You're Not Crazy: Experiencing Energy with Denise Neveux
I had an enlightening conversation with Denise, a gifted healer and intuitive reader. We journeyed through her captivating experiences with supernatural elements, deep dived into her practices with Reiki, and even touched upon her unique connection with light beings and angels. Denise's mantra "Trust yourself" resonates deeply, reminding us of the importance of intuition in our lives. Truly, it was an episode filled with profound insights and delightful moments. I hope you enjoy this replay!
In this episode we get curious about:
To learn more about Denise Neveux:
Listener Offer: 15 minute free reading if you email Denise Neveux at with the answers to three questions. Other than Reiki, what else does she teach? What is the name of the light being that she channels? And name three things in this podcast that you didn't know before listening to it. If you answer those three, you've got a 15 minutes free reading!Bio:
Denise A. Neveux
Shaman, Esoteric Healing, Reiki Master/Teacher
Holy Fire Karuna®Reiki Master/Teacher, Medium
Her journey to this point in her life began with getting adult-onset asthma, even though she was in the best of shape. It didn’t make sense to her, and she didn’t like taking so many drugs. She met a Reiki Master and started to go to her for sessions. In about 3 years or so, she was off all her asthma meds even with her doctor’s disapproval.
What she had to learn to do was let go, and she learned it was up to her to heal.
She was so drawn to energy work that she decided to take Reiki classes and Brain Gym®, along with other energy modalities. All of the instructors and modalities gave her the tools to understand her life’s purpose – the reason she am here on earth at this time.
For Denise, it required a lot of work... inner work. She learned to love herself, deeply and completely. She learned that healing actually came from within.
Because of this work and these changes, she began to see more clearly and realized that she was an empath, that she could see and feel energy and that she could see and feel spirits.
As time progressed, she added more tools to her toolbox, including Shamanism and Esoteric Healing. Each time she took a workshop, she expanded and so did her healing abilities. With each expansion, it became more and more clear why she was here…not just to experience her own expansion, but to assist others with theirs.
Denise's goal in each session, in each reading, in each soul retrieval, is to assist others on their journey, with their life’s purpose. Every session is tailored for that specific client with information channeled from their guides and in alignment with their higher self.
Learn more and/or book a session with Denise here: Blue Heron Healing - Tidewater
To learn more about Laurin Wittig and her work: HeartLight Wellness
Laurin Wittig is an intuitive healer, spirituality mentor, founder of HeartLight Wellness and the Heartlight Wise Women Circles, host of the Curiously Wise: Practical Spirituality in Action podcast, channel of The Circle of Light, and an award-winning author. Laurin is also a co-facilitator of the Triple Goddess Women’s Circle.
Laurin’s own journey from bad health to great health on a non-traditional path awakened many of her own healing gifts, and illuminated a passion to assist others to travel their paths in this lifetime with less pain, and deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, bringing them to a place of greater ease, and joy.
Heartlight Wellness: Healing the light within you!
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Audio Engineer: Sam Wittig
Music: Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio
Photography & Design: Asha McLaughlin/Tej Art
Copyright 2025 Laurin Wittig
Interview Episode with Denise Neveux
[:Oh, and we'll be laughing. A lot. I invite you to join in the fun as we uncover the unique wisdom we each carry within us. Ready? Let's get curious. Hello, friends and welcome to Curiously Wise.
I'm Laurin Wittig, your host. And today I have in person even a good, good friend of mine, Denise Neveux, and she is a teacher. She's been my teacher for Reiki and esoteric healing and shamanism. I'm still working through some of those, all of them, I guess. but she's one of the wisest people I know. She's got so much knowledge and she's such a great teacher that she imparts knowledge with great ease and grace.
I'm not gonna introduce Denise. We're gonna let her unfold before your eyes. She's got so many things that she does and that she has studied, and she is a teacher by profession before you retired and teaching kids. So she's really good at managing things.
[:[00:01:35] Laurin: Yeah. Woo. Yeah. but now I'm lucky cuz she's teaching this other stuff, these energetic modalities, systems that are just fabulous. So tell us first, how you came to even understand energy and how you came to be a healer.
[:So I just decided to go to see this particular Reiki practitioner. And she ended up being my Reiki master. So we did a lot of work and a lot of work that affected this particular health issue had to do with my inner power was given my power away to everybody. I didn't know that. And within, I think one day I walked in there after about a year and I said, I'm gonna be off all my meds in three years.
