and we here more about CO-Pilot and it's potential for ADIs.

Dr Elizabeth Box FCIHT

Elizabeth has a PhD in Transport Psychology from Cranfield University, where she focused on developing and trialling pre-driver education interventions grounded in behavioural science. Elizabeth is an advisor to several road safety industry and government project boards and is a judge for the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards. She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation, a technical champion for the organisation as well as a judge for the Institute’s annual Road Safety Award. Elizabeth is an accomplished transport researcher and commissioner with over two decades of experience. She has an excellent track record in influencing and contributing to road safety policy outcomes at the national level. Elizabeth is the Research Director at the RAC Foundation, an independent charity which researches the environmental, mobility, safety and economic issues relating to roads and their users. She is also a Behavioural Science Consultant at Co-Pilot, a start-up which develops evidence-based road safety education.

DriveFit resources:

RAC Foundation Website:

Co-Pilot website:

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