And I was. So, as I cleared all of these things throughout my life I started feeling energy. I had felt energy before, but I could feel it more than ever that I had ever experienced. And when I realized was the energy I feel worked from other people or from nature or from earthbound spirits and things like that.
And then I just continued. And one day I was laying down as my Reiki practitioner, Reiki master Patricia. My hand started to heat up as I'm laying on the table. I'm like, I kind of looked at it and I said, you know, I feel like we're in the wrong place. I should be standing beside the table. and you should be laying down.
And that's how I just started taking Reiki classes.
[:Just in day-to-day stuff. Yes. So how does that, how do you experience that?
[:And I was taught by my teacher to ask is this mine? And a lot of times the answer is, no, it is not mine. I'm picking it up. And that's how I could distinguish if it's me not feeling good. Or if it's somebody else.
[:Which was what? Four years ago or so? Yes. If you've been following it all, I've met a lot of the people that are showing up on my podcast through my Wise Women’s Circle that I ran for two years. Yes. And that was how I met Denise as well. So that's why I can say four years cuz that's about when it was, when we started that. I don't think I knew I was an empath until I started really talking to you and realized I always knew I was sensitive, but I thought I was just sensitive.
That people would tell me I cried too much. And having grown up in the kind of household that I did, I now realize that like, oh no, I always pick it up, everybody else's stuff. So this question that you ask yourself for empaths is probably the number one thing they need to start doing.
[:And third answer is yes and no, which means you already have a little bit of a stomach ache and it's drawing somebody else’s stomach pain, that energy, that energy towards you. So it's a little of both. So yes and no. How do you know what yes and no is? I think you can just feel it in your body.
[:[00:05:44] Denise: You know when something's right, because your body goes, oh, that feels right. Mm-hmm and no is like, wow that doesn't feel right. Mm-hmm mm-hmm So you have to figure out what yes and no feels like to you.
[:[00:06:01] Denise: Correct.
[:And then learning how to let it go. And so do you have any like…
[:[00:06:35] Laurin: Yeah. That's really good. So, that's what brought you to Reiki?
[:[00:06:40] Laurin: But you also have all these other modalities that you bring to your practice.
[:I put it in my stereo back in the day where we had CD players. I know
[:[00:07:11] Denise: Hey, when I taught PE I would bring vinyl records out and my kindergartner would say, wow that's a big CD. And I just decided the music was making me sleepy. So I laid down on the couch and then all of a sudden, next thing I know, I went to another dimension. I didn't know what it was. And I saw a native American who's ended up to be one of my teachers and a vast like landscape and the music actually brought me there, how they had it compiled.
And the music brought me back and I had gone to a class and somebody says, you took a shamanic journey. And I said, what's that?
[:[00:07:54] Denise: So then that was it. I followed Michael Harner and Sandra Ingerman and I started reading books. And Sandra Ingerman has this book on it's like shamanism for dummies, but actually it's not called that.
It's an awesome book. And I started taking journeys and I have a whole couple of journals filled with it. Yeah. And then I got lucky and I found Dana Robinson, who is my shamanic mentor. And I started taking classes and I just absolutely love it. Yeah. I love taking shamanic journeys.
It's a very powerful thing. If I don't know what to do about my life, I'll take a shamanic journey. If I have a client that's coming and I'm not sure usually cuz things pop in my head what to expect. If I come up with blank, I'll take a shamanic journey and it helps me get my ego out of the way.
[:[00:08:49] Denise: Shamanism is fantastic. It's what they call direct devination. In other words, instead of going through another individual to tell you about how you should be in this life, you go directly to the source mm-hmm and yeah, it's a power animal. Yeah. but they're also wise.
[:Yes. I came to shamanism sort of a roundabout way too. Yes. And had gotten books and learned to journey on my own. But I've recently started taking classes in it from Denise. She has so much more experience than I do. And she's much better about going and reading books. I like a teacher, you know, so, so I'm learning a lot more about just how it can be used as a healing modality for myself, but also for others.
And it's really fascinating. I love going on journeys, cuz it's like taking a trip to a different world. It is, and it is symbolic, and mythic, and extremely powerful. Things can happen very quickly on a shamanic journey that might take us weeks or months or years to work through in real life as my kids say.
[:Mm. I love all the classes mm-hmm but that kind of like, oh, and then we also took shamanism de possession.
[:[00:10:35] Denise: No, I haven't. You gotta do extraction for her. Yes, yes.
[:I've taken two with you now. It is like going to Disneyland was for my kids when they were little, it's just like, oh, this is like the best thing ever! It's just, I don't know. It's just fascinating. It taps into my whole imaginary world. but it's real. I mean, and that sounds weird.
Imagination is just a tool for manifesting, for bringing things into focus as far as I'm concerned. It's a huge tool. It's probably why I had so much fascination with American Indian culture as I was an anthropology student.
And when I worked at Jamestown settlement, which is a living history museum here in Williamsburg, that everybody should come visit. It was the Indian village that I was most fascinated with. So, I know I was told that I've been a shaman before, so that's probably why it sings to me.
[:It's not a new thing to us. Right. We've done it. Whether a shaman or a medicine woman in and our life.
[:And then there is my latest obsession with your classes. esoteric healing, soul focused esoteric healing. Yes. So that's fascinating in a whole different level.
[:And so to find triangles in the body and help balance them. That's what esoteric healing is about. It's a lot more than just one triangle, but I'll give you an example of one triangle that would be the base chakra. And then it's adrenals that go with it and you make a triangle and you'll find that one point is not as strong.
And so that's what's making the imbalance and you wait till that gets the strength and then the triangle balances it out.
[:You know, that was my jam in math. And so it's bringing that sacred geometry into the healing process. Yes. And Denise and I both work similarly. Yes we do. In that we have a lot of different modalities that we've been trained in or are in my case continuing to be trained in but we also are intuitive.
We're very, very intuitive. So I think like me, you have systems and you go, oh, this is what system I need to use today for this. Correct. Or, yes, I'm using Reiki, but oh, I need to bring in a little bit of the shamanism in some way for this person today. And so it becomes, I refer to it as being kind of like a jazz musician, you know all these riffs, you play all these different things and you can kind of pick and choose which fits you want when you're jamming.
[:[00:13:50] Laurin: Yeah. I love that one cuz that's the only way I can really explain what I do. It's like I have all of these tools and it's like, which one works today? You also are a medium. Now, first of all, explain what a medium is for somebody who is…
[:[00:14:33] Laurin: Mm. Denise has a term she uses that is unfun. So I like that. I use that a lot now. I know something's unfun
[:[00:14:49] Laurin: No, no. How did you learn that you could do that or did you just always know?
[:And she goes, who was what? I said that tall man with the blue jacket that just walked through. The secretary looked at me. I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't see it. And I was like, that was a man that walked through you didn't see it. And she goes, Nope. and I got up and I left.
So, that was the first time I actually saw a earthbound spirit. I live in Virginia and there are civil war in whatever kind of war all over the place. And there are places I just can't go. It's just too much. Yeah. Yeah. There is a terminology called being a psychopump and being a psychopump is an individual that helps those transition into the light.
Mm-hmm not all of them want to go. But if I come out of the hospital, I will turn around and I will see sometimes there's two people who have died or there maybe there could be sometimes a dozen. Mm. And which is why I don't like going to hospital very much, but they follow me and they follow me or any, I don't know how they know mm-hmm
So before I get in my car, I have a conversation, I have assigned a special angel to assist me in helping them transition. So I don't bring 'em home with me. Yeah.
[:[00:16:30] Denise: That's what I do. That's almost like a it's not a daily thing for me, but it happens quite often.
[:[00:16:40] Denise: I can't remember what she said to me.
[:[00:16:48] Denise: Yes.
[:[00:16:54] Denise: Yes. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't. I just try and help them understand that they're not here anymore. And sometimes if they don't transition into the light, they just have a few more things. They might go to their loved ones and finish some work that they didn't. But I encourage them most of the time and I usually send an angel with them to make sure that they go where they need to go. and not all of 'em goes, but she did. She chilled. Yeah.
[:[00:17:35] Denise: Most of the time I can tune them out, but then there are sometimes they just, I had done a mediumship reading over the phone and I was driving back from the store and there was a man on my car.
Oh, I remember this. Yeah. So, and he was banging on my car and I actually heard the bang like loud, and I couldn't understand why the cars were on me weren't tooting, there's a man on your car. So, you know, I opened up my sunroof and now I could see him and I'm like…
[:[00:18:09] Denise: Yeah. So I pulled up in my garage and I stood at the door before getting in the kitchen. Usually, I don't even let him in that freely, but he's on my car. And I was like, what? He said, I want you to give my children a message. And I'm like, okay you need to find them, give them a way to find me other than I'm not gonna do that.
Mm-hmm , I don't do that. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. But, but that's crazy. And so truly welcome to my life. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a miserable thing. It is what it is now. Right. I didn't like it at first, but…
[:[00:18:48] Denise: Yes,
[:[00:19:06] Denise: I don't need a whistle.
[:[00:19:14] Denise: I didn't use a whistle when I taught, I used one of those little plastic whistle things with three holes in it.
[:[00:19:22] Denise: Yeah. So just cause that way it wasn't so loud. Yeah. The kids loved it, so yeah.
[:[00:19:29] Denise: I started teaching Reiki first,
[:[00:19:32] Denise: And that's also a real interesting experience because I hadn't planned on it at all. I didn't really, it wasn't something I wanted to do. I just needed to deal with this gift I have and figure out what I'm gonna do with it.
And I still have a fulltime job. I went to the gym and met this yoga instructor and she goes, I hear you teach Reiki. I said, no, I don't teach Reiki. She goes, yes, you do. Cuz I want you to teach me.
[:[00:20:00] Denise: This is exactly what happened. So I scheduled a class, I had three people sign up for it. And the person that said I was gonna teach her, didn't even take the class.
[:[00:20:13] Denise: It was just a message. She was the messenger.
[:[00:20:17] Denise: My confidence wasn't that great when I first started. And then I became comfortable teaching it. And I think as time went on, one of the biggest things I realized and that I learned from my students, I have to pay attention to them. No matter who they are. What do I need to learn from here?
And, it's not that I wasn't listening to them cuz I was, but I needed to listen to them on a deeper level and understand how they're gonna grasp this concept. And what I did was realize that everybody learns in their own way. And I already knew that. And everybody has their own way of interpreting things.
And then with that interpretation, doing the energy work. So I had to leave it to them. I'm gonna give you okay. A, B and C. This is what you need to know. Mm-hmm and you go ahead and do it because this is gonna be the Laurin energy work. Mm-hmm it's not gonna be Denise mm-hmm mm-hmm. And that is how over the years I've transformed into that kind of a teacher.
[:You're very good at it. And I really appreciate that you do this for small groups because it really, I see some Reiki classes that look like they've got 20 people in 'em and that wouldn't work for me but right.
[:[00:21:44] Laurin: Mm-hmm
[:[00:21:45] Laurin: Mm-hmm mm-hmm
[:[00:22:03] Laurin: Right.
[:And I've had people who have taken Reiki and once again, I'm not judging anybody else's teaching ability or lineage or anything. All I know is that when they come and they take Reiki one again and have the four attunement they can feel it within themselves.
[:[00:22:50] Denise: of how it cleared a lot of energy and stuff.
[:[00:22:54] Denise: From them. Reiki two is a two double two minutes. So it's still four, two minutes, I go around twice
[:[00:23:01] Denise: two times. And then Reiki master is like four times around.
[:[00:23:08] Denise: They do.
[:[00:23:10] Denise: I like it. I will teach with two people. I have taught with five, but that is like max
[:[00:23:16] Denise: And it's not that I don't wanna teach 20 people, but even after teaching five people I was wiped out for a couple of days.
[:[00:23:25] Denise: From the energy, from the attunements I believe in the past 10, maybe 12 years, cuz I've been teaching for 17 years. Something like that. Wow. I think I channel more as a teacher mm-hmm and thing, energy flows with that.
[:[00:23:42] Denise: It's great. We all get a little Guinea while we're taking our classes. Yes.
[:Cuz I love to talk to trees and enjoy the birds. And it's just, it's a beautiful place to just kind of come and be quiet and ground yourself. So that's, I mean literally grounding yourself. reconnecting to mother earth cuz we get, I call it LA LA land. I like to go way outta my body and then I come back and I gotta get settled back in my body. And You got a good setup there for classes too,
[:[00:24:28] Laurin: A few years ago you invited me to join a group that you've been running for a long time.
[:[00:24:34] Laurin: And I call it the earth healing group. And that's just the easy way for me to explain it to people.
[:[00:24:41] Laurin: So you came to that in an interesting way.
[:[00:24:56] Laurin: For your own, for your own,
[:Well, I took her literally. And so all of a sudden this huge being showed up in my mind's eye mm-hmm and I know white cloak, with a little tie around here, gray hair, gray beard, but he was very, very big and he embodied me. I didn't say no, but I didn't say, Hey, you know, you wanna it, it just happened.
Mm-hmm and then the next thing I know I was answering her questions, but I wasn't answering her questions. Mm-hmm. And his name is Bartolome mm-hmm, he's a force to be reckoned with mm-hmm, I'll tell you right now. Loving and compassionately force to be reckoned with. And that's how that started. And I think my question was that I had intuitive, somehow that a tsunami was gonna be hitting the continent of north America.
Mm-hmm and I wanted to know what I could do. Is there something we could do here? I can't remember what his answer was, but we started talking about that. But what I did know was yes, you can. And I was like, well, how am I supposed to do that?
Yeah. So know, I went home and I'm puzzling and I don't know the time between that. And when I had my dream. So I had a dream. It was a Friday night and all I drank was sevens. There was no story behind it. There was no animation sevens everywhere. I looked, there were sevens there be shape, color size.
And I woke up the next morning. I'm like, what the heck is that? So I didn't think about it too much. But I did go outside and I started doing some yard work and the information came in and they said that for me to form a group of seven women and for you to get that power together because seven is a powerful number.
Mm-hmm and to start healing the earth. I think the seven women came up like within that day. And the next day we already had our, we already had our group going and Bartolome, what I do is I channel him and I write it in my journal, what we're going to do next? how we're going to do it?
Mm-hmm and the third piece to this is I just read a book by Ted Andrews called Fairies.. And in the book, it talked about elementals, air, elementals, fire, water, and earth elementals. And Bartolome said you're gonna be healing in the earth using your elementals. And that was that. So I created a meditation.
For all of the seven including me to meet our elementals. Everybody has an earth elemental. That's theirs. Everybody has a fire a water and an air element. Everybody has one. And so, yeah, I got my four and I work with them and they're amazing. And they're very healing and they're funny.
I guess those are the three pieces mm-hmm and about every four to six weeks or so, depending on everybody's schedule, we do earth healing session.
Yeah. Sometimes we clean out the Ganges and sometimes like in the pandemic, we help clear the emotional energy mm-hmm so there's lots of things that we do. And with the help of elementals with the help of power animals. With the help of the four arch angels of the elements. I don't know them by heart, but like arch angel Michael is the element of fire.
[:[00:28:56] Denise: Yes. it is some of the amazing things that we do, and we don't get very much feedback, but I think since 2011, maybe half a dozen times, we'll see on the news how something shifted and we're like, wow, we did work on that we don't get much feedback on it, but I do know that we do the work.
[:[00:29:36] Denise: A middle world journey, basically.
[:When I grew up, there was a lot of talk about doing things for the greater good, and this feels like it's for the greater good. And it doesn't matter that nobody knows what we're doing. It, it doesn't matter. It is simply for the greater good. And honestly, it's for the greater good of mother earth. And then it flows over into those of us who get to live on here.
[:We don't know what it is, but yeah. and then when the humans have an expansion, so does mother earth. You can look around the earth and we haven't been too kind to her.
[:That you could see the Himalayas from town miles away that they never seen it before because the pollution cleared out. Yeah. Yes. and it happened so fast. And for me, this is a little bit off, topic here, but for me, that was a very affirming moment of it's not gonna take a lot of effort for us to make things better here.
I mean, it takes effort, but mother earth is resilient. She springs back when we make room for her. Yes. She came barreling back and it was beautiful. So unfortunately, we're back to our individuals now, but we've seen it.
[:[00:31:52] Laurin: Yeah because of the same feeling that I have, it's like, oh, we can do this. Yes. This is not an impossible feat to reverse things and to be in better relationship with the earth. Yes.
I know you had a few things that Bartolome you wanted do to share with our listeners.
[:But he wanted to give a message to you. If you are an empath or if you are a light worker or you do energy work, it doesn't matter to seek out other light workers to balance your body. It really helps me because if you're an empath, it is not easy to live on the earth plain sometimes, especially through the pandemic, I was bombarded with global fear.
And so I had to readjust my energy field so I could function mm-hmm so go ahead and seek out a light worker or an energy worker, however you wanna word it. What is important though, ask that energy worker or that light worker that you want to go Sue, by the way, massage therapists are energy workers.
Mm-hmm, even though a lot of them don't say that. Make sure that that practitioner does their own work, that they seek out other energy workers. Because if you're an empath and they don't, then you're gonna feel a lot of their energy, a lot of their stuff.
Mm-hmm two books that shifted for me, the very, very first book I read was you can hear your life about Louise Hay. She's been around for years and years and years, but me understanding that my words to myself, I was my worst critic was affecting my body, affected me physically, emotionally, mentally.
And she taught me that. So read that book, keep it by her side all the time, because she has some tremendous positive affirmations to help you shift things. The other book I just read recently, even though I know it's been around for years and years and years I think information comes to you exactly when you need it is the four agreements. And I can't remember who wrote that.
[:[00:34:04] Denise: The four agreements are to be impeccable with your word.
Not take anything personally. Yeah. I was the queen of taking things personally. Mm-hmm don't assume. And just to do your best in your work on a daily basis. Be impeccable with your word. Both Laurin and I have where our energy is very strong. We work on people. If I say a negative word, or if she says a negative word to somebody, that's the energy that they receive.
Mm-hmm. So to do your best to be impeccable with your word and your thoughts mm-hmm cause thoughts are still energy mm-hmm trust your intuition. I think probably that would be the biggest thing for my clients and students is to trust. Did I really hear that?
Did I really see that? Walk in the woods, take a walk as often as you can, and if you can't go in the woods, take your shoes off and take a walk on mother earth and ground yourself. If you are empathic and are sensitive to other people's energies and not just human energies, but computer energies, Get a lot of energy off of it. So figure out a way to learn how to protect yourself. Mm-hmm I had to figure out what worked for me. There's lots of information out there you can get and how to protect your energy field and to ground yourself.
Yeah. I am not one who likes to be grounded. Yeah. I would rather be floating out there. Yeah. And having conversations with whoever trees and mm-hmm
[:[00:35:42] Denise: Yes. so cycling is grounding for me because I have no choice, but to pay attention to what I'm doing and the breathing and my muscles work. And that's what it does for me. Mm-hmm I think the last thing,
Everything that is, is alive. Iraq is alive. A tree is alive. You may not believe the nature spirits, but they're out there. Mm-hmm so, if you decide to cut a tree down, talk to it first and tell 'em what you're gonna do and why they just wanna be heard. How do I know this? Because they've told me, they've told Laurin mm-hmm
And there are beings, diva of the land. There are noms, out there. I have them in my yard. I talk to them all the time and mm-hmm all right. You might think that's crazy. but it's not.
[:[00:36:52] Denise: You did want to tell me. We were having tea down the road somewhere. And she told me she seen noms. And I was like, oh my goodness. I met somebody else's seen a nom.
[:[00:37:11] Denise: So one of the reasons my yard is the way it is, I made it into a healing sanctuary. If I see a whole part of a forest being burned or flooded or torn down, I will actually go there.
I'll take a middle earth journey and bring them if they need to be healed. And then, I send 'em on their way, if they wanna go back, or if they want go somewhere else. Yep. To really be able to connect to them. I suggest to take a shamanic class. Cuz when I teach shamanism, I teach you how to go to the lower world.
It's more of a dimension. It's not hell no, I teach you go to it's wonderful. It's awesome. I teach you go to the upper world and I teach you go to the middle world. So if you walk out your back door, you will see trees and bushes and such. But if you take a shamonic journey, then you'll be able to see all the nature spirits, the noms and, everyone that's out there.
[:So I just wanted to throw that in. Cause I know that that's been a sticking point for a few people I've talked with so.
[:So there's a word and I wish I remembered the name of the book that I learned from it was about mediumship. And in it, she explained that there's two kinds of clairvoyance: clairvoyance objective and clairvoyance subjective. So clairvoyance objective is when I saw that civil war person go through that I could really see him.
Like I see Laurin that's clairvoyance objective. Clairvoyance subjective is when you see them in your mind's eye. Clairsentience is I have a feeling that there's a being there and it could be an earthbound. It could be an angel. It could be your guide. It doesn’t matter. It's just an inner knowing that you have.
And then there's clairaudience and that's the ability to hear. And that's also clear audience objective, where you can actually hear it. Like, I hear her talking to me. So I went to my neighbor's house and walked in and I heard I'm home and I heard it just like I hear. And it was her mom who had recently passed away to let me know, to tell her she was home.
And then there are other times Bartolome usually he speaks clairaudience subjective. Mm-hmm where I can hear what he's telling me in my head. So just know that if you don't see him see him, that that doesn't mean you don't have clairvoyance.
[:[00:40:11] Denise: And, and so am I.
[:And she did. I said, I love that you're here, but you're freaking me out with the noise and the seeing you.
[:[00:40:45] Laurin: Now I would be. It's still kind of it gives me a little shock. A little like what? You know? But I'm much more comfortable with it now cuz I've done it more and I don't see them as actual beings like I see you very often.
[:[00:41:03] Laurin: Someday I will share the story of my mother in this room. But today's not that day. That is a lot that we have shared with you. You can see why I love talking to Denise, cuz I always learned stuff and she's a kindred spirit.
Very much so. And probably the most. The closest to the way I operate in the world that I've met is you and we know we've been siblings in past lives. Yes.
[:[00:41:44] Laurin: I needed a big sister. Yes. And I discovered, well, we discovered that when I was just, I had come to see you for a session. Yes. And, and that information came out during us. You never know. What's gonna show up when you have a session with someone like us, because it's always fascinating.
I'm gonna switch gears now and go to the rapid-fire questions. I asked this of everybody and whatever comes to mind first is the right answer. Okay. So you don't have to think who is, or was the wisest person in your life?
[:[00:42:08] Laurin: First one that comes to mind.
[:[00:42:12] Laurin: No?
[:[00:42:13] Laurin: Okay.
[:[00:42:34] Laurin: Yeah. But your grandmother was there.
[:[00:42:38] Laurin: I had a very quiet grandmother too, but she was a rock in my life.
[:[00:42:58] Laurin: Yeah. What's your favorite self-care practice?
[:[00:43:18] Laurin: Yeah, you do that a lot.
[:[00:43:20] Laurin: Yeah. All right. Good. What lights you up when you're feeling down?
[:[00:43:47] Laurin: So nice. All right. Do you have a favorite mantra or affirmation?
[:[00:44:06] Laurin: Yes. Good.
[:[00:44:11] Laurin: Yeah. Good. That, and that's powerful, especially to be trusting your intuition above all else.
[:[00:44:19] Laurin: Yes. Yeah. Love it. All right. What's your favorite food?
[:[00:44:30] Laurin: I like sushi. Never loved it, but I understand that people really do. My kids both love sushi.
[:[00:44:41] Laurin: I'm so sorry.
[:[00:44:47] Laurin: Yeah, we don't like that anymore. so
[:[00:44:52] Laurin: Okay. Tell us where our listeners can find you online
[:[00:45:05] Laurin: Yeah. And we'll have that of course, in the show notes. And you have something of freebie that you have offered to listeners.
[:[00:45:39] Laurin: And she's like really, really good at that. So yes. And we will have that information in the show notes as well with the email link. So, right.
[:[00:45:55] Laurin: All right. So, wow. That was a lot. That was great. I mean, I've known you for a while now, and I know you do all these things, but to really go through them and hear some of the stories behind 'em has been really special for me.
So I appreciate you doing that. And I hope that if you've enjoyed this, maybe you'll consider leaving us a review. That's always appreciated. It does help us be found by other people. You can always find me at and I would love to talk to you if you have any questions or you wanna give us some feedback that would be great. I wanna thank Denise for being here with me today.
[:[00:46:32] Laurin: Oh yeah.
[:[00:46:36] Laurin: I hope you'll join us next week we have new episodes come out every Tuesday.
Thank you so much for joining us today on Curiously Wise If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future fabulous conversations. And if you had any ahas, please share them in a review on apple podcasts so we can continue to pay forward the unique wisdom we all have. If you want to know more about me or my intuitive energy healing practice Heartlight wellness.
Please head over to my website. Curiously Wise is a team effort. I am grateful for the skill and enthusiasm Arlene Membrot, our producer and Sam Wittig, our audio engineer, bring to this collaboration. Our music is Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio.
I'm Laurin Wittig. Please join me again next week for another episode of Curiously Wise. From my heart to yours, may your life be filled with love, light, joy, and of course, curiosity.